Divorce without the consent of one of the spouses

Statistics show that the number of divorces in Russia exceeds the number of marriages by 5,000 each year, for various reasons: loss of feelings, harmful dependence, his or her treason, etc., but not every breakup is accompanied by a mutual desire to divorce. Sometimes one of the spouses does not want divorce, and the other does not accept the outcome because he or she does not know his or her rights and possibilities, but there is a way out of any situation. You can divorce a husband or wife without their consent.

Can a divorce be divorced if the husband or wife opposes divorce?

Most marriages take place officially, and it turns out that a person who does not go into details of family law is convinced that divorce is possible only with the consent of the second spouse.

As a result, many couples simply break up without breaking up the marriage and waiting for the second party to give their consent.

But you can't force a man to be married against his will, so you can get a divorce!Only the manner in which a marriage is dissolved depends on consent.

The dissolution of a marriage by the courts shall take place if it is established by the court that it is not possible to continue living together with the family.

article 22 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation

The length of divorce in such cases and its complexity depend on many different nuances:

  • The presence of children;
  • Obstruction of the process;
  • The possibility of reconciliation;
  • The territorial location of the spouses.

If one of the spouses wants a divorce and the other is categorically opposed, divorce is possible, but in such cases it will be a little more complicated and take longer.

Is it possible to dissolve a marriage through the civil registry if the spouse disagrees?

Divorce may be divorced through the civil registry if:

  • The spouses do not mind;
  • There are no children under the age of 18 in general;
  • Both spouses are valid.

If the spouse is alive, law-abiding and in good mind, but does not want to divorce, divorce is not possible through the civil registry.

Divorce through court without the consent of one of the spouses

In the event of dissolution of a marriage through a court, the consent of the second half is not required; this procedure is always possible, except in the following cases:

  • If the plaintiff is the husband and the wife is pregnant;
  • If there is a child under 1 year of age;
  • If the child was born dead, but it hasn't been a year since he was born.

You can't even ask for a divorce from a pregnant wife through a court of law - the husband won't get a divorce.

It is important: in the case of pregnancy or the presence of a child (up to 1 year of age), the court will not take into account the fact that the husband is not a biological father.

How to Start Divorce

An action for divorce may be brought before the court of the second half ' s residence, only sometimes at the complainant ' s address:

  • If a minor child lives with the plaintiff;
  • If there is a certificate that it is not possible to leave because of the state of health.

An example is that the wife filed for a divorce, but she is living with a six-year-old son, in which case she can file an application with the court in her place of residence, or the complainant is the husband, but he has a fractured leg (to have a doctor ' s report), then he can bring the application to his place of residence.

When a justice of the peace can be divorced

If there are no disputes over alimony and property, a suit for divorce shall be brought before a justice of the peace, who may:

  • Sustenance of the claim;
  • To postpone the hearing for one month;
  • Refuse to be satisfied.

The court may not change jurisdiction at the request of the husband or wife, and a request for alimony or division of property must be made to the district court.

What kind of documents you need to file a lawsuit?

In order not to waste time, we need to prepare in advance:

  • Statement of claim (2 copies);
  • The plaintiff ' s passport;
  • Marriage registration certificate;
  • A receipt confirming the payment of the civil service (650 roubles);
  • Birth certificates for common minor children (a copy of which may be certified by a notary);
  • Family composition certificate (if the children live with you);
  • Marriage contract (if any);
  • certificates of both parties ' income (if maintenance is to be considered);
  • The documents concerning the plaintiff ' s property (if the division of property is to be considered).

The declaration of the dissolution of a marriage is made freely and it is important that it does not violate the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

If there are no children and no joint property, the judge shall pay particular attention to the completeness and reliability of the documents attached, and the court may refuse to accept the application if it contains serious violations.

  • Name of judicial authority;
  • Data on the plaintiff and defendant (passport data, actual address and propiska, contact telephones, etc.);
  • The reason for the divorce;
  • List of annexes;
  • Date and signature.

