Settlement agreement between spouses on the division of debts (sample) 2023, agreement on the division of credit obligations of spouses (sample)

Joint property is not only acquired capital, but also common debt obligations. Mortgages and loans are part of modern life. And when a marriage is dissolved, a natural question arises: who will be responsible for the bills and how? This article will explain in detail how to correctly draw up an agreement between spouses.

How are the common debts of the spouses distributed when dividing property?

How the loan debt will be divided between spouses depends on who it was issued to.

There are three ways to apply for a loan during marriage:

  • For one of the spouses;
  • One of the spouses acts as a guarantor;
  • Co-borrowers - shared loan.

When a loan is issued to one person, it is necessary to prove that it was taken for the needs of the family in order to divide it equally. During a divorce, it will be taken into account who used this property and to whom it will remain.

If someone alone in the union acts as a guarantor for the loan, this means that if the creditor for whom everything is issued stops paying for it, the credit burden will fall on the guarantor both after the divorce and during cohabitation. In any case, the guarantor will pay the bills.

Personal loans, for example: buying a car that was used only by one family member, money for education, separate vacations, etc., are not divided equally upon divorce.

It is worth considering that there is a practice of fictitious debts - when one of the spouses signs false promissory notes in order to reduce part of the second partner’s property when the union is dissolved. Such situations are resolved through the courts and with the help of qualified lawyers.

Application for division of debts during divorce - list of documents

The main points that are indicated in the application are:

  • Full name, passport details of the plaintiffs;
  • Period with dates from and before marriage;
  • Subject of the claim: what and how much should be divided;
  • In what shares should the property be divided?
  • The articles of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of which the division should take place are indicated;
  • Date and signatures.

The following documents are attached to the application:

  • Confirmation of marriage and divorce;
  • Papers that confirm payment for things, their ownership;
  • A copy of the application.

How to file a claim for division of debts during divorce?

The statute of limitations for the division of debts after divorce is 3 years. It starts with two points:

  • Dissolution of marriage;
  • When one of the parties learned about the debt. This may be after the divorce.

Depending on the amount of debt, you must contact:

  • To the court at the place of residence, if the amount is less than 50 thousand rubles;
  • District or city, if more than 50 thousand rubles.

Division of debts upon divorce of spouses - sample application

When filling out this section, you must be as precise as possible. Basic requirements for filling it out:

  • A complete list of property for division;
  • Describe items accurately: indicating brand, size, color, series, cost. Vague wording is not accepted, eg TV. You must indicate: Sumsyng TV, series 2347653, year of manufacture 2002, dimensions 35 inches, cost 8,000 rubles.

For real estate, indicate the number of floors, total and residential footage, number of rooms, location.

It is necessary to prepare proof of the value of things, as the court may request them. If any documents are lost, you can contact an independent appraisal company to conduct an examination. This is more relevant for expensive items, since you will have to pay extra for the company’s services.

Personal belongings are not subject to division: clothing, shoes, with the exception of expensive and luxurious items.

Sample statement of claim for division of debt

State fee for filing an application when dividing debt between spouses

The state fee must be paid before filing a claim, and proof of payment must be provided along with the application.

The amount of the state duty depends on the price of the claim; it is paid by the plaintiff. If the case is successful, it is possible through the court to split the payment of the state duty with the defendant.

The calculation of state duty is prescribed at the legislative level:

  • If the claim price is up to 20 thousand rubles - 4% of its value. The minimum fee is 400 rubles.
  • If the claim price is from 20 to 100 thousand rubles, a minimum payment of 800 rubles and 3% of the value of the property is paid;
  • If the total cost of divisible items is from 100 to 200 thousand rubles, the duty is calculated as follows: the minimum payment amount is 3,200 rubles and 2% of the price of the property above 100 thousand rubles;
  • For a claim in the amount of 200 thousand to 1 million rubles, you must pay 5,200 rubles and 1% of the cost over 1 million;
  • If the value of the divisible property is worth more than 1 million rubles, you need to pay a minimum duty of 13,200 rubles and 0.5% of the amount over 1 million rubles. At the same time, the legislation sets the maximum amount of state duty - 60 thousand rubles.

Judicial practice on the division of common debts during divorce

In cases where spouses are unable to share financial obligations on their own, this can be done in court. Debts are divided only if acquired jointly. If they were formed before marriage and the partner was not notified about this, they are not subject to division, just like loans for personal needs.

Court decision on division of credit debts

The court's decision may be as follows:

  • Divide equally;
  • Partial split: someone pays a larger amount. Financial status and family status are taken into account. For example, if, after a divorce, the children remain with the wife, then it is possible that most of the loan debt will remain with the husband.

