Privatization of private house and land: documents, value, order — how to privatize house with land in 2023

The important question of how to privatize home and land is of interest to many citizens of our country, and in order to understand how to privatize home and land, the citizen needs to examine a number of specific aspects and algorithms relating to the practical implementation of this procedure.

  • What is privatization?
  • How to privatize land?
  • Which land is not subject to privatization?
  • How to privatize the house?
  • Price of privatization
  • Free privatization
  • Nuances of privatization of land under a private house in the absence of documents for it

What is privatization?

Privatization refers to a legal process involving the transfer, in whole or in part, of State-owned property to private individuals.

Federal Act of 21 December 2001 No. 178-FZ on the privatization of State and municipal property regulates the procedure and methods of privatization in the Russian Federation.

It states that privatization is the reimbursable disposition of property that is State-owned, owned or owned by legal entities or natural persons.

The law considers as State property the category of property belonging to the Russian Federation, its entities and municipal entities.

The Russian State intensified the process described at the beginning of the last decade of the last century, and by 1994 most of the State ' s real estate had been privatized.

The institution of privatization, however, was initially perceived by the population as a method of unlawful seizure of State property.

1990 No. 443-1 "On property in RSFSR" (which is not currently in force) was the first legal act that formally introduced the concept of private property.

How to privatize land?

All registration activities related to the privatization of land under a private house need to be carried out before the construction of the site is completed.

The first step for the privatization of land is to apply to the local administration for the procedure and, together with the application for the privatization of the land, the person wishing to obtain title must submit the following package of documents:

  • The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • IDN;
  • Land title (e.g. lease agreement, garden partnership agreement or area eligibility act);
  • Land cadastral map;
  • Technical passport for the building located at the precinct;
  • an extract from the EGRN.

The minimum period for the consideration of documents submitted by officials is 2 weeks, and a draft of the land boundary is being prepared during the month.

The final decision to transfer ownership of the land to the applicant is taken by the territorial authority of the Federal Registration Service, which registers it.

However, the entire procedure for the registration of property may extend over several months.

You don't know your rights?

Sign the People ' s Council, free of charge, a minute to read, once a week.

Which land is not subject to privatization?

It is prohibited to register the right of private ownership of the following land:

  • Land belonging to the forest/water fund of the Russian Federation;
  • Areas within the coastline;
  • Land belonging to public areas, i.e. urban areas, streets, roads;
  • Areas close to ponds, public water bodies;
  • Land in national parks and state reserves;
  • Areas recognized as restricted in circulation under article 27 of the Russian Federation ' s Code of Criminal Procedure.

How to privatize the house?

In order to apply for the privatization of a building located on a privatized plot of land, the owner of the plot needs to collect the following package of documents:

  • A plan for a real estate facility with a discharge from a technical passport;
  • Social employment contract;
  • Passports of all participants in the privatization procedure;
  • An extract from the home book;
  • A copy of the bank's face account.

On the basis of a review of the documentation, the registration authority shall decide whether it is possible to privatize the real property, and upon approval of the privatization of the building, the applicant shall obtain a certificate of ownership after a month.

Price of privatization

The owners and tenants privatize the land by paying to the public authorities the cadastral value of the land (except in cases where the land is privatized under a private house owned by the lessee or the land user), and in addition to this very large amount, there are other costs that are inevitable during the privatization procedure, so the total amount spent on the necessary documentation can be quite impressive.

For example, a citizen is required to have technical documentation on real estate subject to privatization (e.g., land-sharing documents) and paper on the site and the structure on which it is located; he will also need to collect a number of certificates and permits from the supervisory authorities, such as Rosnazor and Rossimnadzor.

Free privatization

Gratis privatization, involving simplified registration of the applicant ' s land, takes place in the following cases:

  1. When the land used by the persons has a dwelling in their territory, the property of which is reserved for the users of the land in question; the basis for the acquisition of ownership of the house or apartment will be, for example, a gift or sale contract.
  2. If the land has been granted permanent (indefinite) use.

Advice from the Protocol: How to privatize a plot under its home?

If you use the land section, your home is on it, but the title to the land "hands didn't come" of this consultation of the Protocol resource is for you, because it deals with the special features of land privatization in such cases.

