How to choose the right apartment to buy and what to pay attention to

Choosing and buying an apartment is an extremely important and risky step in the life of an ordinary person. Troubles await an inexperienced buyer at every turn - noisy upstairs neighbors, fake documentation, delays in putting the house into operation, inflated costs... This is just the tip of the iceberg - let's figure out together what to expect when choosing an apartment.

Primary market – what surprises to expect?

Buying an apartment in a new building and in old buildings are similar in general, but different in details. Therefore, we will consider both cases separately, so as not to confuse the reader and dot the i’s. Let's start with the risks. Although there are much fewer of them than in the case of buying housing on the secondary market, you should not lose your vigilance.

Most developers offer to purchase the desired square meters at the stage when the house is only on paper. This gives a significant discount in price - at this stage, square meters cost 15-30% less.

However, today there is a big risk of waiting for the completion of construction for many decades - the financial crisis, unrest in the foreign exchange market, and rising prices for building materials can undermine the financial health of the developer company, even to the point of bankruptcy.

So think twice before investing in an unfinished property.

If you decide to invest at the initial stages, be prepared for the fact that the completion date of the house will be delayed by at least a year - this is a very common practice among developers. If possible, delay moving into a new living space for at least another year - in the first months, all owners will make a huge noise caused by numerous repairs.

When buying a ready-made apartment, try not to deal with resellers or owners who took over their rights less than a year ago.

In this situation, there is a risk of stumbling upon scammers who have rented an apartment and put it up for sale using forged documents, or an owner who has discovered too many flaws in his purchase and is now trying at all costs to get rid of it and put his burden on your shoulders.

Advantages and disadvantages of new buildings - what to look for?

The popularity of apartments in new buildings is due to modern, comfortable layouts, larger apartment areas, as well as the use of modern building materials and technologies. By default, in such a house you can forget for a long time about problems with water supply or sewerage, a non-working elevator, smelly entrances and broken light bulbs.

By the way, it would be useful to carefully familiarize yourself with the technologies and materials.

Perhaps the tempting price per square meter is due to the fact that the house is a prefabricated structure made of reinforced concrete blocks, and the builders inadvertently forgot about such important things as sound insulation, insulation, and waterproofing. But it is these technologies that will allow residents to save on rising utility rates in the future and feel as comfortable as possible.

In the case of new buildings, carefully examine the area - most new projects are being implemented quite far from the city center, and the developer does not always solve issues of transport and social infrastructure. Of course, until you have a small child, the presence of a kindergarten, school and hospital will not be so noticeable, but you will immediately notice the lack of parking.

It’s good if the house you have chosen for acquaintance is the second stage of a residential complex under construction - in this case, you have a great opportunity to communicate with people who have moved into the apartments of the first stage. Don’t be shy to ask questions; old grandmothers especially love to talk - they’ll tell you how to choose the right apartment, and at the same time tell you all the developer’s secrets.

Maybe they will enlighten you on the historical past of this area, and you will find out that the house was built on the site of a former cemetery or psychiatric hospital. You may be even more surprised by the results of geodetic research - it is important to be sure that the huge house does not stand above an underground lake, or its foundation is not undermined by groundwater.

Reinforced concrete or brick – cheaper or better quality?

In most cases, economy-class high-rise buildings are built from reinforced concrete panels - this technology significantly reduces the developer’s costs and allows apartments to be sold cheaper. This technology is not new to builders - it was actively used in the 80s of the last century, when the state took on the mission of making all citizens happy with square meters.

Surely, you have heard that reinforced concrete structures overheat in summer and become too cold in winter. The problem is solvable, the only question is who exactly will take on the solution – the development company or the residents? If there are tenants, then the cost of insulation and air conditioning must be automatically added to the cost of the apartment.

A significant drawback of panel houses is the internal load-bearing walls, which limit the possibilities of remodeling the apartment. But it is in these cases that you can most often find an option with a ready-made, albeit rather modest, renovation, which will allow you to immediately move in and live in your new home.

In monolithic frame houses, apartment owners feel much more at ease.

There are only four load-bearing walls here, so inside everyone is his own master and can implement any layout, both at the construction stage and after the housing is put into operation.

Brick houses are being built the least often today, and for obvious reasons - this is an expensive material, which, moreover, does not allow houses to grow in height.

District, floor, neighbors - on the way to the coveted apartment

Between choosing an apartment on the primary and secondary markets, these points are common. The choice of area, floor and neighbors has the same consequences in all cases. First, pay attention to the area.

For some it is important that it be clean and green, for others it is more important to have developed social infrastructure and transport. Determine the most important things for yourself depending on the circumstances.

In any case, there should be at least a pharmacy, or even better, a clinic, as well as a supermarket near the house.

You need to be careful with the latter - it is better if grocery stores are located within a 10-15 minute walk, otherwise you risk drowning in someone else's garbage.

Bad neighbors also include nightclubs, liquor stores, parking lots, in a word, establishments that make noise.

The neighborhood of an area with industrial zones, mobile towers and other “delights” of civilization is extremely undesirable, but if you are limited in choice, at least try to buy an apartment in an area with a large number of public gardens and parks.

When getting to know the house, conduct a thorough inspection of the entrances. The entrance is the face of the residents, and it doesn’t matter when the house was built. Pay attention to the methods of access to the front door - intercom or concierge is best.

