Act of the Survey of Housing and Living Conditions of the Disadvantaged Family and Minors: sample filling



  • Year of document: 2023
  • Document group: Acts
  • Type of document: Act
  • download formats: DOC, PDF

The act of living and living conditions is drawn up on the basis of a physical survey of citizens, a procedure that is often required for underage children and pupils in pre-school institutions.

Housing and living conditions are assessed in low-income and troubled families, and living conditions are assessed for those in need of improved living conditions: benefits for payment of communal payments, resettlement and expansion of living space.

The inspection is carried out by an authorized commission, regardless of the objectives, and its composition varies according to the situation; if the procedure concerns families with children, there are representatives of the guardianship authorities, the head of the classroom and a representative of the parents ' committee.

If the examination involves troubled teenagers (in the police room, administrative and criminal offences) the representatives are required to have a precinct, and after the examination the certificate is drawn up and signed, on the basis of which the model is drawn up, what is stated in today's article.

Completed sample survey report
Housing and living conditions

The certificate of the survey shall be drawn up in the following cases:

  • with participation in public programmes for the improvement of
    Living conditions (forced and poor);
  • to receive partial payment grants
    Public utility charges;
  • in order to assess the living conditions of
    Undefended population groups.

Often, examination and documentation are required for
Assessment of the living conditions of children, adolescents, the elderly and vulnerable citizens.

Purpose of the procedure: To determine the conditions under which people live
In the case of children and adolescents
- Is everything provided for life and development, what kind of atmosphere
in the family, what is the relationship between its members.

The commission shall be drawn up on the basis of the results of the inspection and
are signed by all members of the commission.

The fact is, the signature of the parents and the persons examined is not required, but the act is presented to them for inspection.

A family that is not well-off is necessary for detection.
The necessary assistance to families.

Documentation will be required:

  • for school (if evaluated at the initiative of the
    Teachers or psychologists);
  • for trial (if divorce is considered)
    Matters related to upbringing and guardianship;
  • (pre-school education)
    Various situations initiated by teachers;
  • To the centre of guardianship and guardianship;
  • To improve the housing conditions of families.

Housing Survey Act
The student is taught by a teacher ' s teacher.

Such a procedure may be carried out on several occasions.

  • Bad behavior at school. It's cruel.
    Treatment of peers, mismanagement, poor performance;
  • complaints by teachers, neighbours and
  • Suspicion of violence against a child;
  • in the case of a change of residence of a minor for
    Checking whether the VAM has deteriorated in the new location;
  • in the institution of an administrative or administrative case
    A criminal offence.

The most common motivation is a study by a class leader of children from poor and single-parent families.

In addition to the classroom manager, the inspection shall be carried out
at least one more representative.

The student ' s housing certificate shall contain information on:

  • on the state of the dwelling (houses, houses).
    Number of rooms, availability of one ' s own;
  • Number of people living;
  • availability and condition of study and leisure places,
    Provision of office supplies;
  • Psychological environment, relationships
    Between relatives;
  • The child ' s behaviour and state of health;
  • Provision of food, clothing,
    The sanitary condition of the dwelling;
  • Social skills of a minor.

Depending on the purpose of the inspection, additional information shall be provided.

How to complete a survey of conditions
the life of a minor and his family

The act is made free of charge by hand or in print.
in two copies, one of which shall be handed over
to organize the inspection.

For this purpose, a commission shall be convened and held.
The commission consists of:

  • School representative (grade manager,
    A school psychologist or other teacher);
  • A representative of the parent committee;
  • A representative from the guardianship authorities.

If necessary, the commission shall include a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs –
This is required when the child is registered in the police room.
or when a minor has violated the Code of Administrative Offences,
Establishment of a criminal case.

The results of the property survey shall be recorded
In addition to this, the text reads as follows:

  • Paper name, place of compilation;
  • Date of inspection and date of actual
    Preparation of the document;
  • Information on members of the commission (FIO, which organization)
    Represents the interests, position of employee);
  • who is the subject of the assessment, to which address
    An inspection was carried out;
  • Results;
  • The signatures of the parties.

Parents may be provided with the text of the act upon request, but their signatures are not required.