The particulars of divorce when one of the spouses disagrees with him

Every divorce has its subtleties, on which both the course of events and the length of the procedure depend. It is often the chosen course of action that determines everything.

An example: the wife initiated the divorce and the division of property, and the husband opposed it. In the application, she wrote the reason "Didn't agree" and "forgot" to attach some documents, and the defendant read a copy of the claim and the rest of the documents.

He then filed a counter-claim stating the reasons for the "alcoholism of the wife and violation of the terms of the marriage contract" and attached the necessary medical certificates and documents for the property belonging to him prior to the marriage, resulting in the satisfaction of the counter-claim.

The property division didn't bring the plaintiff anything.

The divorce and division of property are usually filed at the same time or both are contained in a single application, but if the property issues concern someone else (a third person), the court may decide to deal with the particular case separately; for example, the court divorces the spouses and the division of property is dealt with in a different time frame.

Duration of divorce

The length of divorce proceedings depends on jurisdiction; if a suit is brought before a justice of the peace, the first date of the hearing is set (30 days); the spouses are subpoenaed by mail; if both agree, the court's decision on divorce will be sent to the civil registry in a month's time.

If one is still opposed to divorce and believes that reconciliation is possible, the judge will set a time limit for conciliation (up to three months).If the couple don't make up, she'll get a divorce, but the dissenting party can buy a little more time if they can appeal within 30 days.

In the district courts, the situation was slightly different, and a hearing could be scheduled two months after the filing of the complaint.

If both parties fail to attend the hearing, the marriage shall be kept, and the case shall be closed; and if there is not only one, the court shall decide on the case without it, or set a new date; but if the defendant does not come three times, the divorce shall be decided automatically.

Divorce proceedings in cases of children

When there are little children in the family, the divorce procedure gets a little more complicated. First, more documents are needed than under normal circumstances.

Package of documents for the child:

  • Birth certificate,
  • propiska confirmation,
  • School certificate, etc.

Secondly, the court will take into account the interests of the child, and if the parents do not agree on the children in a friendly manner and have not recorded the agreement with the notary, the matter of their future upbringing will be decided by the court.

Most often, the court takes the mother's side and the children stay with her after the divorce.

When the question arises as to who the child will be left with after the divorce, some parents try to persuade him to take his side.

It is important to know that the issue of children ' s future can be dealt with differently by the court and separately from divorce. The future of children is also determined by the court. Many factors are taken into account in the decision:

  • Material security of the parties;
  • Personal (moral) qualities of parents;
  • The child ' s attachment to one of the parents (parents);
  • Conditions offered to the child in the future;
  • The type of activity of the parents (works, etc.).

Many believe that material welfare will play a decisive role, but it is not.

An example: in divorce, there is an 11-year-old child, the father demands that the son stay with him because he has more money, a better apartment, an expensive car, a well-paid job, etc.

The court took into account the child's desire to stay with his mother and grandmother, having a private home (better ecology) near school.

The child's mother also provided medical evidence that the ex-husband was abusing alcohol, and the child stayed with the mother.

How do you get a divorce if one of the spouses is against it?

Marriages are entered into by mutual consent.No law can force a man or woman to stamp a passport against his will.But alsoDivorce is also permitted at any time.Often one of the spouses insists on divorce, the other may or may not agree.

However, the final outcome of the proceedings will still be the dissolution of the marriage bond, which will not happen immediately after the first hearing.

The situation of underage children in the family is even worse, but the reality is that divorce will happen sooner or later, no matter how opposed the other half.

What do you do when you disagree?

Divorce can be divorced by mutual consent in the civil registry and through the courts, and the marriage is dissolved solely by the courts when one of the spouses declares his or her disagreement.Antagonist of divorce may not appear at all at the hearingbut the meeting will take place in any case and eventually the bar will be dissolved in absence.

How do you get a divorce?

This requires an application to be filed in court.If the couple do not have a dispute over property in excess of 50,000 rubles and there is no disagreement about the children, the trial will be conducted by the justice of the peace, otherwise it will be necessary to have recourse to the court of general jurisdiction; this will also be the case if the plaintiff requires maintenance.