For mortgage loans that are difficult to calculate, before filing a claim, you must seek advice from the bank in order to correctly indicate the balance of the debt in the application.

Settlement agreement on the division of debts upon divorce of spouses

A settlement agreement is drawn up by the spouses when they independently decide on the division of property. It can be either oral or written. It must not infringe on the rights of one of the participants. A written agreement must be registered with Rosreestr.

The settlement has nothing to do with the marriage agreement. It is drawn up before marriage, and the world agreement is drawn up during a joint registered life and after the dissolution of the union.

Sample settlement agreement on debt division

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Agreement between spouses on the division of debts and credit obligations

Views 533

Agreement between spouses is an important point that can be observed quite often. However, when the dispute concerns property, its division, or the division of debts, it is often much more difficult for husband and wife to come to a compromise. This article examines the nuances that lead to mutual understanding and formalization of an agreement.

One of the main points of legislation regarding the division of property acquired jointly is the mention that property acquired jointly, but also responsibility, is divided between former spouses. That is, debts, installments, loans, etc. will be divided into equal parts.

According to these rules, debts are joint and divided between spouses. However, in these cases there are exceptions.

Repayment of the debt will be carried out independently by one of the spouses in the event that the loan was made secretly from the husband/wife, and the funds were spent on personal whims and not on family needs.

If the borrowed financial resources were spent jointly or for the needs of both spouses, then the debt must be repaid jointly.

The following provisions are also significant:

  1. If the loan process was carried out by one of the couple before marriage, then its repayment will be made independently by the person who made the loan.
  2. If the husband or wife helped repay the loan, then during the divorce process he/she can demand reimbursement of the funds spent.
  3. In cases where, after a divorce, one of the spouses assumed credit obligations, then the payment must be made by him independently.
  4. If the loan was taken out by a spouse during the divorce process and the funds were used for the needs of the couple, then the responsibility for repaying the debts is shared.

There is also an independent category of obligations that is not shared between former spouses:

  • Debts for alimony and alimony themselves.
  • Compensation for losses or damage caused by one of the couple to a third party.
  • Debts resulting from illiterate spending of family budget funds on personal needs.

Regarding issues of joint debts, that is, those that were acquired by husband and wife during the marriage, there is one solution: the debts are divided into equal parts between the spouses. It is possible to divide dogs in two ways:

  • Judicial intervention.
  • Out-of-court option.

From a practical point of view, it is much more profitable, as well as more convenient and faster, to resolve the issue of division without the participation of the court.

During divorce negotiations, former spouses come to compromises on division and procedures for repaying debts.

The principle of debt distribution is set out in a written agreement, which must be notarized. The terms of the document must be fulfilled voluntarily.

An agreement presented in writing is desirable not only because it simplifies the bureaucratic process and reduces costs, but also because it takes into account all the nuances more accurately. During the preparation of this document, it is possible to clearly identify points that are important for both the wife and the husband, and their compromises.

If a peace agreement is not possible, or the clauses of the agreement are not fulfilled voluntarily, the spouses can file an appeal for the division of debts. However, then court decisions will be based not on the preferences of the parties, but on points of law. Compliance with the court decision will be mandatory, and if this is not carried out, enforcement measures will be taken in accordance with the law. The choice of agreement option should be based on an understanding of the differences between a spouses’ agreement on the division of debts and a settlement agreement on the division of joint debts.

The agreement of the spouses acts as an alternative judicial act, during which a document is drawn up before the trial. A settlement agreement is drawn up and concluded between the spouses directly during the court process, if during the trial they independently came to a compromise. The document consists of a list of agreements and obligations regarding the payment of debts between former spouses.

The agreement is a written document that can be approved by a notary. The document must contain information about the terms and conditions of the agreement, as well as personal data.

The document specifies the date, place of the agreement, personal data of the spouses (full name, date of birth, place of residence and passport details of the former spouses).

After this, all the couple’s obligations for loans and debts are indicated, providing information about the creditor, the amount of debt, interest and regular payments.

The next paragraph describes the conditions under which debts are divided, the amount of payments and their timing for each spouse. Also, the agreement must contain documents that can be used to verify the accuracy of the information, both about the spouses and about the debts. It is equally important to attach these documents to the agreement.

The last point in the agreement is the signatures of the spouses.

Documents required in the annex to the agreement:

  • Copies of spouses' passports.
  • A copy of the marriage or divorce document, if available.
  • Documents evidencing the existence of debt. These could be promissory notes, bank statements, etc.

Upon completion of the agreement, the former spouses can have the paper notarized, although such a measure is not required. The terms of the agreement must be fulfilled by the spouses voluntarily, since the law does not provide for forced execution of the terms of such an agreement.