The situation is that the land is in the actual use of the citizen, but the rights to it may not have been granted in the following circumstances.

  1. Land was allocated for construction in the time of the Soviet Union; it is worth noting that if land under the house has not been privatized, it does not matter to whom the land has been allocated, who is the owner of the house, because it is the use of the land, a situation often encountered, since a house with unformed land could have been obtained by inheritance or by a gift agreement.
  2. The land plot was allocated by a holiday or garden cooperative.
  3. It is worth noting that the right to privatize a piece of land legally arises in the case of good faith, open and uninterrupted use for less than 15 years, the so-called acquisition time limit, but only in the manner established for free privatization can privatization be privatized on such grounds (Use the legal resource of the Protocol, Algorithm for the construction of land for less than 15 years). It should be recalled that, according to article 118 of the Land Code of Ukraine, for the construction and maintenance of housing, economic buildings and structures (pre-garden) it is possible to privatize land free of charge, not more than 0.25 hectares in villages, not more than 0.15 hectares in towns, not more than 0.10 hectares in cities; for individual construction, not more than 0.10 hectares; for the construction of individual garages, no more than 0.01 hectares; thus, it is possible to privatize land into a city, for example, not more than 10 hectares in a city.

Note that, in the case of the privatization of the land on which the residential home is registered, the technical documentation is prepared at the request of the owner of the dwelling without the authorization of the executive or local government authority, as opposed to the free privatization of the land from the State or communal property, which already greatly facilitates the privatization procedure by one step at a time.

Step 1 To assign the cadastral number to the land section

If the site has an cadastral number, go straight to step 2.

If not, we are in a hurry to report that according to "in the case of land ownership (use) of which there is no registered dwelling, the ownership of which is registered, the cadastral number of such land shall be assigned on the application of the owners of such house on the basis of the technical documentation on land administration for the establishment (refurbishment) of the boundaries of the land in kind (on the ground), and it is prohibited to require other documents for the allocation of the land of the cadastral number; this cadastral number shall be valid from the time of its assignment.

In other words, in order to assign an cadastral number, the land section must:

  1. Order the development of technical documentation to establish the boundaries of land in kind from natural or legal persons whoare licensed to carry out land administration workAt the end of this phase, you will receive the relevant project and XML file.


To apply to the territorial authority of the State Geocadaster at the place where the land is located, i.e. to the State Registrar, with a corresponding application to which to attach the technical documentation and XML file, a copy of the applicant ' s passport and index code, documents (notarized copies), which gives the right to develop the technical documentation (house documents, land act, etc.)

As a result of the land registration in the State Land Registry, you will receive an extract from the land cadastre with an cadastral number.

If the land area has been assigned an cadastral number and has been issued a permanent use certificate or a lease agreement has been issued, privatization may be carried out without the technical documentation of the land administration, on the basis of technical materials and documents certifying the use of the land area, subject to the condition that there will be no change in the purpose of the land under privatization.

  • Step 2 To apply to the executive or local government
  • A citizen interested in the privatization of the land in its use and on which the dwelling is located shall submit an application to the relevant authority, depending on where the land is located.
  • It is important that, if the dwelling is owned jointly by several citizens, the application is submitted simultaneously by all co-owners of the house.
  • A representative may also submit an application, but his or her credentials must confirm a power of attorney, a copy of which shall be attached to the application.
  • The application shall include the name, name, patronymic of the applicant, place of residence, location of the land, size of the land and grounds for the residence of the land in the use of the person concerned in the privatization.
  • The application is accompanied by copies of a citizen ' s passport and a certificate of personal identification code.
  • In the case of the privatization of the land on which the dwelling is located, the ownership of which is registered and to which the cadastre number has been assigned on the basis of the technical documentation on land administration concerning the establishment (refurbishment) of the land area, the application shall be accompanied by:
  • - Technical documentation on land administration on the establishment (refurbishment) of the boundaries of the land;
  • — an extract from the State Land Registry
  • == sync, corrected by elderman ==@elder_man
  • In the case of privatization of a land area without changing its boundaries and of a specific purpose, the right of a citizen to use which is certified by a State act for the right to permanent use of land or a contract for the lease of land, technical materials and documents must be attached to confirm the size of the land, as well as a copy of the State act for the right to permanent use of the land plot or the contract for the lease of land.
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If the land is not located, the house of right to which it is issued must be accompanied by copies of the documents supporting the ownership of the house, such as the contract of sale, the certificate of inheritance and the contract of gift.

