State for establishing paternity through Zags, through court

The parents of a child shall have the same right to be brought up in the same manner, and shall be responsible for the child's health and physical, spiritual and moral development; and if the mother and the father have not entered into an official marriage, each party shall have the right to apply to the court for the determination of paternity.


This procedure requires the collection of relevant documents; the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the payment of State duties for the registration of civil status; in order to know how to pay the State duty for the determination of paternity, it is necessary to clarify the rules for the payment of paternity and the procedure for its processing, as well as the manner of payment.

What's a mistress?

The State is a special fee which is charged to all those who apply to the public authorities for the commission of acts of a legal nature provided for in the legislation in force, which applies to both legal entities and natural persons seeking the provision of public services, the amount of which is fixed by the State.

The State is the money that the applicant pays to the following State-mandated institutions acting on his behalf:

  1. Judicial authorities: in the handling of claims and complaints;
  2. Notary offices: in the drafting of agreements, trusts, wills;
  3. H & D: When documents relating to the acquisition of a vehicle and its technical inspection are issued;
  4. Financial institutions: for the implementation of the securities release prospectus.

In accordance with chapter 25.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the State is considered to be a tax payment for the provision of legal services provided by State bodies, including local self-government bodies, which is included in the tax system of the Russian Federation.

Funds under the Budget Code are allocated to the local and entity budgets, as well as to countries, and important differences from other types of payments: mandatory payment and the specific purpose of designation.

How much is it worth to establish paternity?

The fact that paternity was established was to be registered with a public authority because it was an act of civil status.

He shall be accompanied by an entry on the birth certificate of the child; from that moment on, the father shall have the rights and obligations to maintain and raise the child; and at the birth of the child, the father shall be the mother ' s husband; and at the birth of the child, the father shall be the mother ' s husband.

Paternity is also recognized:

  1. 300 days after the divorce of the parents;
  2. In the event of the death of a former spouse;
  3. If the marriage is declared null and void.

An application for recognition of paternity is made by a particular person and the determination is voluntary or compulsory if the child is born in a common-law relationship.

One of the child ' s parents or guardian may apply to the court for recognition of the child ' s father; the child may also apply, but upon reaching the age of majority.

If a man has voluntarily and with the mother ' s consent, he or she shall file a complaint with the civil registry; in some cases he or she may apply to the appropriate authority: if the child ' s mother has died or the court has declared her incompetent, if she has been deprived of her parental rights or has been declared missing.

These are the facts of living together and maintaining a common household with the mother of the child, as well as the testimony of witnesses.

In some cases, only genetic tests can confirm affinity; a certificate of paternity is issued on the day of the appeal.


For registration in the civil registry, the paternity fee is 350 rubles.This value includes the issuance of a certificate of paternity determination.

Legal acts in State bodies are subject to the compulsory payment of a tax charge; otherwise, the applicant ' s application will not be considered.

Professional lawyers will help to understand how to deal with a given situation and how much duty is imposed on the establishment of paternity or other services.

Procedure and timing of payment

The procedure for determining paternity is as follows:

  1. The State's responsibility for paternity must be paid before the procedure is carried out;
  2. If the application is made by several persons, the fee shall be paid by them in equal shares; if one of the applicants has the right not to pay the fee, the sum shall be paid by the other entities;
  3. The proof of a man ' s confession by the father is issued only after the receipt of the money transaction has been presented.

It is paid for, and it is the government ' s responsibility to establish paternity, usually in a bank, post office or in the register of the authority to which the application was submitted.

The legally binding condition is that they be carried out through the Single Portal:

  1. Public and municipal services;
  2. Regional portals for State and municipal services of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  3. Other portals integrated into the Unified Identification and Authentication System.

The results of the portal operation should be taken electronically.

Charges for the payment of the Minister of State for the determination of paternity

If the fee was paid at the bank by means of a cash-free transfer of funds, the payment document must include a special reference to the institution that accepted the payment.

