Do I need to be discharged during temporary registration in 2023? To register temporarily, do I need to be discharged?

  • Temporary registration is registration at the place of residence, that is, where the citizen resides temporarily.
  • Such a place can be a house, apartment or room, a hotel, a sanatorium, a hospital, or an institution of the penal system where convicts serve their sentences.
  • Temporary registration for citizens of the Russian Federation is needed if you are leaving the region in which your registration was registered for more than 90 days.

If you live in the same region where you are registered at your place of residence, but in a different apartment, the law allows you not to do temporary registration. Those who are registered in the Moscow region but live in Moscow may not apply for temporary registration, and vice versa. A similar rule applies to residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea.

Certificate of registration at the place of residence

There are many options on the Internet for “purchasing” temporary registration - prices for three months start from 500 RUR, for six months - from 800 RUR. But in practice, for a three-month registration they can charge 10,000 RUR and deceive you. You can check the authenticity of the registration certificate on the website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

You can check the authenticity of the temporary registration certificate on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but for some reason the service does not find all documents

Now citizens are registered at their place of residence and place of stay by territorial divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - departments for migration issues. The application for temporary registration must be addressed there.

The application is signed by the applicant and all owners of the residential premises (if the housing is under a social tenancy agreement - the tenant and all registered adults).

Only the owner of a confirmed account can apply for registration at the place of residence through government services.

Others can order an identity confirmation code from their profile on government services and wait for a letter from the Russian Post, go to the service center with documents, confirm their identity with a previously issued enhanced qualified electronic signature or a Universal Electronic Card (UEC), which was issued until the end of 2016.

Now in Moscow there are only a few migration offices that assign visitors an exact appointment time. If you are unlucky and your address is not within the territory of one of these branches, you will have to stand in a general queue. You cannot submit documents for temporary registration through another territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If you are registering in a place other than your own, the landlord must go with you to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to confirm his intention to register you in his apartment and sign the application and statistical registration forms, as well as other persons whose consent is required. If it is not possible to gather all those interested, you need to provide the notarized consent of those who will not go with you to the migration department.

The fastest way to register at your place of stay is to sign up for a personal visit to the department. In some departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs you can sign up for a specific time, in others you will have to stand in a live queue

To submit documents by mail, you need to come to the post office together with the landlord and all persons whose consent is required for registration. If someone cannot come, a notarized consent is sufficient.

  1. The application must indicate the method of obtaining a certificate of temporary registration: by mail to the registration address, at the place of residence, or in person at a department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. A post office employee checks passports to see if the documents are filled out correctly, fills out the arrival address sheet and statistical arrival sheet, and certifies copies of documents, if necessary.
  3. Despite the fact that the ability to submit documents through Russian Post is provided for by law, in practice, post offices often know nothing about this and send them to the MFC for temporary registration.

The MFC, if you contact us regarding registration at your place of residence, operates on a territorial basis. This means that you need to go to the multifunctional center that serves the area where you intend to register.

The package of documents is exactly the same as in other cases. You don’t have to waste time getting an extract from the Unified State Register of Taxes - the department will request the data much faster than you will be given an extract from the MFC.

Employees of the MFC and some migration departments claim that the maximum period for registration at the place of residence is 5 years. But in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 No. 713, to which they refer, there is no such provision.

The registering authority issues a certificate of registration at the place of stay in the name of the child.

The law includes close relatives: spouses, children, including adopted ones), spouses of children, parents (including adopted ones), spouses of parents, grandparents and grandchildren.

  1. Temporary registration is needed if you are leaving for another region for more than 90 days.
  2. If you do not obtain temporary registration on time, you may be fined both the tenant and the landlord.
  3. You can apply for temporary registration through the MFC, government services or at the post office. But with mail everything is complicated.
  4. The fastest way is to make an appointment with the Ministry of Internal Affairs through government services. Temporary registration will be completed within 3 working days.

What are the dangers of temporary registration for a homeowner (consequences)?

