Application for recognition at home as an emergency (model) 2023

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The procedure for recognition of the home as emergency workers consists of several stages: first, it must be established that the building requires inspection, followed by the appointment of an inter-ministerial commission and experts, followed by a preliminary decision on the emergency of the house, the final verdict being taken by the municipal education administration.

Residents are also involved in the procedure, by applying to the inter-ministerial commission, which should be followed by how to draw it up and where to put it in the material below.

Why and when do you have to write a statement?

There are two options for a crash study:planned and unplannedThe first option is to include the house in a targeted regional emergency house resettlement programme, which is maintained by local authorities.

An unexpected option is to address the residents of the old house who want to draw attention to the accident of the building.Residents apply to a special commission or district administrationThe outcome of the review of the application will be the collection of an inter-ministerial commission.

The commission does not carry out the inspection and evaluation; expert experts are responsible for the inspection; residents of an uninhabitable home may writeStatement addressed to the head of the inter-ministerial commissionThe purpose of the call is to initiate a search of a worn-out building and declare it as an emergency.

Notice that the application is only filed if the house is not on the settlement and demolition list. It is also not useful to write an application if other tenants have already requested the local administration to do so. The best option is to agree and write a collective application to the commission. This will increase the chances of early consideration of the application.

How do you write it right?

The only correct form of appeal to an inter-ministerial commission is a simple letter, together with the application, the tenants attach documents from the list (see below).

The content of the statement may include:

  • The name of the document is central;
  • Addresser (recipient) - FIO and Commissioner (e.g. Chairman of the Housing Committee or Deputy Head of Municipal Education);
  • Sender - FIO, date of birth, place of residence, SNIL, INN and feedback contacts;
  • Appeal to an official;
  • The main part of the application is a request to consider recognizing the dwelling as an emergency and subject to demolition (the address of the problem house must be indicated);
  • Numbered list of annexes: list of documents that tenants attach to the application;
  • Additional information on the situation;
  • Date of delivery;
  • Stakeholders ' signatures;
  • The incoming registration number is filled in by the recipient of the application or his secretary.

The right to make such an application is not limited to the occupants of an unsuitable home, but is often referred to by the supervisory authorities, such as the Housing Inspectorate or the Fire Service of the MES.

Model declaration of emergency at home

The following template can be used as a basis:

It will also be necessary to complete and sign an agreement to process the applicant ' s personal data. An example of what a document looks like can be found below:

Where do you want the application?

When selecting the address of the application, you have to take into account the characteristics of the locality. There are not many inter-ministerial commissions. Sometimes residents have to work through the local administration, for example, through the Housing and Community Services Department. Professionals will accept the application, register it on the register and give a receipt of acceptance.

Procedure for filing an application with an inter-ministerial commission:

  1. Make an application in writing, collect the signatures of the tenants of the house.
  2. Go to a public institution - the Housing Committee, the Local Administration Division, or the My Documents Branch (FIC).
  3. Transmit the statement and the attached documents.
  4. The specialist will check the applicant's identity and the application – then issue a receipt.
  5. Wait for a response from an authorized body, either directly from an inter-ministerial commission or through an intermediary in the form of an IFC.

The Act also allows an electronic application form to be sent for the declaration of emergency at home, using the State Service Portal, and selecting its own region, city and name.

If the system allows an electronic application, the electronic signature is simple enough. Next, the application is sent to the right address.

Officials of the Administration sign documents with an enhanced digital signature (EPC).

What kind of documents do you need?

A mandatory supplement to the application to the Commission is a list of documents in accordance with Government Regulation No. 47.

The applicant shall prepare:

  • Written declaration in the prescribed form + consent to data processing;
  • Copies of passports;
  • Right-setting documents for a dwelling – e.g. a certificate of right to inheritance + a document of registration of ownership (Certificate or discharge from the EGRN);
  • The certificate from the place of residence (form No. 9) is usually an extract from the apartment book;
  • Act-conclusion of a research and development organization – if such conclusion is included in the list of binding documents of a particular region (P.R. Regulation No. 47, para. 44 (3)).

The treatment of a citizen, not the citizen himself, would require a representative of him or her.Supplement to existing documents:

  • The passport of the trusted person;
  • The notarized power of attorney issued to the representative, with the designation of the authority to carry out legally significant acts, marked as "applications to State and other institutions".

It should be noted that it is not necessary to provide a passport and other documents for the emergency home, but the officials themselves will ask for information on the matter. However, it is better to clarify this point with the representatives of the municipality in your city. The information is usually posted on the official website of the administration under the "Documents" section.

Date of review

From the time the application is registered, it usually passesabout 30 daysThat's how much time is set aside for the consideration of an application and the adoption of an interim decision, which may be shorter, for example, three days if the house is in a real state of distress.

