Labor law
Judicial eviction with provision of other residential premises
Eviction from official housing has a number of its own characteristics.
Actual acceptance of inheritance: sample statement of claim, judicial practice, jurisdiction of cases
In cases of inheritance and inheritance disputes, a certain judicial practice has been developed, based, among other things, on the clarifications of the Supreme Court of the Russian...
What is jointly acquired property during a divorce?
The legislation of the Russian Federation has 2 regulations that establish the rules for regulating family relations between spouses and the procedure for dividing property assets when...
State duty for divorce in 2023: cost through the court and the registry office - amount, amount for divorce
The rise in prices for most government services has also affected the prices for divorce proceedings.
In what cases is 70 percent alimony paid?
Deduction of 70% for alimony if there is debt.
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