The payment of government cash must be accompanied by the issuance to the payer of a receipt of the prescribed sample, which is issued by the post office or credit institution through which the money has been deposited.

The fact that money has been paid for a legal act may be confirmed by information posted on the website of the State Information System, which contains information on the payment of payments provided for in the Law on the Organization of Public and Municipal Services.

The existence of such information is sufficient to warrant a procedure for establishing a relationship between a man and a child, and it is sufficient for the complainant to present the SNIL number against which the information will be verified.

Thus, the procedure for establishing blood relations between a man and his Chad is an act of civil status, which means that it is recognized as a legally important act and is subject to compulsory registration in the civil registry.

Prior to this procedure, a paternity fee, which is a form of tax charge, must be paid.

The payment shall be addressed to the registry or judicial authorities if the relationship is established unilaterally.

The receipt must contain the details of the institution to which the payment is made and the amount of the government service; the payment of the State duty may be made for cash or in cash.

If the government is not paid for paternity and a fee receipt is not submitted to the institution, the applicant ' s application will not be considered; all legally important actions, including the paternity determination procedure, must be registered on the Single Public Services Portal.

The government is responsible for establishing paternity — the amount and means of payment

The State is responsible for establishing paternity when applying to the civil registry or the court, the amount of which depends on the State authority which will amend the child ' s documents; in order to determine the child ' s origin without difficulty, it is important to know the means and options available for paying the public service, since without this application citizens will not be satisfied.

Establishment of paternity in the registry

According to article 48 of the Russian Federation, the origin of a child from a mother is determined through the civil registry when documents are provided from the medical institution in which the birth took place.

If the baby is born outside the maternity home, there will be a need for witness statements and documentation to prove affinity.

These can be reports from an ambulance, and under the supervision of a doctor at home, they can be documented by him.

It is important to bear in mind that paternity is automatically determined for a child born in marriage or within 300 days of its dissolution; the father becomes a man who is the legal spouse of the mother; the certificate of registration of the marriage is used as proof.

If the child is born in a joint residence without formal registration of the relationship, paternity is established by joint application from both parents, in which case it will not be possible to challenge the fact that a man is related.


A joint application, a children ' s birth certificate, will be required when applying to the civil registry; if it is not yet available and citizens visit the public authority during a woman ' s pregnancy, a certificate from a medical institution will be provided.

If the mother dies or is found to be incompetent, there is a death certificate or a court decision establishing incapacity, in which case the legal representative must act on the person ' s behalf.

The size of the majesty

If the parents apply to the civil registry, they will have to pay 350 rubles before filing the application, which is required for the production of a certificate of paternity and the modification of the child ' s documents.

If a change of last name, first name or patronymic is planned, an additional 1,600 roubles shall be paid.

If the marriage is dissolved at the same time through a court or voluntarily, 650 roubles are transferred from each applicant for the production of divorce certificates.

How to Pay

There are several ways to pay for the government service; first, you have to take the requisitions of the registry on the official website, or you have to ask the employees for a receipt when you apply.

In the future, the money can be listed as follows:

  • Through the State Services portal, payments are made from the bank card when applying.
  • With the help of the Cyberbank Online or the personal office on the bank's map website.
  • Through the Sberbank ATM.

State Services Portal

In order to apply for paternity and immediately pay the government fee, the following must be done:

  1. Fill in the application in electronic form. All information is automatically entered into the relevant fields.
  2. Send the application and wait for the outcome of the examination, which is notified to the private office.
  3. Once the notice has been received, the payment of the government service will be required. It is sufficient to choose how to transfer the funds (e-money, bank card), enter the details of the card, confirm the payment. The information about the recipient of the public service is automatically entered, it is not necessary to fill them out – it is enough to fill in its data.

As a result, the completed documentation must be obtained in person from the civil registry; the applicant is notified of his readiness.

There will be a requirement to require the requisitions of a registry or a ready receipt, and the necessary information can be obtained from the public authority.

