How long it takes, privatization of the apartment — how much privatization of the apartment is made over time

Citizens who have decided to exercise their right to own housing are interested in the question "What is the duration of privatization of apartments?" Consider both the total period before which privatization is possible and the time frame for individual actions.

This is the time limit for officials to provide the necessary documents and to carry out separate registration procedures, which are established by law and punishable by law.

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Time frame for free privatization

What is the duration of the free privatization of the dwelling?

The possibility to purchase housing free of charge derives from the Housing Privatization Act of 1991, and the time limit is set by the Housing Code Act.

According to paragraph 2 of the Act, the free privatization of apartments ends.March 1, 2016It's over a year.

  • However, it has recently become known that this time limitincreased until March 1, 2017.
  • This time, the extension is justified by the concern for citizens living in dilapidated and emergency homes who have failed to exercise their right for objective reasons.
  • More about this in the video below:

Please read below the answers to these questions.

Collection of documents

The privatization package includes:

  1. Personal documents of all parties to the transaction (citizens).passports, identity cards, birth certificatesIf the document is overdue or lost, a new one will be required. A birth certificate shall be issued within a day, in accordance with the Civil Status Act. The date of receipt (replacement) of the passport shall be 10 days, which shall be referred to the Population Registration Office (passport table).
  2. Notarized power of attorney, if a representative is involved, is processed by the notary within one hour.
  3. The technical passport of the dwelling is issued to the BTI (technical expertise office) and is required to be issued within a week.
  4. A social employment contract or warrant can be obtained from ERCI.
  5. Cadastral passport,In which the area, planning details, floor and other features of the premises are specified, they are produced in the Cadastral Chamber within 5 working days or in the IFC.
  6. An extract from the home book on citizens registered in the residential area may be obtained from the Population Registration Department within seven days of the date of the application.
  7. An extract from the EGRP (Single State Register of Rights) to an apartment, including information on the object, location, square and address, legal history, etc., is received in the Cadastral Chamber on time.Up to five working daysThe disclosure of information and the obligation to provide it is provided for in article 7 of the State Registration Act. An extract from the EGRP on all participants in privatization in Form No. 3 may be obtained from the IFC, Rosreestrester or BTI within five working days at the latest.
  8. A certificate of non-payment of public utility payments to the IFC shall be issued within five working days.
  9. Form 2 Helpthat a citizen has not previously participated in privatization is provided by the BTI no later than five working days.
  10. If one of the eligible registered tenants still refuses to participate in privatization, it will be necessaryA written refusal certified by a notary.This document shall be issued on the date of the request.

Other instruments may be required, as appropriate, such as:

  • The consent of the guardianship and guardianship authorities for privatization shall be granted within a maximum period of two weeks and shall be required if one of the participants is a minor;
  • A certificate from OVIR if a foreign national is a participant;
  • Expensions from the home book from the previous place of residence;
  • Marriage, death, etc.

The deadline for receipt of these and some other necessary documents does not normally exceed a few weeks, butIt usually takes between 5 and 7 days.

More detailed information on the length of privatization of the dwelling and the documents to be collected is given in the video below:

Submission of documents

Once documents for privatization have been collected, they are delivered in accordance with the requirements of article 7 of the Privatization Act.

A contract for the transfer of property is issued.not later than two monthsfrom the time of filing with the housing department of the local administration or through the IFC (8th article)

Absats 2 and 3 of the said article provide for the liability of officials for delay and the right of citizens to judicial protection.

The documents, including the contract of transfer (privatization), are then handed over for registration to the Rosreestra branch, either by the citizen himself or by the official who issued the privatization documents.

From the third point, it appears that the period of registration of ownership of the apartmentmay not exceed 10 working daysSince the receipt of the documents.

Accordingly, the receipt of a certificate of ownership shall take place no later than that date.

What takes the most of all time?

So the answer to the question, "How quickly to privatize an apartment?", is not to delay the procession into a long box. If you do not delay the collection and filing of documents, your apartment will be privatized by the end of the third month.

In addition, it is possible to privatize the apartment in accordance with the law.Just once.The most time-consuming arrangement for the transfer of an apartment (the privatization agreement) is that it may even last two months, but in practice it is usually issued within a few weeks.