  • Possible difficulties in eviction of temporarily registered persons
  • Early deregistration of a person
  • Rules and stages of temporary registration of persons
  • Electronic application form for temporary registration
  • Refusal to obtain temporary registration at the place of stay

Possible difficulties in eviction of temporarily registered persons 

If temporarily registered persons are in no hurry to vacate the home after the expiration of their temporary registration, the owner can contact law enforcement agencies to resolve this issue. If it is determined that the temporary registration is expired and the persons are living in this residential area illegally, by a court decision, the offenders will be subject to forced eviction. Disputes regarding the eviction of illegally residing persons are resolved by the court of general jurisdiction at the location of the disputed housing.

Owners also do not have to worry about further evictions of minors and disabled people. These persons, despite temporary registration, do not have the right to live in appropriate housing after its expiration.

Temporary registration for the owner has only one negative side - an increase in the amount of utility bills (in the case of payment according to the standard, and not based on meter readings). To resolve this issue, the owner can contact the temporarily registered person with a request to pay the appropriate part of the utility bills for gas, water and electricity.

Early deregistration of a person 

The eviction of persons and their deregistration can occur not only after the immediate expiration of the temporary registration period, but also in connection with the following reasons:

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  1. Mobilization of a temporary resident citizen (conscription for military service).
  2. Court verdict of imprisonment. Deregistration occurs after the relevant court verdict comes into force.
  3. Recognition of a person as dead or missing. Deregistration is carried out after the corresponding decision of a court of general jurisdiction enters into legal force.
  4. Eviction from housing by court decision. The reason for such eviction may be destruction and damage to property, storage of dangerous and explosive things, dangerous chronic illness, etc.
  5. Registration of a person at a new place of residence.
  6. Submission by a person of invalid or forged documents, which became the basis for registration of temporary registration. Deregistration is carried out after the relevant court decision enters into legal force.
  7. Detection of illegal actions of officials of the territorial body of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia regarding the receipt of temporary registration by a person.

Rules and stages of temporary registration of persons 

To obtain temporary registration at the place of residence, the interested person must obtain the consent of the owner or legal owner of such housing.

Obtaining written consent is mandatory in any case, regardless of the relationship with the receiving party. If the owners of such housing are several persons, then it is necessary to obtain the written consent of each of them.

The absence of such consent in the future may lead to a legal dispute about the possibility of a person (who has received temporary registration) living in such housing.

Temporary registration consists of the following mandatory stages:

  1. Showing initiative.
  2. Collection of all necessary documents.
  3. Submission of collected documents to the territorial body of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  4. Checking documents for completeness and completeness.
  5. Checking the submitted documentation to ensure there are no grounds for refusing temporary registration.
  6. Temporary registration of a person and issuance of a certificate of temporary registration.

Important! Temporary registration does not lead to the deregistration of a person at the place of permanent official residence.  

Electronic application form for temporary registration 

On February 1, 2010, the official web portal was launched, which significantly simplifies the procedure for obtaining state and municipal services.

A person can apply for temporary registration on this electronic resource by filling out the appropriate form. If the application is successful, the person will receive an email indicating the successful completion of the application process.

Within 3 days, the registration authority informs the applicant and the owner of the property that the application has been accepted.

If at least one of the homeowners does not give written consent to the temporary registration of a person in the corresponding residential area, then such an application is canceled.

If the application was submitted correctly and the owner of the property does not object to the temporary registration of the person, then the applicant must contact the territorial office of the migration police department within 3 days to obtain a certificate of temporary registration.

Refusal to obtain temporary registration at the place of stay 

The territorial migration authority cannot refuse an applicant registration without compelling reasons. Such grounds include:

  • Lack of a complete package of documents.
  • The information in the submitted documents is false or erroneous.
  • Lack of agreement between the owner of the property and the tenant on temporary registration.
  • Incorrect form of rental agreement, which is the basis for obtaining temporary registration (lack of details, signatures, etc.).
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The requirement of the state registrar to certify the rental agreement for temporary registration with the tax office or other body is unlawful. The agreement between the homeowner and the tenant on the possibility of temporary registration must contain only the signatures of the parties.