If your choice fell on an apartment on the ground floor, it’s worth looking into the basement; if on the top floor, check the technical floor and roof.

Floors between 4 and 12 are considered the most comfortable for living - not so low that street noise and smells bother you, and not so high that a breakdown of the elevator creates big problems.

Of course, no one forbids you to choose the highest floors; they also have their advantages, in particular, a beautiful view from the window. However, keep in mind that you will also have to pay for it, and there is no guarantee that in a year the second landscape will be ruined by another new building.

As for the cardinal directions, it is best to choose the eastern or western side to buy the treasured square meters - in this case, the sun will shine through the windows only in the morning or evening. The southern side is fraught with constant heat on summer days, and the northern side is fraught with constant shadow. You should not choose an apartment that is adjacent to an elevator shaft - the noise of its operation will disturb you both day and night.

The issue of getting to know your neighbors should also begin even before the paperwork for the property is completed. There is no need to invent special excuses - just ring the doorbell and say that you are a new neighbor. Sometimes a quick glance is enough to determine what problems may await you with the inhabitants of the upper or side apartments.

What's in the apartment - inspection of future housing

This section applies primarily to apartments on the secondary market. First, take care of your own safety - under no circumstances take a large amount of money with you, especially if the seller asks you to take a deposit with you.

You risk waking up far outside the city without money or memory. For the same reason, ask a relative or friend to go with you - firstly, it’s safer, and secondly, together you can notice much more during the inspection.

And don’t rush, running from one apartment to another; get acquainted with a maximum of two options a day.

Before choosing an apartment, get acquainted with the layout in general terms and check the technical data sheet. If you discover illegal redevelopment, it is better to stop the inspection there.

If everything is fine, don’t hesitate to look into every crevice, take your time and think for a long time - you’re not going to buy a pair of shoes. Check every corner.

Start with the front door - how secure is it?

Next, carefully inspect the bathroom, evaluate the quality of the pipes, plumbing, even the water pressure in the taps - open as many taps as possible. If the water distribution in the house is lower, then the upper floors will always experience problems with pressure.

90% of secondary apartments are infected with fungus - it feels especially good in bathrooms. It is even more dangerous in living rooms - under wallpaper and furniture.

Only a major overhaul will help remove it, and if this is not planned, then you risk ruining your furniture and carpets.

The quality of parquet or laminate is also worth assessing. If the parquet creaks and wobbles, this indicates either a recent flood or constant changes in temperature and humidity. If the floor is tiled and when pressure is applied it moves and cracks, then the problem should be looked for in a bad screed. In these cases, mold can also live under the tiles and under the parquet.

During the cold season, feel the batteries and try to feel if there is any blowing coming from the corners. If you intend to move in immediately and live without renovation, then evaluate the condition of the floors, ceilings, and wallpaper. Analyze the tightness of windows and balcony glazing. Only after this begin negotiations with the owners.

Documents on the table - where to look for deception?

Usually realtors decide the price issue; you should be much more interested in the documents. Ask to see the originals to ensure that:

  • The housing is not under arrest and has not been pledged as collateral for the loan.
  • All previously registered persons have been discharged from the apartment. Try to trace the entire history of the residents - who was registered, what consequences this may have for you.
  • If at the time of privatization of housing a small child was registered in the apartment, but he was not allocated part of the housing as his own, he can challenge his rights in court, despite the fact of the purchase and sale.
  • The seller must be legally capable at the time of signing all documents for the transfer of ownership, otherwise the transaction may be terminated by a court decision and the housing returned to the seller. Needless to say, getting your money back will be very difficult.

You should be wary of the frequent purchases and sales of the apartment, as well as the behavior of the seller - if he is in too much of a hurry and is ready to give up a significant amount, then there is clearly something wrong with the apartment.

Ask a professional lawyer to assess the legal status of the apartment. The biggest risk is purchasing an apartment whose former owner signed documents for sale or donation under duress.

The court may declare such a transaction illegal.

Most often, scammers use fake documents - thanks to the development of printing, almost anyone can print permits from co-owners and guardianship authorities. Only an experienced specialist can distinguish an original from a fake, so be sure to invite an experienced lawyer to the final meeting.

Please note that in the center of the city, old houses and apartments are at risk - even if there is no real reason for this, there will probably be an organization that, under the pretext of the building being unsafe, will evict the residents, carry out reconstruction, add a floor or two and sell the apartments at exorbitant prices.

How to choose the right apartment on the secondary market: safe, profitable

  • How to choose the right apartment on the secondary market when buying real estate, so as not to regret it, what to pay attention to first, choose a 1-2-3-room apartment, tips and recommendations, answers to questions.
  • It is important for the buyer to know exactly all the nuances of choosing a home, because the euphoria after buying a new home wears off within 6 months, then the “rose-colored” glasses disappear and the realities with all the shortcomings of the purchased property increase the degree of disappointment from the purchase.
  • To prevent this from happening to you, I offer a list of nuances that you should pay attention to when choosing housing on the secondary market, no matter whether you choose a one-room, two- or three-room apartment - do it right!
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How to choose the right apartment

Amount of monthly payment
Most real estate buyers use borrowed funds plus small savings, capital and certificates.

Advice: When using a mortgage, follow an important rule - the payment should not exceed 30% of your family budget.

