Distance from tree to neighbor ' s fence: fruit tree planting, standards

All plants can be planted on their own, and only the distance from the fence to the trees and shrubs must be taken into account.

Study of the rules is necessary to prevent effects during the growth of fruit trees. A few years after planting plants may cause discomfort to the neighbors of the section.

As a result, the norms and law of the Russian Federation for the current year 2023 will be violated.

Importance of compliance

The following consequences may be excluded by observing the distance from the tree to the fence during planting at the site according to the requirements of SN & P 2.07.01-89*:

  • Damage to nearby buildings and fences as a result of the expansion;
  • Disruption of electrical cables during heavy wind;
  • Obstruction of repairs, as long branches and the growing root system hinder the connection of the Internet, telephone and television, make it difficult to conduct electricity, gas pipelines, running water, and to check and clean up the sewage system.
  • Fire-extinguishing difficulties.

Remove from fence

Dacha is a place where you rest your soul and body, and it's hard to imagine a land without trees, both for the separation of areas and as an ornament in landscape design.And the planting of fruit trees then brings a lot of pleasure in the form of a source of natural vitamins.

But it is worth remembering that growing up gardens of greens can further cause discomfort to the neighbor.

In order to prevent this by planting them, it is recommended to maintain the distance between vegetation and the neighbouring fence under the SN & P standards.

The distance between the trees and the neighbor's fence should not be less than 4 metres. This applies to large species. If it is decided to encircle the area with tall trees with a length of more than 15 metres, it is also necessary to observe a four-metre distance from the neighbour's fence. These may include:

  • Apples;
  • Pears;
  • oaks;
  • Soft.

The picture shows a beautiful forest.

Also, the distance cannot be less than 2 metres between middle and low-grained trees from neighbouring fences, and they have a height of up to 10 metres. These can be garden trees:

  • cherries; cherries; cherries; cherries; cherries; cherries; cherries; cherries; cherries; cherries; cherries; cherries; cherries.
  • Plums;
  • Blindness;
  • He's a badass.

By planting dwarf varieties of fruit trees with a height of 2 m, a minimum of one metre from the shrubs as well as from the neighbour ' s fence should be maintained.

  • Jewelry at delivery;
  • Raspberry bushes;
  • Cheese.

In order to maintain an excellent relationship with the neighbour, you have to maintain the distance from the fence in accordance with the law. If you do not comply with the rules, thick crowns and high-plant trunks can create unacceptable conditions for plants in the neighbouring area to grow further.

The fence is near the garden comrade.

Dissemble may be:

  • Shadowing that hinders the full development of the sun's plants;
  • Storming branches, clogging the neighbour's territory with all kinds of ripe fruits;
  • The power of the root system, which makes it difficult for neighbouring plants to grow when they move to the site without providing them with adequate food.

If the planted vegetation does not fit into the regulations, the neighbour may, without warning and without the permission of the owner, cut it off if there are hanging branches.

Nuances of the distance from the fence

If there is a dormitory area in the city or in rural areas in the neighbourhood, consideration should be given to the planting of smaller plants along the neighbouring fence; it is also possible to plant plants with less moist and branch crowns, as well as with a moderately long and less developed root system.

Standards for distance from fences at SNT and ISS sites according to São Pin and SN & I

Not only will it not harm neighboring plants in the SNT, the ISS, or at the dormitory, but it will also maintain a friendly environment between houses. Plus, if it is a small area, it will be sufficient for all seedlings to plant dwarfs of sunlight.

To answer the question of how far from the fence trees can be planted is necessary for several reasons. Compliance with these rules and regulations is necessary to ensure that, because of the growth of plants, their extensive root system does not harm communication.

You can plant any plant along a fence that doesn't border your neighbors, but again, it's worth taking into account the size of the home, the land and its territorial location.

If the milk is in the solar area and the sun is in excess of the plant, you can shade the area with a few tall, wrinkled trees, and if the sun is not sufficient, then it is recommended that a smaller tree be planted with a moderately distended crown and a small root system.

