Is it possible and how to terminate a purchase and sale agreement for an apartment after registration, an agreement to terminate the purchase and sale agreement for an apartment

  • Sometimes situations occur when, after concluding a real estate purchase and sale agreement, one of the parties decides to terminate it.
  • However, what to do if the agreement has already been registered with Rosreestr?
  • Let's consider on what grounds you can terminate the contract for the sale and purchase of an apartment after registration.

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Is it possible to terminate after registration?

Can the seller or buyer terminate the contract? The answer to the question posed mainly depends on the stage of fulfillment of the conditions discussed within the contract. There are two possible options:

  • If the apartment has already been transferred to the buyer, and the money has been received by the seller, then in this case it will no longer be possible to terminate the transaction. The only way out of this situation is to formalize a sale and purchase agreement for the apartment.
  • If the parties to the agreement have not yet settled with each other, then there is a chance to return everything to its original position, even if the agreement has already passed the registration procedure.

There is a big difference in the consequences of a court decision between the termination of a contract and the recognition of a contract as invalid:

  1. In judicial practice, if the contract is declared invalid, the seller and the buyer will have to return to each other everything received under the transaction, that is, exchange the money back for an apartment (Clause 2 of Article 167 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Grounds for declaring a contract invalid (Articles 168-179 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation):

    • execution of a transaction in violation of the law;
    • contradiction to the norms of law and order and morality;
    • entering into an agreement by deception;
    • if one of the parties to the transaction is incapacitated or under 14 years of age, etc.
  2. If the contract is terminated at the initiative of one of the parties in accordance with clause 4 of Art. 453 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the parties to the agreement do not have the right to demand the return of what was performed by them before the termination of the agreement, unless otherwise established by law or by agreement of the parties. One of the parties can only demand compensation for losses (clause 5 of Article 453 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Therefore, it is better to initially include in the terms of the purchase and sale agreement a clause regarding the actions of the parties in the event of its termination.

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Grounds: in what cases is termination possible?

The following explains whether you can terminate the contract, for example, by mutual desire with the other party. In accordance with Articles 450 and 450.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there are three reasons why the parties to a transaction may terminate a previously reached agreement:

  • A written agreement entered into by the mutual wishes of the buyer and seller of real estate.
  • A court decision made at the request of one of the participants in a real estate purchase and sale transaction.
  • Unilateral refusal to fulfill the conditions specified within the agreement (in cases provided for by law or clearly stated in the agreement itself).

Terms of cancellation of the transaction

It is possible to terminate a real estate purchase and sale agreement through the court within 3 years from the date if one of the parties to the transaction learns of a violation of its rights. This limitation period is established in paragraph 1 of Art. 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

How to cancel before trial?

Find out how to terminate a contract after state registration. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 452 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, before filing a lawsuit to terminate the contract, the buyer (seller) must make attempts to peacefully resolve this issue. To do this, a written notice containing the corresponding request must be sent to the other party. There is no single sample of such a document, so it can be compiled in any form. In this case, it is recommended to specify the exact period within which the response should be received.

So, if the other party to the transaction agreed to cancel the previously concluded agreement, then the following actions are performed:

  1. A written agreement is drawn up. This is done in the same order as preparing the original document. So, if the purchase and sale agreement was certified by a notary, then this agreement must be drawn up in a similar way.

    Today there is no single form for such a document, but it must include the following information:

    • name of the paper;
    • date and place of conclusion of the agreement;
    • Full name of the buyer and seller of the apartment;
    • details of the original contract;
    • the day from which the agreement will be considered terminated;
    • a statement about the absence of claims between the parties to the transaction;
    • details of the parties to the agreement.
  2. Next, the buyer and seller must put their signatures on the prepared document. It is from this moment that the purchase and sale agreement for the apartment will be considered cancelled.
  3. If documents for registration of ownership have already been transferred, then the parties to the terminated transaction must submit a joint application to Rosreestr to terminate this procedure and return all papers (Clause 1, Article 31, Law of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ).

How to cancel an agreement?

Sometimes it is not possible to cancel a contract peacefully, since the other party does not want to meet. In this case, the only way out is to go to court. However, for this it is necessary that one of the following conditions be met (clause 2 of Article 452 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation):

  • Availability of a written refusal to terminate the transaction received from the seller (buyer).
  • Failure to receive a response within the period specified in the notice. Moreover, if a specific date was not specified, then this period is taken to be 30 days.

Where to start: on what grounds is it permissible to challenge a real estate transaction?

Before going to court, you must carefully consider the grounds for canceling a real estate transaction, which will be indicated in the statement of claim.