The administration ' s opinion will require moreFive days.The order will then be sent to the complainant, and the result will be at least 35 days from the time the application is submitted to the inter-ministerial commission.

According to paragraph 36 of Regulation No. 47 of 28 January 2006, the period of return may be even shorter — within 24 hours — if the house is dangerous for the people living in it and if there are risks of its collapse; the relocation of the tenants takes place as soon as possible — from 5 to 1 days, depending on the situation; but most often, people have to wait for years.

Read more in detail in the article "What time frame should the emergency house be spread out?"

Model application for registration of the home as an emergency

It happens that the decision of the commission or the administration is not in the interests of the residents; for example, the house that is falling apart has not been declared as an emergency or has been granted a long period of settlement; the residents have the right to challenge the opinion in court; for this purpose, they have to prepare and file an administrative action to declare the house illegal or not to recognize the house as an emergency.

You can look at the record of such an action below:


Recourse to a court is not free of charge, in accordance with article 333.19, paragraph 7, of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the plaintiff pays the standard fee.I'll give you 300 rubles.In addition, independent expertise will be needed, and residents can order the assessment of the house through a joint effort. If the court's decision is in their favour, there is a chance to recover the costs from the defendant, the local administration.

When faced with an uninhabitable home, the tenants do not know what to do? The administration often pursues its objectives and does not rush to recognize the building as an emergency.

There was no need for a quick resolution of the matter, but the residents of the house had the right to request the authorities to perform their duties.

To that end, it was necessary to draw up a sound statement, attach documents, substantiate their position and defend their views in all instances.

Our website's lawyers will help with this difficult case. If you need urgent advice, help with the application or other legal support, call and write to our experts. Together, we'll solve your problem by law!

Application for recognition at home as an emergency (model) 2023

The Main "Bought-Sales of the Apartment "Application to the inter-ministerial commission to declare the house as an emergency


The emergency room is checked either in order of priority or at the request of the tenants of the house. In the latter case, it will be necessary to prepare and sign such a document and then send it to the appropriate authority. Read this article about how to write a statement, where to send it, and what documents to attach.

When it's possible to write a statement

An application can be made at any time, provided that the house is indeed an emergency or at least the inhabitants believe it to be so; no specific time frame exists; only the fact that the application involves collective treatment is to be taken into account; therefore, if the other owners of the dwelling in the same house have already filed such an application, it makes no sense to repeat it.

How to Write Right

The form of the application is rather simple and should contain the following information:

  • Name of the authority to which the application is sent: If there is no specialized organization in the locality, the name of the local administration should be indicated.
  • Data on the applicant and his status.
  • The address of the house that needs to be checked.
  • List of documents annexed to the statement.
  • Signature of applicants.

It is best to collect the signatures of all interested owners or tenants, but one family can do the same.

Pick up a sample application to check the house.

List of documents to be attached to the application

Given the fact that much of the authority for the emergency housing programme is delegated by the region, the list of documents may vary slightly depending on the locality, but the average list may look approximately as follows:

  • The passport of all signatories of the application (copy).
  • Law-making documents (copys).
  • Exit from the EGRN.
  • Evidence that the house is an emergency.

Formally, the last point should be "produced" by an inter-ministerial commission; it hires specialists who carry out checks; however, more often than not, such documentation is requested from tenants.

If there is no opportunity or willingness to hire experts at their own expense (no one will compensate for these costs), at least written evidence can be provided of problems from most tenants at home.

Such documents should describe freely what the accident is and how unbearable it is to live in such a house.

Who should sign the application

As mentioned above, the application is signed either by the owners of the dwelling or by the tenants; in the latter case, the fact that tenants are usually those who reside in the flats under a social contract is to be taken into account; but if a person simply rents an apartment from another physical person or even a company, it is unlikely that his application will be considered.

Where to carry the application

In order to participate in the resettlement programme, it is necessary to submit an application to the local administration: in some cities, specialized commissions are in place on a permanent basis, where such an application can also be sent, but this is not of particular importance; it is possible to send the document directly to the administration, and there they will be able to decide where to send it if necessary.

How long will the application be considered

Depending on the workload of the administration, internal regulations and many other parameters, most of which are not known to anyone other than the management, a declaration of this type will be considered within five days and up to one month; a commission will be formed and work will be carried out to check the house for accidents.

Then, after receiving the commission ' s decision, the local administration must take up to 30 days ' time to make a specific decision and notify the residents of the house; only then will the house, provided it has been declared as an emergency, become in line for resettlement, and this may last for a few days or several years.

If the tenants disagree, for a specific and valid reason, with the decision of the commission and the administration, both on the accident of the house (if it was not deemed to be an emergency) and on the timing of the relocation, they may file a claim with the court and demand or declare the house as an emergency or move it in turn to an earlier date.