Then the money is listed as follows:

  1. The client enters the private office by entering the login, password, and confirmation code.
  2. Selects the menu "Places and Translations" to be entered into the organization's INN field, which is listed on the receipts.
  3. All the requisitions appear as soon as the INS is in place. They need to be checked against the data in the registry.
  4. The payer puts in his F.I.O., the address of the registration, indicates the purpose of the payment, the payment of the government service for the establishment of paternity, and the amount of the payment itself.
  5. Next, press the "Stop" button, re-check the input and confirm the operation by introducing the SMS code.
  6. In conclusion, it is recommended that the receipt be retained and printed in the history of the transaction and that it be made available at the time of application, without which the documentation will not be accepted.
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Sberbank Office

It's very simple here: it's enough for citizens to take a receipt or requisitions in the registry, visit a bank office, and give a staff member the money to transfer to the operating room. Once payment is made to payers, a receipt is issued, which is subsequently made available to the public authority.

The Bank of Sberbank

As a general rule, there are Sberbank terminals or ATMs in or around the registry, which can be used to pay for the public service, and it is sufficient to approach the device, insert a bank card in a separate line and follow instructions:

  1. Inject the PIN code, confirm the action.
  2. The menus "Places and translations" are selected, followed by "Transfers to INS".
  3. We're gonna enter the requisitions for automatic search, and when the organization is found, it's gonna be full data.
  4. We shall indicate the amount to be paid as a minister of state.
  5. Inscribe the details of the payer: F.I.O., registration address, passport data.
  6. We're completing the transaction, confirming payment.

At the end of the day, you can't forget the check that's outstanding with the ATM, which will be proof of the State's name in the registry.

Determination of paternity through the courts

In the end, a court decision is issued upon the entry into force of the law and, on the basis of it, the staff of the registry will make changes in the documentation, in which case the citizens will have to pay the government twice: the first time before filing an action, the second before visiting the registry.

Secretary of State

In accordance with article 333.19 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the value of the State party ' s claim for non-pecuniary property in this case is 300 roubles; if one of the parties subsequently decides to challenge the judgement, it will be necessary to pay an additional sum of 150 roubles each time in order to lodge an appeal or a cassation appeal.

If, at the same time as establishing paternity, a woman wishes to collect alimony, she shall be exempt from payment of the civil servant ' s fee, which the defendant will have to pay, the amount of which shall be 150 rubles for each minor.

The plaintiff thus pays 300 rubles in court, and if the court so decides, the next visit will be to the civil registry to rewrite the documentation, and 350 rubles will have to be paid.

Method of payment and return of the Minister of State

In this case, citizens can avail themselves of the payment options presented above, with the exception of the "State Services" portal, through which the filing of a claim is not available.

If the plaintiff has changed his mind to establish paternity and the documents are not accepted for the case, he may return the government service, and it is sufficient to take a certificate from the court and a payment receipt, and apply to the FINS at the place of registration of the judicial authority; the return is made after verification of the payment on bank requisitions, and no cash is given.

When applying to the civil registry or court, citizens may use any convenient means of payment, which means that they must know the details of the public authority and pay the money before filing the application; the funds are transferred to the account immediately and a receipt issued immediately after the money is paid is used as proof of payment.

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The government is responsible for establishing paternity — the amount and means of payment

  • If a child is born to unmarried people, it is important to establish its legal origin.
  • Depending on the parents ' relationship, this can be done through both the registry and the courts.
  • We're gonna tell you what's the government's responsibility for establishing paternity.

The amount of the duty

It depends on the authority in which paternity is confirmed; if the child is entered by the civil registry by mutual consent of the mother and father of the child, it will have to pay 350 roubles, which includes the subsequent issuance of a certificate of paternity, and any of the parents who apply to the register will pay the fee.

When paternity is to be determined by a court of law (which is the case in a dispute over the relationship with the child), the amount of the public service for the plaintiff is 300 roubles.