So, in accordance with Art. 450 and 451 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a contract can be terminated through court only if there are the following grounds:

  1. Significant violation of the terms of the contract. Typical examples of this include:

    • refusal to pay for the apartment by the buyer;
    • refusal to vacate the premises by the seller;
    • the sudden appearance of third parties having the right to use the residential premises, which the buyer was not aware of at the time of registration of the transaction.
  2. In other situations provided for by law (for example, the presence of signs of invalidity of the transaction).
  3. Significant change in the circumstances of the transaction.

Thus, the seller (buyer) does not have the right to suddenly file a petition with the court to annul the written agreement. This can only be done if there are serious grounds with the presentation of relevant evidence.

Preparing for the trial: what documents and evidence will be required?

The next step is to prepare the necessary package of papers. The general list of documents is given in Art. 132 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. This includes:

  • statement of claim;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • power of attorney to represent interests in court (if his representative will participate in the hearings on behalf of the plaintiff);
  • evidence of the legitimacy of the requirements put forward;
  • proposal to terminate the contract, which was previously sent to the defendant.

Particular attention should be paid to the evidence base that will be presented in court. In this case, the set of documents will depend on the specific circumstances of the case. As an example, we can consider several typical situations:

  • if the seller insists that the purchase and sale agreement for the apartment was signed by him in a state of insanity, then he will need to submit the conclusion of a forensic psychiatric expert commission;
  • if, according to the statement of claim, the property is in disrepair, and the buyer purchased it without knowing about this fact, then in court it will be necessary to present an expert opinion from a third-party organization.

In addition, evidence may also include the following:

  • neighbors;
  • random witnesses;
  • close relatives, etc.

Procedure for filing a claim

Filing a claim is carried out in the generally accepted manner:

  1. Choice of judicial authority. Disputes related to real estate are resolved in courts of general jurisdiction. In this case, the application must be submitted at the place of residence of the plaintiff or at the location of the disputed property.
  2. Payment of state duty.
  3. Preparing a claim and collecting the necessary papers.
  4. Submitting a complete package of documentation to the office of the judicial authority. Receiving notification of the acceptance of the case for consideration and further waiting for a subpoena.

Rules for filing a claim

In accordance with Art. 131 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the statement of claim is submitted in writing. It must contain the following information:

  1. coordinates of the judicial authority to which the petition is sent;
  2. information about the plaintiff and defendant (full name, residential address, telephone numbers, etc.);
  3. the grounds for the appeal and the demands put forward;
  4. the cost of the claim (in this case it will be the price of the apartment), as well as the calculation of the amounts that the plaintiff wishes to additionally recover (for example, expenses incurred to repair an apartment in which further residence is impossible);
  5. message about torture to resolve the issue pre-trial (it is necessary to attach a copy of the proposal for pre-trial settlement of the issue with a mark of delivery to the defendant);
  6. list of documents that are attached to the claim.

It should be noted that it is best for an ordinary person, far from the legal sphere, to entrust the preparation of an application to an experienced lawyer.

The procedure for the trial is clearly defined in Chapters 13 – 16 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.


How long can the contract be terminated and is there an exact deadline? Thus, the entire judicial process is conditionally divided into several stages:

  1. Consideration of the claim - in accordance with Art. 133 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the judge must make a decision on accepting the case for proceedings within 5 days from the date of receipt of the claim.
  2. Preparation for the trial - at this stage, individual nuances and circumstances of the case are clarified, the legislation in force in a particular area is determined, etc. The exact duration of the preparatory process is not specified in the code. They are established by the judge in the appropriate ruling.
  3. Trial of the case - at this stage, court hearings are organized, arguments of both sides, testimony of witnesses, etc. are heard. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 154 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, civil cases must be resolved within 2 months from the date of filing the claim (if no new circumstances of the case have been discovered).
  4. The decision comes into force one month after its announcement.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 88 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the entire set of legal costs is divided into two groups:

  1. Payment of state duty.
  2. Costs associated with the consideration of the case.

Thus, during the trial, the plaintiff may incur the following expenses:

  • amounts to be paid to witnesses, various specialists, experts and translators;
  • payment for travel and accommodation of persons involved in the trial;
  • payment of remuneration to the plaintiff's representatives;
  • compensation for loss of time (if the claim filed is unfounded), etc.

How should a plaintiff behave in the courtroom?

During the court hearing, it is very important to monitor your behavior. The plaintiff should adhere to the following basic rules:

  • observe etiquette in court (when addressed by the judge, stand up, use the expression “Your Honor,” etc.);
  • monitor your emotions (violent expression of thoughts, shouting, insults is unacceptable);
  • express your point of view clearly and consistently;
  • do not deviate from the essence of the matter while expressing your opinion.

Quite often it is difficult for people to behave correctly in court, so in this case the plaintiff has the right to send his representative (lawyer) to the meeting.

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After the trial, the plaintiff's further actions will depend on the decision made.

How to return ownership?