  1. In order to participate in the privatization that ends in 2017, citizens must hurry to exercise their legitimate right.
  2. The entire procedure takes several months, but the deadline will not be missed if the documents are filed before 1 March 2017, even if the owner ' s own certificate of entitlement is received later.
  3. For what rights the owner of the dwelling is entitled to, what taxes he is obliged to pay, and what responsibility he is liable to, read the articles on our website.

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How many apartments are privatized

The privatization of an apartment is a rather complex and lengthy process; if the employer of a manipulative dwelling privatizes real estate, he will be able to rent it and have a permanent passive income in the future.

Privatization is always long and difficult, but today, with insufficient documentation, the privatization period is being extended and it is almost impossible to answer the question exactly.

How much time it takes to privatize the dwelling, consider it in this article.

How long privatization will take, according to Russian law

The privatization requires a lot of documents, most of which need to be obtained, which also takes a certain amount of time, but Russia ' s current legislation states that privatization should not exceed 60 days; that is, at any rate, you will receive a property contract for two months from the date of filing, not later than.

How long privatization of housing actually lasts

Ideally, a person has 15 days to register documents and 45 days to collect documents and process other papers (social employment contract, consent of tenants, etc.).

However, the current legislation clearly does not take into account the many factors and problems that people face during this process, and practice has shown that only one person can manage in 60 days.

It takes a lot of luck and good luck to meet the deadline, but how long does the privatization of the apartment actually last?

On average, the actual period of privatization is between three and four months if the process does not require judicial intervention; when you decide to privatize housing through the courts, the process may be delayed by 7 to 9 months. The following factors influence the pace of privatization:

  1. The speed with which the authorities will deal with your documents, and it has been shown that these people are the ones who have delayed the process. After the documents are delivered, the result can be much longer than promised.
  2. The location of all institutions where documents and signatures need to be collected. If they are located in different cities, it will not be possible to collect everything quickly.
  3. The process may also depend on the built-up area; it will be easier to privatize property in places where small lines and governments are not loaded; in some cities and villages, they can offer to speed up the process for extra pay; it is bad or good to decide for yourself.
  4. It's very important not to have debts on public utilities, and it's worth paying them off, or dealing with them through a lawsuit, which would take a month or two (at best).
  5. You don't have to drop the bill or the state of the dwelling itself. You can refuse to do so after you've filed an application if you think the building is uninhabitable and under demolition. In that case, you'll have to go to court and prove that it's safe to live in the building. This case will take less than a community case, but it may take a month of your time.

Privatization in cases of refusal

It is important to recognize that the privatization of housing is not always smooth; not only is it possible that it will last for long months, but at the end of the privatization, the privatizationer may not be allowed to do so.

In principle, if all the documents are available and court cases are won, there should be no problem, but as practice shows, all people and circumstances are different, so be sure, even when things look good at first sight, it's not worth it.

The most common reasons for refusing privatization of housing are:

  • One of the tenants refuses to give you consent to the privatization of property, in which case it is worth obtaining written consent, or to sue if there is reason to win a lawsuit;
  • If the housing has recently been privatized, you may refuse to do so, but it should be clarified to the authorities how long it will take for privatization to take place;
  • The services have reached a verdict that the dwelling is in an emergency state;
  • It's worth remembering that if you want to change the layout, you have to get permission before the process itself.

Anyway, when you get the rejection, you can challenge it and still get the right to privatization. You just have to go to court, there's no other solution to the problem. In court, you have to get all the documents for privatization. The main thing is that you have a document on the basis of which you have been denied. If you have a good lawyer, you're guaranteed the success of the trial.

There are also cases where you can't get a property right to an apartment, even with the help of a court of law and a good lawyer:

  1. The premises are located on the premises of the museum or reserve.
  2. A place to be demolished.
  3. The apartment that is located in the exclusion zone, as an example, is Chernobyl.
  4. The apartments the museum made of, in honor of the character who lived here.
  5. Housing in military towns.
  6. Rooms in dormitories.
Read also:  Military mortgage section of the apartment

Benefits of privatization of manipulative housing

  1. After privatization, you don't pay rent. You don't have to look for money every month to give it to the owner.
  2. In a privatized apartment, everything belongs to you, which means you can manage it in your own interest.