Why is the size of the monthly payment important to us when choosing an apartment? 90% of mortgage holders do not think about this and in vain, because the size of the payment from 40-50% of the total family budget becomes a heavy burden, forcing them to deny themselves even small joys, especially relaxation.


Your family’s total income is 80 thousand rubles. The mortgage is approved for 4,508 thousand rubles (the cost of the apartment) with a monthly payment of 41,883 rubles. This amount is already more than 50% of your budget, add here utility costs plus possible repairs and you will get 60%.

As a result, the purchase became not a joyful acquisition, but a heavy burden.
This means that it is worth reconsidering either the area of ​​purchase, or the number of rooms, floor, condition and other parameters of the home that affect its cost. Perhaps save up a down payment. How to choose the right apartment, based on the monthly payment, you understand, let's move on.

The importance of the location of the apartment you are purchasing cannot be underestimated. The right thing to do is not just buy real estate, but choose one that solves several problems at once. For example, reduce travel time to work, school, kindergarten, find a more environmentally friendly place to live, eliminate the use of a car as another expense item in the budget.

Recommendation: Use the purchase of a home to solve several problems at once!

For example, I purchased housing in the very center of the city and 8 minutes from the office, excluding the cost of a car. If I need it for out-of-town or other trips, I rent it. This is cheaper than the cost of parking, spare parts, gasoline, insurance, etc.

Panel, monolith, brick?
Having visited many houses when I was working as a realtor, I realized that panel houses are the housing that I will recommend last, especially if there is an opportunity to purchase a house made of brick or monolith.

The panel has many disadvantages, and it’s not even a matter of service life (30 years), but more “everyday” problem aspects:

  • Poor sound insulation;
  • Cold walls on the street side;
  • Cold-permeable seams between slabs;
  • It is impossible to demolish interior walls and remodel even the bathroom.

Although some brick buildings on the secondary market have similar shortcomings if the quality of construction was not up to par. Brick houses have load-bearing walls in the middle of the apartment that cannot be removed, otherwise the floor will collapse. However, often the kitchen and bathroom can be completely rebuilt. Sometimes the brick walls bordering the street are as cold as those in the panels.

Monolithic brick houses are more profitable in terms of redevelopment possibilities, but are expensive in price, because... more “fresh” according to the year of construction. But you shouldn’t be happy that the house is almost new. Carefully inspect the corridors on the floors of the building and the appearance of the walls.

From experience I can say that a careful inspection often reveals improperly made drains, which lead to the formation of fungus on the walls. After 5 years, cracks appear in the walls of the building, sometimes as thick as a finger.

How to choose the right apartment on the secondary market

Layout and other characteristics
The correct choice of an apartment on the secondary market is based on a convenient layout.

When visiting relatives, friends and acquaintances, you probably noticed the benefits of locating isolated rooms and a separate bathroom.

Advantages and disadvantages of the first and last floors, small or large kitchens, long dark corridors and the advantages of open floor plans?

It's time to apply your experience and observation to your personal needs! Having rented numerous apartments, you should already clearly know which layout is the most comfortable for you. And if you don’t know yet, then it’s time to decide so that after purchasing a home you won’t be disappointed in the purchase.

Rules for selecting a home with advantageous characteristics:

  • isolated rooms (with a separate entrance to each of the corridors or hallways);
  • separate bathroom;
  • big kitchen;
  • absence of a wall adjacent to the elevator shaft;
  • not a corner apartment (no “street” wall at the end of the building);
  • high ceilings.

If you are in doubt about your choice, read “What to choose: secondary or new building?“.

  1. Roof, basement, entrance
    Few people pay attention to the roof, and even more so to the basement; at most the inspection stops at the entrance, but in vain, and I’ll tell you why.
  2. After living in your own apartment for several years, even on the middle floor, you may become a victim of rainwater flooding if the roof of your house cannot withstand heavy rains.
  3. You should not hope that the water will be stopped by the apartment on the top floor; the liquid moves perfectly along the riser between the seams and in the communication shafts, easily spoiling the renovation that you may be proud of.
  4. Therefore, when purchasing real estate on the middle floor, do not be lazy to walk to the last and even technical floor (the keys can be obtained from the management company or the chairman of the HOA).

The basement is often bypassed, especially if careless realtors, trying to quickly get a commission, keep silent about it. But you have to pay a mortgage and live in the chosen building for at least 5-10 years, and the condition of the basement and communications will affect the amount of deductions for repairs and maintenance of housing.

Read how to inspect an apartment before buying. Proper inspection of the apartment.

Take the key from the owners or HOA and inspect the basement. I would like to note that in practice, basements are often kept in a very poor condition and, as a result, there is a gradual destruction of the foundation, the “play” of the house when temperatures drop and rise, resulting in the appearance of cracks on the ceiling and walls (hello to repairs!).

And since we’re talking about utility bills, let’s move on to the issue of their optimization. You think it’s too early, because you haven’t bought an apartment yet?! But that’s not true! The “right” buyer thinks about the costs of the purchased home ahead of time!

Opportunities for saving on utility costs
As I have already noted, when paying a mortgage payment, the utility payment is added to it and this, in my opinion, is the full amount of the monthly payment for the apartment. When you come to view an apartment, ask to see receipts for several months, plus take into account the listed ways to reduce utility costs.

What should you pay attention to when choosing an apartment in order to understand before purchasing whether it will be possible to optimize utility bills?

