How and where to restore a death certificate

  • A death certificate is initially issued by the territorial civil registry office that registered the fact of a person’s death.
  • Restoring/issuing a duplicate of a posthumous document is permitted by law if the need for this is caused by specific circumstances, and therefore you should know how to restore a death certificate if it is lost, without unnecessary red tape and in the shortest possible time.
  • An official duplicate (copy) of a document has the same legal force as the original.
  • We’ll look at how to restore the death certificate of a deceased relative later in the article.

Who can obtain a duplicate death certificate?

If damage has occurred, deterioration of legibility or loss of the death certificate, as well as if it is impossible to obtain the original due to family disagreements, conflicts between heirs and other persons whose interests are affected to one degree or another, you should request a copy of the document.

The following have the right to receive a duplicate:

  • Relatives of the deceased of the first generation with mandatory documentary evidence of family ties.
  • Relatives of the second (and further) degree, if they have documents confirming the relationship and the absence/incapacity of relatives closer to the deceased.
  • Trusted representatives, if they have a legally formalized power of attorney from relatives, in the event of the latter’s objective impossibility of personally appearing at a government agency and carrying out the procedure for obtaining a copy.
  • Any interested person who is able to justify and clearly formulate the reason for the interest that has arisen.

Birth and marriage certificates will be required to confirm direct relationship. To prove the relationship of the second generation, you will have to confirm the relationship sequentially at two levels, that is, you will need a double package of supporting documents (metrics + marriage certificate).

Such an interest may arise when resolving inheritance issues, when registering a deceased person at the address of a stranger, when applying for benefits, etc.

If you cannot prove your relationship with the deceased or the reason for requesting a second copy of the death certificate is not compelling enough, then you will be denied a copy of the document.

Where can I get my death certificate restored?

In a standard (ideal) situation, you need to contact the district or territorial registry office that issued the original copy of the certificate. In real life, this is not always possible: either the registry office that issued the death document is located in another locality, or the place where the death certificate was issued is not known at all.

You can send the following to a remote civil registry office:

  • an intermediary (trustee) with an officially executed and notarized power of attorney;
  • a well-written registered letter by mail;
  • an email, for which you can use the Internet and make a corresponding request through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services.

In all these situations, a duplicate will be issued and handed over to the registry office located where the applicant lives.

When the institution that issued the original remains a secret behind seven seals, it is recommended to submit a request to one of the departments:

  • based on the registration or last residence of the deceased;
  • upon registration of death;
  • at the place of actual residence of the parents, spouse or children;
  • at the place of the court that announced the unfortunate event.

If death occurs in a remote region or on transport, then you will have to find the department closest to the place where the disaster occurred or the corpse was removed from the plane/train/bus.

How to obtain a duplicate of a death certificate through the Unified Portal of State Services?

First of all, you should go to the official website of government services

  1. Select your region in the top right corner.
  2. Catalog of services – Category Family and children – State registration of death – Obtaining a repeat certificate (certificate) of state registration of death.
  3. Get the application form and fill it out according to the requirements of the portal, without missing anything. You should know that the applicant’s e-mail is needed for communication and transmission of information, and the address of the nearest civil registry office is needed to receive a copy of the requested document.
  4. The state duty for the provision of services is paid directly on the website of state and municipal services by bank transfer.
  5. Within a month, information will be issued (notification by e-mail) about the place and time of issuing a copy of the certificate. If the request is denied, information indicating the reason will also be sent to the specified email.

Tax Code of the Russian Federation 2000/05/08 No. 117-FZ as amended on 2016/03/07 Article 333.26 paragraphs 6-7 indicates a state duty in the amount of 350 rubles for a duplicate copy of the death certificate and in the amount of 200 rubles for an archival death certificate (form 34 ).

Before contacting the authorities, you should know for sure which document is required under the circumstances.

Necessary documents to restore the certificate

To duplicate a death certificate, you must have on hand at the time of application:

  • copy of the applicant’s internal passport + original (identity confirmation);
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • copies of those documents that are intended to confirm family relations with the deceased or justified interest + originals (for verification);
  • if available, a copy of the original death certificate.

If you do not have at least one of the required documents, you may be denied acceptance of papers and provision of services.

At the district (territorial) registry office you will need to write a standard application. The request form (form 23) is issued on site.

