Can a former spouse claim a husband ' s inheritance

In the event of a marriage, one of the spouses does not matter whether it is made by will or by law; after having obtained a certificate of right to inherit, the spouse takes possession of the property through the State registry authorities and becomes the sole owner; in the event of divorce, the property is not divided and the legal owner is completely separated.

The other half may challenge such a division in court if the inherited property has significantly increased its value during the marriage, article 37 of the SCK.

Basic provisions on inheritance

For example, the husband inherited the house and owned it, but during the years that he lived together, the spouses invested in the renovation and modernization of the common funds.

This is the only valid argument that allows the wife to apply to the court for a divorce share.

The heir may give or arrange the inheritance to the spouse, and in the event of divorce and division of property this fact will not be significant.

While living together, citizens used the inheritance property of one of them on general grounds.

In the event of a divorce, with consent, it is possible not to bring the case before a court, but to take into account the costs of the property received by one of the persons concerned.

For example, it is common for the heir to receive a plot of land on which he and his spouse built a house and ancillary premises.

If one of the spouses inherits bank deposits or securities, it is almost impossible to claim them after divorce.

There are some cases in which a man and a wife are heirs to one another, when the children die or each of them is made in a will, and each of the heirs is entitled to a share in the bequest, or a share in the bequest; and each of the spouses will register his property in his own name, and each of them will be the only owner.

If the will does not show the share ratio, the property received is equally divided into each of the heirs.

There are situations in which the husband or wife has inherited, implemented and acquired joint property with the proceeds.

If, in the event of a divorce, the court decides that the property is equally divided, the heir may file a counter-claim and prove that his personal funds were used for the purchase.

Succession of the ex-husband ' s property

And if you do not leave a will, you will inherit it, and if you do not leave a will, you will inherit the property of the owner; and if you do not leave a will, you will inherit it; and if you do not leave a will, you will inherit it; and if you do not have a will, you will inherit the property of the owner; and if you do not have a will, then you will inherit the property of the owner; and if you do not leave a will, then you will inherit it; and if you do not leave a will, then you will inherit it; and if you do not leave a will, then you will inherit the property of the owner; and if you do not have a will, then you will inherit it; and if you do not have a will, then you will inherit it; and if you do so, then you will inherit it; and if you do so; and if you do not do so, then you will be successful; and if you do not do so; and if you do so; and if you do not know; and you do not know what you do not know.

In such a case, the notary ' s statement would be accepted after a court ruling had confirmed the plaintiff ' s claim.

Succession: First heirs after the death of the husband (former)

The possibility of inheritance following the death of the husband ' s property by his ex-wife was of great interest to people, and it should be seen whether such a person was part of the legal succession and whether the status of the children in the inheritance relationship changed after the divorce of the parents.

The circle of heirs

The first heirs after the husband ' s death are listed in article 1142 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; the legal status of the child, as an heir, is not related to the marriage of the parents, nor is it subject to change at the dissolution of the parents; therefore, whether the marriage was registered or dissolved, the most important is that the child ' s birth certificate contains a record of the father.

The possible heirs of the husband of all lines are set out in chapter 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. At the time of death, the lawful spouse belongs to the first line, but the ex-wife ' s place has not been determined.

From the moment of divorce, she ceases to be a close relative and loses her right to inherit under the law, and some lawyers believe that the former spouse should be assigned a separate eighth line under article 1,148 (3) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

This is not the case in life and is virtually unrealistic, since the heirs of the husband of all the previous seven orders must be completely absent.

It is also wrong for some to believe that joint property that was not divided in divorce will then be inherited by the ex-wife; the rules of this division are regulated by the UK of the Russian Federation and they have nothing to do with inheritance relations.

If the former spouse dies and does not leave a will for half of the jointly acquired property to the wife, this portion will be included in the inheritance and handed over by law to the heirs.

In such a case, the only option remains to go to court, prove ownership of a part of the property and in such a way to exclude the property from the estate.

The legacy of the ex-husband

The only case in which the spouse will inherit property after divorce after the wife (husband) relates to the situation where there is a will.

The principle of free will eliminates the whole limit by the number of possible heirs; for example, the heirs of the husband, if there is a will on another person, will not inherit.

This option allows the heir to dispose of the property himself and to hand it over to the most deserving person in his view.