Housing survey certificate sample

An object survey sample may be of this type:

Document requisitions (shoe) 8 April 2023
Information on the commission: The Commission is composed of: Almetievska No. 2 class leader of the DOU; Ivanich I. A.; Almetievska No. 2 head of the parent committee of the DOU; Griskevich I. E.; and Grygorović T.M., representative of OOIP, conducted a household survey of the Egorov family on 7 April 2023 for the purpose (indicated).
Main part Test results (state of apartment or house, environment, psychological climate, etc.), indication of the technical state of the dwelling
Results FIS is found to be satisfactory or unsatisfactory (causes specified)
Final part Signatures: Ivanovic; Griskevich; Grigorović.

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School Housing Survey Act
The applicant ' s Housing Survey Act
Housing Survey Act

Act on housing and living conditions: download form and fill-in Reference to main publication

Preparation of a survey of family housing conditions

The family ' s living conditions are checked by:

  • for participation in the programmesState support for the poor and those in need of housing;
  • to receive grantsUtilities;
  • to check living conditionsCitizens, especially those without social protection.

For citizens ' residence

Children with disabilities, disabled persons, the elderly and the disabled are the most frequently surveyed.

The purpose of the inspection is to determine whether the conditions for the proper maintenance, upbringing, recreation, study, physical and moral development of the citizens are ensured.

This is required:

  • in court,In matters relating to the child ' s place of residence following divorce, deprivation or restoration of the rights of the parent, adoption;
  • for guardianship and guardianship departments (TOS)When checking whether the children are in parental care or in a family situation, the State should intervene;
  • If the child is registered with the policeIn the event of poor behaviour at school, aggression, administrative misconduct or crimes;
  • for the purpose of testing new household and social conditionsThe life of a minor after moving to a new address;
  • on a complaint from a doctor or a neighbourthe child ' s condition or behaviour.

Composition of the commission

As a general rule, several officials carry out the inspection of VBOs; a commission of three or more persons is formed according to the purpose of the inspection.

If a child is registered with the police, it shall include:

  • A member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a district officer;
  • Staff member of the General Service (Other level);
  • Teachers;
  • A representative of the school ' s parent ' s committee, etc.

In order to resolve family disputes, the Commission may be composed of members of the cadastre chamber (Rosreestra) or the CRT. If it is a matter of registration as a person in need of housing, a representative of the social protection authorities shall be present.

Only OSI employees have the right to conduct a single examination, e.g. at the time of inspection of the new residence of minors.


At the time of inspection, the commission or authorized expert shall draw up a survey report.

In addition to the visual inspection of the accommodation, the inspectors are provided with information on the living conditions:

  • out of the conversation with the family,With minors;
  • Interviews with neighbours,CMW officials, responsible tenants;
  • Documents for consideration by the Committee at its fifty-eighth sessione.g. receipt of LHC payments;
  • Introduction to schoolwork,by notebooks, by diaries, by the results of his work, by his hobby, and by others.

On the basis of the data collected, an act is formed.The family on whom the survey has been carried out is entitled to consult it.

The commission ' s opinion can be challenged within 10 days at the organization that ordered or carried out the inspection.

Features of the procedure

The commission may not be alerted to the planned inspection. As a rule, the inspection comes suddenly. Only social protection departments are notified if the family claims to be in need of improvement.

The OSI, which supervises the guardians and trustees, organizes routine routine and unannounced checks of the YBA, and initial examinations are carried out before the minor moves to an apartment.

Thereafter, in the first year of guardianship, inspections are organized every 1 to 3 months, and from the second year every six months.

The Commission has three days to complete the act after the visit; therefore, the date of writing and the date of the survey may differ.

  • The act is in two copies.The first remains with the proponent, the second is sent to the OSI if the child is living in the premises, and a certified copy of the document is sent to the adult family within three days.
  • The Act is of limited duration.In order to register for a public subsidy, the document is valid for 30 days; if the VBOs have changed, the family can initiate a re-check or challenge the findings of the inspection and its decision.
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Any form of survey of the VBOs, regardless of the purpose of its preparation and authority, includes the following items:

  • Date of examination and production of the document.They may vary for no more than three days;
  • ObjectiveChecks;
  • List of personsThe members of the commission, with the FIO and posts;
  • Assessment of the circumstances,as detected during the inspection;
  • ConclusionsRelevant objectives of the visit;
  • AssuranceAll inspectors;
  • signatures of adult family membersthat they are familiar with the act.

Without these mandatory paragraphs, the document has no legal effect. To be sure, a model can be used for compiling from Decision No. 334 of 14 September 2009 of the Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation.