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Download a sample agreement on the division of debts, loans of spouses In cases where a husband or wife ignores their obligations to pay debts and shirks responsibilities, one of the spouses can file an application demanding the division of debts or forced fulfillment of duties by the second spouse. On our website you can find all the information you are interested in, and if necessary, you can contact our specialists for advice. Attention!

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Agreement on division of property of spouses sample 2023 download

Divorce is an extremely unpleasant procedure for spouses, which becomes doubly unpleasant in the case of division of joint property. A dispute during a divorce regarding the division of jointly acquired property, according to the law, can be resolved both in court and by agreement drawn up by the divorcing spouses. In accordance with the general rule of Art. However, it often happens that the acquired property benefits were the efforts of only one party and dividing them in half is not entirely fair; such nuances are subsequently resolved by the court. To facilitate the process of divorce, to determine the shares of husband and wife in jointly acquired property on mutually beneficial terms, the Family Code provides for the possibility of concluding a notarial agreement between spouses on the division of property. The answer to this question is contained in paragraph.

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  • Agreement between spouses on the division of debts and credit obligations
  • Settlement agreement on the division of marital property
  • Sample agreement on division of common property
  • Agreement on division of marital property
  • Drawing up an agreement on the division of marital property
  • Agreement on the division of joint property of spouses after divorce

WATCH THE VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: [DIVISION OF APARTMENT] 2023 - Division of apartment property, Division of spouses’ apartment, Division of divorce.

Agreement between spouses on the division of debts and credit obligations

The property of the spouses may be in joint common ownership. In this article we will look at the problem of drawing up an agreement on the division of common property using the example of the division of property of spouses, i.e.

Useful information about the division of shared property can be found in the article How to divide common shared property? Spouses can distribute common property among themselves by signing a special agreement clause.

Note! In the document, the subsequent fate of the mentioned property is determined by the parties at their personal discretion.

It can be drawn up by spouses both during the marriage and after it is dissolved. An agreement of this type cannot regulate the procedure for dividing property whose acquisition is only planned; only what is already available can be distributed on its basis.

Also, the subject of the agreement does not include the distribution of rights and obligations of the parties. In the agreement, the parties can also divide common debt obligations among themselves. This right can only be exercised in relation to real, already existing debts of the spouses, see

Stavropol from Currently, the legislator has established a mandatory requirement that the agreement on the division of common property be certified by a notary. In addition, it must be distinguished from the marriage contract, Art.

A sample agreement on the division of property can be drawn up according to the template we offer, which can be downloaded from the link: Agreement on the division of property - sample.

Such an agreement applies only to the specific property specified in it. So, an agreement on the division of the spouses’ common property must be drawn up in writing and certified by a notary. The document can be signed by spouses both during the marriage and after its dissolution.

Subscribe to news. Our groups. We will also look at what information should be reflected in such a document and how to format it correctly. Photo: Lori Photobank.

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Settlement agreement on the division of marital property

Before the marriage, the Spouses did not maintain a joint household and did not acquire common property. From the moment the marriage was registered, the Spouses jointly acquired and used property that, in accordance with Article 34 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, was their joint property.

At the time of concluding this agreement, the marriage has not been dissolved, the spouses live together, run a joint household, and acquire common property. This agreement was concluded by the Parties in accordance with Article 38 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes the right of spouses during marriage to divide common property by agreement.

The contractual regime of the property of the Spouses has not been established; until the conclusion of this agreement, the legal regime of the property of the Spouses is in effect.

Sample agreement on the section get started. Ask a lawyer a question. They answer.

A man and a woman who are in a registered marriage have the right to own, use, and dispose of property by mutual consent if it was acquired during the period of cohabitation and is in their joint ownership.

In the case of a marriage contract, the rights to jointly acquired property are stipulated by the provisions of the contract. Then the parties can reach an agreement on their own or resort to litigation. Therefore, the division of common property occurs:

It is necessary to start by determining what can be divided by law - this is the joint property of the spouses. This includes all movable and immovable objects acquired during the period of official marriage, regardless of the owner of one of the spouses indicated in the title documents.

The marriage contract may determine a different regime. When dividing, the value of the property being divided is determined at the time of consideration of the case. Rights to property that arose during marriage, such as the lease of a plot of land, are necessarily included in the division.

If during the marriage relationship real estate was purchased with borrowed funds, then it is recognized as common property and the obligation to repay the debt falls on both spouses.

Agreement on division of marital property

The divorce itself is not a complicated procedure, but if the spouses do not want to separate peacefully and begin dividing property in court, a lot of effort will have to be spent here.