  1. To the Civil Registry Office ________________ from ____________, residing at the address: _______________, passport series___No____________, issued by _________________, “__” “_______” ____.
  3. I request that you issue a second death certificate for _________________________.
  4. Date of death “__” “_______________” _____.
  5. A place of death ______________________
  6. Place of state registration____________________.
  7. Date of state registration “__”________________________, No. _____.
  8. The document is required ________________________________ (indicate the reason for the application).
  9. Number ____________ Signature__________

Time frame for consideration of the issue

In the event that any of the submitted documents require additional verification and clarification, a duplicate certificate will be issued later, but no later than 30 days from the date of submission of the application.

When submitting a request by mail or via the Internet, up to 30 days from the date of registration of the letter are given for consideration and delivery of the result. The same time frames apply to electronic requests.

Grounds for refusal to issue a duplicate copy

The provision of a duplicate copy of the death certificate may be refused for one of three reasons:

  1. The package of papers required to consider and resolve the issue is not presented in full (for example, there is no marriage certificate).

  2. There are no records in the institution's archives about the person whose death document is restored upon request.
  3. The applicant was unable to document his relationship with the deceased, his arguments turned out to be unconvincing, and his interest in duplicating the certificate was recognized as unlawful.

A written refusal to provide a copy of the death document is handed over to the applicant against signature. If a citizen considers the refusal to be unfounded, he can initiate legal proceedings on this issue.

In this case, you will need photocopies of all documents that were submitted when applying to the territorial organization of the registry office.

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How to restore a death certificate: where is it done and who, how much does it cost?

Legal advice > Administrative law > Restoration of documents > How to restore a death certificate: basic rules

A death certificate is an important document that is the only official proof that a person is dead. It may be needed in a variety of life circumstances. In the event that the original document has been lost, there is an urgent need to issue a duplicate certificate.

To restore a death certificate, you must contact the relevant authorities

In order to restore a death certificate, you must contact the authorized government agencies. For the procedure to be successful it is necessary that:

  • persons who have a legal basis for this have applied for restoration;
  • the entire package of documents necessary for this was provided.

The authorized persons are:

  • 1st degree relatives;
  • relatives of the 2nd degree of kinship;
  • persons whose powers are supported by a power of attorney;
  • any other person who has compelling reasons for this and can document his interest in resolving this issue.

Who restores the document

The document is restored by the civil registry office. In order to obtain a duplicate, you must contact this authority personally or through your representative.

In addition, you can restore the document via:

  • specially created MFCs;
  • Internet, on the Gosuslugi portal;
  • court.

At the registry office

This option is the simplest. However, it is not always possible to implement it:

  1. The registry office that issued the certificate is located in a very remote area. In this case, you can proceed as follows:
  • send a representative there with a power of attorney;
  • send a request through the Unified Portal of Public Services (you will still have to travel to get the result);
  1. The registry office that issued the certificate is unknown. In such a situation, you must contact one of the following departments with a request:
  • at the place of last registration or residence of the person who passed away;
  • at the place where his parents, children, spouse lived;
  • at the location of the judicial authority that made the decision to declare the citizen dead;
  • if death occurred on the road - to the registry office department, which is located closest to the place where the tragedy occurred.

How to pick up a duplicate document through the registry office, see this video:

At the MFC

An alternative to the registry office is to contact the nearest branch of the MFC. Its employees will ask you to fill out a special application in which you will need to provide the following information:

  • all necessary personal data about the applicant;
  • line of relationship with the deceased person;
  • reasons why the applicant needs a duplicate.

Through the court

In the event that the civil registry office has decided to refuse to issue a duplicate, you can apply to the judicial authorities to protect your legitimate interests. To do this, you will need to draw up a statement of claim and attach all the necessary documents to it.

Through the State Services portal

You can apply for a copy of a lost document via the Internet, on the State Services portal. The algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  • fill out the application form provided on the portal;
  • pay the state fee (by making a non-cash payment directly on the website);
  • within 30 to the specified email address. You will receive an answer by email about where and when you can get the result or information that a copy has been refused.

Required documents

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • applicant's passport (copy);
  • documents proving relationship (for example, birth certificate, adoption decision);
  • a copy of the lost certificate (if available);
  • state payment receipt duties;
  • power of attorney (if the application is submitted by a representative of the interested party).

Sample application form for issuing a copy of a death document

Procedure for issuing a duplicate

The applicant can obtain the result:

  • directly at the registry office on the day of application, subject to the provision of all necessary documents and payment of state fees. duties;
  • at the MFC branch within the time limits provided for by internal regulations, but no more than 10 days from the date of application.