Schematic of the site ' s fence in accordance with rules and regulations

Distance from buildings

There is no need to limit themselves to planting trees from the fence, because it is not just the neighbors that are harmed by all kinds of plants, but it can destroy its own fence, light wood structures, and the foundations.

The distance between landscape objects and plants to prevent a variety of impacts is indicated in the SN & I.

The maximum landing distance should be observed when a small wooden building is being built. You can also make pillars around it, because large trees can easily lift it up and destroy it when the wind is hot.

  • The video below details the correct location of the buildings on the site.
  • How many metres does it cost to comply so that a planted plant does not cause harm:
  1. The distance from the house should be at least 5 meters, not only to keep the foundation alive, but also to enjoy the sunshine.
  2. Access to sewers, gas pipelines and power grids should be at least one and a half metres open; this is the case for small shrubs; therefore, higher vegetation is required not less than 2.5 m.
  3. Television cables, water pipes and heat lines shall be accessible at least 2 metres.
  4. By planting more than three metres of plants, you can keep your own fence.

Set-up of fences at the ISS site

When planting vegetation on the home territory, account should be taken of the building ' s material. If the building is made of brick or concrete, it is recommended that fungus and mold not appear in such a house should be planted along it.

It is possible to plant small amounts of dwarf fruit trees, and if there is a wood structure, the planting of high vegetation along it is also shown, because a permanent shadow can cause logs to rot.

For example, the toppole has large roots that grow up to four metres long, and it grows quite rapidly, and therefore the distance between it and the structure is easy to calculate – at least four metres for gardens and private houses.

In most cases, keeping the distance between plants is necessary for the plant owners themselves, since non-compliance can lead to the loss of communication.

And when you grow vegetation in the vicinity of electrical cables, it will cause it to be set on fire.

Scheme of distances from buildings to the border of the SNT and SN & SW section according to SN & SN & S.P & SIN

Distance between shrubs

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And if there is to be no destruction of nearby buildings and sidewalks, for example, to make a living fence along the sidewalk, it is necessary to take into account the distance between plants of at least 2 to 5 metres and the distance to the edge of the path of at least 1.5 metres.

According to SNiP 2.07.01-89* the planting of trees and shrubs in relation to the fence of a neighbouring section requires clear compliance. This is also required by the law of the Russian Federation. Considering the distance, it is necessary to take account of the tree species. Before they are planted, their characteristics must be known.

It is necessary to see the information describing the species, the growth rate, the mascotness of the crown and the spread of the root system; this is necessary to ensure that there are no subsequent cassels.

Since these plants are planted over a long period of time, even small nuances can lead to many costs. To exclude this, it is better to pick up low tree species initially, especially if the long area is small.

Should be taken into account

And if you are free from the sun's rays, the fruit will be increased; and if you are able to reach it, it will be better for you; and if you are able to reach it, it will be better for you; and if you are able to reach it, it will be better for you; indeed Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.

To achieve this, fruit plants must be planted between them at least five metres apart.

The gap between shadow-loved plants can be reduced to three metres, but again, the root system should be taken into account.

Schematic of the distances between constructions in the village

  1. By complying with all the regulations, it is possible not only to encircle the area with all possible vegetation by all regulations and regulations, but also to keep the home structures intact and secure for long years.

How far from the fence trees are planted

Before embarking on the planting of a tree or shrub, the requirements of the N & I should be carefully reviewed before starting to build a greenhouse or a shed.

It is up to you to manage your own territory without interfering with the lives of your neighbors.

The rules governing the distance from neighbouring fences to green stands and buildings are based on both the rules of good-neighbourliness and sanitary and fire-fighting requirements.