If the land has been allocated by a gifted or garden cooperative, it is further necessary to attach a certificate from the holiday (garden) cooperative(s) stating that the person concerned is a member of that organization and that he/she has been allocated a specific plot according to the scheme(s) of organizing the cooperative territory(s).

In the case of a land claim, it is necessary to attach documents confirming the good faith, open and continuous ownership of the land for a period of 15 years, but as a rule such ownership will have to be recognized through a court of law.

  1. Step 3 Decision of the authorized authority on the transfer of land and registration of land rights in the State Register of Real Property Rights
  2. After a review of the documents, the competent authority shall decide on the privatization of the land, which shall be the basis for the registration of the right of ownership.
  3. Property or other land rights may be registered through a local administrative service centre (CNAP), which accepts documents for the State registration of immovable property rights, or from a notary.
  4. The result of this step is an extract from the State Register of Land Ownership Rights.

For example, in accordance with article 122 of the Land Code of Ukraine, rural, village and city councils transfer land to the ownership or use from the land of the communal property of the relevant territorial thunderbolts for all purposes.

Regional administrations in their territories transfer land from State property to ownership or use within villages, towns and towns of district importance for all needs and beyond settlements for: water management; construction of facilities related to the maintenance of the inhabitants of the district ' s territorial thunderbow (schools, cultural institutions, hospitals, businesses of commerce); and individual day-building.

In the case of the State and its territorial authorities, these executive authorities shall provide land for the agricultural purpose of State property, except in the cases defined in part 8 of this article, to be owned or used for all purposes.

In other words, in order to determine the authority to which it is necessary to refer, the location of the land and its intended purpose are relevant.

Adds to privatization of land

It's very important, equally important, to get your rights on the ground.

Once this procedure is completed, you will be fully owned and able to dispose of your property at your discretion, that is, sell, lease, give... by the way, the cost of the house will increase as soon as the land is under it.

Although it is only illegal to sell a land without an cadastral number, and in principle to do anything about it, it is worth remembering the neighbours who are easier to transfer the fence to your advantage if your land has not been formed or processed.

In any case, privatization is no longer necessary, because legislation is changing and privatization is easier not to become, and unformed land can attract the attention of fraudsters.

  • Remember:You can always get professional advice and find a good lawyer for V on the Protocol's legal resources.
  • Consultation author: M. Danube
  • Source:: Legal resources of the Protocol
  • Take advantage of the advice:Act on the Harmonization of Land Boundaries

Privatization of land

All possible transactions and legal processes with land are possible only with privatization – appropriation of ownership.

The Land Code of the Russian Federation has established a general privatization mechanism for any land plot, but the procedure may have some nuances different from the purpose and purpose of the plot.

The land of a State or municipal foundation is handed over to natural persons and legal entities for ownership or lease, at a fee.

However, anyone who uses certain lands indefinitely or in a lifetime inheritance may obtain free ownership of a piece of land, in which case, in addition to the fees provided for by law, no additional fee shall be charged.

  1. Owners of houses, buildings, accessories and farms acquired through inheritance, various transactions, gifts and other means, or pre-enactment of the Land Code (2001), located on specific plots of land that were not owned.
  2. Citizens using land for the purpose of building an individual dwelling or an auxiliary farm before the introduction of the Land Code of the Russian Federation of 2001.
  3. Citizens whose lands they have been granted permanent use or permanent inheritance, where they are housed in dwellings with already acquired ownership.
  4. In addition, privatization of land in horticulture and garage and construction cooperatives is also carried out free of charge, and the procedure for granting ownership of land has been considerably simplified and has been referred to as "good amnesty".

If your case does not meet the conditions described above, the land is privatized on a fee basis. Such cases include land obtained after 2001.

When land ownership is privatized, the value or price of the buyout is calculated from the minimum rate of land tax for a particular category of land at the time of application for privatization.