Articles 1148 and 1149 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation leave a certain possibility for the former wife to inherit without will, but only to do so must a number of conditions be taken into account:

  • All the heirs of the seven rounds must be absent, give up the inheritance or simply refuse to accept it.
  • She must be unable to work (disabled, retired) at the time of her death.
  • Dependent on the deceased at least one year before his death, where the important point is the transfer of money by the heir in the life of the dependent, such payments must be regular and substantial, and the small amounts will not be taken into account.

In this situation, the right will have to be established in court by means of an action for recognition as an heir.

When do you need to talk to a lawyer?

This procedure requires the legal knowledge and experience of the legal proceedings, as well as the logical concept of proof of each of the above facts, so that the legacy of the former husband will be given to the previous wife; therefore, if there is a chance of obtaining the inheritance left after the death of the former husband, it is better to seek the assistance of a legal officer in the field of inheritance law.

Ex-wife's right to inherit.

To answer the question whether the wife has inheritance rights over the deceased ex-husband ' s property, it is necessary to deal with certain nuances in advance. Formally divorced spouses cannot inherit from each other, but there are exceptions to this rule.

Is the ex-wife entitled to inherit?

  • On the basis of articles 1141 and 1142 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, succession after the death of a citizen is sought by his or her first-ranking successor, i.e. the children (i.e., regardless of their age, ability to work, legal capacity, adoptive parents and relatives), the parents and the real spouse with whom the man had an official marital relationship during his or her life.
  • If all the listed heirs are absent, the notary in charge of the inheritance will invite the next succession.
  • If the successors are absent in all eight lines, have waived their rights to property or have been found to be unworthy (in all eight lines)According to article 1117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the estate, together with all the debts of the deceased heir, is transferred to the State (dead property,in accordance with article 1151 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Formally, the ex-wife does not belong to any of the lines calling for inheritance; the inheritance rights are limited to the children of the deceased; in some cases, the right to inherit from the former wife of the deceased heir, namely:

  • If it is entitled to a compulsory share of the estate (1,149 article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);
  • If the official marriage of these citizens was dissolved after the commencement of the inheritance procedure (i.e. the court ' s opinion only became valid after the husband ' s death).

A compulsory share may be due to the former spouse only if the wife of the deceased national during his life for a minimum period established by law (i.e. 12 months) was dependent on the husband and received regular cash payments and assistance from him.

It is important to bear in mind, however, that such support should be the only substantial income of the wife, who is dependent on the deceased heir (the pensions, benefits and other benefits that she receives are not taken into account) and whether or not the citizens lived together.

In a situation where the marriage was dissolved prior to the opening of the inheritance, and if the marriage was declared null and void or was not registered at all with the registry authorities, the former wife does not have the right to inherit the husband.

When is it possible to get a share of the inheritance?

Although the ex-wife does not formally have a legal right to receive a share of the estate after the death of his spouse, with whom he or she has divorced or was married to a common-law spouse, it is possible in some cases to acquire inheritance rights.The following are three options according to which the former spouse may acquire part of the estate of the heir:

  • If her name is contained in a valid and valid will;
  • If she is entitled to a compulsory share (even if her name is removed from the list of heirs in the text of the last will of the citizen);
  • If the divorce has officially ended after the commencement of the inheritance procedure.

It is worth noting that in the second case, if there is a will in which the name of the ex-wife is absent as a successor, she is still entitled to a compulsory portion of the inheritance, but in this case the amount will be slightly lower –? the share that the wife should have had had if the last order of the testator had not been given. In the absence of the will, the dependant will inherit in equal shares on the same basis as the other successors of the same line (1,148 article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

How do you get your share of the inheritance?

If the wife has legitimate grounds for inheritance after the death of the former husband, she is required to follow a standard procedure, as are the other beneficiaries of the heir:

  1. Gather the necessary documentation and write an application for a certificate of succession;
  2. Send the documents to the place where the proceedings were opened within six months of the death of the heir to the authorized notary;
  3. To obtain a certificate and register the right to own property in a single Rosreister (if necessary).

If the time limit for applying to a notary office has been missed on good grounds, it is possible to restore it and accept its due portion by means of a lawsuit before the court.

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Documentation for obtaining the certificate

It is not possible to encumber inheritance rights without an appropriate certificate of the prescribed model issued by the authorized notary after the delivery of the documentation package.