In addition to things, a husband and wife may also have obligations that they seek to divide among themselves, for example, a claim for the division of a loan after a divorce is not uncommon in court proceedings today.

Before applying to a judicial authority for the division of jointly acquired property, spouses should prepare a package of necessary documents: The list is not exhaustive; the list of required documents will depend on the specific situation.

Let’s say that if the husband and wife previously drew up an agreement on the division of property after a divorce, then it will also be included in the list of documents.

Write your question and our lawyer will call you back within 5 minutes and give you a free consultation.

Write your question and our lawyer will call you back within 5 minutes and give you a free consultation. Fill out the form with contact information and receive a free consultation within 5 minutes. One of the most complex family disputes is the dispute over marital property, which most often arises in connection with divorce.

Court proceedings are usually long, stressful, difficult and unpleasant for both husband and wife. The only way to simplify and speed up the resolution of the dispute is a peaceful agreement between husband and wife, expressed in the form of a Settlement Agreement.

A settlement agreement between spouses on the division of property is one of the ways to resolve a pressing issue for divorcing spouses.

Agreement on the division of joint property of spouses after divorce

The most important thing on the topic: “agreement on the division of marital property” with comments from professionals. Read the article carefully and if anything is not clear, you can always ask our duty lawyer a question.

This document states in the form of a list what exactly remains for each party. An agreement on the division of marital property must be drawn up in such a way that there are no grounds to challenge it in court in the future.

This means benefits for both parties.

Sample agreement on the section get started. Ask a lawyer a question. They answer.

The property of the spouses may be in joint common ownership. In this article we will look at the problem of drawing up an agreement on the division of common property using the example of the division of property of spouses, i.e.

Useful information about the division of shared property can be found in the article How to divide common shared property? Spouses can distribute common property among themselves by signing a special agreement clause.

The division of property is a complex and difficult process. The law provides for a peaceful resolution of the issue by concluding a special agreement. Reaching a compromise is easier than getting stressed out at endless court hearings.

We will tell you how to draw up an agreement on the division of jointly acquired property between spouses.

We offer step-by-step instructions and a sample of a notarial agreement on the division of property of spouses, and will also introduce you to the nuances of the procedure.

An agreement on the division of property of spouses is necessary to consolidate the agreement of the spouses on the division of property that is in their common joint property. Learn more about the procedure and methods of division here: Division of marital property.



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Agreement on division of property of spouses sample 2023 download

Divorce is an extremely unpleasant procedure for spouses, which becomes doubly unpleasant in the case of division of joint property. A dispute during a divorce regarding the division of jointly acquired property, according to the law, can be resolved both in court and by agreement drawn up by the divorcing spouses. In accordance with the general rule of Art. However, it often happens that the acquired property benefits were the efforts of only one party and dividing them in half is not entirely fair; such nuances are subsequently resolved by the court. To facilitate the process of divorce, to determine the shares of husband and wife in jointly acquired property on mutually beneficial terms, the Family Code provides for the possibility of concluding a notarial agreement between spouses on the division of property.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please use the online consultant form on the right or call the numbers provided on the website. It's fast and free!


  • Sample and nuances of drawing up an agreement on the division of property of spouses
  • Agreement on division of marital property
  • Agreement between spouses on the division of debts and credit obligations
  • Agreement on the division of joint property of spouses after divorce
  • Sample agreement on division of common property
  • Drawing up an agreement on the division of marital property

A couple who is officially married has the right to divide common property by concluding an agreement on the division of joint property. This agreement is characterized by a prescription for the division of things, movable and immovable objects in those shares and on those conditions that are convenient for the spouses.

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Sample and nuances of drawing up an agreement on the division of property of spouses

We strongly recommend that spouses try to reach an agreement amicably. It is worth calmly, without emotions, to think about the situation.

Read our article about what property is subject to division and what can be included in an application for division of property, so you can understand which spouse can claim what after a divorce.

Next, you should evaluate your chances of winning a claim for division of marital property if the case goes to court. Do not forget that the trial will require additional costs of money, time and nerves.

Remember that often spouses who have experienced a divorce maintain good relations, and sometimes get married again. Litigation over the division of property is unlikely to contribute to this. Also banal, but very useful advice, although it will be late to conclude a prenuptial agreement before the wedding, a sample can be downloaded here. Agreement on the division of marital property - a sample of the year?

However, they must comply with the standard requirements for contract documents. It must be in written form. It is advisable to include all its provisions in one document. It is allowed to have the agreement certified by a notary, however, this is not a fundamental condition for its validity. The text of the agreement must clearly indicate who is entering into it.