Other requirements may be included in the claim.

There is a separate State duty on them.

When the court has ruled in favour of the plaintiff, the costs of the proceedings will be recovered from the other party.

Note that, as a result of the proceedings, the court is entitled to recover other costs (e.g. the cost of genetic analysis) from the other side, not only the government department.

It should also be borne in mind that certain categories of citizens are exempt from the payment of the civil service.A complete list of such persons can be found in article 333.35 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The first decision of the court may not be one of the parties, and the appeal and cassation will probably follow, and every appeal to the higher authority will cost the applicant 150 rubles.

After the court has finally declared the man a father, this decision should still be legalized in the civil registry and obtained a paternity certificate, at the cost of the 350 rubles mentioned above.

Method of payment

All bank details must be specified before payment is made; for each district court or registry, they are their own.

A data error may result in documents being left unmoved.

This can be done in the post office, in any nearest branch of the bank, or online.

The place where the payment is made is not of particular legal importance; moreover, in the case of a registry, the duty may be paid through the agency ' s cash register.

It is important to ensure that the receipt correctly indicates the purpose of the payment, which means that it must be clearly stated that the duty is imposed for the determination of paternity.

If the money is deposited in cash, your bank will need to confirm a copy of the payment order.

The original receipt or payment order is always provided in the civil registry or in court and a copy of the document is recommended.

Form of payments

The government is usually paid in cash, and you have to be prepared for what the bank commission has to do.

Again, the original bank receipt must be attached to the claim or the application for registration of paternity.In the case of a court of law, the case file will be left undisclosed for a certain period of time.If no payment is made during this period, all documents shall be returned.

Can the paternity fee be refunded?

Suppose a situation in which a person changed his mind to go to court or a man voluntarily agreed to declare himself the father of a child.

In such a situation, the money spent can be recovered.

In order to do so, the district court should take a certificate of the prescribed sample.

The application must then be submitted to the Tax Inspectorate of the court ' s location, accompanied by a certificate from the court as well as the original receipt of the Ministry of Justice, and the payment must be returned within one month.

The cash money won't come back.Therefore, bank requisitions must be present in the application to the tax inspection.

The return of the State is also possible when the child ' s parents have already decided, at the stage of a dispute, to settle the conflict, in which case a court ruling will be required to terminate the proceedings.

The State is responsible for establishing paternity through the civil registry and the court.


The procedure for establishing affinity between the father and the child may be carried out in an administrative (voluntary) or judicial manner; regardless of the method, the citizen must pay the fee; the amount of the payment depends on the authority to which the applicant refers; and consider how to pay the State for the determination of paternity through the civil registry and the court.

State for establishing paternity through a court of law

The procedure for establishing affinity between a child and a man can be brought before the courts.

Reasons for recourse to court:

The amount of the payment does not depend on the reasons for the application to the court for the determination of paternity.300 r.

If the parties file an appeal, each application must be subject to an additional payment under150 p.

Article 333.36 of the Criminal Code exempts the applicant from payment of the public service if the application is made in the interest of the minor child; however, the amount of the expenses is recovered from the defendant.

If an action is brought by an adult child or guardian of an adult who is incapable of legal capacity, the funds shall be paid by the applicant.

In the case of an application for legal action, a fee, like other expenses, can be recovered from the defendant in order to satisfy the claimant ' s claims.

State for the Recognition of Paternity in the Registry

The application to the civil registry for the establishment of affinity is required if:

  • The mother and the father file a general application;
  • The father makes his own application (with the permission of the guardianship department);
  • The court ruled that paternity should be established.

The application to the civil registry, as well as the payment of the relevant government service, is required in the determination of paternity.350 pp.It includes the issuance of a new birth certificate and a certificate of consanguinity.

Reimbursable claims

An important point is to obtain correct requisitions for payment, and it is appropriate to obtain the data directly from the authorized authority immediately before the disbursement of the funds.

