Consumer law
Договор купли продажи доли квартиры между супругами (образец)
Often there is a gift between husband and wife.
Альтернативная сделка купли продажи квартиры: порядок действий, риски
How much is real estate services for selling and buying an apartment?
Алименты с бабушки и дедушки, можно ли подать на алименты на родителей мужа
Unfortunately, there were many fathers in the Russian Federation who failed to fulfil their child support responsibilities and did not pay alimony.
Алименты с военнослужащего по контракту, как подать на алименты на военнослужащего
The recovery of maintenance from a member of the armed forces is lawful and appropriate if there are minor children who live separately from their parent, also in the situation...
Выделение долей детям после погашения ипотеки материнским капиталом
There are five ways in which the law sets out what to do.
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