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Sample application to bailiffs for arrears of alimony
It is the duty of bailiffs to monitor the implementation of court decisions.
Grounds for divorce
It is a rare marriage, even one concluded out of great love, that is not tested by life. Spouses who have survived a crisis come out of it...
Relinquishment of property during divorce - receipt
There is a standard form according to which you can formalize and draw up any waiver of claims.
Refusal to privatize an apartment: grounds, reasons - what to do?
For every person, a personal living space is a dream that can become a reality, but only if they...
Grounds, procedure and documents for deprivation of parental rights of a mother
There are times when a mother does not fulfill her duties in good faith.
Payment of alimony after 18 years in Russia: amount, payment procedure, collection
Chapter 13 of the current Family Code of Russia, considering the issues of payment of child support by parents, establishes that such payments continue only...
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