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Model application for the declaration of emergency at home

Such a claim is filed in court on behalf of the tenants of the home; it is usually sufficient for only a few of them to be plaintiffs, but it is often possible to meet collective applications.

  • The plaintiff/claimer.
  • Defendant.
  • The situation and the problem that has arisen.
  • All evidence from the residents of the house is provided.
  • A specific requirement to the administration shall be specified.
  • Date and signatures are provided.

To download a sample of the claim to the inter-ministerial commission for home emergency treatment, the resettlement programme is not much different from the region to the region, but it is also full of vague language, which dramatically reduces the ability of tenants to enforce their rights, and to provide free advice to experienced lawyers on what best to do and how to do and in what order, and they can defend their clients ' interests both directly when applying to the administration and, if necessary, in court.

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How do you recognize a home as an emergency and get an apartment?

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The procedure for declaring the house emergency and moving out of the house changed considerably in 2023; the minimum amount of time will now be allocated to all stages and the process of obtaining new housing will accelerate.

Resettlement programme – duration, legislative framework

Certain tasks have been set and the time frame for their completion has been set, loan funds have been made available and the amounts to be met have been determined.

The procedure is regulated by:

  • Resolution No. 47 of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Act No. 185 of 21 February 2007 on the Fund for the Promotion of the Reform of the LHC.

Programme changes

The new resettlement programme involves not only reducing the waiting times for new housing and simplifying the procedure itself.

  1. Funding.In the past, it was distributed equally between federal and regional authorities; under the new rules, the municipality can expect to increase aid from the federal treasury – to 80 per cent, which makes it possible to predict a significant acceleration of resettlement.
  2. The possibility of obtaining, in place of a new house, compensation for the market value of the house.It can be used as an initial mortgage contribution.

In addition, other changes are planned:

  • Enshrining the concept of dilapidated housing in the law – a clear distinction will make it easier to draw up lists of houses to be rebuilt or demolished;
  • The issuance of social employment, followed by a ransom, will allow for the issuance of property rights within 10 to 20 years of relocation;
  • The establishment of a manoeuvring housing stock, to which the residents of the emergency home can move immediately until they have a new apartment;
  • To attract investors to increase financing by transferring to them the land on which the demolished house was located.

How to recognize housing as an emergency and get an apartment

An initiative to recognize a home as an emergency may come from the tenants themselves. Before going to the municipality, it is necessary to know on what grounds this status is determined:

  1. The location near the site of the man-made disaster and the high risk of collapse;
  2. Deformation of the foundations and walls of the house, high weariness of the walls;
  3. Damage caused by natural disasters or an accident that cannot be reconstructed;
  4. Positioning in the area of environmental threat - exceeding acceptable noise, vibration, concentrations of harmful substances in water and/or soil;
  5. The location of a high-risk site for natural disasters;
  6. Location in production, transport and engineering infrastructure.

The hazard classification algorithm at home is as follows:

  • Submission of the application to the housing department of the local administration: The document shall be made in a free form, specifying the applicant ' s details, the exact address of the house, the detailed description of the injuries and the list of supporting documents; if the application is a collective one, it shall bear the stamp of all persons who support the declaration of emergency at home.
  • Formation of a commission to assess the state of the house: after the examination, an act shall be drawn up in two copies, one of which shall be handed over to the applicant.
  • Waiting for a decision on the referral: Local administration must respond within 5 working days of receipt of the results of the review.
  • Resettling of tenants in the event of a declaration of emergency at home.

In the latter case, the house will be placed on the official list on the website of the administration of the region and will be freely accessible.

All documentation for relocation is available for 6 months; if this deadline is not met, they will be forcibly evicted.

List of documents

The application shall be accompanied by:

  1. The applicant ' s passport;
  2. Copies of the law-setting documents (or an extract from the EGN);
  3. Photographs of damage to buildings and/or territory, if any, as a basis for treatment;
  4. Written complaints by tenants about the state of the home or surrounding territory;
  5. The State Inspectorate ' s opinion, if an inspection has already been carried out.

If there are other documents supporting the request, the list may be extended.

Possible test results

The commission ' s review may result in one of the following decisions:

  1. Absence of significant damage and refusal to obtain an accident status;
  2. Recognition of dwellings as dilapidated and to be renovated (the owners of the apartments will be relocated to temporary homes during the renovation period);
  3. Recognition of the home as habitable, with the exception of a few apartments – their tenants may choose to obtain a new property or buy it themselves;
  4. Emergency status of the home and subsequent resettlement of the residents.

The introduction of new housing is in strict order, and a list of houses to be settled before 2024 has been drawn up.