After the claim is satisfied, the seller’s next step will be to return ownership of the apartment transferred under the terminated purchase and sale agreement. To do this, it is necessary to cancel the previously registered right and register it in the name of the “new” owner.

So, in this case, the plaintiff needs to prepare an appropriate application and come with it to the territorial office of Rosreestr. The basis for extinguishing the property rights of the previous owner will be a court decision.

How to appeal a decision to higher authorities?

In paragraph 2 of Art. 321 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation states that any of the parties to the trial (plaintiff or defendant) has the right to appeal the decision . This is done in the following order:

  1. first you need to draw up an appeal;
  2. then it should be filed with the court in which the original decision was made;
  3. after the expiration of the period allotted for appeal, the court of first instance sends the case, along with the complaint and other materials, to the appellate court, where it is further considered.

Thus, in some cases it is quite possible to cancel the agreement for the sale and purchase of an apartment after its registration in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. In this case, the most convenient and simple option is to terminate the agreement by mutual consent of both parties to the transaction.

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How to terminate a real estate purchase and sale agreement after registration?

  • Termination of a contract is the termination of its validity, that is, the return of money to the buyer and the goods to the seller and the completion of trade relations between them.
  • The conclusion of contracts relating to real estate is complicated by the mandatory state registration of the transfer of ownership.

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After the transaction, both parties may be dissatisfied: the seller with incomplete or untimely receipt of money, the buyer with debts for utilities or the presence of citizens registered at the property, etc.

The possibility of terminating the purchase and sale agreement for an apartment is guaranteed by Chapter 29 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Change and termination of the contract.”

  • Reasons sufficient for termination (Article 450);
  • Termination due to a change in circumstances (Article 451);
  • The procedure for termination (Article 452);
  • Consequences of termination of transactions (Article 453).

The legal basis for any real estate transactions (including purchase and sale and its termination) is Federal Law No. 122 .

According to federal law, all transactions in this area must be registered. It is required when purchasing an object and when terminating the contract.

The law provides for a statute of limitations for terminating a real estate purchase and sale agreement. It is possible to challenge the legality of a transaction within three years after registration .

According to the law, the following must be registered:

  1. Transactions the object of which are residential premises (considered valid from the moment of registration);
  2. Transfer of ownership of any property.

Residential real estate goes through a “double” registration process - transactions and changes in ownership.

How to terminate the contract before registration?

Until the registration process is completed, real estate transactions are considered incomplete. At this stage, canceling a purchase/sale occurs most easily.

  1. In a transaction with an apartment or house, the buyer and seller who renounce their obligations must have time to submit a termination agreement to the Unified State Register of Companies before the completion of registration of the transaction and change of owner (in practice, the two indicated stages are registered, most often, simultaneously).
  2. If the parties contacted a notary or a real estate agency to conclude a transaction, they should also contact them upon termination.
  3. If an apartment purchase and sale agreement is being registered, but has not yet been registered, both parties to the transaction jointly submit to Rosreestr an application to terminate the registration of the agreement.

The disagreement of one party to terminate is a reason for the second party to go to court. This is possible only after receiving a written refusal of the intention to terminate the contract.

We invite you to download a sample application from an individual for termination or renewal of state registration: Download the form.

Termination of a purchase and sale agreement after registration (with or without agreement)

You can cancel the contract after registration and transfer of money to the seller, and to the buyer of the object:

  1. At the request of one of the parties;
  2. By agreement of all participants.

If the parties managed to reach an agreement, the best option is to conclude a “reverse” agreement, when the buyer acts as the seller and the seller acts as the buyer. As a result, there will be a second exchange of real estate/money and another registration, returning everything to its place.

An agreement to terminate the real estate purchase and sale agreement is signed by the parties upon reaching mutual agreement.

We invite you to download a sample agreement to terminate the purchase and sale agreement for an apartment: Download the form.

Based on the application of the parties, the agreement to terminate the apartment purchase and sale agreement is subject to registration. A record of termination of the transaction is made in the unified state register of rights.

If the transaction is partially executed and state registration of the transfer of ownership is completed, then the agreement to terminate the apartment purchase and sale agreement will not be the basis for the return of the subject of the transaction (apartment).

If there is a unilateral desire to cancel a completed transaction, it is necessary to try to reach a pre-trial agreement with the other party , that is, send a written proposal to cancel the transaction.

After a written refusal, as well as if the response is not received within the period specified in the proposal or within 30 days, the right to file a claim arises.

However, to terminate a completed contract (property transferred, money received, ownership registered) the desire of the party (or parties) alone is not enough. There must be serious reasons to “cancel” a contract in court :

  • Violation of important (essential) clauses of the contract;
  • Other cases (determined by the court separately for each precedent).