Homeowners should not worry about possible difficulties when evicting temporarily registered persons, since after the expiration of the temporary registration period, the right to reside in housing for such persons automatically ends. Temporary registration does not give individuals any rights to housing, regardless of age or physical ability.


More useful information can be found in the “Registration and registration” section.

Place of residence and stay

We tell you how registration differs from registration, why and where you need to register, and what will happen if you don’t do this

Photo: ITAR-TASS/ Alexander Ryumin

By law, all Russians must be registered at their place of residence or stay. Today, registration is a very simple matter, but it has many subtleties.

About how registration differs from registration, why it is needed, in which premises you can register and what will happen if a person is not registered anywhere - in the RBC Real Estate cards.

“Propiska” is a Soviet term that first appeared in 1925 in the resolution of the Council of People’s Commissars of the RSFSR “On the registration of citizens in urban settlements.”

At that time, civil passports were actively introduced, and with the help of registration, the state controlled the migration of citizens (and could influence it).

To register in a particular locality, a person needed permission from the authorities.

For many years, the reason for obtaining a residence permit could be employment or, for example, marriage with a person who already has a residence permit in this city.

Therefore, by the way, in the USSR, fictitious marriages were very common, which were concluded for the sake of registration.

However, the authorities might not register a citizen without explaining the reasons - in this case, he had to leave this locality within a week and register in another.

In 1974, a rule was introduced according to which a citizen who leaves his place of residence for more than a month and a half must check out of the living space before leaving, confirming its availability in the new place. The person had to be discharged and registered within three days.

Permanent registration How does it differ from registration

In 1990, the USSR Constitutional Supervision Committee recognized that the institution of registration restricts the right of citizens to freedom of movement and choice of place of residence. It took another three years to discuss this topic.

Registration was canceled only in October 1993, when the Law of the Russian Federation “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation” came into force.

Registration was replaced by registration at the place of residence or, as it is also called, permanent registration.

The main difference between registration and registration is that it is of a notification nature. That is, a Russian citizen is not obliged to ask permission from the authorities to live in a particular place - he has the right to choose his own place of residence. But he must notify the state where he lives.

This registration is unlimited; information about it is entered into the passport in the form of a stamp. Therefore, many people still habitually call permanent registration registration. You can permanently register either in your own living space or in someone else’s, but with the permission of the owner of the premises.

Temporary registration What is it?

In essence, this is registration at the place of stay. It must be issued if a citizen intends to stay in any locality for more than 90 days. In this case, the person does not lose his registration at his permanent place of residence.

Temporary registration is issued for a certain period. Now the law provides for a period from 90 days to 60 months (five years). It is not noted in the passport; instead, the citizen is given a certificate indicating the registration address.

Necessity Why is registration needed at all?

Despite the fact that every Russian has the right to freedom of movement and choice of place of residence, there is a registration system in the country.

Registration does not give the citizen the right to living space, but, as a rule, it is necessary to receive social security. According to the law, the lack of registration cannot affect the employment of a Russian citizen, his receipt of medical care and other social services.

But in reality, its absence complicates, for example, obtaining various documents (foreign passport, pension certificate, driver’s license, etc.).

), obtaining loans, enrolling children in kindergartens or schools, enrolling them in clinics, getting a job, or receiving social support measures.

Premises Is it possible to register anywhere?

Registration on a permanent basis is possible only in premises that have residential status (apartments, private houses, family dormitories).

Temporary registration is also possible in apartment complexes, hotels, sanatoriums (boarding houses or holiday homes), campsites and tourist centers, medical institutions, institutions of the penal system and even in non-residential premises (for example, at the place of work).

Dachas Is it possible to register there at the place of residence?

Yes, from January 1, 2023 this became possible. The corresponding law was adopted by the State Duma in the summer of 2017. But to register at the dacha, certain conditions must be met. The house must be capital and in good condition, built in accordance with SNiPs and SanPiNAs, taking into account fire and other types of safety requirements.

All communications must be carried out in it: electricity, hot and cold water, sewerage, heating, ventilation, gas (in gasified areas). In settlements without centralized utility networks, the absence of water supply and sewerage in buildings up to two floors is allowed.