The local authorities decide whether or not to charge for the procedure on the basis of the legislative framework.

To begin with, it is recommended that a package of documents be collected and handed over to the district administration to process the ownership of:

  • State acts, lease agreement
  • Documents for all buildings on the ground (contract of sale, certificate of gift or inheritance)
  • Inventory plan (required if a plot is in the cadastre land register)
  • Technical passports for buildings
  • Exit from the Registration Chamber
  • Owner ' s passport

Local authorities review the collected package and decide on the privatization of the land. The main procedure is as follows:

  1. In the 14 days following the application, a positive or negative decision is taken to transfer the land under the house to private ownership, which takes into account the boundary of the site and, in the absence of an cadastral map, the necessary exit work is carried out.
  2. On the basis of the boundary approval, the applicant receives a final decision on the transfer of land to private use.
  3. The section is divided, boundaries are established and an cadastral map is drawn up.
  4. The cadastral map is provided to the cadastre office.
  5. A sale transaction or a contract for the free transfer of land shall be concluded.

The privatization of land under the house is particularly relevant, as people often find themselves in an unusual situation: they have their own home, which is located on another ' s land, and the paperwork is exhausting and exhausting, but the completed privatization makes it possible to be calm and confident about tomorrow.

In order to privatize leased land from the State or municipality, it must first be purchased at the cadastral cost; the basis for the purchase is the location on the site of the building or building; however, the terms of the lease contract must be carefully reviewed and, if it takes into account the possibility of the purchase, it may be possible to proceed with the preparation of all the necessary documentation.

  • A copy of the lease agreement
  • Application for land privatization
  • Passport photocopy
  • Land inventory plan

The procedure for the privatization of the site is in accordance with all the adopted norms of the Russian Land Code and the FZ on the enactment of the Land Code of the Russian Federation.

The privatization of land, land ownership in horticulture, and the purchase of leased land – all these procedures have a number of subtleties and nuances.

For ordinary citizens to do so on their own, there are many bureaucratic difficulties.

It is better to entrust this work to qualified professionals and legal experts who will quickly and qualitatively put all land issues in order.

If you have difficulties in processing documents such as inter-plans, cadastral passports, technical plans or other real estate documents, Guarantor Kadastra will consult and assist in the preparation of the required documentation package; in order to use our services, it is sufficient to call or write an e-mail letter, you can also use the feedback provided under the "Contacts" section.

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Privatization of land in 2023 — order, timing, cost

In 2023, how to make the land available? Who is entitled to free privatization? What is the government ' s decision to follow the legal procedure? These questions are relevant to thousands of Russians who wish to freely dispose of their racks.

The privatization of a plot refers to the appropriation and registration of ownership rights; once the land is acquired, it is only allowed to be used for a purpose.

But only privatized land can be sold, donated and inherited, and privatization is governed by the Land Code and its supplementary laws.

Land is handed over to natural persons from municipal funds or from the State fund for payment or free of charge.

According to the " Daily Amnesty ", Russian citizens have the opportunity, without any charge, to privatize land plots, and the amnesty provides for plots received before 2001 intended for the construction of low-storey private houses (LS) for the construction of garages, orchards and gardens, and for subsistence and subsistence farming.

Free privatization is provided for persons whose land is owned for life and who have the right to inherit it, or a lease on an indefinite basis; persons who have acquired the land as a result of inheritance or donation are also eligible for free privatization; in some cases, the land may also be privatized free of charge.

The manner in which privatization takes place

A general procedure for privatization has been developed, but depending on the target of a particular site and some other factors, the procedure still varies significantly.

It can be paid and free of charge, thanks to the Daily Amnesty, hundreds of thousands of Russians have benefited from simple privatization.

But in any case, it is necessary to start with the preparation of a package of documents, which includes, among others, the following:

  • A photocopy of the applicant ' s passport;
  • Application for privatization;
  • Cadastral passport (if available);
  • legal supporting documents.

Previously, the mandatory list included a receipt of payments from the Government, which is no longer necessary since the relevant information is available to officials electronically.

The complete list of required documentation depends on the designation of the land and varies among different categories of citizens.