The alternative is to obtain information on the websites of authorized organizations, but practice has shown that information is better specified.

Method of payment

A mandatory condition is the transfer of funds in a way that provides proof of payment, and an official receipt is required.

Method of payment

1 Through the bank Funds may be paid in cash or in non-cash form; a commission, which depends on the credit institution, shall be retained for the transfer of funds; the bank shall issue a receipt.
2 Through an ATM or a terminal Money may be deposited in cash or in cash; the Commission may be retained by both the organization owned by the ATM and the bank that issued the map.
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Return of the Secretary of State

Refund is provided only for a duty which has been paid to the court; the funds transferred to the registry office shall not be refunded.

Situations in which you can return the majesty to court:

  • If the plaintiff has not filed an application with the court;
  • If the parties have settled the matter voluntarily;
  • If paternity has been established in the civil registry prior to the court ' s decision.

In order to obtain a refund, it is necessary to apply to the tax authority at the court ' s location, and the funds are returned in the form of a non-cash payment to the payer ' s account; the period of processing of the application is 90 days.

The procedure for establishing affinity between a child and a man requires certain costs; one of the cost options is the payment of the government service; the amount is fixed.

Legal advice was needed in the event of problems with payment, refusal of refunds or a claim for additional payments.

If you leave the application on the website right now, the specialist will provide the information free of charge.

  • Due to the constant changes in legislation, regulations and judicial practice, we sometimes fail to update information on the website.
  • Your legal problem is 90 per cent individual, so self-protection and basic solutions are often not appropriate and will only complicate the process!

The State is responsible for establishing paternity through the civil registry and the court.

Any procedure for determining paternity requires a procedure for the payment of the Minister of State, and the amount of payment will depend on whether a relationship is established voluntarily or in court.

State for the Recognition of Paternity in the Registry

The recognition of paternity on a voluntary basis is a simpler and less costly procedure; it is possible when:

  • The child ' s parents file a joint application with the civil registry;
  • The father applies to the registry authorities on his own, but in this case the guardianship and guardianship authorities will need permission.

The size of the majesty

The amount of the compulsory payment on voluntary application to the civil registry is 350 roubles, which is required for changes in the birth record, the production of the paternity certificate and the replacement of the child's birth certificate, in which the second parent of the minor will be included under the heading "Father".

If, in addition to the registration of the father, the parents plan to change the child ' s family name or patronymic, an additional 1,600 roubles will have to be paid.

The law does not specify whether the parents are to pay the required amount, they must decide on their own.

How to Pay

There are several ways to pay:

  • Through the State Services portal;
  • With the help of a personal office on the website of any bank;
  • In any branch of any bank in Russia;
  • through any bank terminal.

Consider each method of payment in more detail:

State Services Portal

In order to pay for the service, it will be necessary to:

  1. Go to the State Services website.
  2. To complete the declaration, all information must be entered in the appropriate fields of electronic form.
  3. Press "Send" and wait for the results of the application. A notice will be sent to the user's private office in a short time.
  4. Once the notice is received, it is necessary to choose the way in which the person is going to transfer the State Secretary, it may be an account at the bank, an electronic money, a bank plastic card.
  5. Next, the details of the account or the cards will have to be entered and the payment confirmed.
  6. As soon as the money is transferred, the claimant ' s personal office will be notified of the transfer of the required amount.

Bank online or any other bank ' s personal office

In this case, it will be necessary first to know the details of the Office of the Registrar or to ask the staff of the institution for a ready form of receipt, and the citizen must then:

  1. Entering your private office, you'll have to enter the log and password and then the confirmation code.
  2. In the "Places and Translations" menu, you need to find a field for INS of the Register Office, which is listed in the receipt form and enter the necessary numbers. All other details will be automatically available when INS is introduced.
  3. It is then necessary to check the details on the monitor against those obtained from the registry.
  4. It will then be necessary to enter into the relevant fields the name, first name and patronymic, the address of the registration, and the purpose of the payment, "Place of the State for the determination of paternity".
  5. The amount of the payment is then entered into a window.
  6. The next step is to press the "go on" button, and there will be a receipt with all the information previously entered, which needs to be checked again thoroughly.
  7. It will then be necessary to press the "pay" button and then enter into a certain field to confirm the transaction the text received.