Pay attention!If the house is declared emergency in 2023, resettlement is only possible after 2025, but tenants may not wait for their turn, but receive the purchase price of their property and decide on their own housing issue.

It should be borne in mind that even when the house is on the resettlement list, it is not possible to know the exact time frame for obtaining a new apartment.

Residents of homes can move out of line:

  • at risk of collapse;
  • :: Expedited by a court decision;
  • Previously listed on the resettlement list.

New housing will also be provided out of line if the existing house is in the same planning structure and is demolished together with the other.

Features of new housing

The new apartment must be located in the same locality and in the same area as the old one, the number of square metres retained, and the tenant has a choice of:

In the case of resettlement, the type of property is retained; if this is a social hire, the new dwelling is provided under the same conditions.

In the case of a share of the property, the tenants shall be provided with an apartment the size of which corresponds to the old one, and the share of the property shall be distributed according to the same principle; and in the case of a purchase order, the money shall be distributed among them according to the share of the property.

Thus, the procedure for establishing a home as an emergency may be initiated by the tenants themselves; the subsequent settlement of the tenants is based on a certain algorithm approved at the legislative level, and special attention should be paid to the timing of the preparation of the documents in order to avoid forced eviction.

Read also:Emergency and dilapidated housing: resettlement arrangements and rights of owners

2023, The Garden and the House, all rights reserved.

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How do you get a declaration of emergency at home right? What other documents would you need for this procedure?

Procedurerecognition of housing as an emergencyIt consists of several consecutive stages: an examination of the building ' s general structure, a statement, and the collection and submission of documents.obtaining an informed decisionThe Housing Committee.

As a result of the fact that real property is unfit to live, the authorities are obliged to do provide citizens with new housingThis is stipulated in Government Decision No. 47 of 28 January 2006.

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Documents to declare a home as an emergency

  • Question ofof the building as an emergencyand the decision on its reconstruction or demolition is decided on the groundLocal authoritiesin particular the inter-ministerial housing commission.
  • If necessary, please attachcomplaints by all owners of apartmentsAt home, the living conditions are unsatisfactory.
  • To consider and decide onInadequacy of housingThe authorities need to provide a list of documents:
  • Statement by the tenantsThe law does not specify the number of applicants required to consider the demolition of a multi-family house; the Commission accepts both collective statements and a statement from a single tenant representing the interests of his or her neighbours.
  • Certificate of ownershipNotarized copies of the right-setting documents of all residents of the multi-family house are required.
  • Expert ' s conclusionThe examination should provide information on the percentage of wear and tear of the building, as well as a detailed description of the state of the structure, the foundation and other parts of the building.
  • The Story Plan of the Housetaken from BTI.
  • Conclusion of the exploration companyA study of the building ' s structures.

It matters!The authorities may request a certificate from the committee for the control and protection of historical and cultural monuments in order to establish the status of the home.

The Commission itself requests additional information from the supervisory and other bodies and organizations: the EGRP and the building ' s technical passport.

How to make a proper statement?

With the documents to be sentdeclaration of emergency at homeIt shall be written in free form with the following data:

  1. in the drafting of the documentmust specify the recipientThe FIO is the head of the housing committee.
  2. The following are indicated:Claimant ' s dataFor natural persons, the FIO, the address, the SNILS, the INN, the telephone for communication, the name of the organization, the address, the legal form, the FIO, the representative of the organization.
  3. Bof the main part of the statementA request should be made to consider recognizing the home(s) as uninhabitable.
  4. In the annex you needPlease specify the list of documentssubmitted with the application.
  5. Date and signatureAll applicants.

Applications may be initiated not only by the occupants of the home, but also by the employer of the premises, as well as by the supervisory authorities, the fire service and other authorized agencies.

Statement and documentsare submitted to the Housing CommissionPapers may be sent for consideration in person, by registered letter or through the State Services website.

Decision onof the building as an emergencyReceives an inter-ministerial commission, which may include owners of premises, engineers, employees of the MES and the Fire Service, staff of San Pina, Rossimnadzor and the Gas Service.

Conclusion of the special commission

Application and documents under considerationLocal authoritiesDuring this period, all members of the commission check the documents and the facts contained therein.

They may also decide toconducting an in-house inspectionOnce the decision has been taken, the commission shall give an opinion, which shall be communicated to the applicant within five days.

The opinion shall submit a final document containing the decision of the members of the commissionon the issue of recognition of the home as an emergencyThe report should contain the following information:

  1. Address of the objectReal estate.
  2. Date of detentionCommissions.
  3. Name of authoritywhich appointed an inter-ministerial commission, as well as the date and number of the decision to approve it.
  4. List of personswhich are part of the commission, with an indication of the PIF, the position and the place of work.
  5. Identification of documentson the basis of which the decision was taken.
  6. The substance of the conclusionand recommendations.