What to pay attention to, tips:

  • availability of meters for electricity, water, gas;
  • possibility of installing a heat meter on heating radiators;
  • the possibility of reducing the cost of electricity tariffs through the use of an electric stove.

Example from practice. Having visited hundreds of residential buildings, I noticed that not all of them can install heat meters on heating radiators, and payment for a receipt for heat averages from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles per month for a one-room apartment.

Therefore, an unsuccessful heating system design will not allow you to pay less for heat, even if you adjust the degree of water circulation in the radiators.

As for lowering the electricity tariff, ask the owners, or better yet, ask to see receipts. Ask the apartment owners about the possibility of changing the tariff to a lower one or ask the seller’s realtor this question.

If you have decided on a mortgage, then find out 10 ways to reduce your mortgage payment

How to choose the right apartment to buy

Repair or no repair?
The choice depends on your situation. I definitely don’t recommend renting a home without renovation if you have small children (under 3 years old). But if you have school-age children or don’t have them yet, then it’s time to purchase real estate without renovation. Why? There are enough reasons for this advice:

  1. No need to endure someone else's repairs. By the way, the cost of removing construction waste from a one-room Khrushchev house cost me 40 thousand rubles (they stripped the plaster from the walls to the brick, demolished all the walls, floors, ceilings, waterproofing (20 cm thick concrete on the floor slab) and windows);
  2. Possibility to make a layout or interior according to your preferences;
  3. The cost of an apartment without renovation is lower than with renovation;
  4. Your tastes and the preferences of the former owners regarding the layout and design of the home would definitely not coincide.

Don’t listen to those who claim that you can choose a repair “to suit you.” It’s possible, but after six months you’ll still want to change it beyond recognition, and there were plenty of examples of this in my practice.

Read the article: Should I buy a renovated apartment or not?

What to do? Choose a resale apartment in satisfactory condition, live a little to decide what and how to remodel (six months of living is enough to get the hang of it). Save up the budget for reconstruction and make repairs “for yourself.”

You'll be doing it anyway, so why pay twice?

If you choose renovated, then pay attention to the recommendations when selecting:

  1. Water pressure in the water supply (lack of pressure on the upper floors in the evening is not uncommon);
  2. Condition of sewer pipes, water supply (replacing risers is a rather dirty and expensive undertaking);
  3. Traces of etched mold, lack of draft in the ventilation shaft;
  4. The presence of a cold wall, freezing corners (checked by touching the surface of the walls with your hand and visually);
  5. Creaking floors, a dull sound when tapping tiles on the bathroom floor;
  6. Quality of installation and profiles of plastic windows of the apartment and insulation of the balcony (loggia);
  7. The condition of the electrical wiring (whether it has been completely replaced, you can simply check - unscrew one of the sockets);
  8. We check the presence of unauthorized alterations by comparing the diagram in the technical passport with the actual layout.

Read the article: 12 tips when buying a new building

Solid waste removal
is an important nuance that you should pay attention to when choosing housing on the secondary market. The location of tanks for collecting solid household waste must be at least 50 meters from the house. I have seen various options for placing trash containers:

  1. Opposite the entrance, 5 meters;
  2. Opposite the house 30-40 meters;
  3. From the end of the house, 20-30 meters;
  4. Garbage chute at the entrance.

I’ll tell you for sure that the most profitable option is from the end of the house, 20-30 meters away. Because the garbage chute is a breeding ground for rats and insects, the trash can opposite the entrance brings hellish torment not only to the residents of the first floor, but also up to the 6th, and you definitely don’t want to see a container with garbage in the yard even from high floors.

Yard, elevator, neighbors
I combined these seemingly different parameters, but from the experience of living and visiting houses, I am sure that they are similar - in terms of the population of residents.

We do not choose neighbors because they may change after buying a home, move, rent out their apartment to careless tenants, etc.

But first, when choosing an apartment, you should pay attention to the condition of the yard, because its arrangement speaks about how the management organization or HOA works, how active the owners are in the house and how often and demanding they are towards the management company or HOA. This will determine whether you return to a nice yard and entrance or to a barn.

Read useful: how to buy an apartment with good neighbors

The condition of the elevator, as well as the presence of a freight elevator, will make it easier for you to get to the floor not only for purchases, but also for bicycles, strollers and other items of everyday use. The appearance of the entrance and elevator will be described in vivid colors by the contingent living in the house: the presence of children who do not know what to do with themselves or indifferent neighbors who do not care where to live as long as they are not bothered.

You learned the basics of choosing the right apartment on the secondary real estate market, the nuances of choosing a home based on real estate, everyday practice and common sense. I wish you to read the tips and recommendations described above in time to choose the home of your dreams!

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How to choose the right apartment: what to look for when buying

Making an important decision is always a strong psychological stress, even for someone who is always self-confident. One of the most important decisions for many is purchasing their own real estate. To help our readers cope with stress and make a decision that there is no need to regret, we decided to figure out how to choose the right apartment to buy.

The difficulty is that everyone is guided by their own preferences. The same characteristic of an apartment can be a big plus for someone, but at the same time for another it is a significant drawback. In view of this, it is quite difficult to derive a universal formula for ideal housing, but let’s still try to analyze the main aspects.