For example, if a large family wanted to benefit from privatization, a document would be needed to confirm the existence of three or more children.

Privatization of gardens

When forming a horticultural partnership (CNT), it is provided with land suitable for the production of fruit crops; every member of the SNT receives his or her inheritance, but no property rights are created; the land remains municipal or federal; to privatize it, a legal procedure is required.

As mentioned above, before 2020, gardeners privatize their plots of land free of charge, and the package is supplemented by a declaration on home-building, photocopies of the gardener ' s membership book and the founding documents of the SNT.

As a legal supporting document, it is permissible to use acts, certificates, protocols and orders that can confirm the fact that the work has been made available for use.

The declaration shall be made for all buildings for economic purposes which have not required permission in accordance with article 51, paragraph 17, of the GrKRF. These shall include garden houses, garages and baths.

The declaration shall be drawn up by the owner of the site on each site separately and shall be described in detail, and an cadastral plan shall also be drawn up with the identification of the boundary of the area; the constituent documents of the NST shall include an extract from the EGRUL in order to confirm the non-profit nature of the partnership.

A package of documents prepared by the applicant shall be submitted to the district administration or other authorized authority, which shall consider the transfer of the garden property and, in the final analysis, issue an order to the applicant for its decision.

If it's positive, you can start the next stage of the procedure. The applicant applies for registration to Rosreest. If the verdict is positive, he receives a certificate confirming that the land is his property.

Privatization of private houses

The home is on foreign land – a problem that is relevant to thousands of Russians – and the privatization of land under its home provides a way to look at the future with confidence and deals with a range of transactions, from sale to inheritance. Local governments provide additional transport for every building and discharge from Rosreestra to be privatized.

The right to a plot can confirm certificates of gift or inheritance, sales contracts, land transfer certificates and other documents.

With the positive decision of the municipality, the final stage of the procedure remains: in Rosreister, to register their ownership and obtain a corresponding land certificate.

Houseowners often do not have a cadastral passport for the site, in which case a pre-traction of the site is necessary in order to determine its boundaries accurately, draw up an cadastral map and transmit it to the cadastre chamber.

Privatization with indefinite lease

In the case of privatization of land rented indefinitely from federal or municipal authorities, it will have to be bought out; there will have to be a basis for the ransom – located on the site of the building; a copy of the lease will be added to the package; if the contract provides for the possibility of a buy-back, the privatization process will be simplified.

Time frame for privatization

If there are grounds for free privatization, it is worth rushing; as mentioned above, this right is granted to Russians in accordance with the "Dawn Amnesty", and the relevant provisions of the legislation were initially in force until 2015.

The deadline was subsequently extended twice by the Government, and it is now possible to acquire land free of charge until 01.03.2020. The time limit for the consideration of documents submitted by the applicant to the municipality is 14 days.

Registration in Rosreister could take up to 30 days.

Cost of privatization

If privatization is paid, the value of the site is determined on the basis of its cadastral valuation; all decisions on cadastral valuation are taken by Rosreest; and he appoints the evaluators who have the necessary competence.

The evaluator is guided by a wide range of legal and regulatory documents and must take territorial zoning into account.

The market value of such land, rent payments and other factors are taken into account.

For example, in calculating the cost of gardening, not only does it take into account the area but also the climate, the infrastructure, the availability of natural water sources and even the density of the population in the surrounding area.

Whether privatization is paid or not, the applicant pays a State duty, which in most cases amounts to 350 roubles.

This is the amount to be paid to the future owners of the land under ISS, PH and horticulture, and if the fee is paid through the public service portal, a factor of 0.7 is taken into account in the calculation of the amount.

When you get a discharge from Rostreestra, you also have to pay the fee of 200 rubles.

Refusal to privatize

Municipal authorities or public authorities may refuse to transfer property for various reasons; for example, the reason for refusal is to mix the boundaries of a plot with land not intended for privatization or owned by other persons; sometimes applicants seek to privatize an extra area to which they are not entitled or in a public area.

There may be discrepancies between the data in the different documents: sometimes applicants try to take possession of land that is subject to privatization or neglects the need to declare the existence of buildings in gardens or to allow for inaccuracy when describing them.