Essential conditions, the violation of which leads to termination or invalidation of the document, most often are:

  1. Lack or incomplete payment;
  2. Encumbrance in the form of citizens registered in the apartment;
  3. Signing documents by an incapacitated person;
  4. Coercion to sign documents.

No payment

According to current legislation, the buyer is obliged to pay for the purchased goods. Payment for real estate is confirmed by a document that certifies the transfer of money. The following can be provided as proof of payment:

  • Receipt;
  • Bank statement;
  • Receipt for depositing money into the cash register (from a legal entity), etc.

If the buyer refuses to pay for the purchased item, the seller has the right to demand termination of the transaction . In this case, the property remains with the seller. If the property has been transferred and payment has not been received, the court may decide:

  • Terminate the transaction and return the property to the seller;
  • Recognize the transaction as legal and oblige the buyer to pay the amount stipulated by the contract, as well as pay the amount of the penalty in favor of the seller.

Encumbrance in the form of citizens registered in the apartment

The situation when the right to use the purchased housing is retained by one of the previous owners occurs quite often in judicial practice.

When real estate is transferred to another person, all encumbrances remain, that is, the debts must be paid by the new owner of the apartment .

For example, a citizen who is not the owner, but has the right to use the premises, ends up in prison or leaves for a long time. The owners are selling their homes at this time.

And after some time, the buyer is faced with the need to share housing with a complete stranger who has returned from afar.

If three years have not passed since the acquisition of the property, the new owner has the right to demand termination of the contract and receipt of the entire amount paid to the seller.

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Invalid transactions

  • In judicial practice, there are often cases when one of the parties demands termination of an executed contract on the basis of its illegality.
  • If the court confirms the illegality of signing a document, such contracts are not terminated, but are declared invalid.
  • The most common cases in this category are transactions made by incapacitated citizens and contracts concluded under the pressure of violence and threat and under the influence of delusion or deception.

If a transaction is declared void (that is, illegal), each party returns to the property status that was before the start of trade relations.

Termination due to material change of circumstances

The emergence of circumstances essential for the termination of the executed contract is understood as a situation, if they knew about the occurrence of which the parties would refuse to conclude the transaction.

To cancel all the consequences of the concluded agreement by the court, the situation must be recognized:

  1. Arose unexpectedly;
  2. Irresistible;
  3. Resulting in serious damage to the parties(ies);
  4. Affecting the interests of both participants.

Changes are considered significant when all four of these signs are combined.

Most often, the following circumstances are recognized as significant by the court:

  • Changes in legislation;
  • Significant increase in market price; financial crisis (rarely recognized by the court as a significant circumstance);
  • Liquidation of an enterprise (not related to the bankruptcy process), etc.

If you want to find out whether it is possible to challenge a deed of gift for an apartment, we advise you to read the article.

Safe sale

Subject to certain conditions, real estate sellers can significantly minimize risks. To do this you need:

  • Select reliable assistants (contact only trusted real estate agencies and competent lawyers);
  • Be attentive to the drafting of the contract, carefully read each of its options;
  • Monitor the presence in the contract of a clause on the possibility of termination in case of failure to fulfill obligations;
  • Include a clause on the amount and timing of payment: before or after registration.

Hassle-free purchase

The main risk for the buyer is untimely or incomplete vacancy of the premises by the seller.

The contract must clearly stipulate the terms of transfer of the premises and the transfer of the apartment must be recorded in the transfer deed.

The property is considered transferred from the moment it is signed.

Also, when purchasing real estate, it would be useful to check the assistants - study reviews of real estate agencies and specific employees.

The process of terminating real estate transactions is not easy, but you can protect yourself. It is necessary to provide for all possible consequences - to include in the contract the terms of payment and transfer of property, as well as indicate the procedure and conditions for terminating the real estate purchase and sale agreement .

The desire of the buyer or seller to cancel the purchase and sale agreement will not be enough. We invite you to watch the video.

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The procedure for terminating a real estate purchase and sale agreement after registration

Registration of real estate purchase and sale agreements is a mandatory procedure for completing the transaction. Together there is a transfer of ownership of the object.

But a situation may arise when, after registration, circumstances are discovered under which the contract is subject to termination, as a result of which the money paid to the seller is returned to the buyer, and the goods are returned to the seller. When is this possible, for what reason and how to terminate the agreement?

Is it possible to terminate a real estate purchase and sale agreement after registration?

It is possible to terminate a real estate purchase and sale agreement on the basis of Chapter 29 of the Civil Code, as well as Federal Law 122-FZ, which regulate the procedure for making and terminating transactions. At the same time, the law obliges to register the agreement both when purchasing a real estate property and when terminating contractual obligations.

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Any of the parties has the right to challenge the legality of the transaction within three years after its state registration. The transaction agreement is considered valid from the moment of registration, at which time the transfer of ownership of the object from one owner to another occurs.