    You can rent it for a passive wage, sell it, leave it in a will or just live in it, and it's all legal.

  3. The registration of tenants is greatly simplified. You can write or write someone down without problem.
  4. You're not allowed to be evicted.

    Even if you have a huge backlog of utility payments, the most you're gonna get is a lawsuit, and you're not gonna lose your apartment, not under any conditions.

Deficiencies of privatization of manipulative housing

  1. If the housing is not privatized, the cost of the renovation will be borne by the housing fund, but when the housing is yours, you will have to pay for the repairs from your wallet. The repairs are very expensive today, so it can hit the budget very hard.
  2. You're gonna have to pay the mistress for your apartment.
  3. You have no right to obtain a better dwelling in the event of its demolition.

    When the apartment is not privatized, you can apply for an improved dwelling.

  4. As mentioned above, privatization takes a lot of time and effort.

Anyway, no matter how long privatization takes, home ownership is always good.

You don't depend on anyone, and you can be sure you won't be on the street tomorrow.

How much privatization of the apartment Reference to main publication

How long can the privatization of the dwelling take?

The apartments began to be privatized as early as the 1990s, and this procedure allows for the transfer of public housing to private property; in 2023, not all people have yet registered their rights to the apartment in which they live.

This should be done in order to be able to sell, exchange or bequeath property, especially since the procedure for entering private property is now free of charge.

For those who have already decided to go through this process, it may be useful to know how long privatization of the apartment takes.

Benefits and disadvantages of privatization

Before deciding to privatize housing in 2023, people want to know about the pros and cons of this procedure. The advantages are immediately obvious: people get full rights to their property and are able to dispose of them as they see fit. So you can sell, exchange, give or inherit the house, and until the housing is privatized, you can't do all of this.

The benefits of the procedure include the fact that it is virtually impossible for the owner to leave the apartment by law, even if he or she, for example, has a large amount of public utility payments, and there is, of course, a measure of last resort; the housing can be sold to compensate for damages, but this is very rare.

And those who are in the state's property have no choice but to stay with their families, and if they are in it, they will have to have the consent of all those who already live in it.

There are also costs of privatization; for example, the amount of utility payments will increase, and there will be a tax on property.

Some may also be disappointed that they will not be able to improve their housing at the expense of the State, and they will have to pay for it all on their own.

If the owner dies and does not leave a will, all the heirs will be able to claim the dwelling, and they will have to make their own arrangements.

By weighing the advantages and disadvantages, it is up to the individual to decide what's best for him and what's best for him, and most people in 2023 decide to privatize their property in order to get their full rights.

How long does privatization take?

People often wonder how long the privatization of the apartment takes. You can't really answer this question precisely because it depends on different nuances. By law, the process itself shouldn't last longer than 60 days, and people are required to get a contract after two months, but it's not always possible to meet the deadline.

It's supposed to take 15 days to register and 45 days to collect and process documents, but sometimes it takes four months.If, however, a member of the family is brought before a court for privatization, the case may be prolonged for 8 to 9 months.

The speed of the process depends primarily on the place where the apartment is located. If it is located in a large city, it is even proposed that the procedure be speeded up for an extra fee. The length of time is also affected by the speed at which documents are collected and verified. The process may also be delayed by the turn that often takes place in the self-government body to which the documents are deposited.

The time is also affected by whether there are debts for public services and whether there are any other reasons that can place privatization, and if one of the prescribed family members does not agree to the procedure, it may also be prolonged.

By the way, in some cases privatization may be refused, for example, if the dwelling is in an emergency, of course you can try to prove that it is not, but it will require legal proceedings.

If a person still had to go to court because of the refusal of the procedure, then we'll have to wait until the case is heard, usually in 1 to 1.5 months, the best thing to do in this case is to get a lawyer to make it go smoothly.

What documents are needed for privatization?

In order to carry out privatization, which lasts at least two months, it is necessary to collect documents; if one of the mandatory documents is missing, the procedure will not be carried out; therefore, it is important to collect a complete list and make sure that all official documents are valid for the time being.