  • Identification of the applicant;
  • The basis upon which the person obtained his or her inheritance rights over the estate of the he or she (for example, by will);
  • A statement drawn up with the assistance of a lawyer or on its own, on the basis of a model;
  • A form confirming the payment of the relevant State duty, the amount of which for the former wife of the deceased citizen is 0.6 per cent of the total value of the inheritance guaranteed to her (the amount may not exceed 1 million roubles, according to article 333.24, paragraph 1, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation);
  • Right-building papers for specific property (if any);
  • The testimonial of the death of the heir.

A precise list of the required documentation can be obtained from the person in charge of the particular inheritance notary, which must be provided within six months of the opening of the procedure, i.e. from the date of the death of the testator.

Did the husband have the right to inherit the wife's marriage?

The couple who are married have personal and joint property, and in the case of divorce, only the second type of property is to be divided, and what is the situation in the case of inheritance? Is the husband entitled to the inheritance of the wife of the marriage?

What types of property remain after the death of the spouse?

When the wife leaves her life, the following property remains:

  • Personal property, which is owned only by the spouse, includes property already in the possession of the woman prior to the marriage or obtained by her during the marriage, but in the context of transactions involving non-payment, which includes gifts and inheritance.
  • This includes property that was acquired by the couple during the marriage by means of common funds, of which the spouses each have half.

After the death of the wife, personal and half of the joint property is inherited and handed over to the heirs.

Can a husband claim inheritance?

The property of the wife is divided equally between all the heirs, i.e. between the husband and the parents and the children.

If the husband has made a will, the husband will receive the amount of the share specified in the document.

What rights does a civilian husband have?

To inherit a wife's property acquired in a common-law relationship is a complicated procedure, and it does not give rise to any obligations and rights between the couple, particularly in the area of inheritance; therefore, if the wife dies, the common-law husband is not entitled to claim her property.

However, there are exceptions to this rule: a spouse may inherit property from a civil wife only in two cases:

  • If a will has been made that contains the husband ' s name.
  • If the spouse proves that he was dependent on the woman, i.e., he lived with her for over a year and was in full financial support.

If, during the period of cohabitation, the illegal spouses acquired movable property for the common money, it was impossible to resolve the issue of who should receive it, in which case the husband and the deceased ' s relatives would decide the matter.

How do we process the inheritance?

In order to obtain the inheritance, the spouse has to visit a notary and file an application for inheritance; a notary office located at the place of residence or registration of the deceased must be contacted; in most cases, the addresses are identical.

The declaration of succession shall be written in arbitrary form, but shall contain the following information:

  • Information about the notary office where the inheritance is open.
  • Personal details of the deceased spouse, address of her last residence.
  • Date of death of the heir.
  • Death certificate requisitions.
  • Information about heirs.
  • The desire to accept the inheritance.
  • Information about the wife's property.
  • Confirmation of the existence of a related relationship.
  • List of attached papers.
  • Date of the declaration and signature.

The following papers must be presented to the notary with the application:

  1. Heir's passport.
  2. Certificate of death.
  3. The last address of the heir's residence.
  4. I.D.'d the dead wife's property.
  5. Marriage certificate.

If necessary, additional papers may be required; upon examination of the documents submitted, the notary issues a certificate of inheritance; upon receipt of the certificate, the husband becomes the owner of the portion of his wife ' s property; if the property is immovable, his ownership must be re-registered with the Rostreestra branch.

At what time should a spouse address a notary?

Civil law has set a specific time limit of six months from the date of the commencement of the inheritance, which is the date of the death of the heir.

If, for some reason, the heir has failed to inherit during this period of time, the property is divided between the other successors, but it is possible to restore the period through a court of law or on a voluntary basis.

Voluntary recovery is rare because it is most often the heirs against the emergence of a new successor and the redistribution of inherited property.

Therefore, most cases are decided in court.

In doing so, the heir must provide evidence that he missed the date of acceptance of the inheritance for a valid reason, such as long-term treatment for a severe illness.

Thus, the husband has the right to inherit his wife ' s property, taking into account both personal and half of the jointly acquired property; successful inheritance requires an official marriage.

Does the former spouse (husband, wife) have the right to inherit?

If property was divided upon divorce, did the former spouse have the right to inherit?

To answer this question, we would like to refer to the family law, since the division of property is governed by the family code and it is important to understand whether the property was divided upon divorce and, if not, how long had elapsed since the dissolution of the marriage, whether the acquired property was divided into one or two spouses.

Also important is the existence of a marriage contract, since it is he who will be able to change the legal order for the division of property 50/50 and the marriage contract may divide the property of the spouses other than that prescribed by law.