Important points

The process of terminating a transaction agreement is quite complex and unpleasant. To minimize the risks of such a situation, you should follow several tips:

  • carefully consider the choice of the realtor to whom the transaction will be entrusted;
  • be sure to read all clauses of the contract;
  • specify clauses regarding the timing and amount of payment, as well as the conditions for terminating the contract if the obligations of any of the parties are violated.

If circumstances force you to terminate the contract after its registration:

  • try to come to an agreement with the other party to the transaction pre-trial: orally or by sending a written notice, expecting a response within 30 days (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 452);
  • If it is impossible to reach an agreement, go to court, but be prepared with evidence that the essential terms of the agreement have been violated.

Additionally, you should take into account the partial prepayment or advance payment required by the seller. This amount is not returned to the buyer upon termination of the contract; it becomes the property of the recipient. Make an advance payment only as a deposit.

Invalidation of the purchase and sale agreement

If the purchase and sale agreement for an apartment is declared legally invalid, it is as if it did not exist and does not have the consequences described in it. This norm is established by clause 1 of Article 167 of the Civil Code. Thus, the transaction is not considered completed.

An apartment purchase and sale agreement may be declared invalid as a result of:

  • challenging the transaction;
  • nullity of the transaction.

What is the difference between these two concepts will be discussed below.

Challenging a purchase and sale transaction

If there are serious grounds, the transaction may be declared invalid by the court. In this case, a claim is filed by a party who believes that as a result, its rights were violated or not taken into account. An example would be a case where rights are not taken into account when disposing of inherited real estate.

What are the grounds for declaring a purchase and sale transaction invalid?

A statement of claim to declare a transaction invalid may be filed in court by any of the parties to the transaction, another interested party (government body) or the prosecutor's office on the following grounds:

  • sale of real estate by a citizen under 18 years of age, without parental consent;
  • the transaction was completed without the consent of a government agency or a third party;
  • the transaction was made by an incapacitated person without the consent of the trustees or the guardianship authority and the trustee;
  • if it is proven that at the time of the transaction the seller was not capable of being responsible for his actions (he was in a state of alcoholic, narcotic, or psychotropic intoxication).

Additionally, it should be taken into account that the purchase and sale agreement may be invalidated if:

  • joint property was sold without the consent of the spouse;
  • when selling an apartment, the conditions of the guardianship and trusteeship authority were not met, thereby violating the rights of minors;
  • an inherited apartment was sold, to which other heirs of the deceased claimed rights.

What transactions are considered void?

A transaction made in violation of the law is considered void or invalid. For example, the seller forged documents or disposed of the property of a minor owner.

Types of void transactions

Civil legislation defines transactions that are considered void:

  • transactions made using invalid or forged documents, i.e. the seller intentionally committed an illegal act (Article 169 of the Civil Code);
  • sale of real estate owned by incapacitated citizens (Article 171 of the Civil Code);
  • illegal transactions encroaching on the rights of third parties (Article 168 of the Civil Code);
  • transactions with young children (a child under the age of 14 does not have the right to sign the purchase and sale agreement) (Article 172 of the Civil Code);
  • fictitious and also feigned real estate transactions, the purpose of which is not the actual transfer of property, but its concealment from seizure, inventory, etc. (Article 170 of the Civil Code);
  • transactions the subject of which is the property of the debtor or bankrupt, which he does not have the right to dispose of by law (Article 174.1 of the Civil Code).

Also, voidable and void transactions differ in terms of limitation periods. Article 181 of the Civil Code defines one calendar year for the first case, and three years for the second, with the possibility of increasing it to 10 years.

Therefore, the buyer needs to carefully study the documents in order to exclude signs that could make the transaction void and/or voidable. It’s easier for the seller; in any case, the property will be returned by court decision.

Such transactions are recognized by the court as illegal. The goods are returned to the seller, and the funds are returned to the buyer, and he can obtain compensation for the damage caused (Article 167 of the Civil Code).

Lack of payment under the contract

Any transaction involves the transfer of goods upon payment. Confirmation of the transfer of funds when paying for real estate is a receipt or bank account statement.

If the buyer does not pay for the goods, the seller has the right to demand that the contract be invalidated and return it back. But the court may decide to terminate the transaction or oblige the buyer to fulfill the terms of the contract, demanding in favor of the seller not only the amount under the contract, but also a penalty for all days of delay.


Cases of encumbrance on housing in the form of citizens registered there occur quite often. This applies to situations with those persons who are not the owner of the premises and are absent for a long period of time. For example, he actually lives in another region or is serving a sentence in prison. Registration in the apartment remains with him.

An unscrupulous home owner sells it, and as time passes, the new owners are faced with the fact that a citizen appears in their living space, declaring that he has the right to live. In this case, the buyer can go to court to cancel the transaction and will return the money paid to the seller.