It is imperative to indicate the individual data of the parties, full name, passport details, as well as the status of spouses and divorced persons in relation to each other. It is necessary to reflect the place, date of the transaction, and time of its entry into force.

All sheets of the document are stitched, and the stitching is sealed. At the end of the agreement the signatures of the parties are affixed. In addition to formal aspects, attention should be paid to the content of the transaction. The subject of the agreement is very important, that is, matrimonial things, the legal fate of which is determined.

They need to be clearly individualized. Usually a list of material objects is compiled indicating which party to the transaction is transferred into sole ownership of this or that thing.

We will answer your question in 5 minutes! If the parties received their items before signing the contract, this should be reflected in the terms and conditions. If the transfer of items occurs later, then it is necessary to determine its order and timing.

Remember that such a process is recorded through a transfer and acceptance certificate, which is drawn up additionally.

Fulfillment of contractual obligations is guaranteed by judicial protection. However, the judicial procedure requires time, money and effort. The inconvenience of judicial protection forces the use of other mechanisms of influence.

Therefore, any transaction may imply:. Such a dispute is considered by a judge in the general manner. If the contract is drawn up with violations, then the interested party has the right to demand that it be declared invalid, not concluded, or that the consequences of the invalidity of a void transaction be applied.

It is important to consider these possibilities when drafting the text of the agreement. Download: Notarized agreement on the division of property of spouses, sample.

It often happens that spouses are unable to reach a mutually acceptable decision regarding the fate of their joint property on their own. Then they turn to the judiciary. Typically, such trials take a long time.

It happens that during this time the parties still reach a compromise. What to do, since the judicial procedure has already been initiated? The legal system provides a way out of this situation.

It is a written document regulating the legal fate of joint things. Such a settlement agreement can be concluded only in a judicial body if there is a property dispute regarding the division of joint property of the spouses.

When signing it, the following stages of the process are usually clearly outlined:. Negotiations often involve attorneys or lawyers authorized by the parties, who discuss each condition on the subject in dispute.

When the parties have reached agreement on all points of the agreement, it is necessary to consolidate it in the prescribed form.

According to the norms of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the parties are entitled to change the size of their shares, determine the list of objects to be transferred into the sole ownership of each of them, provide for compensation and other conditions. When the document is drawn up and all conditions are agreed upon, you should bring it to the next court hearing.

It is printed on paper and presented in a quantity corresponding to the number of persons participating in the case. Another copy is handed over to the court. Each party must sign the agreement.

At the court hearing, the parties submit a letter of request for approval of their settlement agreement.

After checking all the provisions, the judge makes a decision to terminate the claim due to the approval of the settlement agreement.

This is provided for in paragraph. The court's ruling duplicates all the terms of the document signed by the parties. If the agreement is not approved, the judge makes an appropriate ruling and continues to consider the case on its merits.

Download: Settlement agreement on the division of marital property, sample.

After a purchase and sale transaction, the seller wants to take away the property in the house, do I have the right not to give it back? Good afternoon You do not have this right unless it is specified in the purchase and sale agreement.

If the contract contains such conditions, then you can. Please tell me how to properly file a divorce if there are two apartments, 1 and 2 bedrooms, owned in equal shares by 4 family members of the spouse and 2 adult children?

Everyone agrees that in the event of a divorce, the father gets a one-room apartment, and the rest gets a two-room apartment. What documents do we need to prepare? In your case, the court may order the sale of the property and the division of funds according to shares. Or the property goes to one of the parties to the dispute, who is obliged to pay the equity equivalent to the other owners.

Documents: title documents for joint and personal property; registration documents; appraisal documents confirming the value of joint property.

If the spouses did not touch upon the topic of property division during the divorce, they have the right to do so within 5 years after it. If an agreement is reached, it is possible to draw up a settlement agreement on the division of property.

It is recommended that such a document be certified by a notary, then it will have legal significance.

You can draw up an agreement yourself or seek the help of a notary or other legally competent specialist for a fee. On our website you can find sample agreements that allow you to draw up a document correctly yourself.

After which all that remains is to take it to the notary for approval. Good morning, please tell me what to do if the spouse does not pay the money under the settlement agreement? Good morning.

If your spouse violates the settlement agreement concluded during the divorce and division of property, then you have the right to go to court.

When considering a case in court, it is possible to recognize a transaction as void if it does not comply with the law. The trial is a long procedure, you can try to come to an agreement with your ex-spouse.

My husband and I divorced 2.5 years ago and were left with an undivided house, which we built using a soft loan.

It’s emotionally difficult to communicate with my ex-husband, so I don’t know where to start resolving the issue regarding the division.