For a minor

In the course of the examination of the minor ' s VBO, the commission notes:

  • Full or partial family, estimated income and source of income of parents, their participation in life and upbringingThe child;
  • The minor ' s state of health;Visual signs of illness or violence, need for special care;
  • Maintenance of hygiene standards, provision of clothing,Its relevance to the season, weariness, quality;
  • Social skills(Whether the child has committed aggression, interest or indifference, scared how he reacted to the emergence of other adults);
  • child ' s skills and skills,The level of achievement in school, the mode of the day;
  • Recreational activitiesA child outside school;
  • Probable risks to the life and health of the child,Access to flammable, poisonous substances and objects (or safety conditions) etc.


By checking the family at risk, the commission evaluates:

  • The composition of the family;
  • Mother ' s and father ' s work and income;
  • Their conduct and moral state;
  • Child care;
  • Relations between family members, minors and their peers, teachers, etc.

For a student

Attention is focused on the student ' s living conditions:

  • Whether the situation is appropriate for normal trainingSchool, homework;
  • Whether the child is providedEducational supplies, books;
  • Is there any room for rest?How the regime of the day is organized;
  • Who and how to participate in the trainingThe child;
  • What are the estimates received?Student et al.

Model to fill in 2023

The filling model and the rules for its compilation depend on the purpose for which the test is carried out. In general, you can download and use annex No. 3 of the Ministry of Science Regulation No. 334.

Several forms for surveys conducted for different purposes are in operation in the TSO.

For example, in order to check the accommodation of citizens wishing to adopt a child, the main focus is on the description of their motives and personal qualities, most of which are collected by a guardian from interviews with neighbours, colleagues, friends and others, rather than from the apartment.

There are no legally prescribed forms and forms of the act; they are drafted in arbitrary writing and its structure is determined according to the purpose of the survey.

One of the members of the commission manually enters the data into the act, each of them signs on the document, and the adult members of the family whose VBOs are inspected are also signed.

An Example for Social Protection

This may be the case of a survey of a family who claims to be in need of improved living conditions by social protection:

Contents Example
"The hat" Moscow
5 December 2023
Preamble The Commission shall be composed of:

  • Senior Inspector of the Department of Social Protection of the Mountains of Moscow, Ivanova P.M.;
  • Inspector of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Alferova, R.O.;
  • A representative of the Department of Trusteeship and Trusteeship of Ulanov, I.R.

Checked the living and living conditions of the Snowflake family to determine the circumstances of eligibility for a housing improvement subsidy Information on residents The Commission found that the family consists of three persons:

  • The mother of Snowev, O.L., is currently on maternity leave;
  • The father of Snowev, R.P., works as a builder in the (name of the organization);
  • The minor son of Snownov, V.R., is a student (name of school).

Family members live together, with a total income of 46,000 rubles and an average per capita income of 15333.33 rubles. Housing and living conditions The Commission found that the accommodation at the address (the address) is the common property of Snow O.L. and Snowman R.P. The characteristics of the premises are as follows:

  • A single-room apartment with a total area of 27 square metres, of which 14 square metres are available;
  • The space is located on the 2nd floor of the 2-storey building;
  • The apartment is dry, light and clean, and the sanitary condition is satisfactory;
  • The apartment building is bricky, and the condition is unsatisfactory: the entrance is dirty, the roof and the communication needs to be overhauled, and there is no contract with the CC;
  • heating, centralized water supply
Conclusions The Commission concluded that Snowyov needed regional support to improve housing conditions: the apartment ' s quadratur did not meet the accounting standard for mountains. Moscow (10 square metres per person) under article 9, paragraph 3, of the Act of 14 June 2006 N 29. There was no separate room for study and recreation of a minor. Final part Signature of Ivanov P.M.
Signature of Alferova R.O.
Signature of Ulanova I.R.
Signature of Snowmen

Where do you want to go?

These are courts, educational institutions, guardianship and social protection bodies, law enforcement agencies, etc.

To the Dow

The representatives of the pre-school institution can arrange an examination if the child looks sloppy, does not adequately respond to other children and adults, has signs of violence, and the commission must be composed of O & I (guardian bodies).

For school

School certificates are often required if the child ' s behaviour is unsatisfactory:

  • He doesn't get along with teachers and often aggressive;
  • It's not good enough.;
  • He often shows up in a rundown., dirty;
  • has traces of violence,ill-treatment, etc.