Recognition of the PrEP as invalid is not a rare occurrence and judicial practice proves this - you can familiarize yourself with the cases at the link

Termination of the purchase and sale agreement

May be initiated by the buyer or seller. And also by mutual consent.

Agreement on termination of the apartment purchase and sale agreement: download form and sample

Next, we will consider each situation separately.

by mutual agreement of the parties

Any of the parties to the transaction may initiate termination of the contract. The parties can reach mutual agreement through negotiations and enter into another agreement of the reverse order. The subject will be the same property, and the seller and buyer will change places.

Then everyone will receive their property, which they owned before the conclusion of the first agreement. After state registration in Rosreestr, the seller will again become the owner, and the buyer will receive the money paid.


Termination of a contract by mutual consent is extremely rare. More often than not, one of the parties has to seek it in court. Let's consider situations when the seller can become the initiator, and when the buyer can become the initiator.

Termination by the seller

The seller has the right to unilaterally refuse a contract for the purchase and sale of a real estate property:

  • if the buyer refuses to make the next payment when selling the property to him in installments, but it is impossible to terminate the contract under which more than half of its value has been paid;
  • if the buyer refuses to accept the subject of the contract and pay for it;
  • if the buyer fails to comply with a court decision to collect money from him.

Termination at the initiative of the buyer

The contract is subject to termination in court at the request of the buyer:

  • upon discovery of encumbrances and claims of third parties that the buyer was not aware of before the transaction;
  • if the seller refuses to transfer to him the real estate that is the subject of the transaction agreement;
  • when significant qualitative defects of the object are discovered during an examination ordered by the court.

Download the statement of claim for termination of the real estate purchase and sale agreement: form

Possible difficulties

When transferring real estate after registration to another owner, the following difficulties may arise:

  • the seller is in no hurry to vacate the premises - write down specific deadlines in the contract and reflect the fact of transfer in the deed. Once it is signed, the property is considered transferred;
  • the buyer is obliged to make full payment under the contract after registering the transfer of ownership of the property, unless otherwise provided by the agreement.

Demand not to terminate the contract, but to attract the buyer to pay. Then you will be able not only to receive a full settlement, but also to demand a penalty;

  • the amount under the transaction agreement is deliberately understated and upon its termination entails the return to the buyer only of those funds that are specified.

Be careful and do not agree to the seller’s persuasion to reduce the value of the property by registering it as official. Fraudsters can use this trick.

The court may satisfy the request to terminate the transaction agreement, but does not have the right to decide the future fate of the property. The return of property or funds can be demanded simultaneously with the termination of the transaction or in another statement of claim.

Termination of an apartment purchase and sale agreement before and after registration, sample agreement, grounds and procedure for termination | Legal Advice

Last updated February 2023

Buying a home, making repairs to it, moving and receiving a summons to a court hearing on a claim to terminate the transaction is not the most pleasant situation. Is it possible to terminate the purchase and sale agreement for an apartment? By mutual consent - yes, if only one party wants this, then this is only possible through the court.

When signing a contract, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, since it is almost impossible to reclaim anything that was performed before the moment of termination. The concept of termination of a contract is regulated by Chapter 29 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Termination of the contract occurs in the following circumstances:

  • refusal of the contract by any party to the transaction;
  • mutual agreement to terminate the transaction;
  • recognition of the transaction as invalid;
  • establishing the fact that the contract was not concluded.

Typically, termination implies leaving everything as is at the time of termination of the relationship (for example, when providing services, part of the service provided remains for the benefit of the customer, and part of the money paid is with the contractor; from the moment of termination, the parties are not obliged to further indicate the service and pay the remaining amount).

This is not done when selling housing. Upon termination, everything is returned to each party (real estate to the seller, money to the buyer).

According to Art. 450.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unilateral termination of a transaction is possible only in the event of circumstances established by law, and if this is directly provided for by the text of the contract itself (for example, the buyer and seller clearly indicated the clause under which if there is a delay in payment (even partial payment in any amount) more than 3 days, the seller has the right to withdraw from the contract).

The contract is considered terminated from the date the offending party receives notice of refusal to perform the contract. In this case, no courts are needed (the presence of grounds for refusal and sending a notification are sufficient).

But this situation is possible when the agreement has not yet passed state registration (that is, it was concluded, but was not submitted to the registration department).

  The main thing is to send a notice to the opposing party and then act according to the situation (demand the money back or vacate the premises, return documents, etc.).

If the transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer was registered in the state real estate register, then everything must be returned by court decision, since Rosreestr will not reverse (cancel) the registration only at the request of one party. A judicial act will be required, where the court will order Rosreestr to cancel the registration.