  1. The passport of the owner and of all the people who are registered in the apartment will require birth certificates for minors, and it is also important to obtain consent for privatization, and if someone does not want to go through the procedure (e.g. he must get his own apartment soon), he must write a refusal in favour of others.
  2. A technical passport for an apartment, you can get it from the BTI, you can get it from the BTI, you'll have to get a specialist to check out the apartment, and when he's done with his report, you'll get a cadastral and technical passport.
  3. A social employment contract, which can be obtained from the Housing Fund Department.
  4. A receipt of utility payments, a person should not be in arrears.
  5. A statement that will confirm that the house is municipal.
  6. A bill of payment of State duty.
  7. The F-3 report says how many people live in an apartment.
  8. A document that would confirm that a person had not previously been involved in privatization.

If all the official papers were collected, the only way to be privatized would be to go through the process of privatization; normally, there would be no difficulty if there was no reason to refuse or go to court; after that, a person would be given a certificate of ownership.

Time frame for privatization of housing in Russia

  • Sooner or later, most of the employers of municipal housing decide on privatization.
  • This allows for the free management of the dwelling and even for some profit, for example by renting it.
  • It should be known that the privatization of the dwelling could be extended due to the lack of documents or the need for additional qualifications.

It is not possible, for a number of reasons, to answer clearly how long privatization of the dwelling can take, but those who wish to privatize the dwelling need to know the time frame for checking the documents and registering the relevant contract.

According to the law (article 8 of the Russian Federation), from the time of submission of all documents (see documents required for privatization), the privatization process must take no more than 60 days, which means that within two months there must be a contract of ownership of privatized housing.

In practice, only a small number of citizens can become owners of privatized housing within two months; ideally, 15 days of registration, the remaining 45 days of registration, but usually between three and four months of registration; and, in the case of legal proceedings, nine months of privatization.

The privatization process may be delayed for several reasons.

The privatization of the dwelling, the collection of documents depends on:

  • The speed with which the authorities respond to the demand for documents;
  • The location of the participants in the privatization process for the collection of personal documents and signatures;
  • Residential location (in large cities it is usually proposed to speed up the process for extra fees);
  • Releases in the self-government authority for the filing of documents;
  • Debts for utilities (although debt is not an obstacle to privatization, it is often difficult to start privatization, although this is a judicial decision – it will take months to obtain a permit).

If the house is in an emergency state, the privatization of the dwelling may be refused; in order to refute this fact and to prove the habitability of the dwelling, a judicial review, which takes about one and a half months, is required.

How long does privatization take in the event of refusal?

There are situations where privatization of housing is denied; usually, if all documents are collected correctly, there are no problems.

The most frequent refusal of privatization occurs in the following cases:

  1. Refusal by one or more tenants to privatize and refusal to write an application from a notary in favour of others;
  2. Re-participation in privatization;
  3. Housing is in poor condition;
  4. Conducting illegal remodeling.

If privatization is refused, it is possible to apply to the courts with all the documents collected and a document indicating the refusal to transfer the home to private property.

How long does the privatization of the apartment last through the courts?The case usually takes place approximately 1 to 1.5 months after the application to the court.

In the case of privatization through the courts, it is recommended that a qualified lawyer be supported.

Housing that is not subject to privatization (may not even seek to challenge denial in court) includes:

  • Premises in the park, museum, reserve area;
  • Apartments in houses to be demolished or recognized as emergency;
  • Housing in territories affected by man-made disasters (e.g. BSEC exclusion zone);
  • Museum apartments;
  • Housing in military towns;
  • Business premises, dormitories.

Issuance of documents for privatization of the dwelling

It takes a long time to collect a complete package of documents – usually at least a month – depending on the location of those involved in privatization, the priorities in the self-government, the speed at which the authorities respond to the demand for documents, the availability of LAC debts.

The following documents must be obtained for the privatization of the dwelling.

