Housing law
За сколько лет можно подать на алименты
The duty of parents to support their children until their majority is enshrined in the Family Code, and it is maintained regardless of where and...
Завещание на несовершеннолетнего сына, внука
According to our country ' s law, the heirs are entitled to challenge the will after the testator ' s death.
Исковое заявление о расторжении брака и взыскании алиментов (образец) 2023
If a couple don't want to live together and have children, it's important that they know how to file for divorce and alimony at the same time.
Как выкупить долю в квартире у бывшего мужа
Under the law, both owners have the right to use a common flat and to dispose of their shares: will, gift, sell.
Как изменить брачный договор: основания, порядок изменения, судебная практика
The practice of concluding marriage contracts is not as new as it may seem at first sight.
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