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Взыскание денежной компенсации при разделе имущества: порядок, документы
In the practice of litigation, one of the most complex cases is the division of property between former spouses.
Имеет ли гражданская жена право на наследство? и может ли гражданский муж претендовать на наследство?
And at the death of a spouse, the question arises whether a civil wife has the right to inherit.
Заявление о согласии на развод, образец согласие на расторжение брака
The place to which both spouses are to appear is determined by several factors:
Заявление о расторжении брака в загс
In other words, the old forms, which were approved by Government Decision No. 1274 of 31 October 1998 on the approval of..............................................................................
Imagine the situation: your buddy went on a long trip as a married man, and when he came back, he learned that during his absence, his wife...
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