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Bilateral termination

The parties to the transaction may cancel the transaction by mutual agreement to terminate the apartment purchase and sale agreement. Everything is resolved according to the agreed will of the buyer and seller, peacefully and in the common interests. That is, an agreement is concluded together, applications for termination of registration with Rosreestr are submitted together, etc. No judicial intervention is required here.

But in the case of real estate transactions, such a situation arises extremely rarely. Below is a sample of termination of a contract for the purchase and sale of an apartment by mutual consent.

Invalidity of the transaction

  • If the interested party has no grounds for unilateral refusal of the contract, and there is also no desire of the second party for voluntary termination, but there are violations of the law, then the violated party to the transaction can challenge the transaction in court.
  • From the moment the transaction is declared invalid/void, the purchase and sale agreement will be considered terminated.
  • There can be many reasons for challenging a transaction:
  • misrepresentation regarding the characteristics of housing;
  • completion of a transaction by an unauthorized person or without the consent of the spouse;
  • silence about encumbrances on an apartment/residential building;
  • making a transaction under pressure or threat;
  • pretense of the purpose of transactions (for example, to divert property from the exacting sanctions of creditors);
  • and other circumstances.

Failure to conclude a deal

Sometimes a deal may seem to have been concluded, but it cannot be fully recognized as completed, that is, it does not give rise to the consequences that the parties expect. Situations like this could be:

  • the contract does not describe the property;
  • the exact price of housing is not indicated;
  • the contract itself has not been submitted for registration.

At this stage, either the seller or the buyer may understand that he is not interested in the contract and has no further desire to complete everything.

In such a situation, everything can be left as is and the contract can be considered terminated without conclusion (with the exception of the situation with state registration, because if you avoid appearing at Rosreestr, the other party can file a claim for recognition of state registration without the participation of the second participant).

Sample agreement to terminate the contract by mutual consent

on termination of the purchase and sale agreement b/n dated January 10, 2022

May 04, 2023 Belgorod region, Belgorod city

Termination of a real estate purchase and sale agreement after registration

The transaction between the seller and the buyer governs the purchase and sale agreement. If the participants in the procedure are not satisfied with something, the agreement may be terminated. The easiest way to carry out the procedure is before contacting Rosreestr.

If a real estate purchase and sale agreement is terminated after registration , this may lead to a number of difficulties.

A citizen must take into account that such an action cannot always be performed.

However, the procedure is still possible. To do this, it is necessary to study cases when the law allows a previously concluded transaction to be invalidated. We will talk further about the current legislation, the procedure for terminating a contract before registration, as well as the reasons that allow you to take actions after contacting Rosreestr.

Termination of the contract in accordance with current legislation

The concluded agreement does not always satisfy both participants. The seller may be dissatisfied with incomplete or late payment of funds.

During the transaction, the buyer may find out that utilities in the purchased property have not been paid or not paid in full, and that third parties are registered on the premises.

The possibility of terminating a real estate purchase and sale agreement after registration is regulated by Chapter 29 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Before proceeding directly to the procedure, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

  • 450 – contains a list of reasons according to which the registered transaction can be terminated;
  • 451 – reflects the features of termination of the contract, which is caused by a change in circumstances;
  • 452 – fixes the procedure for the termination procedure;
  • 453 – indicates the consequences of termination of the contract after registration.

All manipulations with real estate are carried out on the basis of the provisions of Federal Law No. 122. In accordance with it, all transactions with housing must be registered. The process must also be followed when purchasing a property and when terminating a real estate purchase and sale agreement.

The current legislation reflects the limitation period during which a person has the right to go to court and terminate the agreement. The law allows the seller and buyer to carry out the procedure for terminating the contract within 3 years from the date of registration of the agreement.

If we are talking about residential property, you have to go through a double registration process. The action must be performed in relation to the transaction itself and the fact of a change in the owner of the property.

Termination of an apartment purchase and sale agreement before registration

Once the registration process for the purchase and sale of an apartment is completed, it is considered concluded. Having concluded an agreement in relation to an apartment or house, the seller and the buyer, who have decided to fulfill the waiver of obligations, must have time to submit an agreement to terminate the transaction to the State Register.


The action must be completed before registration is completed and ownership changes occur. In practice, the above actions are most often carried out simultaneously.

If the procedure for concluding a transaction was carried out with the assistance of a notary or real estate agency, you should also contact them when terminating the agreement.

If the purchase and sale agreement for an apartment has been submitted for registration, but has not yet been registered, the seller and buyer must prepare and jointly submit an application to Rosreestr with a request for registration. If one of the parties to the agreement does not agree with the termination of the transaction, it will be possible to carry out the actions only through the court.

If the registration of an apartment purchase and sale agreement has been completed, and the seller has transferred the rights to the real estate, and the buyer has transferred money, termination of the agreement can be carried out at the request of one party or by mutual consent of the parties to the transaction.

