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Акт приема передачи доли квартиры (образец)
The principal "housing debate " about the sale of shares " is the act of receiving-transfer of the share of the dwelling.
Алименты беременной жене в браке, можно ли и как подать на алименты беременной
Family law provides that a man may be obliged to pay money not only for the maintenance of his child but also for the satisfaction of...
Акт обследования жилищно-бытовых условий неблагополучной семьи, несовершеннолетнего: образец заполнения
The act on living and living conditions is drawn up on the basis of the results of a physical survey of citizens.
Аванс или задаток при покупке квартиры в чем разница
It is generally desirable to obtain guarantees from both the seller and the buyer in large transactions.
Cрок исковой давности по вступлению в наследство после смерти
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, in reviewing its colleagues ' decisions in a separate inheritance case, explained under what circumstances the missed date of the inheritance was to be restored...
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