  1. The applicant ' s and all the tenants ' passports (certificates for minors) must be taken into account that in order to apply for privatization (see how to write an application for the privatization of the apartment), all tenants, including children over 14 years of age, must agree with this; minors can express their opinion only with the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities (the permit is valid for one month); if someone refuses to privatize the apartment (e.g. soon another residence must be obtained), the person must write a refusal to favour the other tenants from the notary (two copies are recommended immediately).
  2. A social employment contract and a certificate of payment for the housing in question can be obtained from the Housing Fund Department, and all debts must be settled.
  3. Techpasport to the apartment: In order to obtain this document, you should contact the BTI, and a specialist will come and examine the apartment, after which a technical and cadastral passport of the dwelling will be made available.
  4. Compensatory payments or other evidence of non-debt: If one-time repayment is not possible, a debt restructuring contract with the service provider should be drawn up.
  5. A statement confirming that the apartment is a municipal one can be obtained from the Department of Property Relations.
  6. The F-3 certificates (is issued on the passport table) confirm the number of people living in the apartment, 2 copies will be required, only 10 days are valid, so there is no point in taking them in advance.
  7. The payment of the State Ministry (in 2015 it is 2,000 roubles) and this amount should be shared among all participants in the process; for example, if there are four people living in an apartment, there should be a receipt of payment of 500 roubles from each person.
  8. Confirmation of non-participation in the privatization process earlier (not to be owned by more than 1 apartment).

Benefits and disadvantages of privatization of the dwelling

The advantages and disadvantages of privatized housing need to be learned before deciding to regularize the privatization of the dwelling.

Features of privatization:

  • There is no need to pay rent; every resident of a non-privatized dwelling is obliged to pay the rent; its size depends on the size of the dwelling; each square metre has to pay 2 to 2.5 roubles.
  • The dwelling can be sold, rented, gifted or indicated in a will.
  • Facilitation of propiska: In public housing, only close relatives can be prescribed, and not always; in addition, a permit must be obtained from a local government authority; in a privatized apartment, the owner can prescribe anyone at any time, and it is also easy to write.
  • The owner of the dwelling cannot be evicted; even if he has not paid for public services for years, it is almost impossible to evict the owner of the dwelling; cases where the dwelling is sold in court for damages are rare.

Disadvantages of privatization:

  • There is a need to pay for the ongoing and major renovation of the house, and residents of an uninvited dwelling should not do so – all costs are paid for by the local or state budget.
  • The need to pay a property tax: Since 2015, the tax has been calculated on the basis of the cadastral value of the dwelling.
  • No right to improve housing: If the house is demolished, the owner of the privatized dwelling can only count on the same space, while the social lease provides for the possibility of obtaining a larger dwelling (depending on the number of tenants).
  • The privatization process may be delayed, with a cost of between 600 and 5,000 rubles (collection of documents, archives, tax payments).

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How long the privatization of the dwelling lasts and how long this period depends on

G. Alexeyev Author of the article


  1. What's changed?
  2. How to Expedite Document Collection

The Housing Privatization Act of 1991 allowed many owners of social-name apartments to take possession of them; the dates that could have been made free of charge were constantly changed, and the last day of filing was 28 February 2015.

However, the deputies again extended the period by one year, and many reasons were cited, for example, according to official figures, at the time of the adoption of the amendment there were about 30% of the total housing stock, which was extremely unfavourable to the budget.

The emergence of a new region within Russia also played a role, and it was therefore decided to extend the free privatization.

What's changed?

All those who were planning to take up the property but weren't able to do so have a little break again, and naturally everyone is interested in how long privatization of the apartment took in 2015.

The deadline has been extended by only one year, which must be completed; no amendments have been adopted to accelerate or delay the process, so there is still no clear answer to such questions.

Someone's been able to finish all the cases in just two months, and the others are missing for six months.

Article 8 of the Privatization Act No. 1541-1 states that the process may not last longer than two months, which are considered to be from the date of submission of the documents, but this is one stage of the process and only three:

  • Pre-collection of documents: This is the most difficult and long phase, requiring visits to a large number of institutions, several rounds of defence, a huge number of signatures, and knowing how our officials work, it is very difficult to predict how quickly this phase can be completed.
  • At this stage, the information provided and the condition of the site to be privatized are checked. If the paperwork is good, it'll take two months.
  • Registration of ownership usually lasts about two weeks.

The second and third stages cannot be accelerated; they are the work of the public institutions, but the collection of documents is a task that the tenants will have to deal with.