Obtaining a duplicate death certificate

In order to obtain a duplicate, you should prepare all the necessary documents in advance, namely:

  • documents confirming relationship with the deceased (1st or 2nd degree);
  • documents confirming the legality of providing an exact copy of the certificate (if the applicant is not a 1st or 2nd degree relative);
  • government payment receipt duties;
  • power of attorney, in case of actions in someone else's interest.


Having prepared all the documents in advance, you need to contact the civil registry office or the local branch of the MFC, where you can draw up a written application according to the proposed sample.

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State registration of death

Death certificate form

The initial state registration of the death of a person is carried out by the civil registry office, on the basis of a medical death certificate. It is issued by a medical institution within 24 hours from the moment the cause of death is determined.

Based on this document and the application submitted by relatives (representatives) to the Civil Registry Office:

  • compiles a death record;
  • issues a certificate;
  • issues a death certificate.

Obtaining a duplicate of a relative's death certificate

Relatives of the deceased person most often apply for a duplicate death certificate. To do this, they must confirm their relationship with the deceased person by providing the relevant documents:

  • birth certificates;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • court decision on adoption.

Obtaining a certificate abroad

If the death of a citizen of the Russian Federation occurred while he was outside the territory of the Russian Federation, then state registration of this event is carried out at the consular office at the place of his stay. Reasons for registration:

  • a document confirming the death of a citizen;
  • a decision of a court of the Russian Federation establishing the fact of death of a person or declaring him dead.

If the death record is not preserved

If the registry office does not have a duplicate, you can contact the local archive

In the event that a record of a person’s death has not been preserved in the registry office, you need to submit a corresponding application to the local archive. If there is no data in the archive confirming the fact that a death certificate was issued, then the court is the final authority to resolve the issue.

Time frame for consideration of the issue

Subject to the provision of all necessary documents, as well as payment of state fees. fees, deadlines for consideration of an application for issuance of a duplicate certificate are as follows:

  • for the registry office - on the day of application (no more than 60 minutes) or if the record has not been preserved, there is no information about it in the archive - no more than 30 days;
  • for MFC - within the period provided for by the internal regulations of activities, but not more than 10 days;
  • through the State Services portal - no more than 30 days.

State duty 

To issue the document of interest, you must pay a state fee of 350 rubles.

Grounds for refusal to issue a new copy

The refusal is a written document that is sent to the applicant indicating the reasons for such a decision:

  • the civil registry office does not have the requested information;
  • the applicant has not provided a legal basis for his request;
  • not all required documents were submitted or they do not meet legal requirements.

Apostille of death certificate

Apostille is a form of document legalization that is valid in countries party to the 1961 Hague Convention, and it may be needed so that these documents can be presented on the territory of these states to perform legally significant actions. You can affix an apostille to a duplicate death certificate at the Department of the Ministry of Justice (it must first be certified by a notary).

Where do you get a medical death certificate?

A medical death certificate is issued:

  • the attending physician at the clinic at the place of registration;
  • by pathologists at the morgue based on the examination performed.

To obtain this document, relatives (representatives) contact these institutions, providing:

  • passport of the deceased;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • your passport.

Why might a document be needed?

A duplicate of the death certificate (in the absence of the original) may be needed in a variety of life situations:

A death certificate is a very important document, in the absence of which it becomes impossible to perform many legally significant actions. If you lose it, you must contact the appropriate authorized government agencies to restore it.

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How to obtain a duplicate of a death certificate, restore a lost one, documents, deadlines, who can receive it | Legal Advice

Last updated February 2023

A death certificate is an important document that is often necessary to obtain. This is due to the termination of rights to the property of the deceased, the emergence of certain rights among relatives, and other legal nuances - registration of payments, pensions, benefits, etc.

Since such a certificate is the only official confirmation of the death of a citizen, in case of loss it is necessary to immediately take measures to restore it. Read below how to do this correctly.

  • Relatives - only relatives of the deceased have the right to apply to the registry office for a copy/duplicate.
  • Exceptions - however, the Law “On Civil Status Acts” allows for some exceptions:

Example: if the citizen to whom the original death document was issued also died. Then his heir or relative who has a legal interest can contact the registry office, where they can obtain a duplicate of the death certificate. In this case, it is necessary to provide evidence of relationship, as well as documents confirming interest.

Example: if a son lost his father’s death certificate and subsequently also died, then the document confirming the death of the deed can be re-received by the grandson.

  • Interested person - any interested person whose rights are affected in any way can also apply for a duplicate.

Example: if the deceased was registered at the place of residence of an unauthorized person, then in certain cases the owner of the property may need confirmation of the fact of death.