To the guardianship authorities

In GS & I, the document is required:

  • In matters relating to the establishment of guardianship,Care, adoption;
  • In the case of a complaintAn application for guardianship from neighbours, teachers;
  • In any other case,If there is a minor living in the premises.

To Sobie.

To the Council, we need to do the following:

  • to register the family with an apartmentor to receive a subsidy;
  • to check the living area of a disabled personwith a view to adapting it to special needs and improving accessibility;
  • to receive benefitsThe Panel recommends compensation in the amount of US$ 35,000 for the cost of LACs and other services.

For the Ministry of Internal Affairs

For the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the act is as follows:

  • If there are signs of disadvantageWhen visiting;
  • The child is engaged in illegal activities,Has been registered in the police children ' s room and has been prosecuted under the Code of Criminal Procedure or the Code of Criminal Procedure;
  • neighbours, teachers and outsiders claim violations of rightsChildren, etc.

To the Gillins Inspectorate.

The act for LWs is designed to:

  • To obtain statusThose in need;
  • to recognize the space as not suitableFor life;
  • :: Formalize benefits..............................................................................................................To pay the LHC;
  • to participate in a federal or regional programmeTo improve housing conditions.

Programmes to improve the quality of housing

In 2023, there was a complete change in the plan of the National Housing Project, which is now in fact required for participation in only two programmes (Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30 December 2017 N 1710):

  • "The Young Family."Citizens under 35 years of age who are married and found to be in need of accommodation may receive State payments for mortgage, construction or purchase of an apartment or dwelling;
  • Mortgage and Rent Housing.Poor residents of the emergency and demolition ICD who do not participate in other resettlement programmes may be eligible for assistance in the purchase of the premises.

Housing Survey Act

In the area of the protection of the rights of minor children, it is possible to examine their place of residence and to draw up a survey of their living conditions; such a document is also drawn up when the child is adopted, a complaint is submitted to a public authority, law enforcement agencies, the processing of guardianship and guardianship, etc. One of the duties of the head of education in educational establishments is to check the conditions in which his pupils grow up and are brought up; in addition, a survey of the living and living conditions may be drawn up for employees of the organization when necessary.

In general, there are no formal requirements for the content of acts; however, the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia of 10.01.2022 N 4 established a special procedure and introduced the form of an act when conducting a survey of the living conditions of minors and their families.


  Act on the survey of the living conditions of a minor and his or her family

Example of a housing survey report

Housing Survey Act

20 April 2017 Zhukovsk Region

Commission made up of: MBOU's teacher, Zhukovsky Solarova Anna Victorovna, MBOU's social teacher, Zhukovsky Lazarev Igor Alexandrović, member of the Colos class 7 "B" parent committee, Petr Valerjevic,

On April 20, 2017, she checked the living and living conditions of the 7 "B" class of the MBOU "Medical School No. 125" of Zhukovsky Shcherbinina Bogdan Dmitririch.

The whole family: Mother is Shcherbinina Anna Romanovna, father is Shcherbinin Dmitry Timurovich, younger sister is Shcherbinina Alice Dmitrikina.

All members of the family live together in apartment No. 48, Moscow province, Zhukovsky, p. 205. The apartment with convenience is located on the 6th floor of the 12-storey brick house, with a total area of 56 square metres.

The student, Shcherbinin B.D., lives in a 25-square-metre living room together with his younger sister (at a pre-school institution), part of which is allocated to separate dormitories.

Two separate jobs have been set up, with stationery and school supplies, and a tourniquet has been set up for sports and a joint play area.

The child is provided with conditions for full rest, sleep and study.

There are no sanitary violations in the inspection, the apartment is clean, warm, the things are neat, all family members look neat.

The mother and father work in a permanent place of work and the average family income; the children are provided with clothing, full food, additional sections and clubs; family relatives (grandparents, grandparents) live separately and visit them weekly.

The commission ' s conclusion is that there are no clear signs of disadvantage in visiting the family, and that there is a good feeling of well-being between the family members, and that the child is provided with all the necessary age.

Members of the commission

Solarova A.V.

Lazarev I.A.

The Colosseum of P.B.

To which end a housing survey certificate is drawn up

The purpose of the document is to fix the living and living conditions and draw up the opinion: whether the basic needs of the child are met by the person with whom he or she lives, or whether they are prepared to receive the child (restitution of parental rights, etc.); or whether the citizen needs an improvement in the living conditions, etc. If the dwelling is damaged, it will be correct to draw up an inspection certificate for the dwelling.