What is a marriage contract?

All property acquired by the spouses on the basis of common money during the marriage shall be considered jointly acquired and, in the event of divorce, shall be divided between 50 and 50, unless otherwise provided for in the marriage contract.

If the property at the dissolution of the marriage was legally divided and, say, the spouses divided the apartment 50/50, then each has half of the apartment, in which case the inheritance will be left to the former husband and the former wife.

Since the apartment is not, in principle, divided into two parts, the spouses may, by agreement, sell it and split it in half, which may be confirmed by the documents, or one spouse may pay the second half of the dwelling, and the apartment has been fully booked and an agreement has been concluded that, for example, the wife stays in the apartment and arranges it for herself and the husband is paid half of the rent. In such a case, the spouse who has received the money for his half, or after the sale of the apartment has also received half the cost of the apartment, is not entitled to the property of the deceased ex-husband, and I will now explain why.

In general, former spouses do not have the right to inherit under the law (because the marriage is dissolved), unless they are written in a will.

But if the marriage is dissolved, then it is not for the spouses to claim the property which is acquired in the marriage, but only the lawful spouses who are married on the day of the death of one of the spouses may inherit it.

The Civil Code provides for persons who have the right to inherit and the heirs of the first line are:

  1. Parents of the deceased;
  2. Children of the deceased;
  3. The spouse of the deceased (legal).

And those who are in a marriage registered with the civil registry at the time of the opening of the inheritance have no right to inherit it; and if the marriage is dissolved and the property is divided, then the former spouse is not entitled to inherit it.

But there's one thing about sharing property.

Let me give you an example: the spouses had an apartment and, on divorce, it was divided into two parts, and each of the spouses is listed in Rosreister as the owner of one-second of the apartment (each of the spouses took his/her half).

So the wife owns 50 per cent of the apartment and the husband owns 50 per cent of the apartment, and everyone has a document confirming ownership of half of the apartment (right-making document).

But let's say the wife didn't live after her divorce in the apartment, but she lived separately, and the husband used the apartment, but then died and the inheritance opened.

The husband owns half of the apartment, which means that the heirs can inherit only half of the husband's (dead) apartment, since he has only 50 per cent of the apartment and the wife owns the second 50 per cent, and in this situation, many may think that the wife inherits 50 per cent of the apartment after the ex-husband, but this is not the case; she is the legal owner of the half of the apartment, and this half of the estate is not entitled to it; and the heirs will share 50 per cent of the dwelling owned by the deceased husband.

But it's not a matter of inheritance, it's a mistaken opinion that the ex-wife with whom the marriage is dissolved is not entitled to inheritance, and it's in this article that I want to show you and explain it, it's just a mistaken opinion that if the wife didn't physically take out her half of the apartment after the divorce or get paid money, then she remains the owner of half of the apartment, but she does not inherit it, or maybe at any time, sell half of it or live in it, it's her property; and if the heirs don't have half of the deceased.

I've got a lot of text, but I hope I've explained it on my fingers and made it clear to you.

It appears that if the former spouse has ownership of the property of the former spouse who has died, she cannot in principle be an heiress, she simply owns, for example, one-second of the apartment that was bought during the marriage and was married to both spouses, simply after divorce, for example, the wife did not demand the sale of the apartment or demand that the ex-husband buy her share of the apartment, but simply did not use her share for a while, and then as she learned that the ex-husband had died, she claimed her legal rights to half the apartment.

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If the property was not shared upon dissolution of the marriage, did the former spouse have the right to inherit?

Let us consider another case in which the former spouse, when he inherits, can claim his inheritance rights, or more specifically his share in the property he has acquired and his share in the inheritance.

As stated in article 38 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the property of the spouses may be divided both during the marriage and after its dissolution at the request of either spouse.

Let us imagine the situation when the spouses divorced, but they acquired property during the marriage, such as an apartment, a gift, and a car, they did not share the property in the divorce, and it was registered as a husband, but acquired with the common money during the marriage.

Let's say one of the spouses let it be the husband's share of the property, but for some reason the husband dies.

The inheritance is thus discovered, as the former wife said, is not entitled to inheritance, but there is one point, as mentioned above, where the property of the spouses for some reason has not been divided after divorce, but this does not mean that the wife is not entitled to the property, since, according to article 34 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the property acquired by the spouses at the time of marriage is their joint property, and each of them owns 50 per cent of it.