How to Expedite Document Collection

In preparing the necessary papers, a great deal of time is spent on unplanned actions that are already required as the process progresses.

For example, the institution may be located in one place, and the general accountant whose signature is required on the form will be in another, which is not uncommon, and it is not always clear which organizations can obtain a certificate.

Given that many of the documents have a limited period of validity, the issue of time savings becomes very relevant.

The best way to speed up the process of document collection is to plan for further action.

  1. It's hard to get the consent or rejection of all those who are registered in the apartment, and sometimes it's hard to gather relatives who have been living in other cities for a long time.
  2. There may be a number of them, including minors.
  3. The preparation of a power of attorney for privatization for one of the future owners, and it is to collect the papers.
  4. Collection of documents on all registered persons in the apartment; originals and copies of passports, birth certificates, and also marriage or divorce, death records; a list of registered persons can be obtained within two weeks.
  5. Juvenile children require the authorization of the guardianship authorities.
  6. The collection of documents relating to the dwelling: a warrant, a passport on the premises, a social employment contract, copies of utility payment receipts for three months. If a remodelling has taken place, it will require documentary confirmation of its legality. This may take a long time; for example, BTI staff evaluate the apartment for two to four weeks.
  7. Evidence that future owners had not previously been involved in privatization.
  8. If, since 1991, the applicant has changed the place of permanent registration, name or passport, each and every one of these events will be required.
  9. Notarized applications to renounce those who do not want to take part in privatization.
  10. Preparation of an application for privatization: This application is signed by all persons registered in a given dwelling who are over 14 years of age, and this is done in an institution, in the presence of an official.

In order to find the right office quickly, a list of the places to be visited should be drawn up in advance and their addresses should be identified. The best way to specify this information is by telephone, as institutions sometimes move, in whole or in part, they may change their schedule of work or the time of admission of citizens.

Those who do not have to travel to another city, for example, for a certificate of non-use of the right to privatization from their former residence, will be able to complete the collection of documents in an average of one and a half or two months.

It is easier for the inhabitants of large cities to have multifunctional centres to provide citizens with various public services, with identification documents and a request for privatization.

All further work related to obtaining and confirming the necessary information will be undertaken by the institution ' s specialists, which will make it possible to meet the two-month deadline set by law.

The process can only be delayed by one circumstance: the need to interact with the relevant departments of the regions in which one of the applicants had previously lived.

Those in a hurry to privatize should be entrusted with all the work of the specialized agencies. Serious firms have a well-used action algorithm. They know exactly which agency can obtain the required certificate, do not make mistakes in the forms, and can complete all the work in a month. However, their services are very expensive.

Now, it's hard to tell exactly how long privatization of the apartment takes. If you handle all the forms yourself, you can be sure that it can't be done faster than three or four months.

The timing depends to a large extent on how quickly and correctly the documents are prepared. If there is no time and confidence, it is worth resorting to the services of reliable law firms.

With the help of experienced professionals, it will be possible to eliminate the need for travel by business and to privatize the apartment within a month or even faster.

How long does the privatization of apartment 2023 take, after application, to last?

Every Russian citizen has the full right to take part in the privatization procedure, only to meet certain conditions established by Russian law.

Many citizens refuse to privatize real estate because of the long period of transfer of housing from public to private property.

However, knowing some nuances can significantly reduce the duration of privatization.


Under Federal Act No. 1541-1 of July 1991, the total period of privatization may not exceed two calendar months from the date of submission of the full package.

The length of time taken to privatize the dwelling depends directly on some factors, namely:

  • From the collection of documents;
  • from the available line for submission of documents.

At the same time, the collection of documents depends on:

  • The speed with which local authorities respond to a request for documentation;
  • The territorial location of all participants in privatization required for the collection of signatures and personal documentation;
  • In large cities, the processing process can be accelerated for a small price.

How long is privatization of the dwelling, and other additional nuances, such as:

  • The existence of a public utility debt;
  • The current technical condition of the dwelling, when found in the emergency home, cannot be transferred to private property.

All these facts have a direct impact on the time of the transfer of real property from public to private property.