The house must be able to maintain a temperature of at least 18 ℃ all year round.

A technical passport from the BTI must be issued for the dacha, after which it is re-registered as an individual residential building; it must be assigned a postal address (otherwise registration at the place of residence will be impossible).

Without registration Can a person not have permanent registration at all?

Such situations are possible. For example, if a person has sold his home and has not yet bought another, but he has nowhere to register yet. In this case, it is advisable to register at the place of actual residence, that is, temporary registration.

There is no criminal liability for the fact that a passport does not have a permanent registration or a temporary one. But a person can stay in any locality in Russia without registration for 90 days. If the deadline expires, a fine is imposed.

According to Art. 19.15.1. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for living in residential premises without registration in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the fine ranges from 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, in other localities - from 2 thousand to 3 thousand rubles.  

How to get a temporary registration for an adult or a child | Legal Advice

Last updated February 2023

Registration at the place of residence, also known as temporary registration, is required for those who have left their permanent or temporary residence address for a period exceeding 3 months :

  • such registration is not issued when changing the address within the same city;
  • if someone moved, for example, for 2.5 months, then there is no need for this:
  • To obtain a temporary registration, you must submit a package of documents to the passport office of the Criminal Code, MFC, and the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • the procedure is free.

A citizen has no restrictions on the place of his temporary registration, that is, he can register throughout the entire territory of Russia. The main condition is the consent of the owner or residents of the apartment, house, room. To register, you can contact:

  • MFC branch at the place of registration;
  • passport office of the housing department (housing association, management company) - in most regions, if there is an MFC, this is not necessary;
  • when registering in hotels, medical institutions and places of recreation - in the administration of these institutions;
  • in some cases, the person registering can directly contact the migration service, for example, if registration is through the State Services portal.

The procedure for registering citizens is carried out by the migration service, which is why it is called the registration authority. And the MFC or housing department only accept documents for further transfer to the migration department.

What are the deadlines?

Is it possible to get a temporary registration quickly? The deadlines for completing documents for temporary or permanent registration are the same (see how to register in an apartment). If all formalities are followed, the processing time takes no more than a week after submitting the documents :

  • when submitting documents to the migration department, the registration period is 3 days;
  • when submitted to the housing department or MFC - 6-7 days ;
  • if you do not submit documents for housing (the right to move in), which the regulatory authority will independently request from the administration, Rosreestr, then the period will take at least 8 days;
  • when applying through State Services, then within 1 day the document is considered accepted by the migration department. must bring his passport and original documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs department at any time within 3 days On the day of his visit, registration is made.
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There is no minimum period of residence for temporary registration.
The maximum period is also not established.

The exact registration period is indicated in the application after agreement with the owner. If you want to extend it, you need to repeat the procedure as the first time. Failure to comply with deadlines is punishable by a fine.

Example: Comrade K. indicated a period of six months. If there are no obstacles, then during this time he can stay at the specified address without breaking the law. If he does not go through the renewal procedure, his registration will be automatically canceled and he will live in violation of the law.

Registration in privatized or non-privatized housing

Often temporary registration is provided by the owner of the apartment. Less often, when a tenant using housing under a social tenancy agreement, i.e. living in a non-privatized apartment.

  • If the apartment is owned, then only the owner’s consent to obtain a temporary registration is sufficient.
  • If the apartment is not privatized, the consent of all persons registered in it and the landlord (municipality) is required.

When registering in non-privatized housing, it is necessary to obtain the consent of everyone who permanently resides in this apartment (except for minors). Consent is required even from temporarily absent residents. If at least one of the residents is against it, then obtaining temporary registration will be impossible.