New building or resale

Primary housing usually means apartments in houses under construction, and secondary apartments are those that have already been put into operation, that is, they had an owner. The first step when choosing housing is to decide on the type of property that we will focus on in the future. To do this, we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this and that housing.

Read also:  Error in the apartment purchase and sale agreement after registration

Pros and cons of apartments from the secondary market

Most likely, such an apartment will already be ready to move in, but even if not, cosmetic renovations will not take as much time and money as a full-fledged one.

You can save money and move into a secondary apartment in a very short time. This is especially true for those who buy housing for rent to third parties.

In addition, for apartments in the secondary housing sector, prices for utilities are lower than for new buildings.

The main disadvantage of apartments on the secondary market is that it is still not new. Owners will be forced to solve problems caused by old plumbing or wiring. Don't be surprised by sparkling sockets, leaking pipes and crumbling plaster.

Despite the small costs of cosmetic repairs, it may happen that these expenses become regular for you. In addition, the level of comfort from living in such housing may be lower than in a new house: the entrance and staircases may be in poor condition, and at best there will be an intercom on the doors of the house.

Pros and cons of primary housing

It's nice to feel that you are the first and only owner of this apartment. The entrances to the new building are clean and spacious, the ceilings are high, and the elevators are modern.

Over the past few decades, developers have begun to pay noticeably more attention to layout, so the level of comfort from new housing is significantly higher.

In addition, new buildings often provide underground parking for residents, and sometimes a dog walking area. Security in such houses is also many times better than in Soviet-era buildings.

But if everything were perfect, there would be no need to write this text. New housing requires rough finishing, so be prepared to spend money on repairs. You can forget about using the apartment for rent immediately after purchase.

The first repair requires not only significant moral, physical and financial costs, but also a lot of time. Also remember that there will be new residents around you who are also forced to cope with repair work. The knock, noise and sound of a hammer drill will be heard from everywhere in the first six months, or even a year. For families with small children or elderly people this is not an option.

I have already discussed in detail the issue of choosing between primary and secondary housing in a separate article. We recommend that you read it to have a complete understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of both options.

Choosing a suitable area

You should search for an area based on the parameters that play a key role for you. This could be proximity to the metro or highway exit, close proximity to school, parents' house or work, walking distance to a park for jogging or walking the dog, etc. Make a list and rate each of the city districts in accordance with your priorities. This will speed up the process of finding your future home.

Recently, housing in an environmentally friendly area has become especially popular. To assess air cleanliness, you can try searching for city reports online if you live in a large city.

But if there is no such information, just keep in mind that proximity to major transport interchanges, high-voltage power lines and industrial enterprises is unlikely to have a positive effect on your health, while squares, parks and green areas are always a plus.

Don't forget about the reputation of the area. If this is the center, then you should be prepared for the fact that noisy groups will walk the streets on weekends and holidays. It can be dangerous in an old area with high-rise buildings and poorly developed infrastructure. A large number of 24-hour or low-price liquor stores should also be considered a drawback if you value safety and quiet.

Inspection of the house inside and out

Once you've decided on the area, it's time to start looking for a home. The most important thing is to make sure your home is completely safe. In every city there are houses in disrepair that can be seen with the naked eye. It's just important to know where to look.

Assessment of the appearance of the building

So, what to look for when inspecting a home? Cracks on the walls that they tried to repair, but they still showed through, are definitely a bad sign. The same can be said about the external insulation of the building, which was installed by individual residents.

Pay attention to the entrance: is it landscaped, is it clean. The old elevator, covered in graffiti, speaks eloquently about the contingent that visits it. Do not lose sight of the entrance doors that are installed in the selected house by other residents. Soviet doors with torn upholstery are a warning sign.

If it is possible to invite a specialist to inspect the apartment, it is better to do so. He will be able to understand whether building codes have been violated, whether the wiring is done correctly, or whether the ventilation is working well.


Be sure to study the BTI plan before purchasing. The adjacent elevator shaft guarantees noise and vibration in the apartment. A corner apartment can be cold or damp, even if the walls are thick and made of brick.

Avoid apartments with north or south facing windows if you don't like living in an overly dark or very hot environment. Windows facing east are ideal; the sun will shine in the first half of the day. The western route is also not bad, except that in summer it can be hot due to the sun from lunch until late in the evening.

If you are planning to buy a one-room apartment, then check which walls border your neighbors’ apartments. Load-bearing walls will protect you from any noise, while thin walls combined with loud tenants can cost you a lot of nerves.

Condition of the apartment

When viewing the apartment you are going to buy, do not be shy. Feel free to ask the owners about anything that worries you. It’s also a good idea to ring your neighbors’ doors. Firstly, you will get to know them better, and secondly, people who are not interested in receiving benefits will truthfully answer all questions about the house and its shortcomings.

Pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Water pressure in taps - this is especially important for apartments on the upper floors.
  2. Condition of pipes - rust on pipes will appear in slight relief even after painting, and rusty pipes mean a high risk of flooding.
  3. Traces of fungus or mold can be in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in corners, behind cabinets, near plastic windows.
  4. Heating situation - owners may try to hide heating problems by heating the home with heaters first, so check the radiators everywhere.
  5. The quality of the flooring - in the most accessible places, the tiles should not crack, linoleum on a good screed should not have any unevenness, and a well-laid parquet should not creak.
  6. Window tightness - also pay attention to the fittings and the quality of the rubber seals.
  7. Glazing of a loggia or insulation of a balcony.
  8. Condition of the wiring - you can ask the owner to show the wiring, it is best if it is copper.
  9. Compliance of the apartment with the plan - illegal redevelopment can become your headache.
  10. Availability of counters.