The application shall be filed in the place of residence of the defendant.However, there may be exceptions.

It matters!If a woman has a small child in her arms and if the defendant is disabled or has a serious illness, the proceedings will be held in their territory; this right is contained in article 29, paragraph 4, of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

It wouldn't be too much of a lawyer's consult.Specializing in divorce, he's gonna help with the filing of a lawsuit, the preparation of documents, and advice about divorce - how to get it.

Read also:  How to buy a share of your ex-husband's apartment.

What do you want to do?

If one of the spouses disagrees, the other party must act as follows.

The first step is to prepare a statement of claim; it is written in an arbitrary form, but it is mandatory.shall contain the following elements:

  1. Address, the name and telephone number of the court.
  2. The plaintiff's full data.
  3. The defendant's full data.
  4. Information on the date and place of marriage.
  5. If there are children, it is necessary to indicate whether the parties have agreed on the question of their further upbringing; if a general decision is not taken, this should also be reflected in the declaration.
  6. There is or is not a decision by the spouses concerning the division of property.
  7. Description of the reasons why the plaintiff wishes to divorce.
  8. Other requirements (other than dissolution of marriage): division of property, determination of the place of residence of minor children, award of maintenance.

It would be desirable to reflect its reasons, motives and requirements in as much detail as possible so that the court would not have further questions, which would help to complete the case more quickly.

NextThere is a need to prepare documents.It will require:

  1. Original marriage certificate.
  2. Birth certificates or children ' s passports.
  3. A receipt of the payment of the mistress.
  4. Copies of the passports of his or her second spouse; if the application is made through a representative, the copy and his or her passport.
  5. Notarized power of attorney for the representative (if necessary).
  6. Agreements between spouses – if any.
  7. Evidence of the reasons for the divorce: This may include, for example, a certificate from a drug doctor ' s clinic, beatings reports, police reports, characteristics of the defendant ' s workplace to confirm his or her position on his or her identity, etc.

It matters!The position stated in the statement of claim must be fully supported by the attached documents.

In the third step, the documents prepared together with the statement of claim are referred to the court.The Magistrate's Court will hear the case within a monthIt should be understood that if the defendant disagrees, the process may be very protracted, so the assistance of a qualified expert will be very helpful.

The defendant may ignore the proceedings.If you do not have any knowledge of the matter, it will be better for you if you do not have any knowledge of the matter, and if you do not have any knowledge of it, it will be better for you, and if you do not have any knowledge of the matter, it will be better for you; and if you do not have any knowledge of the matter, it will be better for you; and if you do not have any knowledge of the matter, it will be better for you; and if you do not have any knowledge of the matter, it will be better for you; and if you do so, you will have no doubt about it; and if you do so, you will have no doubt about it; and if you do not do so, you will have no doubt about it; indeed Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful; and Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful.

In the end, the court will decide on the dissolution of the marriage and a period of appeal is granted on that date; if the defendant has not taken any action, the divorce shall be deemed to have taken place after that time; otherwise, a new proceeding may be ordered.

Once the divorce has taken place, it remains to be documented.It is necessary to apply to the registry where the marriage was registered, with a court order, a passport and a receipt of the payment of the public service.

There will be a divorce certificate and a passport mark, ex-spouses may receive a separate certificate, joint appearances may not be required, and it is also possible to make a decision from home through the public service portal and to come up with only a certificate and a stamp.

Without a husband

Divorce without the consent of the second spouse may vary somewhat depending on who applies for divorce, whether the husband or the wife.

The wife may obtain a divorce and obtain it without her husband ' s consent if::

  • The spouse is officially declared incompetent and has documentary evidence of this fact in his or her hands.
  • The husband is missing, and this has been admitted by the court.
  • The husband was convicted, there was a court decision that had entered into force.
  • In any of these cases, the divorce will take place without the consent of the spouse.
  • I want a divorce, but my husband doesn't want a divorce.
  • If, however, the husband simply refuses to divorce, does not attend meetings or does not attend but refuses to dissolve, it is desirable to provide as much evidence as possible that it is not possible to continue living together.
  • Hearings may be scheduled several times or deadlines for conciliation will be set, but with a good evidentiary base, a woman may feel free after some time.