Documents to be submitted upon registration

What documents are needed for temporary registration? This is a standard package of papers:

  • general passport;
  • when registering a child - a birth certificate;
  • For a child (if he is under 14 years old), documents are submitted by the parent. Accordingly, you need a document confirming parental rights. If a guardian, then a guardianship document;
  • a completed application form, Form No. 1 (this application is signed by two persons: the person being registered and the one who provides housing to the person being registered);
  • in addition to the application, an Arrival Form is filled out (forms are available in passport offices, on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Services). There is also an arrival sheet of form 12P (it is filled out if registration is planned for more than 12 months). The application also includes a Questionnaire, but filling it out is required if a person is moving into a hotel, boarding house, or sanatorium. Although these documents are filled out by the applicant, the receiving specialist actively helps in the preparation.
  • documents for housing:
    • for non-privatized housing - a rental agreement (sublease);
    • for privatized - a certificate of ownership or an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. If you do not provide this document, you can provide its details. The regulatory authority will request information based on an interdepartmental request. But it is recommended to provide the document so as not to complicate the procedure.
  • written agreement:
    • for municipal housing - the consent of all adults registered in the address (the consent is drawn up by a notary, or all residents come to an appointment where, in the presence of a passport officer, they draw up a document with their own hands), as well as the written approval of the landlord (the municipality).
    • for privatized - the consent of the owners.

After submitting the documents, if there are no violations, the registration authority issues a certificate of temporary registration at the place of residence.

With temporary registration, no marks are placed in the citizen’s passport, unlike permanent registration. Temporary registration does not cancel the main registration, that is, it is not issued at the citizen’s place of residence.

Methods for submitting documents for temporary registration

  • upon personal appearance at the MFC, housing department, homeowners association.
  • by mail to the migration department;
  • directly to the migration service. Such an appeal is possible in exceptional cases when there is no management or other housing maintenance organization for the housing. This applies to private houses. The owner himself goes to the registration department and provides housing for move-in. Well, if a citizen is the owner himself, then he can contact the migration department personally as an applicant.
  • submission of documents in electronic form through the State Services service;

The most effective way is to appear in person.

If you did not send documents by mail or through the State Services website, you need to appear at the migration department at the appointed time to confirm registration. If you don't show up, there will be no registration.

How to register a child

Is it possible to get a temporary registration for a child? The law recognizes the residence address of a child under 14 years of age as the place of residence of his parents, adoptive parents or guardians. The procedure for registering a child is no different from an adult.

But instead of a passport, a birth certificate is provided. You also need a document confirming the parental or guardian relationship with the minor.

When registering a minor in a municipal apartment, the consent of the other registered persons is not required.

  • A child under 14 years of age - an application on his behalf is made by a parent. When a teenager is over 14 years old, the minor writes the application for registration himself.
  • A child is 14 years old - registration is possible together with parents or relatives who have the parent’s notarized consent for temporary registration.
  • A minor over the age of 14 can be registered separately from his parents with their written consent (notarial or when the parents appear at the passport office, MFC when submitting documents).

In our article, read about what documents are needed for permanent registration of a child.

Termination of temporary registration at the place of stay

Temporary registration automatically terminates after the expiration of the deadlines specified in the application upon registration. There is no need to take any action.

If we are talking about, for example, the deadlines have not yet arrived, and there is no longer a need for registration, you should submit an application in any form according to a similar scheme. That is, you need to contact the registrar with a passport and an application (free form). The check-out period is no more than 3 days.

At any stage, the owner (tenant), who once provided a temporary residence permit to a person, can revoke it. There are two cases: if the registered person moved out or the registration was fictitious (without the participation of the owner).

If you temporarily register in an apartment, then it is the owner who decides how long the registration will be valid. Naturally, you do not have any rights to housing. The owner cannot simply deprive him of his registration. Since before registration he draws up an agreement for occupancy (hire, rent, etc.) and first it must be terminated.

Temporary registration in other cases

Temporary registration is also required for persons arriving at hotels, medical institutions, rest homes, tourist centers, correctional and prison institutions. And even if their stay is less than 90 days.

In this case the procedure is as follows:

  • the guest fills out a special form No. 5;
  • Within 1 day, the employee of the institution sends the specified questionnaire to the migration department, where registration is carried out.

Ordinartsev Roman Valerievich

If you have questions about the topic of the article, please do not hesitate to ask them in the comments. We will definitely answer all your questions within a few days. However, carefully read all the questions and answers to the article; if there is a detailed answer to such a question, then your question will not be published.

Is temporary registration possible without permanent registration?