The most important part of this document is:Final result of verificationThe Housing Committee may issue one of the following verdicts:

  • full roomSuitable for permanent residence;
  • the building is an emergencyand to be demolished;
  • recognized as dilapidated andto be renovated.
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It matters!If the house was to be demolished, the local authorities should indicate the time frame within which the settlement of the tenants would take place.

Ifthe housing commission ' s verdictThe owners of the flats were not satisfied and could apply to the courts.

To download the application form to the court against the decision of the inter-ministerial commission to declare the home fit for residence

The house may be deemed to be emergency, but not demolition, but reconstruction, usually if the building itself is the decision of the authorities.has the status of an architecture monument..

If the inspection reveals that the house is a historical architectural object, it will not be possible to resettle the tenants because such objects are not subject to demolition.

Owners will have to doRenovation of the building at its own expense.

The procedure for recognizing the house as old requires time and above all elseTherefore, it is not necessary to delay the submission of applications and papers to the inter-ministerial housing commission.

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Claim for accommodation in lieu of emergency shelter

Model application for housing in lieu of emergency accommodation, taking into account changes in existing legislation and judicial practice.

The right to bring an action before a court requiring the provision of a replacement dwelling is vested in citizens who occupy a dwelling under a social employment contract, which may include both employers and members of their families, and this accommodation is provided to citizens on an exceptional basis.

It should be noted that the new accommodation will be provided under the old conditions, a social employment contract will be concluded, and the accommodation will be similar to the area of the previous apartment.

There is no need to improve housing conditions in this way, except in cases where there are other grounds for the provision of housing out of line, namely the existence of a severe form of chronic disease.

In other cases, only the technical condition of the accommodation is improved.

The defendant for claims for accommodation in lieu of demolition will be the authority that ordered the demolition of the dwelling; in most cases, the local authority is the local authority; the exact name of the competent authority can be obtained from the relevant act, which is desirable before resorting to the court, since it will assist in the preparation of the claim.

The claim for accommodation is within the jurisdiction of the District Court and will be reviewed at the place where the dwelling is to be demolished; the new accommodation will also be provided in the same locality; the plaintiff will pay a State fee of 200 rubles for the application, as in the case of non-pecuniary dispute.

  • If it is difficult to submit written evidence to the court, if there are motions from the procedural plan, we recommend the use of the models of applications submitted on our website.
  • (name of vessel) The claimant:________________________________________________________________________________ (FIO in its entirety, address) The respondent:________________________________________________________________ (name of employer)
  • (full address)
  • in old-fashioned housing)

Third persons: ___________________ (FIO in full, address of all citizens,

Statement of claim

to provide accommodation in replacement of uninhabitable accommodation

I am the employer of the accommodation at: _ (area, city, street, house, apartment), total area ___ (specify the area of the dwelling), on the basis of __ (specify the document: employment contract, warrant). The dwelling also lives in the accommodation other than me (FIO of all residents) on the basis of __ (specify the quality of their residence).

The defendant shall be the employer of the accommodation.

In ___, a residential home at:________________ (state the full address of the house) was found to be emergency and uninhabitable, and the defendant does not take any measures to relocate me and my family from the old home at all times.

  1. In accordance with article 87 of the Russian Code of Housing, if a dwelling occupied under a social employment contract is to be transferred to a non-residential facility or is deemed unfit for residence, the citizen who is evicted from such a dwelling is provided with another well-established dwelling under a social employment contract.
  2. In accordance with article 89 of the Russian Code of Housing, other accommodation provided to citizens in connection with eviction under a social employment contract must be improved in accordance with the conditions of the municipality concerned, which is equivalent to the total area occupied previously, meets the established requirements and is located in the locality concerned.
  3. In accordance with articles 17, 31 of the Russian Housing Code and articles 131 to 132 of the Code of Civil Procedure,
  4. Please:
  1. Obligation to provide me with another well-established social employment facility that meets the requirements of the town (name of city, village) equivalent to the total area previously occupied by the dwelling of at least __ (total area of the dwelling) and situated in the locality (name of town, village), including as family members (FIO family members) in the social employment contract.

List of documents annexed to the statement(copies by number of persons involved in the case):

  1. Copy of statement of claim
  2. Document confirming payment of State duty
  3. A copy of the employment contract (housing orders)
  4. A copy of the classification of the home as uninhabitable
  5. Regulation of the Administration to declare the home unfit for residence
  6. Residential registration certificate
  • Date of application "___" ___________________________________________________......................................................................................
  • To download the application model:
  •   Claim for accommodation in lieu of emergency shelter
  • In order to understand the jurisprudence on the issue of the provision of housing in lieu of emergency accommodation, consider a review of the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.
  • download:.....................................................