If a settlement agreement for divorce and division of property was not concluded, then the division will be in accordance with the RF IC. All property acquired during marriage is considered the joint property of the spouses. You need to file a lawsuit now because the statute of limitations is 3 years.

All property acquired during marriage is the joint property of the spouses in accordance with Art. But this is only true for property in which shares are not allocated. If shares were determined when registering the sale and purchase, then this is how the apartment will be divided.

You can draw up a settlement agreement on the division of marital property, which sets out in detail what is due to whom. A sample of it can be downloaded right here.

If both spouses agree peacefully, the judge will also agree to your peace agreement. Otherwise - in half and in accordance with the pre-marital money contributed by the spouses. However, conditions relating to the interests and rights of third parties cannot be included in the settlement agreement on the division of property. Can I transfer a share to a child by agreement?

The child is registered in this apartment, but the property is joint between the spouses. The divorce took place. It is good that property is being divided peacefully. Has your share been allocated yet? If the property is officially divided and you are the owner of a share of the apartment, then of course you have the right to dispose of your property.

Moreover, the ex-husband is unlikely to mind. If the property has not yet been divided, then according to paragraph. In such a situation, you can register the property in your own name, and then you can transfer it to the child, for example, under a gift agreement.

Agreement on division of marital property

We strongly recommend that spouses try to reach an agreement amicably. It is worth calmly, without emotions, to think about the situation.

Read our article about what property is subject to division and what can be included in an application for division of property, so you can understand which spouse can claim what after a divorce.

Next, you should evaluate your chances of winning a claim for division of marital property if the case goes to court. Do not forget that the trial will require additional costs of money, time and nerves. Remember that often spouses who have experienced a divorce maintain good relations, and sometimes get married again.

Agreement between spouses on the division of debts and credit obligations

An agreement on the division of property of spouses is necessary to consolidate the agreement of the spouses on the division of property that is in their common joint property. Learn more about the procedure and methods of division here: Division of marital property.

The agreement can be concluded both during the marriage and after its dissolution. The agreement must be formalized in a written document, which will contain all the necessary details.

An agreement on the division of property may contain a content of the joint ownership regime that is different from that established by law.

The property of the spouses may be in joint common ownership. In this article we will look at the problem of drawing up an agreement on the division of common property using the example of the division of property of spouses, i.e.

The divorce itself is not a complicated procedure, but if the spouses do not want to separate peacefully and begin dividing property in court, a lot of effort will have to be spent here. In addition to things, a husband and wife may also have obligations that they seek to divide among themselves, for example, a claim for the division of a loan after a divorce is not uncommon in court proceedings today.

A man and a woman who are in a registered marriage have the right to own, use, and dispose of property by mutual consent if it was acquired during the period of cohabitation and is in their joint ownership. In the case of a marriage contract, the rights to jointly acquired property are stipulated by the provisions of the contract. Then the parties can reach an agreement on their own or resort to litigation.

Agreement on the division of joint property of spouses after divorce

The division of property is a complex and difficult process. The law provides for a peaceful resolution of the issue by concluding a special agreement. Reaching a compromise is easier than getting stressed out at endless court hearings.

Write your question and our lawyer will call you back within 5 minutes and give you a free consultation. Fill out the form with contact information and receive a free consultation within 5 minutes.

Reaching an agreement between a husband and wife is not such a rare occurrence, but when it comes to dividing joint property or, even worse, joint debts, reaching a compromise and making a decision that suits the husband and wife is not so easy.

Before the marriage, the Spouses did not maintain a joint household and did not acquire common property. From the moment the marriage was registered, the Spouses jointly acquired and used property that, in accordance with Article 34 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, was their joint property.

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At the time of concluding this agreement, the marriage has not been dissolved, the spouses live together, run a joint household, and acquire common property.

This agreement was concluded by the Parties in accordance with Article 38 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes the right of spouses during marriage to divide common property by agreement.

Drawing up an agreement on the division of marital property


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VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: [DIVISION OF APARTMENT] 2023 - Division of apartment property, Division of spouses’ apartment, Division of divorce.

Division of debts and property of spouses acquired on credit

My husband and I are divorced.

Joint property: a car that was borrowed from the bank in the amount of 60,000 rubles, of which 30,000 was paid when living together, a computer, which is also on credit - 12,000 rubles, 2,600 rubles were paid, a chest of drawers - 3,000 rubles, a vacuum cleaner - 3,000 rubles, a refrigerator - 16,000 rubles . In case of division, what am I entitled to as a spouse? There are no children together. My husband took the loan, I was not the guarantor. What was taken on credit, am I entitled to it?


According to Part.