Rules for planting trees on the site relative to the fence and the adjacent site

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Why Green Plants Should Be Planted According to Regulations

The greening of the site is a responsible business, and it is not to ignore the standards of planting trees from inter-border boundaries. It is very important to observe the distance of planting and to consider that, over time, the crown and root system of the tree are growing and growing and can create many problems:

  • As the tree grows, it can damage the built paths, the foundations of the fence or the structure with its roots. With a particularly powerful root system, the light structures are even raised.Example of tree location near home and hostels
  • Failure to maintain the distance to the transmission lines creates an emergency: a hurricane wind can break down a tree and cut off wires; a large crown branch that deals with wires also shows a lack of safety;
  • Close distance from the walls of the house and buildings can prevent fire-fighting equipment from gaining access in case of fire; in addition, the thick shadow created by the crown limits the release of sunlight, which leads to insolation disruption, and for the building is the damp and risk of fungus and mold.
  • Trees and bushes need to be planted at some distance from underground communications; because of growing roots, it is difficult to repair, for example, water pipes, and strong roots can cause damage to pipes and wires.
  • The displeasure of the neighbors is often due to the fact that planted shrubs and trees close to fences and structures create a shadow on the site, preventing the development of solar plants;
  • The fruit trees that hang on the area of the neighbour ' s crown are clogging the area with ripe apples, plums, etc.;
  • It will be difficult to care for and harvest garden trees planted close to the fence of the neighbors.
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If planting is not in accordance with regulations, neighbors have the right to remove branches and roots of the plant from their territory without the permission of the owner.

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How far to plant trees and shrubs

There are standards for private and extra-urban constructions, and the general recommendations of the SN & E 30-02-97, which determine the distance to the buildings and the fence of the neighbouring section to plant trees, are set out below.

Scheme of permissible tree planting distances from the fence

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Up to the fence of the adjacent section

The height of the plant depends on the distance from the neighbor's fence.

  • The tall trees should be planted from the neighbour's fence, retreating to 4 m. These are trees with a stem height of more than 15 m: the tree, the pine, the beret, the oak, the apple, the pear;
  • Medium-grained trees are planted at a distance of 2 m from the neighbour ' s borders and have a height of up to 10 m: cherries, plums, kale, peanuts;
  • Artisanals, dwarf varieties of fruit trees are considered to be small and may be planted 1 m from the neighbouring area.

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Up to various facilities

Planting trees to a house or economic structure should be at a certain distance:

  • From the outer walls of the house, baths, garages and other buildings, a tree may be planted not less than 5 m;Table of permissible tree planting distances at the site
  • A distance of 1.5 m is observed from the edge of the garden tracks;
  • Water pipes, heat lines, drainage system require a minimum distance of 2 m;
  • A tree is planted within 1.5 m of the gas pipeline and sewage;
  • From the support of the lighting network to the landing of 4 m;
  • An underground power cable and a 0.7 m telecommunications cable are used to plant bushes and 2 metres of trees;
  • The distance to the carriageway is not less than 1.5 m.

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Distance from fence to house and various buildings

During the construction and construction of the area, knowledge of the regulatory requirements for the distance from the building to the fence will help to avoid many problems.

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Distance from home to fence

Under the SN & E, the building can be built at least 3 m from the inter-line, and if there are speakers more than 0.5 m, the elements (roof weight, veranda, hanger) are counted from them.

Under fire safety regulations, houses are constructed at the following distance depending on the material:

  • Stone and concrete houses - 6 m;
  • Stone or concrete houses with wooden closures - 8 m;
  • Wooden houses — 15 m;
  • Combining a stone or concrete house with the same house but with wooden closures of 8 m;
  • A house of stone and concrete and a wooden house of 10 m;
  • A stone and concrete house with closures and a wooden house - 10 m.

Another regulation relates to the location of the house in relation to the fence and the road or the journey.The house is not built closer than 5 m from a fence on the red line and 3 m if it is not a road, but a driveway.

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Location of baths on site

The construction of the bath depends on many nuances; before the fence of the neighbors, the bath can be built at a distance of 3 m. The bath is located at a distance of 5 m to the house of the neighbours. If there is a separate sewage drain, the bath is built at a distance of 2.5 m from the inter-border border, but a distance of at least 8 m to the house is observed.