The decision of municipalities and public authorities could be appealed to the courts; however, when preparing documents for privatization, the utmost care should be taken to eliminate errors that would be difficult to correct.

If the application for privatization is rejected, the applicant may appeal to the District Court within three months, and it will be necessary to draw up the application and attach the relevant documents to it, including a copy of the contested order and a receipt of the Minister ' s office.

The plaintiff had to argue his right to privatization and explain why he did not agree with the decision to refuse privatization; if the time limit was missed, it could be extended if there were valid reasons.

In view of the potential difficulties in appealing against the actions of the authorities, independent lawyers and experts are often involved in the judicial process; if the complainant is represented in court by another person, a power of attorney will be required to confirm his or her authority.

An appeal may also be made against the cadastral value of the site, for which purpose the application is sent to Rosreest, and if the claimant has a compelling argument, the cadastral value is revised downwards.

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Privatization of house 2023 — a private, land plot, how much it costs, the documents you need, in the village, the house, where to start.

The privatization of the home begins with the consent of all members who live under a social employment contract or a settlement order.

One person will be the employer of the transaction, but members of his family have equal rights to use the dwelling.

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Consent is expressed in writing or family members sign the application for privatization.

Children under the age of 14 are entitled by their legal representatives, and children under the age of 14 are already signing a privatization agreement.

If only minors remain in the house, privatization is carried out by the guardianship authorities within three months after the children have been orphaned or without parental care.

What do you need to know?

Real property must be on the municipal balance sheet; if it is located in the department of colkhoz or owls in rural areas, privatization is not possible.

In practice, such houses are handed over to the courts if the colkhoz has ceased to exist and the citizens have remained in a private house.

The house is registered as a joint property, divided into equal shares, and privatization is not possible without the consent of any tenant.


Privatization takes place with the consent of all resident citizens and, if refused, the citizen may retain the right of permanent residence.

There should be no illegal remodelling in the house, no arrears in the payment of public utilities.

The land under the house follows the legal fate of the dwelling.

The home can be purchased at a fixed price, and documents must be collected for a free property transfer transaction.

Status of the object

A private house is a residential building if it is intended for permanent residence and is not in an emergency condition and is subject to all conditions of privatization.

If real estate is built with the means of cooperation, it is considered as personal property and is not subject to the conditions of privatization.

If the house is issued as a service dwelling, privatization requires the consent of the owner – the PCO, the CCP and another legal entity.

Legislative framework

Procedures for the privatization of the home

Every year, a large number of citizens participate in the privatization of property.
Many citizens believe that the privatization of the home is the same as for the apartment, but this is not the case.

The privatization of the home entails some important features.

What do you need to be processed?

The definition of " home privatization " refers to the transfer of property rights to private hands.
The privatization process must be initiated in order to establish private ownership of the house.

To that end, a package of documents is being developed and a statement is being drawn up.
The package should then be handed over to the authorized body for a decision.


  • The possibility of privatization of public housing on a free basis is regulated by Federal Act No. 1541-1 on privatization of housing stock in Russian territory.
  • The variety of living quarters, including housing units and the requirements imposed on them in the area of fitness for life, are shown by the Russian Housing Code, including Government Decision No. 47 of January 2006.
  • In the case of housing on State soil, the issue is further regulated by the Russian Land Code.

Privatization of the home

Depending on the type of house to be privatized, some nuances need to be addressed.


Before you start getting property rights, you need to find out who owns the house, and this information is displayed in the Register Office.

If the owner is a private company, privatization on the basis of the FZ of privatization is not possible, since property is exclusively owned by municipalities or by the State; if the private company is the receiver of the State or the municipality, privatization is permitted on the basis of the legislation in force.

In order to initiate the privatization process, it is necessary to contact the local self-government body, which will provide all necessary advice and clarification.

Rural (rural)

In the process of privatization in rural areas, some difficulties need to be prepared.
This is due to the automatic need for privatization of land.

Under the legislation of the Russian Federation, land is also held by:

  • Status;
  • Category;
  • Boundaries.

The possibility of privatization at home and without land is allowed; in such a situation, the privatization mechanism is standard.