No wife.

It's a little harder to get a divorce for a man without a woman's consent.The circumstances whenThere won't be a divorce.are considered to be:

  • PregnancyWives.
  • Having a child who hasn't turned out to be a year old.
  • The birth of a dead child less than a year ago.

It matters!Even if a man proves that he is not the biological father of a future child or a young child, this fact will not be accepted by the court.

However, the reasons for divorce listed in the preceding paragraph unilaterally allow a man to divorce without his wife ' s consent (incapacity, absence from custody, serving a sentence).

How many times can I say no?

If the defendant expresses his refusal to appear in court, the divorce will be granted automatically after the third such case.If he comes to the hearing but does not consent, the number of refusals does not affect the outcome of the case; the proceedings are conducted on the basis of the facts alleged and the evidence provided.


If one of the spouses wishes to break up the marriage, there are a number of circumstances in which the divorce will be granted automatically, but if the circumstances of the case are different, the matter will be referred to the court.

Unilateral divorce: conditions and characteristics

In Russia, a marriage between a man and a woman is concluded only by their free consent, and there is no law requiring them to live together against their will, so that they may divorce at any time, even if one of them opposes divorce, it will happen sooner or later at the request of the other.

In which cases is the obligation to divorce

The procedure for divorce is regulated unilaterally by the Family Code of the Russian Federation, and article 22 clearly stipulates that a divorce will take place even if one of the spouses disagrees if it is established that it is not possible to continue living together and maintaining the family.

And if one of them refuses to keep the marriage, then let him go; surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

The statement of claim must contain a valid reason why it is not possible to live together:

  • ill-treatment,
  • Long-term separation,
  • spouse ' s drinking,
  • Ability to give birth,
  • Treachery or other cause, but with soil.

Where to make a statement

Only the court may order divorce if one of the spouses is against the maintenance of the marriage.

If you have to decide who the children will live with after the divorce, or if you have a joint property worth more than 50,000 rubles, you will have to file a complaint with the City Court or the District Court. If such matters are not of personal concern to you, the application will be submitted to the justice of the peace.

As far as territoriality is concerned, as a general rule, the claim is brought before the court of the locality, region or district where the defendant is registered at the place of residence.

However, in accordance with article 29, paragraph 4, of the Code of Civil Procedure, it may also be accepted in the complainant ' s place of residence if there are reasons: the presence of a minor child or the inability to appear before the court for ill health or other reasons.

How the case will be dealt with

Once a divorce application has been filed, the judge will set a date for the hearing of the case and notify the court of the time and place of the hearing, usually one month after the filing of the application.

If the spouses did not appear before the court and did not inform them of the reasons for their failure to appear, the judge had the right to consider it conciliation and to discontinue the proceedings.
Both spouses should ideally be present in the divorce proceedings.

After all, the court will find out the reasons for the inability to continue family life, the circumstances that led to the breakdown of the couple, and will hear the arguments of both parties on the matter.

The defendant (in our case the husband) is able not to attend the trial, but this will not guarantee him the preservation of his family.

If the judge does not find that his absence from the divorce proceedings is due to valid reasons, he or she will be able to decide on the divorce without his or her consent at the first hearing, but the hearing will normally be postponed for a certain period to allow both spouses to enter the courtroom and to have the opportunity to hear the views of both parties.

In practice, if the judge sees the slightest chance of keeping the family together, and the spouse who disagrees with the divorce insists on living together, the couple will be given no longer than three months to reconcile, and we will elaborate on the timing of the divorce in this article.

But if it is not possible to reconcile the spouses, and even one of them insists on divorce, the judge will decide on the dissolution of the marriage.

Divorce without notice of the spouse

When some women break their minds on how to get a divorce without their spouse's consent, they do the trick of getting divorced by themselves, often because they are afraid of scandals, clarification of relationships, pleas, intimidation, and even manipulation.