Where to apply for a second death certificate

To the registry office where the original certificate was received (see how to obtain a death certificate).

The question arises: if the heirs do not know where it was issued, then which department will issue the duplicate?

In such cases, you should contact the registry office at the last place of residence of the deceased. If there is a copy of the lost death certificate, then you should pay attention to the name and location of the civil registry office.

If the document was issued in another city?

There are situations when it is known that a lost death document was issued in another city.

Then, if it is not possible to come to receive a duplicate copy, you can issue a notarized power of attorney to another person.

In addition, the law allows sending an application from another city by post (registered mail), through the MFC (in those cities where they exist), as well as the government services portal.

In such situations, the issuance of a second confirmation of death will occur at the location of the registry office where the applicant lives.

At the moment, a unified civil registry office database is being launched throughout the country, so soon you will be able to contact any civil registry office branch .

How to obtain a duplicate death certificate via the Internet, Unified portal of public services

To do this you need:

  • Follow the link to the government services website.
  • Fill out a special form in which you indicate:
    • The registry office where the original certificate was issued;
    • your passport details, address, full name;
    • Full name of the deceased, date and place of death;
    • Details of the original (number, series) – if a copy has been preserved;
    • Email to which information and notifications will be sent;
    • The postal address of the registry office where you intend to receive a duplicate.
  • We pay the state duty (350 rubles) directly on the website by bank transfer.
  • After processing your application, you should receive an answer by email within 30 days about where you can get a repeat document on state registration of death and what opening hours. If information about the death is not preserved in a particular registry office, then the issuance is refused.

Documents for certificate restoration

We recommend that you stock up on the following documents in advance:

  • a copy of your passport (bring the original with you for verification);
  • a copy of the lost death certificate (if any);
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • confirmation of relationship or interest in receiving a copy (such documents may be: marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.).

At the registry office you will be asked to fill out a standard application (form No. 23):

Sample application for a duplicate

To the Civil Registry Office_________________
from Petrov I.I., residing at the address:
Moscow, lane.
Griboyedova, 1, apt. 1, passport series___No____________,
issued by _________________,

  • "__"_______ 2010

I ask you to issue a second death certificate for Igor Mikhailovich Petrov, date of death - “__”_____________________2016.
Place of death______________________
Place of state registration - civil registry office of the ____________________ district of Moscow.
Date of state registration “__”________________________, No. _____.
The document is required ________________________________ (specify why).

Number __________, ____________signature.

Please note that in the last line you need to indicate the reason for the repeated application (the document is lost, torn, lost, etc.).

Time frame for consideration of the issue of restoration of a death certificate

  • one day to receive a duplicate death certificate . If you collect all the documents in advance and pay the state fee, then, provided that you personally contact the civil registry office where the original was issued, the applicant will receive a duplicate document within an hour (according to the official regulations, within 63 minutes).
  • It’s another matter if the records of registration of the fact of death are not preserved in the archive, if they cannot find data on the issuance of the original, the application was sent from another city. In the listed cases, consideration of the application will take a month .
  • If the original copy has not been preserved, then you need to contact the regional executive authority, which has access to all regional archival records stored in written or electronic form.

Grounds for refusal to issue a duplicate copy

A refusal to issue a duplicate death certificate can be considered justified only if the following reasons exist:

  • the absence of any information about the citizen in the registry office where, according to your information, the initial registration of the fact of death took place;
  • the applicant did not confirm the legitimacy of his interest in obtaining a duplicate of such an important document;
  • the applicant did not submit documents included in the mandatory list.

The refusal is issued in writing and handed to the applicant personally against signature (or sent by mail if he did not appear). After reading the reasons for the refusal, you can try to apply again, eliminating the comments that are set out in the document.

Example : a wife was denied a second death certificate for her husband due to lack of confirmation of the marital relationship. If the applicant applies again with a similar application and does not forget to attach a copy of the marriage certificate, then they will no longer be able to refuse to issue her a duplicate. In this case, the state fee will need to be paid again.

If you consider the refusal to issue you a copy of the death registration as unfounded, you can apply to the court to recognize the actions of the registry office employees as illegal with a request to oblige them to issue a copy of the original.

How to restore a death certificate and what is needed for this

A death certificate is a necessary document to confirm that a person has died. It is usually kept by relatives. However, sometimes this important paper gets lost. Then the question becomes relevant: how to restore the death certificate of a deceased relative.