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How far to put toilets

A toilet is constructed at least 1 m from the neighbouring area according to sanitary requirements.There shall be no springs or wells with drinking water in the vicinity; the toilet shall be removed by 12 metres or more.The same distance shall separate the toilet from the housing structure and the toilet shall be located at 8 m from the bath or shower.

If a toilet is located inside the house and a pit is provided, its location depends to a large extent on the type of ground and the depth of the groundwater.

Rules for the location of the toilet on the site

To prevent the runoff from falling into drinking water, the pit is built between 20 and 50 metres from the well and well, the distance to the neighbour ' s fence should be between 1 and 3 m. Return to the table of contents

Distance from fence to garage

Starting with the construction of the garage, it is necessary to know that the permissible distance to the adjacent fence should not be less than one metre; by mutual agreement with the neighbours, the garage may be adjacent to the inter-border border; a double garage is not uncommon, but upon change of owners the written consent of the previous owner will have no legal effect.

On the fare, instead of the garage for a warm summer period, a canopy can be built, and it is allowed to be built close to the fence.

The garage on the border with the road is located 5 m from the red line and 3 m from the road, and it is not recommended that the garage be built on the same line with the fence: it should be moved by at least 1 m beyond the section line.

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Distance between economic buildings

SN & I also regulate the construction of hostels such as greenhouses, summer kitchens, sheds or hens:

  • The barai and the place where animals and birds walk can be built 4 metres from the fence of the neighbouring area and 12 metres from the residential building;
  • It is permissible to build a greenhouse 1 m from the inter-line;
  • The summer kitchen is not closer than 1 m from the neighbor's fence.

Distance to the trees from the fence: planting standards

Although the owners of the plant have every right to decide where to plant, it is important to observe the distance from the fence specified in SN & E 30-02-97, since roots can cause damage to communications, branches of conflict with neighbours. Detailed requirements for the construction of the site by law will be found here: "How far can a house be built from the fence of neighbours".

  • In this article, we will examine in detail all aspects of planting plants in the gardening area.
  • Users often look for:
  • What trees to plant along the fence
  • Height of fence between adjacent areas

What SN & I requirements need to be adhered to

The choice of a place in a plant garden and the application of tree and shrub planting rules is more a recommendation than a rigid line of law, since each plot has its own terrain and area.

However, there are several reasons why we should try to stick to them:

  1. A rapidly growing root system of large species can destroy the foundations of buildings, garden trails, small structures (interviews, baths).
  2. High crowns create a permanent shadow, which is dangerous for a tree fence, as the probability of the fungus developing, the rotting of material increases.
  3. There should be no trees near underground communications, even the roots of shrubs can damage a telephone cable, a pipe or a gas pipe.
  4. The displeasure of the neighbors will be caused by the over-shadowing of the area, another option being to fall fruit, leaves from your trees.

It is absolutely prohibited to plant high-grave plants near power lines, and in the case of heavy colds or wind, the branches will be able to cut off wires and drain an entire area of the city, village or lead to a fire.

When calculating the distance from the trees to the fence, only the distance from the central part of the trunk is taken into account; therefore, any claims by neighbours for larger branches are appropriate if the plant is closer than the standards indicate.

There is no difference between landing requirements in the private sector if the area under the ISS (individual housing) or the ISS (housing cooperative).

Consider the basic standards according to location.

Between the buildings (home, gazebo, garage)

The distance between the trees and the outer walls of the residential building, the garage, the gazebos is at least 5 m. The calculation is from the pole.

In addition, there are requirements for the location of plants near the soles of the supporting walls, distance from the trunk of the tree - 3 m, bush - 1 m.

The distance to the edge of the garden trails is reduced to 0.7 m.

It is worth noting that the requirements for horticultural partnerships may vary considerably, so it is better to clarify all the details in the competent authorities before planting.

To the neighbor's fence.