In order to print out the receipt, you can press the seal button, or if you intend to print it out later, take it, the code will be required, from the history of the transaction.

Department of any Russian bank

The method of payment will be sufficient to take the requisitions for payment or the receipt form from the registry office and hand them over to the bank's staff member in the operating room.

Bank terminal

Even in small towns and towns, there is at least one bank terminal. If you have a bank card (debit or credit card), it would be sufficient to put it there and follow the instructions:

  1. Enter the PIN code.
  2. Select the menu "Places and translations".
  3. Press the INN Translation.
  4. Enter the INS taken from the staff of the registry, and an automatic search for the organization will begin.
  5. Once the search is complete, the monitor will have complete information about the organization.
  6. The amount to be transferred should then be indicated, the payer should be entered and the payment confirmed.

Don't forget to take the check from the ATM -- that's the receipt you're gonna need to attach to the rest of the paperwork when you go to the registry.

If the child ' s father or mother disagrees with the paternity determination procedure, it is possible to recognize affinity through the court.

  • The father of the child does not recognize affinity;
  • The mother is opposed to the recognition of the man as the father of her child;
  • The father admitted to being related, but died before formalizing it.

The size of the majesty

According to article 333.19 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the amount of public service in filing an application for paternity shall be 300 roubles, regardless of the reasons for which the plaintiff was brought before a court, but pursuant to article 333.36 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, if a claim is brought in the interests of a minor, the applicant shall be exempt from payment of the public service. In this case, the defendant shall be sued in the case.

In cases where, together with the establishment of a male relationship to her child, a woman makes an application for child support, the law exempts her from payment of the state service. The court will oblige the defendant to pay for the case, the amount of which will depend on the number of minors to which the child will be entitled - 140 roubles for each child.

Method of payment

The manner of payment is the same as in the case of voluntary determination of paternity in the civil registry, with the exception of the payment of public service when filing a lawsuit with the court through the State Services portal.

Return of the Secretary of State

The return of the State is possible only when a claim is brought before a court, and the situations in which the applicant can recover the money paid for the Ministry of State are as follows:

  • The plaintiff changed his mind to file a claim;
  • The parties were able to agree before the suit was filed;
  • The claim was filed, but before the judgement was rendered, the parties established paternity in the civil registry on a voluntary basis.

In order to recover the funds spent, it is necessary to contact the territorial tax inspectorate at the location of the judicial authority to which the applicant intended to file a claim; the application for recovery is considered within 90 days; the return takes the form of a cash transfer to the claimant ' s account.

The establishment of a relationship between a minor and his father requires a certain amount of material expenses. If paternity is voluntarily established, the material costs will be slightly lower, as there will be no need to pay the public service when filing an application with the court, the likely payment of a lawyer, which is understandable and transparent.

But in some situations, especially with regard to the judicial way of establishing paternity, the advice of an experienced lawyer is still necessary, there may be problems with the payment of the government service, or you may be required to make any additional payments, and there are situations where tax inspectors unjustifiably refuse to refund funds if the claim is dismissed.

How much is it worth to establish paternity?

When a child is born out of wedlock, a paternity determination procedure is required; this will require contact with the public authorities and the processing of relevant documents.

According to the legislation in force, a special fee must be paid for civil registration.

What is the government's responsibility for establishing paternity, its size and the manner of its payment?

What is the amount of the duty and on what it depends?