2 of Article 34 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, property acquired by spouses during marriage (common property of spouses) includes the income of each spouse from labor activity, entrepreneurial activity and the results of intellectual activity, pensions received by them, benefits, as well as other monetary payments not having a special purpose (amounts of financial assistance, amounts paid in compensation for damage in connection with loss of ability to work due to injury or other damage to health, and others). The common property of the spouses also includes movable and immovable things acquired at the expense of the spouses' common income, securities, shares, deposits, shares in capital contributed to credit institutions or other commercial organizations, and any other property acquired by the spouses during the marriage, regardless of whether in the name of which of the spouses it was purchased or in the name of which or which of the spouses contributed funds.

In accordance with part 1, 3 of Article 39 of the RF IC, when dividing the common property of spouses and determining shares in this property, the shares of the spouses are recognized as equal, unless otherwise provided by the agreement between the spouses. When dividing the common property of the spouses, the common debts of the spouses are distributed between the spouses in proportion to the shares awarded to them.

The property you listed, if acquired during marriage, is the common property of the spouses and is subject to division. Joint debts are also subject to division, which are your and your spouse’s debts to the bank that issued you a loan to purchase property.

What exactly, as a result of the division of property, must be transferred to you, and what will be determined by the court to your husband. In the statement of claim, the plaintiff (you or your spouse) will offer the court his version of division, and the defendant, respectively, will offer his own.

If there is no dispute about the option for dividing property, you have the right to enter into a settlement agreement.

However, the best option is an out-of-court procedure for resolving the problem - concluding an agreement on the division of jointly acquired property, where you have the right to indicate which property is transferred as a result of the division to you and which to your spouse.

We should not forget that in the event of separation of spouses as a result of the actual termination of marital relations, the court has the right not to recognize property acquired during the specified period as jointly acquired property, to recognize such property as the property of the spouse who acquired it and, accordingly, not subject to division.

It should also be noted that the borrower of the loan obligation in your case is your spouse. The court does not have the right to make a decision to change the terms of the loan agreement. For the bank, the borrower is your spouse; you are not a party to the agreement.

Therefore, your spouse does not have the right to ask the court, for example, to impose on you the obligation to answer to the bank under the loan agreement jointly and severally on the basis that the property acquired with borrowed funds was transferred to you as a result of the division.

In other words, the bank is not at all interested in how you and your spouse will divide the property; the bank’s interest is only in the proper fulfillment of the terms of the loan agreement by the borrower, i.e.

your spouse, who in case of non-payment of the loan will bear civil liability to the bank.

To understand how in practice the court resolves disputes about the division of property of spouses, and in particular their common debts, let us give an example of a number of judicial acts.

Judicial practice of dividing the debts of spouses

So, for example, the plaintiff filed a lawsuit in court, asking for a division of the spouses’ common property in the form of a 2/3 share in the ownership of an apartment, and to recognize for him and the defendant the ownership of each for a 1/3 share of the apartment. 1/3 share of the apartment belongs to the minor daughter.

He asked to divide the common debts of the former spouses, justifying the amount of money by the fact that during the period of cohabitation with the defendant, he entered into a loan agreement with the Bank. The funds were spent on renovation and finishing work carried out in the disputed apartment.

He also asked to divide the property acquired during the marriage, household appliances and kitchen units, to allocate into his ownership a Samsung microwave oven, a TV, a DVD player, for the total amount...

rubles, to allocate a washing machine, TV, kitchen set into the property of the ex-wife, for a total amount of ... rubles.

The court satisfied the plaintiff’s demands, distributed the jointly acquired property, and, in addition, decided to recognize the balance of debt under the loan agreement in the amount of ... rubles as the common debt of the former spouses, to collect from the ex-wife in favor of the plaintiff a sum of money in the amount of ... rubles ... to pay off the debt under the loan agreement ... kopecks

The regional court, leaving the decision unchanged, indicated that in resolving the dispute regarding the distribution of debt obligations to repay the loan under the loan agreement, the court correctly indicated that in accordance with clause 3 of Art. 39 of the RF IC, the total debts of the spouses when dividing the common property of the spouses are distributed between them in proportion to the shares awarded to them.

Taking into account the established conclusion of the court on the distribution of the debt obligation under the said loan between the former spouses in proportion to the shares awarded to them, ... shares for each, is correct.

The court rightfully proceeded from the fact that in the event of a dispute, any of the spouses is not obliged to prove the fact of community of property if it was acquired during the marriage, since by virtue of the law (clause 1 of Article 34 of the RF IC) there is a presumption (assumption) that the specified the property is the joint property of the spouses (Determination of the Ryazan Regional Court dated December 8, 2010 N 33-2072).