To answer frequently asked questions regarding this topic, we will consider the main ways, where and how to obtain a duplicate of a relative’s death certificate, and also indicate the timing of receipt and the main reasons why issuance may be refused.

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Persons who can re-obtain a death certificate

A document stating the fact of a person's death is the final legal document relating to the deceased. All subsequent documents regarding the deceased are drawn up on its basis: opening of inheritance, burial issues, etc.

For each document, there is a list of persons who can receive it, store it and request restoration, if necessary. This is necessary to ensure that certificates and certificates are not used for personal gain.

In relation to the certificate that records the death of a person, there is also a list of persons who can receive, store and restore it. It can be requested and received again by close relatives and other interested parties, for example, heirs.

However, there are exceptions. For example, if the person who received the death certificate also passed away. Then his relatives and heirs can receive this certificate.

Required list of documents to restore a death certificate

In order for the request for reinstatement to be taken into account and considered, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • completed application;
  • receipt of payment of state duty - 350 rubles (you can pay on the spot or via bank transfer);
  • a copy of the lost certificate (if available);
  • certificates that confirm the relationship of the deceased and the applicant - birth and marriage certificates, similar entries from the passport, court decision on adoption;
  • a statement indicating the purpose of obtaining the document;
  • notarized power of attorney, if the restoration of the death certificate is carried out by representatives of family members of the deceased;
  • medical certificate of death and a certificate from the house register (if requested).

Where and how to restore the certificate

To restore the death certificate of a deceased person, you must contact the registry office or MFC, submit an application through the State Services portal or by mail to the organization that registered the person’s death.

Through the registry office or MFC

These are the main organizations that issue originals and duplicates.

Restoring a document on the fact of death through the registry office:

  1. Prepare all necessary documents and certificates in advance. If the complete package is not ready, the request for restoration will not be considered.
  2. Apply for re-issuance of the certificate. A sample application will be issued on site.
  3. Pay a state fee of 350 rubles. This can also be done on site. You will be required to provide a receipt.
  4. Receive the restored original document on the day of application if the application was submitted to the civil registry office that issued the original document. If the application is submitted to another civil registry office, the time required to send the document is added. When the document is ready, you will receive a notification by phone or email.

To obtain a copy of the certificate through the MFC:

  1. Prepare the necessary documents in advance.
  2. Make an appointment at the MFC at the place of residence of the deceased. You can arrive at the nearest branch and join the electronic queue.
  3. Obtain a sample application form from the reception desk.
  4. Fill out the application together with an MFC specialist.
  5. After checking the completed application, receive a receipt from the employee indicating the number. This number can be used to track the readiness of the document in the future.
  6. At the appointed time, come to the department to receive a completed death certificate, as well as a certificate of form No. 33, which certifies the fact of state registration of death.

Through the portal "State Services"

Citizens of the Russian Federation can restore a document using the State Services portal. This is the most convenient way to submit applications in various situations. The time for submitting papers is significantly reduced, but the time for obtaining certificates increases.

To obtain a duplicate of a death certificate using the State Services portal:

  1. Prepare scans of the required documents to attach to your application on the portal. Each document has its own download window.
  2. Submit an electronic application for re-issuance of the certificate.
  3. Pay a state fee of 350 rubles. This can be done using a bank transfer on the portal.
  4. Receive the restored original death certificate in person at the Civil Registry Office, through a representative or by mail.

By mail

The algorithm of actions is the same as using the Gosuslugi portal, only the necessary documents are sent to the postal address of the organization that registered the fact of death. In this case, it is better to submit your application by registered mail.

Important! It is recommended to send a request for a duplicate by mail or through State Services if the MFC that registered the death is located in another city. In all other cases, a faster and more reliable way is personal contact.

However, it is often unknown where the original was issued. To restore a death certificate, you need to:

  1. Find a copy of the certificate. If it has been saved, it indicates the address of the institution where the document was issued. It is to this address that the interested person must submit an application.
  2. If a copy has not been preserved, you should contact the registry office or MFC at the last place of residence of the deceased. In most cases, these organizations have access to an archive database.
  3. If the institution you contacted (registry office or MFC at the last place of residence of the deceased) cannot restore the certificate, specialists from this institution will forward the request to the necessary authority.

Possible reasons for refusal to restore a document

The civil registry office or MFC may refuse to restore a death certificate in three cases that can be considered justified:

  1. If the necessary archival records are missing, for example, data about the citizen in the registry office, where, according to the applicant’s information, the initial registration of the fact of death took place. This does not happen often, but it serves as a good reason for refusing to receive a document.
  2. If the package of documents does not contain one or more of the above. Without a set of necessary papers and certificates, no one will approve an application to restore the certificate.
  3. The applicant did not confirm his right to receive a duplicate death certificate.