  1. When the parents reached a mutual agreement, the fact of paternity is registered with the civil registry, in which case the cost of the public service is recorded.will be 350 rubles.The cost of the new birth certificate has already been included in this amount.
  2. When the mother and the child ' s alleged father cannot agree, they should apply to the court, in which case the plaintiff would have to pay 300 roubles for the paternity procedure and the parties have the right to challenge the court ' s decision.The State is responsible for each subsequent appeal to a higher court of appeal of 150 roubles.

It should be borne in mind that the court grants the plaintiff the right to recover from the defendant all costs incurred in the course of the proceedings, including the amount of the public service paid, which must be stated in the statement of claim.

Where to learn the details for payment

Each public authority has its own props. Therefore, when paying the government service, care must be taken to ensure that there is an error in the receipt, which may lead to the refusal of registration of paternity or to the interruption of consideration of the documents filed. The payment must be made before the application is submitted to the relevant authority.

  • directly with the staff of the authority to which you apply
  • on official websites of public authorities
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How can you pay the government for paternity?

  1. Cash in the bank ' s branches will require the cashier-operator to be provided with the details of the payment and the identity document; after payment is made, a receipt will be issued; the data will have to be checked immediately; the courts and the registry will require the original receipt of the payment of the public service, so it is worth copying the document; some banks may charge a commission for the transfer of funds.
  2. Cash-free money through the bank terminals. All information must be recorded very carefully. Once paid, the system will print out a check with all the details of the payment.

AT THIS time, public authorities do not accept payment receipts from the Government if the payment is made through an Internet bank.

How to return paid government money for paternity

The paid fee may be refunded to the payer in the following cases:

  • The child ' s parents resolved their differences at the pre-trial stage
  • The alleged father, in the process of establishing paternity, recognized the child voluntarily
  • The plaintiff has changed his mind and wants to stop the trial.

In order to recover the paid amount, a certificate must be obtained from the court; the certificate, the application and the original certificate confirming the payment of the fee must be submitted to the tax authority; the money must be returned in cash only; the inspection staff must have three months to pay back.


In the procedure for determining paternity, the payment of the State is compulsory; the recipient of the payment is the judicial authorities or the civil registry; and when the payment is made, it is necessary to verify the validity of the requisitions mentioned in the receipt.

It's the government's duty to establish paternity – how much it costs, where to pay.

When filing an application with the court, you will be required to pay the Minister of State for the hearing of the case and, if necessary, to amend the registration data.

If you file an application with the documents and then pay the State tax, your claim will not be taken into consideration.

The State will not be required to apply if the mother of the child, the child at the age of 18 and the legal representatives protect the rights of the child.

But if the father is asked to establish paternity directly, he will have to pay the Minister of State, which is the size of the State Ministry in 2018, and where can you get the props for payment?

The size of the majesty

The procedure for determining paternity may be voluntary or compulsory; depending on the grounds for the application, you will have to apply either to the court or to the civil registry, which will determine the size of the public service.

  • If the mother and father have come to a peaceful settlement of the matter of registration of paternity, they shall file a joint declaration with the civil registry stating that they wish to recognize the father of the child, in which case the amount of the public service will be 350 roubles. In exchange for the application and the payment of the tax, you will be issued a new birth certificate for the child, where the father will be prescribed.
  • If the matter of fatherhood is not resolved peacefully and one of the parties is opposed, it is necessary to apply to the court for a compulsory trial.

Article 333.35 of the Tax Code provides a detailed list of persons who are exempt from the payment of State duties when filing a complaint.

If you wish to appeal against the judgement, the re-application to the court will be 150 roubles.

You are also entitled to claim the costs of the defendant ' s trial if the judge makes a favourable decision; this requirement must be stated in the application itself.

The cost recovery relates not only to the payment of the State tax, but also to other costs incurred by the claimant.

Where to collect props

The State is paid on the basis of a receipt containing the necessary details of the accounts to be deposited with the appropriate authority, which may be obtained from:

  • When an application is filed with a judicial officer or registry office;
  • Take a look at the institution ' s information counter;
  • Please visit the official website of the public authority, which also lists its details.