They deliberately keep silent that they have applied for a divorce, make every effort to prevent court notices from reaching the addressee, properly attend court proceedings alone and eventually obtain a divorce.

The ex-husband can only accept this fact and start a new life, and even though those who are particularly stubborn and eager to keep the family may appeal against a court decision to terminate the marriage by nullifying the divorce.

But it is not desirable to cheat, but to try to resolve the matter peacefully.

Reasons for divorce without application to the court

Article 19 of the Family Law of the Russian Federation provides for three exceptional reasons why divorce may always be granted if one of the spouses is against it; for this purpose, it is not necessary to file a complaint with a court and it is easy to obtain a divorce from a civil registry office.

  1. The spouse was found dead or missing by the court.
  2. There is a court decision declaring the spouse incompetent.
  3. The spouse is convicted of a crime and is serving a sentence of more than three years in a correctional facility.
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It would be sufficient to draw up the application form No. 9 and take it to the registry office of the place of residence or registration of the marriage.

Conditions under which the husband will not be able to divorce unilaterally

Russian legislation (article 17 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation) sets out two reasons why a husband cannot divorce unilaterally under any circumstances:

  • Status of the wife ' s pregnancy
  • Having a child under the age of one.

If there were such grounds, the court would not even accept the application for divorce.

However, the wife would be able to obtain a divorce without her husband ' s consent in such cases, which the court considered to be a voluntary acceptance of responsibility.

What if the husband doesn't agree to a divorce?

It is not uncommon for a woman to divorce her husband, or to leave him, to collect things, and often to take away the children, but not to divorce her, and such care has very unpleasant legal consequences.

If the spouses do not live together for quite some time, but they are married, they still have obligations towards each other; for example, if the husband is injured and disabled, he is entitled to apply for alimony and demand that his wife maintain him; and to prove that the marriage has in fact been terminated a long time ago, sometimes it is difficult.

You can get maintenance for your children when you're married, and women don't know much about it, and they drag their children into a few jobs, while their husbands live in pleasure.

Moreover, as long as a woman is married, she cannot enter into another marriage and have a better personal life than the previous one; rarely will a man ever want to start a relationship with a married woman, even if she does not live with her husband.

In short, if a decision to break off a relationship with a husband is mature, it needs to be legalized so as not to have similar problems.

A woman needs to know that divorce is possible even without her husband's consent.

Administrative and judicial procedure for divorce

If one of the spouses does not agree to divorce, divorce is possible through the courts.

Unilateral divorce in the civil registry is permitted only in certain cases:

  • If the spouse is missing;
  • If he is found to be incompetent;
  • If he was convicted of a criminal offence for more than three years.

In order to divorce, it is sufficient to file an application with the civil registry, which must be accompanied by a court order to declare the husband missing or incompetent, or a sentence to convict the husband.

If there is no basis for a unilateral divorce, a woman must apply to the court for a package of the following documents:

  • Statement of claim.The reasons for divorce are diverse: the husband's refusal to work and provide for the family, his cruelty to his wife and children, his intoxication with alcohol or drugs, adultery, antisocial lifestyle, crime, mental or other dangerous illness; and if the husband does not divorce, it must be stated in a statement.
  • Evidence that a woman's arguments are true.It may be documents, written testimony, video, photographs and audio material; every argument must be supported by appropriate evidence; if it is not proven, it is better not to mention it; if a woman believes that her case can be proved but she does not have access to evidence (e.g. data from a mental hospital about her husband ' s nervous or mental disorder), she should attach to the application an application for evidence upon request by the court.
  • Draft agreement on the division of property.Whatever is bought or contracted by me at the time of my marriage, and whatever is given to one of the spouses as a gift, which is acquired for the benefit of minor children, is not shared by one of them.
  • Draft agreement on minor children.It specifies the identity and date of birth of the children, reflects their views on the question of who they will live with, how often they will see another parent (if children over 10 years of age) The decision to call the child to the interview session is taken by the court at its discretion.
  • Draft maintenance agreement.The children of the spouses shall have the same amount of maintenance as those of a single spouse who is incapable of work and disabled or old-age pensioner, who shall be responsible for the care of a minor common child with a disability or an adult common-child with a disability of one group, and shall be liable for the maintenance of a pregnant spouse or mother who cares for a child who has not reached the age of three years; the basis for obtaining maintenance from the spouse must be documented; and the need for the father to contribute to the additional expenses of the children shall be proved; the costs shall be justified, for example, for the rehabilitation of a disabled child, for the purchase of equipment for a child with a sportsman, for the diet of a child with a chronic illness.
  • Other documents relevant to the subject matter.These may include various reports on the state of health of the wife and children, the reports of teachers and psychologists on the status of the children, the conclusions of the guardianship authorities, checks and bank statements on the child ' s expenses.

