Land law
Алименты жене инвалиду 2, 3 группы при разводе — алименты бывшему супругу инвалиду
Many mistakenly believe that alimony is some amount of money that one parent should pay to the other to support the child.
Алименты на 2 детей от разных браков, как делятся алименты на двоих детей от разных браков
In order to determine the amount of monthly parental allowances for children, it is not important how many marriages they were born in.
Взаимозачет при продаже квартиры и покупке квартиры
Netting is a simultaneous procedure for buying a new apartment and selling an old one.
Алименты на внебрачного ребенка при наличии детей
The news of men's partners can be forced to pay alimony to women who gave birth to them out of wedlock. This problem affects 3,000 each year...
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