The refusal to issue a restored document, where the reason is stated, is issued in writing, given to the applicant personally against signature, or sent by registered mail. If the comments are minor and not categorical, you can apply again, eliminating the comments.

If the refusal to restore a document confirming the fact of death is not justified from your point of view, you have the right to go to court.

Approximate time frame for issuing a completed death certificate

The time it takes to restore a document can vary significantly depending on the form in which the appeal was submitted. Therefore, when choosing a method of submitting an application, it is worth considering the urgency of receiving the document.

Approximate time frame for consideration of the application and issuance of the completed certificate:

  1. When applying in person to the registry office with a complete package of documents, the time for issuing a duplicate is approximately 1 hour from the moment of submitting the application.
  2. If the application took place through the Internet portal “State Services”, the time for issuing a duplicate document can reach 1 month. This is due to the fact that using the portal in most cases is necessary to send an application to other cities.
  3. When contacting an institution that did not register the death, the issuance of a restored certificate may also take up to 1 month.
  4. If the application took place by mail, the time for postal delivery of the application and the duplicate certificate is taken into account, which means that the time frame varies from 1 to 2 months. This is one of the longest ways to obtain a document.

How to restore a death certificate - procedure and features

Registration of property rights, the necessary papers and the performance of a number of other legal actions, the need for which arose as a result of the death of a citizen, is impossible without a certificate issued by the civil registry office. This document is the only one certifying the fact of death of a person, therefore, if it is lost, a logical question arises - how to restore the death certificate, and who can do it.

Restoration of the document is usually required by the relatives of the deceased. It is not at all necessary that a person has lost it. The certificate must also be restored if it is damaged or in a situation where the citizen has never seen the document. Instead of the originally issued one, the civil registry office employees issue a duplicate certificate.

Who can get a duplicate document?

As a general rule, only relatives of the deceased person can obtain a lost death certificate. However, there are exceptions.

If the citizen to whom the document was originally issued also dies, his heir or another relative with a legal interest will be able to obtain a death certificate. To obtain a duplicate, he will also have to contact the registry office and prove his right to receive the document.

For example, a daughter lost her mother’s death certificate and also died. Now her grandchildren can receive a document confirming the death of their grandmother.

In addition, any interested person can receive a duplicate. This is only permissible if the death of a particular person affects certain rights of another person. For example, this can happen if a person who died was registered in the living space. The owner will not be able to register him without a death certificate.

Where can I restore?

You need to contact the civil registry office where the certificate was originally received. However, this can only be done if it is known where it was issued. What to do if there is no such information?

In such situations, you should contact the registry office at the place of last residence of the deceased. The second option is to try to find a copy of the death certificate. This document indicates the name of the authority that issued the paper.

It may happen that the certificate was issued in another locality. If traveling to collect the document is not possible, it is possible to issue a power of attorney to another person. The power of attorney is certified by the signature of a notary.

A way out of the situation may be the opportunity to send an application for a duplicate by mail, through the territorial branch of the MFC or through State Services. These methods are more time consuming, but there is no need to travel anywhere - the document can be obtained at the location of the registry office in the applicant’s locality.

How to get a death certificate again?

Let's consider what is needed to obtain a certificate and how much it will cost to restore the document.

Through State Services

The algorithm for restoring a certificate through State Services is as follows:

  1. Go to the State Services website and go through the registration procedure, if necessary.
  2. Go to the catalog and select the “Family and Children” section, and then “State registration of death.”
  3. Fill out the electronic application form, which indicates the details of the applicant and the deceased, and you must also select a registry office.
  4. Next, depending on the situation, you need to select the registry office department where it will be convenient to receive a duplicate, or indicate a postal address so that the duplicate will be sent by mail.

The application will be processed within three days. After processing, the applicant will receive a notification by email about acceptance of the application for consideration or refusal.


To restore the certificate you must provide the following documents:

  • copy and original of the general passport;
  • a copy of the lost death certificate, if available;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • documents confirming the degree of relationship or the existence of a legal interest in obtaining a duplicate.

The Civil Registry Office will issue a standard application in Form No. 23, in which you must indicate your passport details and express your request. You will need to clarify the reason for applying for a duplicate (for example, due to loss, damage, etc.).

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A duplicate of the death certificate is issued on the day of application in the case when the application is submitted to the civil registry office that initially issued the document. If everything is prepared in advance, then, in accordance with the regulations, the certificate will be restored within 63 minutes.