How to Conspire Your Husband's Divorce

If the husband is categorically opposed to divorce, it is possible to try to change his mind by proving that normal marital relations cannot be restored.

And if you do not say it, then you will not be able to bear it, nor will you be able to bear it, nor will you be able to bear it, nor will you be able to bear it, nor will you be able to bear it, nor will you be able to bear it, nor will you be able to bear it.

If the husband is willing to engage in dialogue in a constructive manner, it is worth discussing with him the causes of the divorce, the family problems that have arisen, and the conditions for children, property and maintenance.

How to Divorce Against Your Husband's Will

If it is not possible to negotiate with the husband and discuss the details of the divorce, discuss the nuances of the division of property, determine the manner of living with the children and their maintenance, it is necessary to act decisively.

  • If you do not have a written statement at the time of sending the letter, you must inform the husband as the defendant in the divorce proceedings of the action against him and send the case file to him for consultation.
  • Send the husband a package of divorce documents without attaching a letter or an explanatory document. The best way to use the mail is by writing a registered letter with an inventory. This will help to prove to the court that the husband was aware of the wife's intention to divorce him in advance.
  • It may be a family lawyer or a private lawyer who specializes in family and marriage disputes; a lawyer or lawyer will be the wife ' s representative at all stages of divorce; he will negotiate or write with her spouse in accordance with the terms of the contract and notarial powers; he will participate in court proceedings; he will prepare documents; he will send requests; this will require money, but will save time and not spoil nerves.

Divorce without the consent of one of the spouses: through the court, without the consent of the husband or wife, application

The law does not restrict women; they may obtain divorce without their husband ' s consent in all circumstances; men are deprived of the possibility of divorce if the wife is pregnant or if there is a child under the age of 1 in the family (art. 17 of the SC); in such a case, the dissolution of the marriage will take place only with the wife ' s permission.

Divorce through the civil registry without the consent of the spouse

Under article 19, paragraph 2, of the Code of Criminal Procedure, one of the spouses has the right to initiate a divorce without his or her spouse ' s permission, and it is sufficient to file a residence application with the civil registry authorities, provide a copy of the court ' s decision and indicate why:

  1. The spouse is missing;
  2. He has lost his legal capacity;
  3. The husband was deprived of his liberty for three years or more.

In other situations, under article 22-23 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, divorce proceedings are conducted when either spouse disagrees.through the courts.

Divorce through court without the consent of the husband or wife

Under article 22, paragraph 1, of the Code of Criminal Procedure, a marriage contract shall be dissolved if the judicial authority has determined that the spouses are unable or unwilling to keep the family; the divorce case is decided by a court in the cases referred to in article 21 of the Code of Criminal Procedure:

  1. There are minor children in the family;
  2. Failure to report to the civil registry and refusal to sign a declaration;
  3. One of the spouses does not grant divorce.

The process of breaking up a marriage in judicial proceedings is longer and divorce is not completed until 1 to 2 months after the filing of the complaint, and the judge shall, by his or her own decision or on the application of the dissenting party, set a period of conciliation of 1 month; the court may, on the basis of the outcome of the hearing, order a second and third period of conciliation not exceeding 3 months in aggregate.

One-way divorce suit

A claim for divorce may be filed unilaterally, but subject to certain conditions, and the application must indicate how the plaintiff plans to resolve the issue of children and joint property.