These standards are directly related to the height of the future plant, including:

  1. Trees with a trunk over 15 m (berry, oak, maple, pine) are planted at a distance of at least 4 m.
  2. Mediums are fruit (shirt, plum, pear, apricot) with a trunk up to 10 m. These trees can be planted within 2 metres of the fence of the neighbours.
  3. The bushes, dwarf fruit trees (calibre, cherry) are considered to be low and may be placed at a distance of 1 m.
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But in addition to the legislative recommendations, it's worth taking into account the attitude of the neighbors: hanging branches, falling fruit, leaves, or breaching the integrity of the fence will lead to disagreement, so it's better to plant plants, regardless of height, at a range of 3 m, to avoid such a situation.

Before the carriageway

The distance requirements for plant planting are due to such reasons:

  • The root system may damage the integrity of the road surface;
  • The growing branches cover part of the road and reduce visibility;
  • Close proximity to the road in an unpaved location would complicate the access of vehicles.

Therefore, trees are planted at a distance of 2 m, with bushes at a distance of 1 m.

At the border of different sections

If you want to create an extra green fence from your neighbors in this way, you have to ask them for their consent first. A free landing will lead to conflict or litigation, and the branches of the tree hanging over the neighborhood can be removed by them without your consent.

The SN & I standards therefore recommend the planting of multi-year plants at a distance of between 3 and 5 m from the border; the exact figure depends on the growing crown.

Between the plants

A key factor in the long life of a planted plantIt is sufficient space for full growth and development.

In order not to calculate this distance for each species, one should take advantage of the universal distance between plants.

If the private sector is small, it is worth trying to save space: the generally accepted recommendation is to leave for tall trees and to plant shrubs within metres of each other; shadowy copies should be placed at a distance of 2 to 3 m between each subsequent unit.

Close to communications

These rules apply:

  • Distance from gas-, heat-, water pipes, sewage for tree planting - 2 m, shrubs - 1 m;
  • Distance from underground power or communications cable for multi-year plants - 2 m, bush - 0.7 m;
  • The distance to the pole of the transmission line - 1.5 m (applies to all plant species).

In addition, tree species should also be taken into account in the design of the plant. If you are going to grow crèche, beech, acacia, there should be nothing within a radius of 4 m, due to a developed root system.

Correct location, compatibility of plants

It's an effective place where there's cypresses, berets, tuyas, the latter species are particularly popular among the private sector, and it's planted near a fence or street side.

In addition to the legislative requirements, it is important to comply with the recommendations for the proper planting of seedlings:

  1. Fruit fruit trees are located 3 m apart from each other. It will be easier to care for them, to harvest crops, and each copy will have enough light to develop.
  2. Near the oak, it's worth putting down low - grown, shadow - loving flowers.
  3. The bushes are planted at an equal height of two adult plants.
  4. Toa, cede, cyparis, pine, pine, and a tree can be placed within a meter of each other.

In spite of the beautiful combination of fruit trees and shrubs, there is no need to plant them together; an excessive shadow will mean that the bushes will have to be replanted without a guarantee that they will be adopted in a new place.

Legislation to respect the distance from trees to neighbouring buildings, fences are designed so that accommodation is convenient and beneficial to both sides, but if not, it is worth getting the support of neighbours.

Tree planting rates relative to a neighbouring site


Many believe that planting on their own shrubs or woods is not a job; in fact, it is a very difficult task.

The difficulty is not the choice of a suitable plant or the preparation of soil for it, but the correct location of the planting on the site; there are standards for planting trees in relation to the fence of the neighbouring area to be observed.

Skilling requires that planting standards be observed in relation to other trees and structures, and that the location of the landing place be chosen according to the location of underground communications.

Importance of compliance with SN & I

New arrivals in horticulture should carefully read recognized standards called SN & P. The legislation in force requires their implementation.

Each owner of a plot or other private territory may dispose of it at his or her discretion, but it is prohibited to cause inconvenience to the neighbours; the regulations specify the distance between the green gardens and the fence.