  Review of case law on emergency housing of 29 April 2014

Model declaration of emergency

Acquiring a home as an emergency through a court of law

Our lawyer will help the board, file complaints with the supervisory authorities, if the municipality does not hurry to settle, will represent your interests in court if necessary.

Application for home registration as emergency sample 2023

The Administrative Court:... (F.I.O.) (place of residence or residence), (date and place of birth), telephone:..., fax:..., e-mail address:... representative of administrative claimant:... (name or F.I.O., information on higher legal education, taking into account art.

The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the provisions of the Convention.

54, 55, 56, 57), addressed to:..., telephone:..., fax:..., e-mail address:... (name of the administrative respondent:... (name of the interdepartmental commission designated by the federal executive authority/the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation/local self-government body) address:..., telephone:..., fax:..., e-mail address:... an administrative action statement declaring the inter-ministerial commission ' s opinion that the premises meet the requirements for accommodation and its suitability for residence is the owner (or: employer) of the apartment building at:..., as confirmed by... the application of ___.

Application for home recognition as an emergency


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Application for recognition of the home as an emergency

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And where do you write it? Write to the supervisory bodies arbitrarily, the inter-ministerial commission attached to the administration is usually not set up in connection with the application, it acts on a permanent basis, I invite you to the firm, we help.

Application to the inter-ministerial commission to declare the house as an emergency

" 155 views The contents of the emergency room are checked either in order of priority or at the request of the occupants of the house.

In the latter case, such a document would have to be prepared and signed and then sent to the appropriate authority.

What exactly should be written, how to write a statement, where to send it, and what documents to attach — read in this article.

An application can be made at any time, provided that the house is in fact an emergency or, at a minimum, that is what its inhabitants consider to be; no specific time frame exists.

All we have to do is take into account the fact that the statement implies a collective appeal.

Model application to the inter-ministerial commission for emergency housing

  • Maintenance: Models for the declaration that a dwelling, a dwelling and a multi-family house are not suitable for accommodation are emergency and subject to demolition by the Chairman of the Inter-ministerial Commission for the Recognition of Municipal Housing Houses of Saransk District (Registration/Law).
  • address.............................................................................

We recommend that we read: Law 273 p.m.

7 The content of the procedure for recognition of a home as an emergency consists of several steps.

First, it must be established that the building requires inspection, followed by the appointment of an inter-ministerial commission and experts.

This is followed by a preliminary decision on the accident of the home, the final verdict being taken by the municipal education administration.

Residents also participate in the procedure, by applying to an inter-ministerial commission, which should be followed by how to compile it and where to deliver it in the material below.

The first option is to include the house in.

Local authorities keep records of uninhabitable facilities.

An unexpected option is to appeal to the residents of the old house, who want to draw attention to the building's accident.


Application for emergency and demolition or reconstruction of the home: A multi-family house may be deemed to be emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction by a city inter-ministerial commission set up by the Housing Committee for this purpose.

The grounds for recognizing a multi-family house as an emergency for demolition or reconstruction include: deterioration due to physical wear and tear during the operation of the building as a whole or parts thereof, resulting in an unacceptable level of security of the building, strength and sustainability of construction structures and bases; alteration of the environment and of the micro-climat of the living space, which do not meet the necessary sanitary and epidemiological requirements and hygiene standards for the contents of potentially hazardous chemical and biological buildings.

The contact number of the application shall be requested to carry out a survey of the accommodation/residential address at:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ for compliance with the requirements to be met by the accommodation/residential unit. Signature_________________________________________________ Date_________________model report of the member of the interdepartmental commission on the site:________________________________________________________________________________________________ (name of facility, address) 1/.

2. Expert organization (state the name of the organization, F.I.O. leader, reasons for the opinion).

3. The State must provide the owner with new housing, which must be equivalent to what is collected.

Calling the house an emergency, filing a statement, what kind of documents are you looking for?

588 lawyers are on the website right now.

My family lives in terrible conditions, my wife inherited an apartment from her grandmother in an old house, and the house is in an almost emergency state, and through the holes in the ceiling you can see the beams, and in the driveway, the wooden ladder rots, and when you get up, it looks like you're gonna fail.

Read also:  What do we do next after we inherit?

The apartment isn't in the best condition. When it rains, all the deep dishes come in, and we put it under the leaking ceiling. Our housing is totally uninhabitable. We want to file a residence claim.

Where should such a statement be made, and what documents should be kept?