In such a situation, the wife has the right, upon the death of the husband, to apply to the court for the division of the joint property (which was not divided upon divorce) and must be divided, i.e. a 50 per cent share of the joint estate of the ex-husband and wife will be allocated in favour of the wife in court, and the heirs will not share all the property left by the deceased husband, but only 50 per cent of which is owned by the deceased husband after the division, since half of the jointly acquired property has been allocated to the wife and this is her property.

But there is also one point, if the wife has not been able to file a claim for division of the joint property within three years after the divorce, she may be refused, as the limitation period for the division of the joint property is 3 years after the dissolution of the marriage.

If the husband dies after a divorce three years (the statute of limitations) in which the property was not shared and the documents were issued against the husband, the wife will not be able to obtain her half of the property because the claim will be denied on the basis of the statute of limitations.

That is, if all the property was registered for one spouse but acquired during the marriage, it is considered to be jointly acquired property.

If the property has not been divided during the divorce and remains with the wife of the owner, and the other spouse has not applied for the division of the property, then the owner has died, the second spouse may apply to the court for the division of the jointly acquired property and obtain his half of the jointly acquired property, and after the deceased spouse no longer has all his property, but only half of the deceased spouse, because the second half of the jointly acquired property will be taken away by the law of the second spouse (living), but it is only within three years (there is no one to prohibit you from applying for the division and after four years, but in the court proceedings the second party will apply for the statute of limitations and the suit will be dismissed) from the date of the dissolution of the marriage, in accordance with article 38, paragraph 7, of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

If the joint property was registered with the husband, the divorce took place and the wife applied for the division of the property after three years, the court would accept the claim, but if the other party (defendant) declared in court that the limitation period of three years had expired.

In such a case, the wife will be denied a claim and she will be left without property, and the heirs will share all the property, and since the ex-wife is unmarried, she has no right to inherit and has missed the statute of limitations on the division of the jointly acquired property and will no longer be able to sue her half.

What should we do in situations of dispute?

It may be difficult to say whether the former spouse has the right to inherit, since the former spouse may mislead the heirs, may argue that the real estate has been invested by him, which has significantly improved the condition of the property and increased its value, but such investments must be proven, supported by documents (checks, contracts, etc.), including in court, will require evidence to substantiate the position.

It is also difficult to prove in court that, for example, property was acquired during marriage with funds from the sale of an apartment which was inherited by one of the spouses and the property transferred during the marriage to a bar or is not jointly acquired, as detailed in article 36 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

In any disputed situation, it is necessary to apply to the courts, to hire experienced lawyers and to prove, through them, that the former spouse ' s inheritance is not involved, to prove that there is no share of the former spouse in the estate.

You don't have to take on such cases, because most of them are very complicated and can last up to two or three years, it's a whole whip that seems endless, but in the end wins the one who provides more evidence and stands up.

Courts often take unreasonable decisions, but such decisions are always subject to appeal and are often successful, so even in hopeless situations it is not necessary to let go.

In any disputed situation, go to court, there are no other options, build a line of defence, find evidence to challenge the second party's arguments, documents, witnesses, relatives, anything that can help you in the case!

Conclusions from the article!

  • I've told you where the ex-husband can claim a portion of the estate.
  • As we have dealt with, if at the time of the marriage the property was registered with both spouses, only part of the deceased ex - spouse will inherit.
  • If the joint property acquired during the marriage has been registered with one of the spouses, after the divorce the spouse may not claim the joint property and has exactly three years after the dissolution of the marriage, since after three years the statute of limitations has passed and even the joint property remains with the spouse to whom it was issued and, accordingly, if the inheritance and the limitation period for the division of the property have passed, the former spouse will not be able to collect his or her share.

We also found out that the former spouse could not, in principle, inherit, that he could only prove in court that his share of the inheritance was still in place and that, until he could prove it, he would not be able to claim part of the inheritance property, and that in order to prove that there was a share, all the necessary documentation must be provided to prove it.

Does the ex-wife have the right to inherit from the ex-husband?

The inheritance of property is always difficult to resolve, one of which is the question of the rights of the former spouse of the inheritor, and consider under what conditions the former wife has the right to inherit.

Does the former wife have the right to inherit by law?