Building standards have been developed taking into account fire and sanitation requirements.

In the field of greening, there are many important points to be observed in planting fruit trees.

Not only must the planting rules be observed while maintaining the distance, but the tree will grow in a few years, its crown will grow in size, and whether it will end up abroad.

After careful study of the SN & I and most of the standards are recommendatory, they should be applied to their site, taking into account the trees chosen for planting.

There are a number of factors that explain why distance should be taken into account and landing rules:

  • By developing trees, they build root masses, and they can damage construction and architectural structures around them, and the most powerful roots can lift up a bathtub or a gazebo, and damage the fence.
  • In many areas near the fences there are transmission lines. In this case, it will not be possible to ignore the distance requirements. The wind, the storm can break the crown of the tree, it will fall on the wires, which is very dangerous. Not only will it be possible to decompose the entire village, but it will also create a danger for people in the form of broken wires lying on the ground. A special crown structure can cause contact with the wires, which is also dangerous.
  • If the fence and the structure of the site are built from wood and the trunks of the tall trees with the mighty crown grow nearby, there is a risk of the gradual destruction of natural material; the permanent shadow increases the risk of molding, the development of fungus lesions and rotten processes in its structure.
  • The root system of bushes and trees can damage underground communications, such as telephone cables, water supply, sewers, gas pipes, which are the most dangerous, and the distance between buildings, communications and trees must be at least two metres; if planted on a section of lumber, foliage or beech, the distance must be increased to four metres.
  • And when you have planted them, you will not be able to reach them, nor will you be able to reach them, nor will you be able to reach them, nor will you be able to reach them, nor will you be able to reach them, nor will you be able to reach them, nor will you be able to reach them.
  • Garden trees planted at sites will be difficult to process, to care for, because of the proximity of the fence.

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Standards for planting shrubs and trees

A complete list of the requirements and standards that govern planting can be found in the 1997 SN & I, and we will refer briefly to the basic standards for planting trees from the neighbouring fence.

Distance between the stands and the fence

A lot of people are interested in the question: "The fence is shared with the neighbors. At what distance from the fence do you plant trees?" The distance is drawn from the fence according to their height.

It is recommended that powerful trees (apples or pears) be planted at a distance of at least 4 metres from the fence; this is the optimal length for trees not exceeding 15 m high.

So you can plant fruit trees, as well as berets, pine, and spruce.

Medium-barrel trees with a stem height of not more than 10 metres shall be planted from the fence by two metres; such fruit trees shall be: kale, cherries, plums, nuts.

They distinguish between dwarf trees and all kinds of shrubs. Low-shoes and tall shrubs have a rather small root system.

So if you drop them off within a meter of the fence, there's no harm.

In choosing a tree-planting site, consideration must be given not only to good-neighbourly relations, but also to the need to preserve the decorative appearance of the fence and the structural strength, and with this in mind, many landscape designers recommend all green plants, in accordance with the standards, regardless of height, to be planted at a distance of 2 to 3 metres.

Distance from plants to structures

Small-time land owners often fail to comply with planting standards, believing that "there is no room," but it is very important to keep at least the distance between trees and residential, economic constructions, which will reduce the risk of root system damage, and eliminate severe shade.

According to the standards adopted, the distance from the trees should be as follows:

  • Before the home, the foundations of the buildings (bani, gazebos, separate summer kitchens, and verandas) are at least 5 metres.
  • To the edge of the garden paths is 70 centimetres.
  • Up to engineering systems, communications 1 5 meters.
  • Up to the poles of the transmission line is 1.5 metres.
  • It's 1.5 meters to the carriageway.

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For shrubs, the standards change slightly in a smaller direction.

Distance between plants

Carefully computing the distance between the plants and the plants, let's not forget that keeping the distance between plants is also very important for quality growth, growth of plants, persistence to disease, high yield.

In the case of high trees, the distance must be maintained at a strict rate of five metres; if there is a free space on the site, you can plant green plants at such a distance, and if the area is not sufficient, you can save space by reducing the distance from five to three or two metres.