Temporary registration without permanent registration, along with permanent registration, is regulated by the Constitution and the Federal Law “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation.”

This legal relationship is specified by PP N 713 “On approval of the Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation and the list of officials responsible for registration.”

Registration of persons at the place of residence is carried out without deregistration at the place of residence. This procedure is drawn up on the basis of the documents specified in the law. The process is one of the ways the state controls the movements of citizens within the country. Only current information on the topic is available on the pages of the Pravoved.RU service.

Legal advice on Russian legislation

Category selection

Can I do temporary registration without registration?

Good afternoon. Since 2015, I have been living without a registration stamp in my Russian passport, because... was registered in a friend's apartment, but she sold it. There is no own living space. Can I make a temporary registration without it and will this document be equivalent to a registration? . Show in full

Temporary registration of a child in the Russian Federation without permanent registration

Hello! I am going to the Russian Federation to work from the LPR. I have a 5-year-old child with me and he does not have a permanent residence permit. Will there be any problems in obtaining documents when applying for temporary registration and citizenship for him, a patent for me?

Have a question for a lawyer?

How to temporarily register a minor child without permanent registration?

Hello. Can I temporarily register a minor child at his father’s place of permanent residence? We were told at the passport office that this requires a permanent residence permit for the child, but we never had one and don’t have one. . Show in full

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Is it possible to make a temporary registration instead of a permanent one?

I need to leave my ex-husband’s apartment, but I can’t register permanently yet, is it possible to get a temporary registration, is it possible to get a temporary registration instead of a permanent one, namely registration and not registration

Temporary registration of a newborn in another city

Hello, my husband and I will soon have a baby. He does not have a permanent residence permit; I have one in another city. A friend can register my child in his apartment. What is needed for this? Do I have to register there?

Temporary registration without the right to living space

Good afternoon, please tell me if I register a person without ownership of an apartment, the owner is a mother, and wants to register her son-in-law, but without the right to living space

How do the rights of a person with a temporary residence permit differ from the rights of a person with a permanent residence permit?

Please tell me for what period of time it is possible to register? Is there a concept of temporary and permanent registration? How are human rights different? having a temporary residence permit from human rights? having a constant?

Is it possible to register an individual entrepreneur with temporary registration for those registered in Crimea?

Temporary registration of a newborn without permanent registration

Hello, can I make a temporary registration of a newborn child using my temporary registration? And is permanent registration required for a newborn up to 14 years of age?

Does a person with temporary registration have the rights that a person with permanent registration has?

Good afternoon Tell me, if I don’t have a permanent registration, but have a temporary one, do I have all the rights as those who are permanently registered, for example, seeing a doctor, etc., or will there be any difficulties?

Can a person live under temporary registration without having a permanent residence permit?

Good afternoon! Please tell me. My husband was forced out of emergency housing. We need to register in a new one. But we can’t go because... We live in another region. Accordingly, we have a temporary registration. In general, they scare us with a fine and everything is tactful. What time is it. Show in full

Is it possible to get a temporary registration without a permanent one?

Good afternoon My family and I (mom, dad, my three children) are registered in a private house where my dad is the owner. My husband recently left his place of residence and changed his passport. Now he is without registration. My parents are ready to do it for him. Show in full

Does the temporary registration of a child, if the child does not yet have permanent registration, affect the payment of child benefits up to 1.5 years of age?

Do I need to check out during temporary registration?

Registration of temporary registration is an important condition for the stay of a citizen of the Russian Federation in another region. Unlike permanent registration (or in the old way “propiska”), temporary registration is provided to a citizen for a certain period and does not force him to change his main place of residence.

This leads to a simple question: “Do I need to check out during temporary registration?” Read more about what the law says in this article.

If you are already faced with the need to be discharged or have problems with this, we recommend that you contact specialists who know the intricacies of interaction with regional authorities, will help you correctly collect documents and will competently answer all your questions.

What is temporary registration?

According to Article 27 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen of our country has the right to choose a place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation at his own discretion. At the same time, according to the rules of internal Russian migration registration, a citizen is obliged to register with the regional office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of his actual stay within 90 days from the date of arrival in the new region.