The Housing Survey Act is necessary when considering claims for the deprivation of parental rights, their restoration, determination of the child ' s residence, adoption of the child, etc. The obligation to draw up such a document is placed on the child ' s registration in the police children ' s room, in cases where the minor is subject to administrative or criminal liability.

The composition of the commission depends on the purpose of the housing survey; this may also be the case for police officers (generally district commissioners), employees of the guardianship and guardianship authorities, teachers of schools, employees of the BTI, housing and maintenance organizations, etc. On the basis of a complaint from neighbours and a doctor.

Contents of the Housing Survey Act

The act of the housing survey shall be made free of charge and its structure shall be determined by its purpose. The general requirement for such documents (to have the force of evidence in a civil case or to have a legal value) shall be:

  1. Existence of the date of the housing inspection; it may coincide with the date of the certificate; it may differ (the act must be completed not later than 3 days after the visit to the dwelling)
  2. Title of document (act), date and place of issue
  3. Members of the commission and purpose of the inspection (checking the student, complaints from neighbours, etc.)
  4. The object of the study (the address) and the characteristics of the dwelling (home, apartment, square, how many rooms, who owns, which house, accommodation, etc.)
  5. Who lives in an apartment – family composition, other relatives or other persons living together, sometimes their place of work and income, behaviour, appearance
  6. Availability of domestic animals, purity, installation, etc.

The document may contain conclusions and an opinion on the conformity of housing and sanitation conditions with the standards; only the members of the commission shall sign the housing survey, but the persons whose housing conditions have been checked and their legal representatives have the right to consult the document.

Procedure for the examination by the guardianship authority under the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia of 10.01.2022 N 4

The purpose of the survey is to identify the circumstances of the absence of parental care for a minor and to take measures to protect the rights and interests of children in cases of parents ' death, deprivation of their parental rights, restriction of their parental rights, recognition of parents ' incapacity, parents ' illness, long-term absence of parents, avoidance of parents ' upbringing of children or protection of their rights and interests, including if parents refuse to take their children away from educational organizations, medical organizations, social service organizations or similar organizations, when parents ' actions or omissions create conditions that endanger the life or health of children or hinder their normal upbringing and development, as well as in other cases of lack of parental care.

The survey is carried out by an organ of guardianship and guardianship or by an educational organization, a medical organization, an organization providing social services or by another organization, including an organization for orphans and children deprived of parental care, which, in accordance with the Rules on the Exercise of Individual Powers of the guardianship bodies in respect of minors by educational organizations, medical organizations, organizations providing social services or other organizations, including organizations for orphans and children deprived of parental care approved by Government Decision No. 423 of 18 May 2009, transferred the authority of the body of guardianship and guardianship for the identification of minors in need of guardianship or guardianship, including a survey of the living conditions of such minors and their families.

The basis for the survey is oral and written communications from legal and natural persons containing information on the children received by the guardianship and guardianship authority or organization in the place where the children are actually located.

The examination shall be carried out by the authorized specialist(s) of the guardianship and guardianship authority or organization within three days of receipt of the information.

What is learned from the survey

The survey shall identify:

1. Level of provision for the basic needs of the child:

  • State of health: general visual assessment of the child ' s state of physical development and its consistency with the child ' s age, existence of diseases, special needs for medical care, medication; signs of physical and/or mental violence against the child; explanation from parents and/or persons living with the child of signs of child abuse; past cases of child abuse.
  • Appearance: compliance with the child ' s personal hygiene standards, availability, quality and condition of clothing and shoes, compliance with the season, age and sex of the child, etc.
  • Basic care: meeting the basic needs of the child — food, housing, hygiene, clothing, medical care; day - to - day, sleep, age, and individual characteristics.
  • Social adaptation: availability of communication skills, self-service skills in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the child ' s development, adequacy of the child ' s behaviour in different settings, etc.
  • Education and education: Name(s) of organization(s) carrying out educational activities, including institutions for children ' s supplementary education to be attended by the child, form and success of educational programmes in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the child ' s development; organization of the child ' s leisure and leisure time; availability of a developing and learning environment.
  • Meeting a child's emotional needs.