Small shrubs don't require much space around them, you can put them in every meter, and they're both cold, and they're red, and they're hot, and they're junk.

Compliance with tree and shrub planting rules will help avoid conflicts with neighbours and generate good crops.

Standards of tree planting relative to the fence of a neighbouring section Reference to main publication

What is the distance from the tree to the fence?

The construction of the fence must be carried out in accordance with the rules and rules defined by the SN & I, not only in relation to the process, but also directly in determining a sufficient distance between the object and the plantings on the suburb, which will contribute to the fruiting of trees and, at the same time, to the normalization of relations between neighbours.

How long do you have to step back to the next precinct?

And We have made for you gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you are gardens, and for you there are gardens, and for you therein are gardens, and for you therein are gardens, and for you therein are gardens, and for you therein are gardens, and for you therein are gardens.

This is done to avoid damage to the object ' s integrity, as well as sufficient removal from the fences, constructions and between trees, to prevent the complete shadowing of the home area, which will have an impact on plant development and tree fertility.

The layout of the main sites at the gardening site relative to the fence, and the planting of trees and shrubs also takes into account the legal requirements of the law.

This is based on SN & P 30-03-97, which sets out the requirements for the site ' s construction.In particular, it indicates the distance at which trees and other plants should be planted from the border of another section; for example, the tallest growing tree should be removed from the fence by 4 m, counting from the stem.

In the case of medium-altitude plants, distance of 2 m is sufficient. Low vegetation, in particular dwarf trees and small shrubs, is recommended not to be closer than 1 m from the fence.

Information from the gardener ' s handbook should be taken to determine which plants are covered by the regulation, since the SN & P does not specify the tree species.

For example, the tall ones include birch, oak, toppole, pine, and some of the fruits, as they reach 15 m or more.

Distance to facilities

One of the dangers of close location of vegetation to any type of construction and different purpose at the site is the damage to the brick pad by force of an evolving root system.

The distance to the fence from the buildings should be at least 1 m, from the capital buildings at least 3 m (SN & I 2.08.01 - 89)

The standards avoid negative effects on buildings, and plant trees must be located not only at a certain distance from the fence and the residential home, but also at a distance from any small facility, including communication, gas and electrical lines.

The main building (residential structure) should not be nearer than 5 m from the tall tree, thus avoiding the destruction of the foundation and at the same time removing the shade of the rooms.

The recommended distance from garden roads is 1.5 m. In the case of pipelines (electric, water and gas pipelines), trees should be planted at a minimum distance of 2 m from communications.

Distance between plants

To ensure normal or at least acceptable conditions for the development of plants at the site, they must be removed from a range of growing plants of 1 to 5 m.

And the direct distance between the trees is determined by their species.

Decorative qualities, fertility and normal growth rates depend not only on the maintenance of the plants, but also on their proper location.

The distance between trees, which are equally well developed in both the sun and the shade, should be 2-3 m (2.5 m). On average, for most fruit-bearing species, 5 to 6 m removal is sufficient, and low-grain plants are recommended to be planted 1 to 2 m (the lower the bush, the closer).

Table of permitted landing distances for wood at the site

To determine as precisely as possible what conditions will be appropriate for a tree, you have to take into account its size and breed; for example, the length between apples in planting must be about 6 m (for tall species).

Distance from plants to fence in the neighbouring area

How far do you go when you land near the fence?

The need to maintain the distance between plants and structures has not been for nothing, and the following reasons have contributed to this:

  • The tree may damage the structure or structure of the fence by powerfully developed edges;
  • This is particularly dangerous near the power line, as a fallen tree can break the wires;
  • The crowns and roots of trees near the communication lines prevent repair work (electricity, sewage, telephone, running water, gas);
  • Too much vegetation should not be produced near the house because it would be an obstacle to fire fighting or repair work.