Smart choice of floor

The location of the apartment on a certain floor plays an important role and it’s not just about the pros and cons of the upper and lower floors, which we will talk about later. We are also talking about neighbors. It is very important that your new home is surrounded by adequate occupants. Often no attention is paid to this at all, and it may not end well.

The importance of good neighbors

Walk through all the neighboring apartments: on the staircase, under and above your potential home. Even if they refuse to talk, you can get an impression by their appearance and reaction to the unannounced visit. It is worth remembering that poor people do not pose any threat.

The group of undesirable neighbors most often includes lonely elderly people (especially those living below you), since they are often bored and may complain to get attention.

It is also unpleasant to live next to rude people and those addicted to alcohol and drugs.

If there are small children in the apartment above you, be prepared for constant noise and stomping, unless there is a good thickness of partition separating you.

Housing under a roof

Housing located under the roof is rightly perceived by many as unprofitable, since there is a high risk of roof leaks and freezing. However, this is true only for old houses (usually we are talking about Khrushchev buildings) without gable roofs, a technical floor, or at least an attic.

At the same time, an apartment on the top floor also has advantages: if there is a technical floor above you, later it can be privatized, remodeled and you can get two-level housing.

You can also always contact the management company and clarify the date of the last major repair and roof renovation. If the house only has an attic, then it would be good to go up there yourself and assess the condition of the roof.

In addition, apartments on the top floors are often chosen by those who are tired of the tramp of their neighbors. You won’t meet anyone on the staircase except your neighbors on the floor, and you won’t hear much noise from the street.

Housing on the ground floor

Despite the absence of risks of roof leaks, housing located on the ground floor still has its drawbacks. Most often they are associated with the basement. With high humidity, mold, unpleasant odor and fungus will certainly appear there. Sooner or later it can penetrate your apartment and ruin your mood, repairs and health.

Also, any street noise can easily reach the windows of such dwellings. It is especially unpleasant when there are garbage containers or cars parked under the windows. If the windows are located low, you will have to fork out for additional security measures - the installation of protective grilles.

Personal safety during viewings

You will probably visit several properties to evaluate all the options. I have compiled a small list of simple rules, the implementation of which will ensure your safety and possibly save you money.

  1. Your income level should not be obvious. It is best to come to the viewing in casual clothes and, if you have an expensive car, by public transport. The simpler you look, the easier it will be for you to bargain. In addition, you won’t mind ruining simple clothes when checking pipes, wiring, windows and other communications.
  2. Let the owner know that you will not be alone. This way you will feel more confident, and third-party people will discourage an unscrupulous seller from cheating.
  3. Leave the exact address of the property and contact details of the owner to relatives.
  4. At the beginning of the visit, in the presence of the owner, call a relative or friend to provide the address of the apartment and arrange a meeting nearby.

These simple steps will significantly reduce the level of potential danger and keep you safe.


Let’s summarize and once again talk about what aspects to pay attention to when looking for housing:

  1. Choose priority: new building or secondary.
  2. Decide on the area.
  3. Inspect the building from the outside and inside.
  4. Assess the condition of the home.
  5. Meet your neighbors.

Do not forget about personal safety and be persistent when clarifying all details with the owner. Shyness can later cost you tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles, or even lead to the fact that you will have to change housing again.

Before purchasing, be sure to check the legal cleanliness of the apartment.

Did you follow these rules when searching and choosing an apartment? Share useful techniques with our readers in the comments.

How to choose the apartment of your dreams: six elementary rules

The next question, in her opinion, logically follows from the first: what funds will be used to pay for the apartment - through offsets, mortgages, military mortgages, maternity capital, housing programs or personal investments? Answering these questions is extremely important in order to adequately assess your financial strength.

How to calculate the money for a mortgage before taking out a loan >>>

Experts warn that you need to choose housing that you can afford to pay for. Desires should be correlated with possibilities, otherwise by the time the calculation is completed, the owners will hate the apartment of their dreams.  

   Ask yourself: “Why?”

Another key question concerns the purpose of the purchase. According to the general director of the MIEL-Novostroiki company, Sofia Lebedeva, the target setting when purchasing a new apartment directly affects the choice of a specific object, as well as its location.

It’s one thing if a person buys an apartment just for himself because he just wants a “change of scenery.” In this case, everything depends only on personal preferences, tastes and desires.

But in most cases, the reasons for purchasing a new living space are quite specific - a change of job, a child entering university, or a new addition to the family.

In such situations, according to the head of the sales department of the Triumphal Arch real estate agency, Irina Khlebasova, it is important for the buyer to be tied to work or place of study, or the proximity of relatives.

Where to go

Most often, when deciding on the location of a new home, clients make a choice in favor of the part of the city where they already live, or focus on the areas closest to it, Lebedev shares his professional observations.

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“People get used to their place of residence, and since moving to a new apartment is quite a serious change in life, many try to maintain their usual routine and visit the same shops, banks, and cafes,” says the agency’s interlocutor.

