Banking Law
How to check out the former owner from a purchased apartment, you bought an apartment, but the former owners won’t check out
When purchasing housing on the secondary market, citizens are often faced with a situation where the former owners “forget” or for some reason do not want...
How to evict an illegally residing person from an apartment, statement of claim for the eviction of illegally residing citizens (sample) 2023
The situation when residential premises were occupied by residents without legal grounds is not uncommon, and happens quite often.
How to bargain when buying an apartment on the secondary market, how to reduce the price when buying an apartment
No matter what price the seller sets, you still want to buy an apartment cheaper.
What questions to ask when buying an apartment
How not to buy a “pig in a poke” when choosing an apartment.
What actions need to be taken after purchasing an apartment - what to do next after signing the apartment purchase and sale agreement
The purchase and sale transaction, as a rule, is completed after state registration of ownership and full payment for the apartment.
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