Labour law
Договор купли-продажи квартиры в долевой собственности (образец) 2023
The contract for the sale of shares in an apartment is governed by the general rules for the transfer of ownership of real property.
Заявление в опеку на продажу квартиры с последующей покупкой (образец)
It is not easy to sell an apartment, especially if it is written or owned by minors.
Договор купли продажи доли земельного участка образец
The acquisition of the house, which is located on the land, must be registered as a share of the property.
Заявление об установлении факта признания отцовства после смерти отца (образец)
Modern couples do not always burden their relationships with legitimate ties, ignoring the possible consequences of their ill-advised actions.
Если бывший муж, отец ребенка платит маленькие алименты
It is not easy to recover maintenance from the child's father.
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