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The following documents shall be submitted together with the application:

  • A copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Children ' s birth certificates;
  • A copy of the property ownership documents that the husband received prior to the marriage.

The application and the papers are submitted to the court ' s office; the court ' s specialist accepts the papers and issues a copy of the claim; this copy must be sent by registered letter to his spouse.

The maximum period for consideration of the application is 1 month from the date of the application; after 10 to 15 days, the spouses receive notifications indicating the date and place of the hearing; if the notification has not arrived by mail, they must call the court and know the stage of the proceedings; the first hearing is usually scheduled 30 days after the submission of the claim with the documents.

If the statement of claim is wrong or the package is incomplete, the claim will be returned; the plaintiff will have to correct the defects and file the claim again.

How does a divorce take place through a court of law unilaterally?

If the defendant or the plaintiff does not wish to appear before the court, he or she may apply for a hearing without his or her personal presence (art. 167, para. 5).

If the defendant did not appear at the hearing without good reason, did not file an application, did not give advance notice of his absence, the judge would postpone the hearing or consider the dispute in the presence of one party, in which case the judgement would be rendered without regard to the interests of the other spouse.

Divorce proceedings relating to children ' s issues are heard by the District Court in the absence of the consent of the spouses.

The plaintiff, together with the claim, requests the recovery of maintenance and the establishment of the child ' s future residence, and if the spouses are unable to resolve the children ' s issues, the guardianship service will be involved in the case.

The guardianship specialists inspect the child ' s living conditions, draw up an act and confirm in court who the child lives with and under what conditions.

As spouses cannot negotiate peacefully, the court decides on the issues of children, alimony, and distribution of property.

  1. The court shall determine the reasons for filing the claim.
  2. Postponement of proceedings due to non-appearance of the defendant or setting a time limit of not more than 3 months.
  3. The court shall decide on the divorce if the plaintiff does not waive his or her claims.

The court order will enter into force within one month, usually requiring about two months for a divorce; if one of the spouses disagrees, the proceedings may be prolonged for up to six months; especially if the defendant lodges a complaint against the judgement before a higher authority; the final divorce is the entry into force of the court order.

What can a spouse who does not agree to divorce do?

A citizen is obliged to appear before a court, even if he or she does not want to divorce, and a spouse who opposes divorce is entitled to do the following:

  • To file a motion for deferment of the case, attach documents to confirm valid reasons;
  • To request the court to set a time limit for conciliation;
  • Prepare a statement of objections;

In such a case, the judge would either postpone the hearing or decide to settle all the claims, which would prevent the missing defendant from defending his or her interests and complicate the review of the judgement.


Marriage can be dissolved even if there is no second spouse ' s permit, and the law provides for two options for divorce: through the civil registry or the District Court.

A unilateral divorce is registered in the civil registry if one of the spouses is found missing, has lost his legal capacity or has been imprisoned for up to three years.

In other cases, the dissolution of the marriage takes place through the District Court and will require two to six months.

Divorce through court: grounds, procedure, documents

In what cases can a marriage be dissolved only through a court of law? What documents are required and what are the periods for divorce through a court of law? Can a divorce be divorced without the consent of the other spouse? These and other questions will be answered in this article.

Divorce through a court is a systematic procedure for divorce proceedings; according to article 21 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, divorce may take place on three grounds:

  1. If the spouses have common minor children, except in situations where one of the spouses is found to be incompetent, absent or convicted of a crime to deprivation of liberty;
  2. If one of the spouses does not consent to divorce;
  3. If one of the spouses, despite the absence of his or her objection, avoids applying for a divorce with the civil registry or is not within the prescribed time limit for the registration of a divorce by the State.

Divorce through a court takes place in civil proceedings, where the jurisdiction of cases and the procedure for filing an application are determined in accordance with the general rules of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

In some cases, for example, where there is no dispute between the spouses over the children, the divorce case may be accepted and heard by the justice of the peace.

The dissolution of a marriage by the courts takes place within one month of the date of the application for divorce, i.e. the time limits are respected, as is the case for divorce through the civil registry, and the divorce is also subject to State registration of the civil status.