With a plot of land

In the process of privatization of a house with a land section, documentation is further needed on land, depending on the immediate category to which it belongs.

In other words, there will be an additional need to:

  • Documentation that confirms ownership of land;
  • Land administration;
  • An act of inter-relationship drawn up by all rules;
  • Project on site limitations and cadastral plan.

The authorized body shall not be entitled to request other documentation.


The legislation provides for a simplified procedure for long-term buildings; in other words, the package of documents is minimized.

It is sufficient to provide:

  • Statement;
  • Internal passports of all privatization participants, without exception;
  • Land documents.

In 2023, the possibility of privatization was envisaged by way of a long-term amnesty.

In the framework of this type of amnesty, privatization takes place in a simplified manner until March 2023.

Value of real property status

  1. FL 129 makes it clear that real estate is a property to which it is necessary to register its right.
  2. The property is directly related to the land area and therefore no movement or movement is possible without any damage.
  3. It is customary to refer to real estate as:
  • Land;
  • Various buildings and buildings that are directly connected to the land, including accommodations.

Based on art.

16 The following are considered to be living quarters of the Russian Code of Housing:

  • Homes or some of them;
  • apartments or parts thereof;
  • Rooms.

In addition, housing may also have the status of:

  • A residential home;
  • A private house;
  • Houses with a plot of land;
  • Houses with no land.

These nuances must be kept in mind before privatization begins.

If there are no land titles

In the absence of land titles, privatization is possible only at home.
In this case, the mechanism is standard.

Once all the necessary real estate documentation has been provided, the authorized authority will take a decision and provide a certificate confirming the transfer to private property.

Mode of action

The standard mechanism for action in 2023 is as follows:

  1. We need to get all the documentation we need.
  2. A statement is then drawn up.
  3. The completed package shall be submitted to the authorized authority.

On the basis of the document received, the authorized authority will decide on the conversion of real property to private property.

What kind of documents are you looking for?

The standard package includes:

  • The applicant ' s internal passport;
  • A certificate based on Form 3, which confirms the absence of participation earlier;
  • Technical passport and other documentation from BTI;
  • A written statement;
  • Order on the transfer of the house to private property;
  • Legal documentation on residence in the home, for example, social employment agreements and so on.

The authorized body may request additional documentation, which is provided for in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A model social employment contract here.


The drafting of the application confirms the desire of Russian citizens to transfer the house from State property to private property.

In order to minimize the risks of incorrect information, it is recommended that a model statement be used.

A model application for the privatization of the house here.

Consent of Residents

  • The privatization process is initiated only with the consent of all persons without exception living in real estate.
  • Parents or other legal representatives — guardians, adoptive parents — represent the interests of minor children in such a situation.
  • Citizens who take part in the procedure do not grant their permission.

Conclusion of the contract

At the end of the privatization phase, the citizen signs a contract with an authorized authority whereby the rights to housing are transferred to the participants in the process.

Such a treaty must be notarized within the first 12 months of its formation.

The model of the privatization contract is here.

Registration of ownership

Once the rights to the home have been obtained by the participants in the proceedings, they must be registered in Rosreister.

Upon completion of the registration procedure, participants shall be provided with a certificate.

Each participant in the privatization shall be provided with one copy of the certificate.

How much?

  1. With regard to the cost of the privatization of the home, it is carried out free of charge under the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. At the same time, attention should be drawn to the cost involved in the registration of real property rights.
  3. The cost of registration of rights is approximately 2,000 roubles.

Time frame

The privatization period is about two months.

Once a contract has been received, it must be certified by a notary within the first 12 calendar months.

Grounds for refusal

The main reasons for refusal are as follows:

  • Documentation has not been fully submitted;
  • Errors were made in the statement drawn up;
  • The complainant had previously taken part in privatization.

It is worth noting that, under the law, only once in a lifetime can you participate in privatization.

If, in the complainant ' s opinion, the authorized authority has refused illegally, the possibility of recourse to a judicial authority is allowed.

In a video on privatization


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  • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors, and basic information does not guarantee that your problems will be solved.

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Privatization of private house and land: documents, value, order — how to privatize house with land in 2023 Reference to main publication
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