Land law
Доверенность на дарение доли квартиры образец 2023
In accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owners of apartments may have a power of attorney to give an apartment in 2017, such as...
Документы для опеки при покупке квартиры, согласие опеки на покупку квартиры несовершеннолетнему
By reason of age, a minor is not fully capable of legal capacity, i.e. is unable to exercise his or her rights and to carry...
Документы для опеки при продаже квартиры 2023, разрешение органов опеки на продажу квартиры, может ли опекун продать квартиру недееспособного опекаемого
If you sell, which is owned by minors, persons who are incompetent or of limited ability, or the said persons have the right to own...
Жилищный сертификат на покупку квартиры
The problem of acquiring housing for many Russian citizens remains very urgent.
Договор дарения доли земельного участка родственнику (образец)
As the full owner of the land, a person can sell, trade, and bequeath it to any other person.
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