If both parties want to cancel a previously concluded agreement, the easiest way is to complete the transaction in reverse order. In this case, the seller becomes the buyer, and the buyer becomes the seller.

Between the parties to the agreement in respect of which the termination is being carried out, a new agreement is concluded, on the basis of which the transfer of ownership of the real estate will be carried out. The process is carried out in accordance with the classical rules.

The seller and buyer will have to re-apply to Rosreestr and register a new agreement. The sale of real estate is usually carried out for the same amount.


If for some reason the seller and buyers do not want to reverse the transaction, they can discuss all the nuances and draw up an agreement to terminate the real estate purchase and sale agreement.

It is necessary to prepare a statement on the basis of which the contract can be canceled. It is drawn up jointly by the parties to the agreement. A package of documents must be submitted to Rosreestr.

Based on the received papers, a record will be made of the termination of the house purchase and sale transaction and its cancellation will be carried out.

If partial execution has been carried out and the employees of the authorized body have already completed the registration process, the termination agreement will not become the basis for termination of the contract they concluded.

If only one participant in the process wants to terminate the contract, experts recommend trying to reach an agreement with the other party to the contract. To do this, you will need to send a written proposal to cancel the transaction.

If a person refuses to terminate or does not respond to the notification received within 30 days, the citizen receives the right to file a claim. However, desire alone is not enough to terminate a previously concluded contract. For a transaction to be cancelled, there must be compelling reasons.

Among them are violations of essential clauses of the contract, as well as a number of other cases. They depend on the specifics of the current situation.

Essential conditions that may become a reason for canceling a registered agreement are:

  • the buyer did not contribute funds for the purchase of real estate or did not provide them in full;
  • third parties are registered in the apartment;
  • the agreement was signed by a person who is not legally capable;
  • the citizen was forced to sign documents;

Current legislation obliges the buyer to pay for the purchased goods. If we are talking about real estate, the transfer of funds must be documented.

The parties may draw up the following documents for this purpose:

  • receipt;
  • bank account statement;
  • a receipt confirming the deposit of money into the cash register if the transaction was concluded with a legal entity.

If the buyer refuses to provide funds, the seller has the right to demand unilateral termination of the transaction. In this case, the premises will remain with its former owner.

If the property has been transferred and no funds have been received, the court has the right to terminate the transaction and return the property to the seller or declare the transaction illegal and oblige the buyer to pay a penalty.


Third parties are registered in the apartment

When figuring out whether it is possible to terminate the purchase and sale agreement for an apartment after registration, you need to take into account the presence of third parties registered in the premises. Thus, in practice, the right to use the sold housing may be retained by one of its former owners.

If ownership is transferred, all encumbrances on the premises remain. This means that the new owner of the apartment must pay the debt.

 In practice, a situation may arise when one of the persons, who is not the owner of the premises, but is registered in it, leaves for a long time somewhere or goes to prison. The owners of the living space are selling the property at this time. After some time, the citizen may return.

At the same time, he retains the right to use the premises. The new owner will be forced to share living space with a complete stranger.

If found in such a situation, the new owner of the property has the right to challenge the transaction in court and terminate the contract. The rule applies if 3 years have not passed since the conclusion of the transaction.

If the court agrees to satisfy the applicant's request, the money paid for the purchase of the living space will be returned to the buyer.

Citizens often go to court with a demand to declare a previously concluded contract invalid. The basis for this is the illegality of the agreement. If the court agrees to satisfy the requirements, the contract will not be terminated. However, the deal is declared invalid.

 Most often, such a decision is made if the agreement was signed by an incapacitated citizen, or the action was performed by a person who is under violent pressure. Misrepresentation also leads to the transaction being declared invalid.

And if the court makes such a decision, each of the persons will return to the same property status that was before the signing of the agreement.


Circumstances have changed significantly

When figuring out how to terminate a purchase and sale agreement for an apartment after state registration, a person will find out that the action can be carried out if circumstances have changed significantly. This includes situations that, if aware of their occurrence, a citizen would refuse to enter into a deal.

In this case, the situation must comply with a list of requirements, which include:

  • what happened happened unexpectedly;
  • the situation falls into the category of insurmountable;
  • the incident entails serious damage to the parties to the transaction;
  • what happened affects the interests of both parties to the agreement.

The changes that have occurred will be considered significant if all the above conditions are met.

Most often, the court agrees to terminate the transaction on this basis in the following situations:

  • current legislation has been changed;
  • the process of liquidation of the organization is carried out, not related to bankruptcy;
  • the market price of the premises has increased significantly;
  • there was a financial crisis.

The latter circumstance is considered significant and it is quite difficult to terminate the contract on its basis.

Is it possible and how to terminate a purchase and sale agreement for an apartment after registration, an agreement to terminate the purchase and sale agreement for an apartment Link to main publication
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