The judicial authority must, within three days from the date on which the decision entered into force, notify the civil registry office where the marriage was concluded of the dissolution of the marriage by means of a statement of the court ' s decision.

Divorce through court when one of the spouses disagrees

Article 22 of the Criminal Code establishes the grounds and procedure for divorce through a court in which one of the spouses disagrees with the dissolution of the marriage; in this case, the divorce may be carried out by a court on the basis of a full and comprehensive examination of the material submitted, which establishes that it is not possible to continue to maintain the family and to live together.

Divorce proceedings may be discontinued if the spouses come to reconciliation, but this does not constitute an obstacle to re-approaching the dissolution of the marriage by one of them.

In considering the case, the judicial authority may take steps to reconcile the spouses and, if it is necessary to postpone the proceedings to the present time, with the date set for the reconciliation of the spouses within three months.

It is worth noting that these measures are a right and not an obligation for the judge if he considers that the divorce claim was the result of an accidental breakdown in the family; the dissolution of the marriage by the court takes place if the reconciliation of the spouses has failed and one of them still insists on divorce.Court documents:

  • The plaintiff ' s identity document;
  • Marriage certificate (original);
  • Application for dissolution of marriage;
  • A receipt of payment of State duty;
  • Other additional documents which may be requested by the court if necessary.

Divorce through court if the spouses have minor children

The dissolution of a marriage by means of a judicial procedure in the event of the presence of minor children in the family and the consent of both spouses to divorce is regulated by article 23 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, in which case the divorce proceedings are conducted by the court without the reasons for the divorce being clarified.

It is worth noting that the same process is envisaged when one of the spouses avoids the dissolution of the marriage in the civil registry, despite the fact that he has no objection to the divorce.

If one of the spouses does not agree to divorce (in the case of minor children), the proceedings are conducted in accordance with the possibility of a three-month reconciliation period being set for the spouses by the court.

When divorce is brought before a court in the case of minor children, the spouses have the right to submit to the court an agreement on who the children will live with, the manner in which their maintenance will be paid, including the amount of such funds, and the division of joint property; if such agreement does not exist, or if the agreement violates the interests of one of the spouses or children, the court is obliged to determine for itself:

  • With which of the spouses the minor children will reside after the divorce;
  • With whom and to what extent child support will be recovered;
  • The amount of the maintenance, if one of the spouses has the right to demand the maintenance of the other;
  • Share in the division of property (if the division of property affects other persons ' interests, the court has the right to separate the division of property).

Court documents:

  • The plaintiff ' s identity document;
  • Application for divorce;
  • A copy of the birth certificate of each child;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Reports on the wages of the plaintiff and the defendant (to resolve the issue of maintenance);
  • A receipt for payment of the State duty;
  • Agreement on the amount of maintenance and the division of property (if any);
  • With the consent of both spouses to divorce, a written consent must be given by one of them (the defendant);
  • Other additional documents which may be requested by the court if necessary.

The date of the hearing shall be fixed by the court after the adoption of the documents, and the date of the hearing shall be fixed not earlier than one month after the filing of the application for dissolution of the marriage.

What else is needed to know about divorce in court?

  1. One claim may include claims for divorce, determination of the child ' s place of residence, recovery of maintenance and division of property, an approach that will significantly avoid unnecessary length of time.
  2. Be prepared to submit various documents to the court and may be required: a certificate of ownership, a vehicle licence, a marriage contract, a declaration of income, etc.
  3. In divorce proceedings, the presence of the plaintiff and the defendant need not be required, but may be replaced by their authorized representatives.
  4. The court may hear the case without the presence of one of the parties, provided that the plaintiff or respondent has been informed of the date of the hearing in an appropriate manner and that there is no valid reason for their failure to appear; in this situation, the court may decide to postpone the date of the hearing and, in the event of the third failure of the party to appear, issue a decision in the absence of the party.
  5. If neither party appeared on the day of the hearing, the court may close the divorce proceedings.
Reference to main publication
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