When you need to contact the archive or the application is sent from another city, the review period may take up to a month. If the original has not been preserved, you need to contact the regional archive, and this also takes time.

What is the price

The amount of state duty is regulated by the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with paragraphs. 6-7 tbsp. 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the cost is:

  • 350 rubles – if a duplicate of the death certificate is required;
  • 200 rubles – if you need to obtain a death certificate from the archives.

It is better to pay the state fee in advance. You can find the details on the State Services portal or check with the registry office at your place of residence.

When can reinstatement be denied?

A refusal is lawful if it is made for the following reasons:

  • lack of necessary information about the person in the registry office where the application was sent;
  • lack of the right to receive a duplicate, confirmed by documents;
  • lack of necessary documents or their incorrectness.

When a refusal is issued, it is drawn up in writing and given to the applicant or sent by mail. After eliminating the comments or correcting the situation, you can contact us again.

For example, if a woman applies for a death certificate of her husband or parents without documents confirming the fact of marriage or her birth, she will be refused. But if she applies again and attaches the necessary papers, she will be given a certificate. In this case, the state duty is paid again.

If difficulties arise, please seek legal advice. You can get free legal assistance on our website. Ask a question to an expert in a special window.

If you are refused and you believe that the refusal is unlawful, you will need to contact the judicial authorities. In this case, we recommend that you first consult with a lawyer.

How to restore a death certificate

A stamp of death certificate is a document necessary in many situations, confirming the fact of a person’s death. It is needed for most funeral procedures, for resolving issues with inheritance, for exhumation and related subburial.

Usually the document is kept by family members of the deceased. Unfortunately, sometimes they lose it. Relatives can quickly restore a death certificate if they have the required documents.

It is easier to obtain a certificate again if you have a photocopy of the original.

Required documents

To restore a death certificate, you need the following set of documents:

  • Applicant's passport
  • Completed application (on form #23)
  • State duty payment receipt (RUB 350)
  • Copy of the lost certificate (if available)
  • Documents confirming the relationship of the deceased and the applicant (the person applying for restoration)

Along with the above, an application is submitted indicating the purpose of obtaining the document.

Certificates to confirm relationship:

  • Child birth and marriage certificates
  • Similar entries from the passport
  • Court decision on adoption, etc.

Both family members of the deceased and their representative can restore the death certificate (a notarized power of attorney is required).

In rare cases, the institution may request a certificate from the house register and a medical certificate of death.

Where to restore a death certificate

  • The question often arises, where to restore a death certificate?
  • Through the registry office or MFC
  • This procedure is usually carried out by the registry office or MFC, which registered the death and issued the original document.
  • Through the State Services portal
  • Russian citizens can also restore a death certificate via the Internet using the GosUslugi portal. To do this you need to specify:     
  • Institution that registered the death
  • Institution that issued the copy
  • Recipient's name
  • Name of the deceased and date of death
  • Email address to receive notifications

By mail

You can restore your death certificate by mail. Send the necessary documents to the postal address of the organization that registered the death. It is better to submit your application by registered mail.

It is recommended to send a request for a duplicate by mail or through State Services if the MFC that registered the fact of death is located in another city. In all other cases, a faster and more reliable way is to apply in person.

How to restore a death certificate if it is not known which MFC/registry office issued the original?

If you do not have information about which institution registered the death, it is better to proceed as follows:

  • If a copy of the original has been preserved, it contains the address of the institution that issued the document
  • If a copy has not been preserved, and none of the deceased’s relatives knows where the original was issued, contact the registry office or MFC at the deceased’s last place of residence
  • If this institution cannot restore the death certificate (for example, does not have archival data), they themselves will forward the request to the necessary authority

Deadlines for restoring a death certificate

Depending on the chosen form of application, restoration of a death certificate may take different times:

When applying in person with a complete package of documents: a duplicate is issued within 1 hour

  • When applying through the Internet portal “State Services” – up to 1 month
  • When applying to an institution that did not register death - up to 1 month
  • When applying by mail, the consideration period should include time for postal delivery of the application and duplicate certificate - 1-2 months

If the applicant does not have the necessary archival records or lacks documents, the registry office or MFC may refuse to issue a duplicate.

You might be interested:

  • Stamp death certificate
  • Required documents
  • Burial passport

January 6, 2018

How to restore a relative’s death certificate or get a duplicate?

A death certificate is an official document certifying the death of a citizen. Without it, it is impossible to resolve most legal issues.