But if buyers are ready to move to an area they are unfamiliar with, then, according to her, the main selection criterion is the infrastructure component and transport accessibility. In addition, buyers often look at the absence of harmful enterprises and noisy highways nearby, adds Klishina.

By the way, sometimes the choice of place of future residence is determined precisely by the environmental indicators of the area. This is especially true for large cities or for cities where large production facilities are located. For example, according to Marina Piatrovich, head of the Kuzminki branch of the Azbuka Zhilya company, Muscovites prefer mainly western and southwestern directions.

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  • "Resale" or new building
  • Of course, a potential buyer is faced with the question of which housing to choose - secondary or new construction. 

“If you are limited in funds, but you have time to wait, then it is better to invest in a new building. In this case, you will receive a house of modern construction, new communications, a “clean” history of the apartment and a contingent of neighbors of approximately your social status,” says Khlebasova.

In addition, complex development in most cases involves the creation of all necessary infrastructure facilities, from hospitals and schools to shopping centers, Lebedeva adds.

However, experts warn: buyers of apartments in new buildings will have to invest additionally in repairs and endure multiple repairs from their neighbors.   

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When purchasing an apartment on the secondary market, the buyer receives real estate and property documents within a short period of time, while avoiding the risks of new construction - long-term construction, bankruptcy of the developer, the consequences of the crisis, Khlebasova clarifies. At the same time, she emphasizes that the cost of the property will be higher, and there may be risks associated with the legal history of the apartment.  

Gather information and navigate the area

After the initial issues have been resolved, realtors advise potential buyers to study the real estate market, familiarize themselves with the offers and types of layouts. Specialized magazines or Internet sites on real estate, as well as consultation with an agency, are suitable for this.

The simplest and most primitive way is to go on the Internet, study layouts, look at pictures, says Khlebasova.

According to her, in certain areas of Moscow there is not as wide a choice of apartment layouts as potential buyers imagine, so it will be enough to look at several types of apartments with different layouts to form a general idea. 

But you shouldn’t consult with friends, relatives and acquaintances, Khlebasova is sure, since the advice usually given is contradictory, incompetent and only complicates the process.

The collection of information can also be continued “in the field,” notes Klishina.

It is worth walking around the area in which you plan to buy an apartment, look at the location of the houses, and personally assess the condition of the surrounding area.

  Khlebasova agrees with this, adding that it wouldn’t hurt to add a conversation with grandmothers at the entrance to the “reconnaissance” process. “You might find out something the seller didn’t tell you,” she notes.

Be careful when inspecting

Viewing is a more tedious and time-consuming task than it seems at first glance, so Khlebasova advises not to do many views in a row so as not to “blur your eyes.”

You should also view apartments in the daytime, or in good lighting, she emphasizes.

“Be sure to take a camera with you to document any shortcomings and later compare several options with a fresh mind,” suggests the agency’s interlocutor.

First of all, you should pay attention to the layout. “If this is a 2-room apartment, then the rooms should be isolated. If it is a one-room apartment, then it is imperative that it be bright.

Common points are convenient approaches to the rooms, the presence of an entrance group, a dressing room, a hall, and the location of the rooms,” instructs Piatrovich.

During the initial inspection, it is especially important to collect as much information as possible about the immediate environment, namely the neighbors on the landing, she adds.   

If an apartment is purchased in a new building, then you can familiarize yourself with it before the house is handed over using the documentation, examining the layout, ceiling height, finishing (finish, rough), installed electrical wiring, plumbing communications and heating, explains Klishina. If an apartment is purchased on the secondary market, the expert advises paying attention not only to engineering systems, but also to natural ventilation, sound insulation, views from the window and renovations in the apartment.

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Choose an apartment on the secondary market: advice to buyers


Even at the stage of studying advertisements for the sale of real estate, you can draw preliminary conclusions about the apartment you like: is it warm or cold, is it well ventilated or not, will the air be dry or humid, and so on. The most comfortable apartments are those located on the middle floors, not corner ones, with windows facing both sides of the house. Why? Let's figure it out now.

1. Which floor should I choose?

There is a certain connection between the number of floors and the climate in the apartment. Apartments on the ground floors often suffer from high humidity.

If the windows face north and there are trees in front of the house, then the rooms will be gloomy and fresh. But there are also advantages to this: such apartments are very comfortable in the hot months.

Well, the lack of light can be compensated by installing additional lamps.

When choosing an apartment on the top floor, be prepared that, on the contrary, it will be very hot in the summer. But this applies mainly to economy-class houses, which, as a rule, do not have a technical floor. If it is, then you will not be in danger of “overheating” in the summer months.

Windows face south, north, east and west: they all have their advantages

2. Which layout is better?

In older buildings, apartments with a linear layout are inferior to “vest” ones. This is due to the fact that “vests” are better ventilated, since the windows face both sides of the house. The kitchen, hallway, toilet and bathroom are more spacious, there are no walk-through rooms.

Pay attention to the age of the house: in more or less modern multi-story towers, the layout is more convenient and practical than in houses of the Soviet period.

When choosing an apartment, remember that a spacious kitchen can replace a living room, walk-through rooms reduce the functionality of the room, and very elongated rooms and irregularly shaped rooms are more difficult to furnish.


3. What can the entrance tell you about?

It’s a good idea to inspect the entrance. Even if you really don’t want to, walk along all the floors, look for empty bottles and garbage lying on the staircases, and also pay attention to whether there is an unpleasant smell, the source of which could be an apartment with a lot of animals. The type of flights of stairs will tell you about the social level of your future neighbors.