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Legal responses (4)

  • Hello!
  • The grounds for declaring a dwelling unfit for living as a result of an accident at home, in accordance with Government Decision No. 47 of 28 January 2006, are as follows:
  • - Accommodations located in full-size, brick and stone houses, as well as in wooden houses and houses made of local materials that deform the foundations, walls, structural structures and significant biological damage to elements of wooden structures, which indicate the exhaustion of carrying capacity and the risk of collapse, are not suitable for living as a result of the finding of a multi-family house as emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction.

— Residential accommodations located in hazardous areas where landslides, rural flows, snow avalanches and territories are flooded annually and cannot be prevented by engineering and design solutions from flooding the territory.

The apartment buildings located in the said areas are deemed to be emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction.

Residential accommodations located in an area determined by an authorized federal executive authority likely to be destroyed in man-made accidents should be considered unfit for residence if it is not possible to prevent the destruction of housing by engineering and design solutions.

The apartment buildings located in the said areas are deemed to be emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction.

In this Regulation, the area of likely destruction in man-made accidents is the area within which the accommodation and apartment buildings are located and are at risk of destruction in the event of a man-made accident.

- Accommodation in multi-family buildings damaged by explosions, accidents, fires, earthquakes, uneven rainfall, as well as other complex geological events, should be considered uninhabitable if reconstruction works are not technically feasible or economically feasible and the technical condition of these houses and construction structures is characterized by a loss of carrying capacity and performance that endangers the stay of people and the safety of engineering equipment.

Finds the premises to be suitable or unfit for living, as well as a multi-family house to be emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction by an inter-ministerial commission.

It is established by the Federal Executive Authority for the assessment of housing units of the Russian Federation, by the Executive Authority of the constituent entity for the assessment of housing units of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and by the Local Government for the assessment of housing units of the municipal housing stock.

  1. The Commission shall evaluate the premises on the basis of a statement by the owner or employer of the premises or by the authorities authorized to carry out State control and supervision on matters falling within their competence.
  2. In assessing the conformity of the premises with the requirements of the Regulation, an assessment shall be made of the degree and type of the technical condition of the construction and housing in general, the degree of fire resistance, the conditions for evacuation of residents in the event of a fire, the sanitary and epidemiological requirements and hygiene standards, the content of potentially hazardous chemicals and biological substances, the quality of the air, the radiation background and the physical factors of the noise sources, vibration, the presence of electromagnetic fields, the microclimat of the premises and the location of the accommodation.
  3. You are required to submit the following documents to the commission, together with a statement:
  4. — notarized copies of the right-setting documents for the accommodation,
  5. - a housing plan with his technical passport.

The opinion of a specialized organization carrying out a survey of the house is also considered as an emergency for the purpose of recognizing the apartment building, and applications, letters and complaints from citizens about the poor living conditions may also be submitted.

The Commission reviews the application within 30 days.

The decision shall be taken by a majority vote of the members of the commission and shall be in the form of an opinion.

This issue is regulated by the "Regulation on the recognition of a dwelling, a dwelling and a multi-family house as emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction" (up to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of 28 January 2006 No. 47).

  • You must apply to the administration of the neighbourhood (city) where the accommodation is located. In order to consider the suitability (inadvantage) of the accommodation and to recognize the apartment building as a place of emergency, the applicant shall submit to the commission the following documents, together with the application:
  • Notarized copies of the right-setting documents for the dwelling; in your case, a certificate of inheritance and registration of the right.
  • A housing plan with his technical passport and, for the non-residential premises, a project to renovate the non-residential premises in order to recognize it as a living space.
  • The opinion of a specialized organization carrying out a survey of the house is also considered as an emergency for the purpose of recognizing the multi-family home.
  • Applications, letters and citizens ' complaints about unsatisfactory living conditions may also be submitted at the applicant ' s discretion.

The local self-government body shall establish, in accordance with its procedure, a commission to evaluate the housing units of the municipal housing stock, which shall include representatives of that local self-government body, and shall appoint an official of that local government body as Chairman of the commission.

  1. The Commission also includes representatives of the bodies responsible for State control and supervision in the areas of sanitary and epidemiological, fire, industrial, environmental and other safety, consumer protection and human well-being, inventory and registration of real property in urban and rural settlements, other municipal entities, as appropriate, architecture, urban development and relevant organizations.
  2. The owner of the dwelling (the person authorized by him) shall be employed by the commission with the right to a consultative vote and, where necessary, qualified experts of the research and development organizations with the right to a decisive vote.
  3. The local authority may decide to recognize private dwellings in the territory in question as suitable for the residence of citizens and delegate to the commissions the power to assess the conformity of these premises with the requirements set out in this Regulation and to decide whether these premises are suitable (not suitable) for the residence of citizens.
  4. The Commission shall, on the basis of the statement of the owner of the premises or of the declaration of the citizen (employer), or on the basis of the opinion of the authorities responsible for State control and supervision, in matters within their competence, assess the conformity of the premises with the requirements set forth in this Regulation and shall recognize the accommodation as suitable (unsuitable) for residence and shall also recognize the apartment as emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction.
  • Good day to you!
  • The authority of the municipality in which the dwelling is located shall declare the dwelling unfit for residence.
  • In order to do so, the owner must file the necessary documents:
  1. Statement(1)
  2. Identification document(1)
  3. Trust from the applicant to obtain a document in accordance with the procedure established by law (1 unit)
  4. Technical passport for accommodation (rental) in the scope of section 1, "Occupation of address and technical records" (1 unit)
  5. Right-making documents for accommodation (1 unit)
  6. Applications, letters, citizens ' complaints about unsatisfactory living conditions and other documents justifying the unsuitable condition of the premises.(1 unit)

