Family law
Выделение супружеской доли в имуществе нажитом во время брака
256 CCK of the Russian Federation, property acquired by spouses during marriage, is their joint property, unless a contract between them establishes a different regime for such property.
Госпошлина на алименты в 2023 году, размер госпошлины на взыскание алиментов в 2023 году, пошлина при подаче иска о взыскании алиментов
So we need to figure out what kind of government is responsible for the recovery of maintenance and who should pay it.
Договор купли-продажи неотделимых улучшений квартиры (образец)
In the purchase of secondary dwellings, repairs or furniture, their value is often included in the price of the sales contract.
Договор купли-продажи с квартиры с правом проживания
The owner of the dwelling shall reserve the right of residence in the property to be disposed of.
Договор о намерениях купли продажи квартиры (образец)
In order to maximize security and avoid unnecessary risk, the parties concerned shall prepare and sign a preliminary contract for the sale of the dwelling.
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