The procedure for inheritance under the law is reflected in chapter 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, articles 1142 to 1145 list, in order of priority, the relatives of the deceased who may inherit:

  1. The heirs of the first line are children, spouses, and parents.
  2. The heirs of the second line are brothers and sisters, grandparents.
  3. The heirs of the third line are brothers and sisters of the heirs' parents, i.e. uncles and aunts.
  4. The number of births that separate an heir from the heir (not including the birth of the heir) is determined by the degree of kinship; for example, the fourth line includes great-grandparents and great-grandmothers; and the fifth line includes cousins and grandparents, and cousins and granddaughters.

The former wife ' s right to inherit is not provided for in these articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

But that doesn't mean that she can't claim it in principle, and under what conditions it's possible, we'll consider it in the following sections.

Legacy of an ex-wife

There may be different situations in family life: often people live together for many years and then divorce, but maintain a friendly relationship, in which case a man may include his ex-wife in a will, and the procedure for succession by will is discussed in section 62 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The heir may freely bequeath any property to any person, including those who do not belong to the succession under the law; the only restriction is the right of individuals to a compulsory share in the inheritance; these include minor children or disabled dependants of the heir (art. 1149 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

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Thus, with the exception of the compulsory portion, the heir has the right to bequeath to the former wife any property belonging to him.

Dependent share of inheritance

Article 1148 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation equates the heirs, under the law, with the dependents who are unable to work, with the condition that they are dependent on them and live together for a year or more before their death; such dependants may, under certain conditions, be assigned to the former wife of the heir.

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And if there be no bequest, they shall inherit it on an equal footing with the inheritors of the inheritor, and if there are no heirs, then they shall inherit according to the law of the eighth line.

If the heir has made a will, the above-mentioned dependants, regardless of its content, are entitled to not less than half of the share they would have received in the inheritance under the law, i.e. in the absence of a will (art. 1149, para. 1, of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, it is possible to inherit the former wife not only by will, but also if she was dependent upon the former husband after her divorce, being incapable of work.


The law defines two cases in which an ex-wife claims an ex-wife's inheritance; the first case is the direct will of a man expressed in a will; the second case is the situation in which the ex-wife is entitled to a share in the inheritance, being the incapable dependent of the heir.

Wife's inheritance after her death

The right to inherit property, the deceased spouse, first of all her lawful husband and the children of the deceased, as well as the parents, are all in the first line of succession, and they have priority over other relatives (art. 1142 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).Counts according to degree of relationship.

Even if the wife has made a will certified by a notary in accordance with the requirements, her heirs may not always expect to receive the property of the deceased in the amount specified in the document, for she may have relatives who may claim a share of the property under the law.

This fact should be calledMandatory share of the inheritanceThis is part of the estate of the heir who passes over to another person, whether or not the heir has indicated that person in the will.

Mandatory share of inheritanceare entitled to certain categories of citizens:

  • Minors or disabled children;
  • Unable to work spouses and parents of the inheritor;
  • Unable to work dependants;

Waiver of mandatory sharein favour of another person(art. 1158) The compulsory share is primarily directed towards the material support of the most needy heirs in this category, and it should be borne in mind that the right to a compulsory shareDoesn't go to the descendants of the deceased heir by right of submission..

After the death of one of the spouses, under article 244 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, his share of the joint property is to be allocated for further inheritance.

This obligation is enshrined in article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and article 1150 of the Criminal Code provides for the compulsory allocation of a marital share for inheritance.

This article regulates the rights of spouses to common property in the event of the death of one of them, although it does not cover all cases of inheritance to marital property, but it makes it clear that the marital share is part of the inheritance due to all the heirs of the deceased.

How to Share the Legacy After the Death of a Wife

The inheritance, after the death of the wife, will be divided according to the type of inheritance, as well as the relatives entitled to the property of the deceased.between persons named in the will.

If you do not have the right to inherit the property, you will surely inherit the property of the people of the will.

If the inheritance takes place in accordance with the law, the deceased wife ' s property will be claimed first and foremost by her legitimate wife.spouse, children and her parents.

These persons have the right to renounce their share of the property in favour of another person or to take no action at all (art. 1157 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

If the estate has been abandoned by the heirs of the first line, it will move on to the order, to the second priority, etc.

Your wife's death day is gonna beOn the day of the opening of the succession(art. 1114 of the Russian Civil Code) It is from this point on that time that it will be necessary to decide on the property to be inherited, namely, to take it or to refuse it.

How to Inherit After the Death of a Wife

The inheritance depends on the type of inheritance — either by law or by will.