The Administration will then decide within a month, on the basis of the survey by the Housing Commission, whether the accommodation is unsuitable or habitable.


Only if the premises are deemed uninhabitable by the owners of the premises, there is no provision for the provision of new accommodation to replace the lost premises, and the owners of the premises bear the cost of maintaining the house and its major repairs.

New accommodation is provided in such cases if the uninhabitable accommodation was provided under a social employment contract.


A special commission shall be set up to declare the premises unfit for living and the house shall be emergency and liable to demolition.

On the basis of a statement by the owner of the premises or the employer, it shall assess the conformity of the premises with the required requirements.

Verification may be based on the opinion of the authorities responsible for State control and supervision on matters falling within their competence.

The actual condition of the premises in service shall be checked when assessing the conformity of the premises with the requirements.

It evaluates the degree and type of technical condition of construction and housing in general, the degree of fire resistance, the conditions for evacuation of residents in the event of a fire, the sanitary and epidemiological requirements and hygiene standards, the content of potentially hazardous chemical and biological substances, the quality of atmospheric air, the level of radiation background and the physical factors of noise sources, vibration, the presence of electromagnetic fields, the parameters of the microclimat of the premises and the location of the accommodation.

  1. In order to consider the suitability (inapplicability) of the accommodation and to recognize the multi-family home as an emergency applicant, the following documents shall be submitted to the commission together with the application:
  2. - Notarized copies of the right-setting documents for the accommodation;
  3. - A housing plan with his technical passport and, for the non-residential premises, a project to renovate the non-residential premises in order to recognize it as a living space.
  4. The opinion of a specialized organization carrying out a survey of the house is also considered as an emergency for the purpose of recognizing the multi-family home.
  5. Applications, letters and citizens ' complaints about unsatisfactory living conditions may also be submitted at the applicant ' s discretion.
  6. If the applicant is a body authorized to carry out State control and supervision, the opinion of that body shall be submitted to the commission, after which the commission shall invite the owner of the premises to submit the said documents.
  7. As a result, the commission takes one of the following decisions:
  8. - the conformity of the premises with the requirements for accommodation and their suitability for residence;
  9. - The need for and possibility of undertaking major repairs, renovations or alterations (with feasibility studies if necessary) in order to bring the lost characteristics of the living space into line with established requirements and, once completed, to continue the assessment procedure;
  10. - The lack of conformity of the premises with the requirements for accommodation, indicating the grounds on which the premises are deemed to be unfit for residence;
  11. - to declare the apartment building emergency and subject to demolition.
  12. In the course of its work, the commission may designate additional surveys and tests, the results of which shall be annexed to the documents previously submitted to the commission for its consideration.

At the end of the work, the commission shall draw up, in triplicate, an opinion declaring the premises suitable for permanent residence; in the case of a survey of the premises, the commission shall prepare in triplicate the certificate of the survey of the premises.

  • On the basis of the opinion received, the relevant federal executive body, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the local self-government body take a decision and issue an order indicating the continued use of the premises, the timing of the removal of natural and legal persons in the event that the house is deemed to be emergency and subject to demolition, or the need to carry out repair and rehabilitation work.
  • If the apartment building is deemed to be emergency and demolitionable, contracts for the employment and rental of accommodation are terminated in accordance with the law.
  • Contracts for accommodation found to be unfit for residence may be terminated at the request of either party to the contract by a court in accordance with the law.
  • The commission shall, within five days, send one copy of the commission ' s order and opinion to the applicant.
  • If living on premises is considered dangerous because of the effects of harmful factors on human life and health or the building is threatened with destruction, the decision must be sent to the relevant federal executive authority, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local self-government body, the owner of the dwelling and the applicant no later than the working day following the day of the decision.
  • The decision of the relevant federal executive body, the executive branch of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the local self-government body may be appealed to the courts by the persons concerned.
Application for recognition at home as an emergency (model) 2023 Reference to main publication
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