In another case, the court ruled:

Settlement agreement on division of marital property - sample

  • Specifics of the division of jointly acquired property through the conclusion of a settlement agreement
  • The procedure for concluding a settlement agreement on the division of property
  • What to consider when drawing up a settlement agreement on the division of property

Specifics of the division of jointly acquired property through the conclusion of a settlement agreement 

Art. 38 of the Family Code provides spouses with the opportunity to divide common property both during the marriage relationship and after its completion. There are 2 options for partition by agreement:

  1. The couple has no disagreements and enters into an agreement on the division of property, which requires certification by a notary.
  2. The spouses cannot find a compromise regarding a number of disputed objects, so they are forced to go to court, however, during the trial, an option for the distribution of property that suits both may be discovered, which will be fixed in the settlement agreement.

It is necessary to differentiate:

  • a separation agreement concluded in notarial form, which is an extrajudicial mechanism;
  • a settlement agreement that is judicial in nature and does not exist outside the framework of the process. 

The settlement agreement reflects the agreements reached by the parties on the ownership of one of the spouses of certain property benefits, allowing not to fully recognize the claims made by the plaintiff when filing the claim.

Note! A settlement agreement on the division of property is concluded in relation to the subject of the dispute. If the requirements of the claim did not include the determination of the child’s place of residence, then it cannot be determined by a settlement agreement in this case.

Due to the special nature of the settlement agreement, which is a civil transaction, but not possible without a trial, the cancellation of agreements can only occur by appealing the determination by which the document was approved. 

The procedure for concluding a settlement agreement on the division of property 

In order to avoid delaying the process, spouses should begin formulating the terms of a settlement agreement by holding negotiations, during which attempts are made to find a mutually beneficial solution for each object included in the subject of the dispute.

When the conditions are worked out, the text of the document is drawn up, which can be carried out by one entity and then submitted to the other party for correction.

A completed agreement, certified by the signatures of the parties, is submitted to the court. The number of copies must correspond to the number of disputants plus 1 additional document for inclusion in the case materials.

The parties submit a motion to approve the agreement, after which the court checks the text for legality and also identifies possible violations of the terms of the document to the interests of third parties. If such errors are discovered, the judicial authority may adjourn the meeting, indicating to the parties the need to make corrections to the agreement.

If no deficiencies are found, the settlement agreement will be approved by a determination to terminate the proceedings.

Note! The settlement agreement is the final document resolving the property conflict, and an identical dispute about the division of property between spouses is unacceptable.

An agreement can be concluded at any stage of the process. If, for example, after considering the situation by the court of first instance, the parties reached a compromise, it is possible to file an appeal with further submission of a settlement agreement for approval.  

What to consider when drawing up a settlement agreement on the division of property 

The Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation does not formulate rules for drawing up the text of the agreement, but practice (for example, paragraph 13 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2014 No. 50) makes the following requirements for its content:

  • the provisions comply with the law;
  • the conditions have a sufficient degree of certainty, the interpretation does not give rise to disagreement;
  • there are no alternative or conditional obligations of the parties;
  • all agreements reached are enforceable;
  • the rights and legitimate interests of third parties are not violated.

A detailed statement of the obligations of the parties, namely the list of property benefits, the amount of compensation, the procedure and timing of their transfer, as well as the enforceability of these conditions are especially important when the need arises to enforce the agreement.

For example, the agreement provided for the entity’s obligation to sell property in the future and transfer the proceeds to another party, which he does not voluntarily fulfill: since the law does not indicate the possibility or mechanisms for forcing persons to alienate property, such an agreement will not be enforceable. Similar cases are possible when the conditions are formulated ambiguously or in insufficient detail.

Note! An unenforceable settlement agreement is subject to cancellation, since the unenforceability of a court decision means its illegality (appeal ruling of the Lipetsk Regional Court dated November 19, 2012 in case No. 33-2691a/2012).

  1. In order to draw up a settlement agreement on the division of property as correctly as possible, its sample can be downloaded from the link.
  2. Settlement agreement on the division of marital property (sample).
  3. ***

Concluding a settlement agreement for the purpose of dividing property is a judicial instrument for resolving a dispute, with the help of which it is possible for spouses to find a compromise on the issue of distribution of common benefits.

The conditions developed by judicial practice for the approval of a settlement agreement must be met.

Otherwise, the court will refuse to approve the agreement, or subsequently the ruling that erroneously approved the illegal settlement agreement may be canceled at the request of one of the parties to the agreement or a third party whose rights are violated by such an agreement. 

Settlement agreement between spouses on the division of debts (sample) 2023, agreement on the division of credit obligations of spouses (sample) Link to main publication
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