Legacy inheritance

Call a notary office to accept the property specified in the will from the deceased spouse duringsix months from the day of deathIt is worth knowing that the second copy of the will is kept by the notary who certified the document and that the document itself will contain the address of the transaction and the person who certified it.

When approaching a notary, it is necessary to prepareList of documentswhich confirm the heir's identity, establish the heir's death, as well as the documents for the will itself – that is, the estate.

Before deciding whether or not to take inheritance, it is also necessary to learn about the spouse ' s and debtsFor a large sum of money.

If the estate is accepted, the husbandwill be obliged to pay.(art. 1175 of the Code of Criminal Procedure).

The estate itself is in order of the value of the debt that will have to be paid for the deceased wife.

In order to know the value of the inherited property, it is worth inviting an asset-specific valuer to assess and provide an expert opinion on the market value of the property in question; once the valuation has been conducted and the result has been known, it is possible to draw conclusions as to whether or not the inheritance has been accepted.

Time limit for processingInheritances are:six monthsIt is based on different situations, collection of documents, search for wills, etc.

In the event of the cancellation of the will, the deceased wife ' s property will inherit persons of the appropriate rank by law.


When approaching a notary, he should bring all the necessary things with him.documents(copies and originals).

The notary will be required to advise the applicant on the issues raised and will issue a certificate of succession in accordance with the law after a period of six months has elapsed since the opening of the inheritance.

This document is issued personally to each heir who receives a certain share of the deceased ' s property.

Legacy of a common-law husband

As a general rule, "civil marriage" in society refers to relations between a man and a woman that are not registered with the authorized bodies.

People can have children together, buy real estate, share a household, but they cannot be legally married because of their relationshipHave not been registered with the registry authorities.

People living in a common-law relationship should be calledliving together.

The inheritance by law cannot be passed by first order to the partner, i.e. the civilian husband of the deceased, the only option beyond doubt to obtain property as a result of the inheritance is the writing and making of the will.

If there is a partner, the share of the partner ' s death will be paid to her common-law husband, but it must be borne in mind that if the spouse has a minor or a disabled child or a parent, they have full right to inherit.Equal to the partner of a dead woman.

If the spouse dies without leaving a will document, the heirs referred to in article 1142 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will claim the remaining property in accordance with the order of priority established by law.

Is the ex-husband entitled to inheritance

Ex, which means he's not currently married to a dead woman.He won't have any inheritance rights.But if the wife shows him in the will, he is entitled to inherit a share of the estate on the basis of the record of the will.

The former wife of Ivanov died, and in her personal belongings, a will was found in which the three-room apartment, in the event of death, would be owned by the former spouse; the children of the deceased were of age and capable of work; the deceased had no parents; accordingly, the estate would be taken, that is, the three-room apartment would only be her ex-husband.

For the reason that at the time of the death of the ex-wife, the marriage was not registered with her in the civil registry, it does not give rise to rights and obligations, respectively, except in cases where civil agreements of a punitive nature were concluded between the persons living together, but these cases are not so frequent and require efforts to prove the facts by documenting them.

Succession is by law and will.Will- A legally valid document in which a person, being alive, indicates which property he owns and to whom it will reach upon his death.

The will is a priority over inheritance under the law, but there are exceptions when the property is not always received in the shares indicated by the deceased.

Legacy should be processedafter its opening, i.e. after a person ' s death, appropriate documents must be collected to confirm the death of a person, the degree of kinship, the address of his or her last place of residence and others.have the right to inherit property on an equal basis with the others.A dead mother.

The inheritance of the will shall be made by the heir before his death; the author shall be a person of legal capacity who has reached the age of 18.

The drafting and maintenance must be kept secret (art. 1123 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and must be in writing, in two copies and in the presence of a notary, in which the heir describes the property he has and the persons to whom it will be delivered in the event of his death.

The will is kept by the deceased as well as by the notary office where the document was issued. A thorough examination of the deceased ' s personal belongings is required to determine whether the will exists.

The notary who certified the document should then be contacted within six months.

As regards inheritance under the law, it is effective in the event that:If there is no will.

The inheritance by law must respect a certain priority and depends on the degree of the deceased ' s relationship to his or her relatives (art. 1142-1145 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

This term means that the share of the inheritance which may have belonged to the heir under the law but which died before the opening of the inheritance, or at the same time with the heir, passes to the descendants of the "dead heir" under the right of submission.

Can a former spouse claim a husband ' s inheritance Reference to main publication
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