How far from the fence you can plant different plants

For the above reasons, standards have been developed for planting different plants on private plots, and they regulate the distance at which trees and bushes should be from a building, so the distance to the neighbouring harvest of different wood crops should be as follows:

  • A High Tree —at least 4 metres;
  • A middle-sized and low-sized tree —from 2 meters;
  • bushes —from 1 m.

Distance limits for planting trees and shrubs near the fence

There are other additional recommendations as to the distance at which landings from certain specific sites should be:

  • Trees can be planted at a distance of 3 metres from houses and structures;
  • From the track, the transmission line, the gas pipeline, the sewers at least 1.5 metres;
  • From the fence, it's better to plant two and a half or three metres of trees, especially fruit trees. (Apple, pears, cherry, cherry, apricot and others) will preserve the integrity of the fence and avoid conflicts with neighbours;

How far from each other to plant decorative trees

More often than not, plots outside the house have been used for decorative purposes rather than crop production, which does not indicate that apple trees are no longer growing in gardens or that they are no longer planted.

It's just that they've been added to these interesting woods like tuyas, oaks, berets, sakures, maples, and other trees that are not exactly typical of our gardens.

You should know at what distance you can land them from each other, so that they grow up right and don't block each other.

  • Toasting and other similar species with an extended crown can be planted within one metre of each other;
  • The apples, the pears, the cherries and the cherries are better placed in three and a half metres. Otherwise, they will not have enough sunlight when they grow up.
  • In trees with large wrinkled crowns (clone, oak, etc.), only low-lying and low-lying crops will survive.

Where you can plant the bushes and what the best look is near the fence.

Many people are attracted to the idea of planting an ornamental fence from the bushes instead of a fence, which can be arranged by written permission of the owners of a neighbouring section.

And at what distance should the fence be if the neighbour is against such a divider, in which case such a living fence must be at least one metre from the intended boundary between the private territories.

It is desirable to put at least a net of a slave between the sections to follow the letter of the law exactly, and the law does not regulate how many meters of width your living fence can be and how long it must last.

Such shrubs may be planted to separate sections or as a fence:

  • High: Barbaris, Boirberry, Caragana (Yellow Acacia);
  • Medium: Van Gutta's spirit, Arguth's truncated, kesil shiny, throbbing;
  • Low: Bumalda's spirit or Japanese, self-inflicted.

The type of shrubs suitable for fences is much larger, and only the least-wanted members of the fence are represented above, which is suitable for a moderate continental climate.

Flowers, vegetables, greens.

The right question is, after the above recommendations, "How far do you grow vegetables, greens, and flowers?" on a private site. There are no legal recommendations for this kind of vegetation, but you should know at what distance it is best to plant them from the sun's obstacles so that they can grow comfortably and have enough light.

Plants growing in shadows

You can only plant ornamental grass, moss, and lawn grass within a few metres of the structures and tall woods, which will be quite attractive, but not as beautiful as flowers and not as rational as vegetables and greens.

In the shadows or on half-shadows, we recommend the planting of rye, parsley, salads, red porridge, peas, lettuces, garlic, beet, cauliflower, broccoli, beans, bush beans, shit, cherry, rye, radish, spicy herbs (tiyan, parszka, estragon, celery, amateur, kinza, minta, soul mate, meliss). Most of these vegetables and herbs are planted early in the spring.

And if you do not want to grow and care for it, then let's put flowers on the leftovers of the shades of square metres.

These include: Lanches, Barwinks, Hosts (Funk), Boats, Anemones, Mouses, Astillbes, Aquillegia, Badan, Dicenter, Doronicum (Yellow Romance), Aruncus (Wolf), Unforgettable, Devalyzed, Anemone, Labster, Tavolga, Rogersia, Aquilegy.

If the sun has access to a shadow section for at least two or three hours a day, then you can plant lilies, floxes, aconites, pions, and iris.

Beautiful in combination with flowers in the shadows will be soil (auga, hooves, wood strawberries) and ferns.

Reference to main publication
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