Normative framework

Federal Act No. 1541-1 on privatization is the main legislation.
It provides a detailed mechanism for privatization and the conditions to be met for the conversion of real property to private ownership over a minimum period.

In addition, attention should also be paid to article 19.1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which provides for the possibility of administrative liability of public officials in the event of misconduct.


The procedure for the privatization of real estate involves the transfer of housing from State or municipal property to private hands.

The privatization mechanism in 2023 is as follows:

  1. We need to collect a certain package of documents.
  2. Next is the referral to the authorized body.
  3. In the next phase, the documents submitted are checked for authenticity by the authorized persons.

Upon receipt of the affirmative reply, a certificate would be issued giving the right to register their rights in Rosreister.

All Russian citizens, including minors, have the right to participate in the privatization procedure.

Adults have the right to privatize only one real estate for their lives, children – an unlimited number of times under 18 years of age, and only once between the ages of 18 and 18.

In the event of a re-application of a public authority to take part in privatization, the applicant will be granted an official and a legal refusal.

How long does privatization take?

The period of privatization of the dwelling depends directly on the completeness of the package as well as other factors.

Consider the period of privatization at each stage separately.

After submission of the documents

The main package of documents for privatization is considered to be:

  • Application for privatization;
  • Claimant ' s passport + copy of all completed pages;
  • Passports of other parties to the transaction + copies;
  • Social employment contract;
  • Documents that confirm that there is no debt for public utilities;
  • A statement confirming the existence of real property in municipal property;
  • Form 3 certificate showing the number of registered citizens in a particular dwelling;
  • Documentary confirmation of not having participated in the privatization of any of the participants previously.

On the basis of an established request, the authenticity will be verified and the decision to initiate or refuse privatization will then be taken.

The decision period after filing is not more than 15 calendar days.

A model application for the privatization of the apartment is here.

In case of failure

The main reasons for refusal are as follows:

  • The opposition of one or a group of tenants to the privatization procedure;
  • Re-participation in the procedure;
  • Housing is recognized as an emergency at the official level;
  • There is a fact that real estate has been remodeled without documentation.

In addition, it should not be forgotten that privatization should not take place:

  • Service property;
  • Real estate located in the park area, museums or protected areas;
  • Museum apartments;
  • A residential area located in closed military towns.

In the event of an unlawful refusal, the complainants have the right to file a complaint with the judicial authority.

In such a situation, the privatization period may last up to 6 to 12 months.

It is imperative that the court be provided with a documentary evidence base.

Registration of ownership

  • If the documentation is submitted positively to the authorized authority, participants will be given a documentary confirmation of privatization – a certificate.
  • These documents should be referred to the territorial office of Rosreestra for registration of their rights and signature of the relevant treaty.
  • This procedure takes an average of 30 calendar days.

The model of the privatization contract is here.

Benefits and disadvantages

The main benefits of privatization over the years include:

  • The owners of the dwelling have the legal right, without any restrictions on their discretion, for example, to issue or register new residents, the social employment contract under which the tenants lived prior to privatization limited such rights;
  • Exemption of owners from the need to pay rent for real estate (approximately 2.5 roubles per square metre);
  • You can sell housing, give it to someone, and so on;
  • The privatization of real estate is inherited.

At the same time, privatization brings with it some disadvantages, namely:

  • There is a need for mandatory fees for the capital and maintenance of the house building, which was dealt with by the local government prior to privatization;
  • There is a need to pay a real estate tax from now on;
  • After privatization, tenants cancel the opportunity to take the lead in improving their living conditions;
  • The long privatization process is one year old.
  1. In addition, participants in the process must be prepared to pay for various documentation and registration of rights in the amount of between 600 and 5,000 roubles.
  2. On the basis of all of the above, it can be concluded that all pros and cons must be weighed in the first place before embarking on the privatization process.
  3. In order to obtain private property, only the full documentation must be monitored.

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Privatization of a dwelling in Ukraine......................................................................................

In Ukraine, the Law on Privatization of the State Housing Fund is still in force; therefore, those living in a State apartment still have the opportunity to claim ownership.

In this article, we will describe the procedure, the necessary documents, the cost and the time frame.