It is required for heirs to contact a notary, terminate the obligations of the deceased, and register benefits. Sometimes documents become unusable or lost.

How to restore a death certificate? Where are copies of the certificate made and how much does it cost?

Death certificate: who has the right to obtain a duplicate?

The document is issued on the basis of documentary evidence from the morgue. If it is lost or no longer readable, the interested party can obtain a duplicate. Not everyone will be able to apply for a new document. A death certificate can be restored by:

  • immediate family;
  • second-degree relatives or distant relatives, provided that relatives are incapacitated or absent;
  • a representative of the government institution in which the deceased, who has no relatives, lived;
  • interested citizen if there are good reasons.

Their children will receive a duplicate of the death certificate of the mother or father based on the birth certificate.

If grandchildren apply for a document, they must present papers certifying their relationship with the deceased (their first documents and the papers of their parents) (see.

See also: how to prove relationship with the deceased if there are no necessary documents?). The longer the family line, the more supporting documentation must be presented.

If a relative is unable to independently apply for a duplicate, a trusted person can receive the paper instead. The authority of the representative should be documented in appropriate paper, certified by a notary.

What documents are needed to obtain a certificate?

The package of documents required to issue a new certificate depends on who is applying for it. In general, you will need the following documentation:

  • personal document of the applicant;
  • application for the issuance of a repeated certificate;
  • documents confirming relationship with the deceased;
  • papers proving the grounds for the appeal;
  • a copy of the original death certificate (if available);
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

It is worth taking a closer look at what documents confirm the family relationship.

  • for children, this is a birth certificate;
  • for grandchildren - birth and death certificates of parents, personal documents;
  • for a brother or sister - documents from common parents, personal birth certificate;
  • for spouses - a marriage certificate (see also: what a marriage certificate looks like: document template).

An application for a duplicate is filled out on a form issued by the registry office. The document has a single form. It contains the following information:

  • name and address of the registration authority;
  • complete information about the applicant;
  • the essence of the appeal;
  • details of the deceased;
  • information on the initial issuance of a death certificate;
  • reasons for contacting;
  • date and signature.

The registry office issues a printed form. You need to enter your data into it. If the applicant does not know information about the primary document, government agency employees will explain what to write in the absence of complete information. Sample form:

Where should I go to restore a document or get a duplicate?

The death of citizens is registered in the registry office on the basis of a certificate from the morgue. The death certificate is issued there. Accordingly, if you need to obtain a second document, you should contact the registry office where the first certificate was issued. It should be noted that restoring a document means obtaining a duplicate of it.

The duplicate has the same legal significance as the original document confirming the death of a citizen. However, it is not always possible for a relative to contact the registry office directly. If a person lives in another city, he can order a copy of the death certificate using one of the following options:

  • entrust receipt to an authorized person;
  • contact the MFC;
  • leave a request on the State Services portal.

In the first case, a repeated certificate can be obtained at the place of initial registration of the fact of death. When contacting the MFC and the electronic portal, it is possible to obtain documents at the applicant’s place of residence.

To submit an application online, you must first register on the State Services website. When entering data into the application form, you must indicate the data of the registration authority that issued the first document, data about the deceased, your email address for feedback, and the address of the registry office where a copy of the death certificate should be issued.

Sometimes the applicant cannot find information about the registry office where the original death certificate was issued. You can obtain this information by contacting the main registry office. The application can also be submitted on the State Services website.

Duration of service provision and state duty

The deadline for issuing a repeated death certificate depends on where the application is made. If a citizen applies directly to the civil registry office, a duplicate is issued on the day of the application. The time required to issue a new document will depend directly on the workload of specialists. Minimum time – 1 hour.

When contacting the MFC or the State Services portal, the preparation of a new document will take up to 30 days. The processing time for an application increases due to the fact that when applying remotely, it is necessary to send requests to other organizations and notify the registration authority at the applicant’s place of residence.

Also, the processing time for an application increases when it becomes necessary to access the archived data of the registry office. When a citizen interested in receiving a duplicate does not have complete information about the data of the primary certificate or a relative died a long time ago, a request is made to the archive to obtain a death certificate.

According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 333.26, the issuance of duplicates of civil status documents is carried out after payment of the state fee. The state duty amount is 350 rubles. When applying in person to the registry office or MFC, the applicant pays the fee at the nearest branch of the financial institution.

Payment of the state duty when accessing the State Services resource occurs by bank transfer. The citizen must make the payment using his bank card. The payment amount does not change.

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