Neither the Ministry of Internal Affairs nor any other body can determine with maximum accuracy the “day of arrival” purely physically. Therefore, this responsibility falls on the conscience of the citizen himself.

From this we can conclude that temporary registration is de jure mandatory, and de facto a desirable procedure that citizens must carry out.

If we define temporary registration, then we can say with confidence that this is a document confirming the current place of residence of a citizen outside his main place of residence.

How is temporary registration different from permanent registration?

Unlike “propiska”, temporary registration is issued for a certain period. According to current legislation, it can be equal to a period of time from 6 months to 5 years. Temporary registration is issued by a citizen at the Ministry of Internal Affairs on a special form, which indicates the following information:

  1. Serial number of the document;
  2. Full name of the applicant;
  3. The actual address where the applicant currently resides;
  4. Validity period of temporary registration;
  5. The name of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs where the citizen registered;
  6. Applicant's passport details;
  7. Full name of the responsible employee who issued the document.

As you understand, temporary registration is issued in the form of a separate document, while permanent registration is a corresponding stamp in the passport. A separate document can be lost, spilled with tea, accidentally thrown away, or otherwise damaged. It should be noted that citizens have a slightly different attitude towards a passport, which is also important to take into account.

What does temporary registration provide?

First and most importantly, when registering temporarily, you do not need to be discharged from your main place of residence.

In theory, temporary registrations can be changed from month to month if, for example, the official duties of a citizen require it.

In this case, temporary registration has equal legal force with permanent registration. Having a temporary residence permit, a citizen of the Russian Federation has the following rights at his current place of residence:

  • He can enroll the child in kindergarten or school;
  • Register with the military commissariat;
  • Register a car;
  • Get a job under an employment contract;
  • Take a loan from a bank;
  • Use your compulsory medical insurance policy at a clinic or hospital.

As we can see, non-permanent registration gives a citizen the same rights as permanent registration. Based on this, we can confidently say that registration of citizens during temporary registration in a foreign region is required, first of all, so that they can receive government services outside their native region.

What responsibilities does temporary registration impose?

As we wrote above, temporary registration is limited in duration.

This fact obliges the citizen to deregister at the end of the document’s expiration date, but in practice this happens automatically.

It’s a completely different matter when a citizen needs to be discharged before the validity period of the document, for which there can be many reasons (the employment contract has ended, there is a need to change place of residence, etc.).

At the same time, it should be understood that automatic deregistration is not provided if the registration period has not expired, since the tenant must notify the migration authority that he is moving out of the apartment and returning to his place of primary residence.

It is imperative to sign out during temporary registration if a person is sent to another region for a forced stay (for example, on a business trip). The law does not allow two temporary registrations to be valid at once.

You are allowed to have a permanent registration and only one non-primary one.

How to check out with temporary registration?

After we have determined what temporary registration is, what responsibilities it imposes on a citizen, and have determined whether it is necessary to register after the expiration of this document, we can determine the immediate process of deregistration with the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In particular, a citizen must undergo the following procedure:

  1. Prepare an application for discharge using the prescribed form.
  2. Receive a corresponding application from the owner of the residential premises.
  3. Visit the territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to which the residential premises are assigned.
  4. Fill out the departure form (it will be useful for new registrations in the future).

Obviously, this procedure is not something complicated.

The most important thing here is to realize the fact that until the temporary registration expires, any actions to change the place of residence oblige the citizen to be deregistered.

In the event that the registration has ceased to be valid, the deregistration occurs automatically and does not impose additional responsibilities on the citizen.

Why is it important to follow these rules?

As you yourself understand, if a citizen of the Russian Federation ignores the requirement to deregister before the document expires, he will no longer be able to register for temporary migration registration in another region. Consequently, the person will break the law and will also not be able to receive the list of government services described above.

Summarizing the above, we can say that the procedure for obtaining temporary registration is not complicated. Another thing is that a citizen can spend a lot of time and effort on error-free preparation of documents.


Do I need to be discharged during temporary registration in 2023? To register temporarily, do I need to be discharged? Link to main publication
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