Rules for the privatization of apartments

The privatization of housing in Ukraine is possible if it is a State flat and a warrant is issued to you, which means that you are the tenant, and persons who are living with the tenant and are registered in the apartment are considered to be members of the tenant ' s family and are also involved in the procedure.

Please note that certain types of housing are not subject to personal ownership in Ukraine, as follows:

  • Museum apartments;
  • Rooms in dormitories in military settlements, reserves, botsters, dandror parks and other similar facilities;
  • apartments in an emergency state, service apartments and those in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.

Privatization of the apartment from where to start

The procedure for converting housing into its own property includes the collection of a package of documents, some of which are issued by the GEO, and it is therefore necessary to start with a visit to the GEO.

Consider below what documents you need for the privatization of the dwelling and where you can obtain them.

  1. The application for privatization of the apartment/room (in the dormitory) in the GEO is made by the parents (guardians) under 18 years of age and their consent must be notarized (if the child is between 14 and 18 years of age);
  2. A technical passport of the current inventory of the dwelling and a copy thereof (is issued to the GEO);
  3. Copies of the passports of all persons registered in the apartment (1, 2, 3 pages), copies of the birth certificates (for children under 16 years of age) originas are presented when the documents are submitted;
  4. A certificate on the composition of the family and the working premises of the prescribed form (form 3 certificate is issued to the GEO);
  5. A copy of the housing order (in the case of a change of tenant, a copy of the decision);
  6. A certificate confirming that you have not previously privatized housing in full (issued by the privatization department of public housing within 14 days);
  7. a declaration – the consent of temporarily absent family members to privatization (the best notarization);
  8. Documents confirming eligibility for benefits (the list of beneficiaries is given above).

For the privatization of the dormitory rooms, the following are added to the documents listed:

  1. A copy of the identification code assignment certificate;
  2. Medical certificate on the absence of tuberculosis;
  3. A statement that there is no other home in Ukraine for all residents who are involved in the process.

The originals for reconciliation shall be provided when the documents are submitted.

Documents may be submitted by a representative, in which case a notarized power of attorney is also required.

How much is privatization of the apartment?

The size of the dwelling and the number of persons who will be involved in privatization (all those who are prescribed) must be taken into account when making their own property.

Free privatization of housing is based on the sanitary standard of 21 square metres of the total area per tenant and each member of his or her family and an additional 10 square metres per family. If 3 persons are registered in your apartment, you are entitled to privatize the apartment free of charge if the total area does not exceed 73 square metres.

If the total area of the dwelling exceeds the sanitation standard indicated, an extra amount must be paid for the excess area.

Which sites can be privatized free of charge

Regardless of the size, the following housing facilities are privatized free of charge in Ukraine:

  • Single-room apartments;
  • apartments received in the event of demolition or eviction of owners, if they have not received monetary compensation for this;
  • The apartments in which persons with benefits under Chernobyl law live or are ranked as the Hero of the Soviet Union, the Hero of Socialist Labour have been awarded the Order of Fame 3 degrees, VBO veterans, group 1 and 2 disabled persons, disabled since childhood, etc. (the list of beneficiaries includes several other categories);
  • Apartment of military or large families (3 or more children).

Time frame for privatization

The certificate of ownership shall be issued within 30 days of the submission of the package.

However, bear in mind that you will also need time to collect the necessary packages and travel with them to the housing and maintenance organization (hereinafter referred to as GEO) and other organizations.

For example, a certificate confirming that you have not previously used your right in other places of residence is one of the necessary documents for the registration of public housing in Ukraine.

This certificate can be requested from the state housing privatization department, where you will file the rest of the documents. 14 days of production.

Therefore, starting the process of converting housing to its own property, be prepared to spend two to three months of your time doing so.

  1. If you are living in public housing and have not yet privatized it, i.e. legalizing ownership of it, it is recommended that you find out whether your housing is subject to privatization and start collecting a package of documents for the registration of ownership.
  2. As a result, you will receive a certificate of ownership and, together with it, the right not only to reside but also to dispose of your dwelling (sale, give, leave in inheritance).
  3. It is necessary to take into account the sanitary area of the dwelling, as well as the number of people it contains, since it will depend on whether extra metres will have to be paid.

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