You must understand that the prescribed amount of the government service must be paid exclusively to the relevant authority and not to the general public treasury, otherwise, if the account is not in agreement, your application will not be accepted, so be careful.

Also, check immediately that the receipts, other than the account, contain the name of the institution and the amount of the tax.

As far as the limitation on the payment option is concerned, it does not exist here, you can do so through whatever means are convenient for you to collect the funds.

Method and timing of payment

Now let's look at the procedure for payment of the majesty, so what are the rules to follow?

  • The Minister of State must be paid before the application is filed, otherwise you will be denied the service;
  • If you find the details on your own rather than receive the receipt from the staff member of the institution, it is better to recheck them because the data may have become obsolete.
  • If the application is made by more than one person, the State may be paid in equal shares;
  • If you are exempt from payment of the civil service, the application must be supported by a statement of benefits;
  • e The paid receipt must be filled in with the "Purpose of payment" field, which states "payment by the Government for the determination of paternity".

In court or in the registry, you give the original receipt with a wet seal. If you need to return the costs later, make a copy for insurance.

As we have already said, getting a birth certificate or bringing a case before a court can only be the field of payment of a government tax, but this is about the timing of the payment, which depends on how quickly you want to settle the matter. The sooner you pay, the faster the case moves, and your application is accepted.

Method of payment

Since the Minister of State has to pay for the application, we are immediately interested in the question of how conveniently and quickly it can be done to present the receipt to the staff member of the institution.

  • The post office accepts any government payments without a commission, but at the post office, there are always huge lines that can hold you all day long.
  • In an institution's cash register, often in the executive body itself, which provides public services, there are cashiers through which you can pay on the basis of a receipt received from a staff member, and here you can pay without a commission, but quickly enough, but not all institutions have such a function.
  • Bank Cass: The most common method is to apply to any branch of the bank where the cashier will pay for the specified requisitions in the receipts.
  • Through self-service terminals: The fastest way is to pay payments through self-service terminals, which are located almost every corner. To do this, you have to select the "Gosuluge" point on the screen, find the appropriate institution, or press "Search" and enter the data from the CCPO. Then you write down or check the pre-existing details that are automatically drawn up, and you must specify the purpose of the payment "FIO Paternity Establishment" and the amount. Once you have paid the money to the receipt, wait for the check.
  • This is an online bank that can be installed on a smartphone or computer. This is a personal office where your bank card is tied up to perform various banking services remotely, without visiting offices. To pay the government service, you can create a new payment and write all the requisitions with a receipt or in a search line, find the right place where the data will automatically reach. It is also important to write down the amount and "Design payment." To confirm the payment, you will need to print out and confirm the payment document in the bank.

Once you have received a receipt or a receipt with payment, cross-check all the data with the details given to you at the government office in order to avoid a mistake.

Each means has its advantages and disadvantages. You choose what is most convenient for you. For example, young people are used to easy and quick terminal service, and people of retirement age choose their mail or bank account. The main thing is not to forget to get confirmation of payment and to provide it with a statement and a full package of documents.

Is it possible to return the majesty?

Not everyone knows, but if the service is no longer necessary, you can return the money spent to pay the government service, usually in the following situations:

  • After filing the application, there was no need for legal proceedings; the parents settled the dispute peacefully;
  • The plaintiff changed his mind about establishing paternity;
  • When he learned of the commencement of the trial, the father accepted the claim and acknowledged paternity.

It is possible to return the State Ministry's payment through a tax inspection, for which you must provide proof of payment and write an appropriate return application. The tax officer has a maximum of 90 days to recover the money; however, the money cannot be recovered directly, and it is transferred to the bank account specified in the application.

In this way, without payment, you will not be able to obtain the necessary public service either in court or in the civil registry, and without a paid receipt, your application will not even be considered, so when you apply to the executive, take care of the matter immediately, and if the need for the service is no longer needed, you will be able to return the money spent.

Reference to main publication
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