2. Family environment of the child:

  • The composition of the family who actually cares for and supervises the child; the presence and residence of the child ' s close relatives; the degree of involvement of parents and other persons living together, relatives in the upbringing and maintenance of the child; the degree of the child ' s affection and relationship with parents and family members.
  • Relationships between family members, their nature, the nature of the relationship between family members, the impact of the relationship on the child, changes in the composition of the family in the present and the past, and the distribution of responsibilities within the family.

3. Housing and property:

  • The living and living conditions in which the child lives: the presence and belongings of the dwelling, its general and living space, the number of rooms, the improvement and the sanitary condition of the child; the existence of a separate and equipped place (rooms, corners) for sleeping, play and occupation; the availability of personal effects (toys, books and other) according to the child ' s age, etc.
  • Ensuring the child ' s safety in accordance with his or her age (absence of access to hazardous items in the home, medicines, electrical appliances, gas and the like, the risk of harm to the child both in and outside the home).
  • Structure of family income: main sources of income (income of parents and other family members, alimony, pensions, benefits, other social benefits); average monthly and per capita income of the family; information on the child ' s property and property rights; information on the child ' s basic needs.


The existence of circumstances that endanger the life and health of the child, his or her physical and moral development or violate his or her rights and legally protected interests; the acts of neglect, cruel, cruel, degrading treatment, insult or exploitation of the child, physical or mental violence against the child, and attacks on his or her sexual integrity.

The survey uses forms of information such as interviews with the child, his or her parents and other family members, interviews with persons who have data on the parents ' relationship with the child, their behaviour in the home, observation, examination of documents, educational and creative work of the child, etc.

The confidentiality of citizens ' personal data is ensured during the survey.

Formation of results

On the basis of the results of the survey, a survey of the living conditions of a minor and his or her family is drawn up, containing:

  • Assessment of the circumstances identified in the survey;
  • Conclusions on the existence of conditions that endanger the child ' s life or health or hinder the child ' s normal upbringing and development;
  • Conclusions on the existence of circumstances indicating a lack of parental care for the child; recommendations on the form of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child.
  • The survey certificate shall be issued within three days of the date of the survey, signed by the authorized specialist of the guardianship and guardianship body or organization and approved by the head of the guardianship and guardianship body or organization.
  • The certificate of the survey carried out by the organization shall be issued in two copies, one of which shall be sent to the appropriate guardianship and guardianship authority within one day following its approval, and the other shall be kept in the organization.
  • A copy of the survey certificate certified by the authorized official of the guardianship and guardianship body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the local self-government body (if the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation confers powers of guardianship and guardianship in accordance with federal laws) or the head of the organization conducting the survey shall be sent to the parents (legal representatives) of the child within three days of the approval of the survey if the place of residence or the place of residence of the parents (legal representatives) of the child is known.
  • When the results of the survey show that there is no parental care for the child, the organization is obliged to inform the guardianship and guardianship authority of the child ' s actual location within one day following the day of the examination.

Model Act on the Survey of the Living Conditions of Minors and their Families (disadvantaged family)

  • "Authorize"
  • Director
  • _________________
  1. ACP
  2. The living and living conditions of the minor and his or her family
  3. Survey/visit date______________
  4. Apprentice (student)_____________________________________________________ ____Class _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  5. Date of birth......................................................
  6. Living at: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  7. Registration to:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    • It's safe.
    • Parents are morally stable, have a culture of upbringing, and the emotional atmosphere of the family is positive.
    • Disadvantaged
    • Educationally incompetent (parents do not have a culture of education): there is no unity of demands, child neglect, ill-treatment, systematic physical punishment, low awareness of interests, child behaviour outside school
    • Morally disadvantaged (a social; parents have an immoral lifestyle: drunken, drowning, drowning, having a criminal record, not raising children)
    • Conflict (family emotional distress, constant conflict between parents, irritant parents, violent parents, intolerant).
    • The family is registered with the NAC, the Garmonia Center.
    • The minor is registered by the SCS, the PAU, the PAU and the PAU.
  1. Family status: multiple-child/low-income/mother single/father single/guardian


    1. Mother (legal representative) .

  1. FIO, place of work
  2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. 3.2 The father (legal representative)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. __________________________________________________________________________________
  5. FIO, place of work
    1. Parents in a registered marriage are/are not married; co-habited/segregated

  1. Family environment: (FIO CHILD)

  • FIO, Year of Birth
  • Degree of kinship (mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather)
  • Occupation
  • is resident/temporal/not resident
  • Participates/does not participate in the upbringing and maintenance of the child

    1. Residential areaminor, date of birth

It consists of ___ square metres, in a private house, and consists of ___ rooms and kitchens.