4. Is redevelopment a plus or a minus?

As practice shows, approximately 12% of apartments that owners put up for sale have undergone some kind of redevelopment, and most of these changes are not legalized. When inspecting an apartment, you should immediately ask the owner or realtor a question on this topic, and after receiving an answer, compare the floor plan of the house with the plan of the apartment.

Self-coordination of redevelopment: easier than it seems

There are two types of redevelopment: unacceptable and acceptable. A complete list of permitted and prohibited work can be found on the Moscow Housing Inspectorate website. You should not choose an apartment with redevelopment that cannot be legalized.

If the BTI learns about the changes made, the new owner will have to pay a fine and also restore the apartment to its original form at his own expense. If the redevelopment can be legalized, be prepared to draw up an architectural project with all calculations of the changes.

Then you need to approve the project in the interdepartmental commission, in the SES (if necessary) and in the BTI, and, if necessary, carry out a number of additional works, without which it is simply impossible to legitimize the existing redevelopment.


5. With or without repair?

Today, renovation of an apartment is a factor that increases its liquidity (that is, the speed of sale), but does not radically affect the value of real estate. It is even more profitable for the buyer to choose a renovated apartment, immediately move in and live, without wasting time, nerves and energy on putting the new home in order. Pay attention to the ceiling.

Sellers sometimes try in a variety of ways to hide traces of floods. In our practice, there was a case when the owners diligently painted the ceiling before the buyer and agent arrived, saying that they simply decided to make small repairs. In fact, they were constantly flooded by neighbors from the top floor, and so they tried to hide this fact.

6. Clean papers are the key to peace of mind

“Clean” documents for an apartment mean that new owners will not face unexpected troubles in the form of a subpoena or the appearance of new applicants for the newly purchased living space. Therefore, when buying an apartment, you need to carefully check all the documents. Be careful if:

  • the owners are elderly;
  • the owners recently entered into inheritance, but are not close relatives of the testator;
  • the apartment was purchased under a rental agreement;
  • small children were registered in the apartment.

It is best to contact specialists. They will check the documents, help you sort out the redevelopment, and draw up a legal opinion, analyzing the risks associated with purchasing the selected apartment.

  • Do not miss:
  • How to check an apartment for cleanliness of documents before purchasing?
  • Country house or apartment?
  • Documents required for repairs
  • Urgent purchase of an apartment on the secondary market

The articles do not constitute legal advice. Any recommendations are the private opinion of the authors and invited experts.

❶ How to choose an apartment on the secondary market


Even before viewing the apartment itself, evaluate your future area of ​​residence. How far is the house from shops, bus stops, kindergartens or schools, is the entrance convenient, is there enough parking, is there a playground where your children can play. Of no small importance is whether your child will have to cross the road when going to school, and whether you yourself will have to get to work.

Before going to the apartment, don’t forget the tape measure. Measure everything you need: space for a future refrigerator, washing machine, beds, and so on. It makes sense to even measure the width of the doorways: after all, if one of your non-separable items, for example, a refrigerator, does not fit into the apartment, you will have to buy a new one.

Pay attention to the quality of the windows. Even if the windows are plastic, you should carefully inspect them - some have defects, especially they are installed “scrappy” just for the sake of it and to sell the apartment at a higher price. If the windows are wooden, this is not a reason to refuse the purchase. Some wooden frames are many times better than plastic ones.

Check availability of meters. According to modern requirements, their presence is not just necessary - it is mandatory. If there are no meters, you will have to install them at your own expense. And these are expenses. They can be deducted from the final cost of the apartment.

In modern houses, the hot water supply system is mainly closed, i.e. the water circulates in a circle. But in some, often older, houses the system is open. Then, if your apartment is located on the upper floors, you will have to wait quite a long time for hot water to reach your tap.

If the apartment is located on the top floor, right under the roof, inspect the ceiling for leaks. It is better to look at such apartments after rain. If there is fresh whitewash on the ceiling, this is a reason to think about it.

The first floor also has its drawbacks. For example, the smell from the basement. In the summer, the smell can become simply unbearable. If possible, go down to the basement and examine it.

Look what's outside the window. For example, if it’s a construction site, will your child be able to sleep during the day when the jackhammers are hammering? And if there are garbage cans, think about the smell they will give off in the heat of the day.

Check the quality of the repair. It happens that owners or realtors, when preparing an apartment for sale, quickly paste wallpaper on the most visible places, “forgetting” to stick it behind cabinets and beds. After rearranging, you will find “white spots” or “black holes”.

Evaluate the quality of the floors. If your floors squeak or sink, you'll likely have to replace them, which can be expensive and troublesome.

Evaluate the quality of plumbing fixtures. If a faucet or toilet tank is leaking, this is not a problem - such plumbing equipment is inexpensive and can always be replaced. But if a pipe is leaking or there is mold on the ceiling, then such repairs risk costing a pretty penny.

Chat with your neighbors. The best spies are grandmothers on benches. They will tell you everything about the advantages and disadvantages of the house and its inhabitants. Having found out all the ins and outs, you will have an idea of ​​whether you should take an apartment in this building or prefer another one.

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How to choose the right apartment to buy and what to pay attention to Link to main publication
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