    1. The owner (employer) of the dwelling is

FIO, degree of relationship to the child


    1. Quality of the house (kirpic, panel, wood, etc.; state: old, emergency; room purity, foreign smell, etc.)The Finnish shield house, the condition of the house is satisfactory, the rooms are clean floors, but all the furniture is old and dirty, and the rooms have a specific smell..

    2. Improvement of house and living space (water pipelines, sewers, baths, elevators, telephones, etc.)There is no sanitation, no running water, water from the well, and all the necessary furniture, machinery and several beds are available in the house; some beds do not have any underwear and if they do, they are dirty; and the house requires major cosmetic repairs..

    3. How the house is heatedThere is a water heating oven for the house on wood, and it works by burning wood..

    4. Cooking methods (gas, tile, etc., quality of food and availability of products)Food to be prepared on a two-room electric ply, electrical thermopot, mUltivistUtility-based cooking appliances designed forIt's for cooking.

    5. Electrical wiring conditionA new electrical meter and wiring have been installed outside the house. The house requires an urgent replacement of the wiring because it is dry, there are hard cracks on the sheath, the insulation is very old and there are many places where the wiring isolates the insulation..

    6. Sanitation of the living areaHealth conditions are satisfactory and hygiene standards are partially met..

    7. Conditions for the full development of the child

Provision of clothing and shoes for the season:Seasonal clothing, shoes are rarely replaced, the child is often dressed as a teacher at school, and the child comes to school from home in old, sometimes worn-out, holes that are not appropriate for age..

Are funds available to prepare a student for schoolNot enough.

Provision of textbooks and school suppliesThere is sufficient provision for school supplies and stationery.

Availability of a separate room (sleep, play, rest, closet, furniture, etc.)There is a separate room for the sleep and rest of the child, no toys, poor furniture, no bedding on the bed at the time of the visit, a pillow made up of some pieces of puncture, no wallpaper on the walls.

  1. Family income structure (core sources of income: c/o, pension, benefit, alimony, other social benefits)The main source of income is wages and children's benefits together amount to approximately rubles..

Adequate family income to ensure the basic needs of the child (food, clothing, shoes, toys, medical care, stationery, etc.)The income is not sufficient to provide children with basic needs for food, clothing, toys, medical care, school supplies and stationery..

  1. SAFETY (no access to hazardous items in the home, medicines, electrical appliances, gas, etc.)

    the risk of harm to the child, both inside and outside the home)Cleaning and cleaning materials, household chemicals and medications are kept in a place that is not accessible to children.

    Electrical wiring causes concern for the life and health of minors..

    2. Family dictatorship
    3. Systematic repression of the child ' s initiative and self-esteem
    4. Overprotective care
    5. Meeting all the needs of the child, protecting from hardship, care, efforts
    6. connivance
    7. Avoidance of active participation in the child ' s upbringing, passivity, recognition of the child ' s full autonomy
    8. cooperation
    9. mutual respect, sharing of joys, grief, etc.

Children are allowed everything, they are not restricted to prohibitions, they ignore inappropriate acts, and often use verbal punishment..

  1. Family housing, home responsibilitiesThe child has household responsibilities, washing dishes in turn with his brothers, vacuuming carpets.

  2. RELATIONSHIP OF THE CHILD TO THE OBJECTIVESSchool teachers are treated with respect, warmth, love, warmth, and trembling.

  1. ASSESSMENT OF MONITORING AND EXTERNAL ACTIVITIES (attendance to school, parents ' meetings, interest in education, monitoring of homework, etc.)The low level of communication and interaction between parents and children.

    The mother makes minimum demands on children, often shows indifference or neglect towards her children. Parental meetings are attended without desire or interest. She does not cooperate with teachers in matters of upbringing, avoid contact with teachers.

    The actual care of the children is provided by the mother.



  4. ConclusionThere is a lack of unity of demands, a lack of awareness of interests, of the child ' s behaviour outside school. The prevailing style of education is indistinguishable. Health and hygiene conditions in the house are satisfactory. There is an urgent need for replacement of wiring and cosmetic repairs.

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F.I.O. ' s signature

F.I.O. ' s signature

F.I.O. ' s signature

Parent (Trusteeship)

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