Sample application for improvement of living conditions

Sample application for improvement of living conditions

They have a right

Who can apply for improved housing conditions? Not all families have this right in Russia. Only certain citizens are endowed with such opportunities.

Today, people who really need to improve the quality of their housing can count on such help. Persons who do not meet certain criteria are not considered when resolving the issue being studied.

Need criteria

How to correctly determine the need? The thing is that it can be different. Therefore, an application for improvement of living conditions can be submitted to the appropriate authority under a variety of circumstances.

Among them are the following:

  1. The family lives in dilapidated or dilapidated housing. To do this, the apartment/house must be recognized as such.
  2. Citizens live with a sick person who poses a danger, or cohabitation with him makes life unbearable. Let's say, with some relative who suffers from mental illness, but on the condition that they refuse to take him for treatment.
  3. People whose living space does not meet the minimum square meters.
  4. Citizens who do not own any living space, and their place of registration does not provide the proper “squares”.

Sample application for improvement of living conditions

Square disputes

As we have already found out, not all citizens can submit an application to improve housing conditions in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation. Often, applicants are persons who do not have enough square footage in their housing. And this issue causes many problems for the population. Why?

The thing is that the regions of the Russian Federation have established their own minimum standards for living space per person. In this case, it does not play a special role whether citizens have ownership rights to the apartment. According to modern rules, not only existing property is taken into account, but also living space according to the applicant’s registration.

Most often, the criterion of need occurs if there is less than 15 m2 per person. In some regions this figure is lower, in others it is higher. But the main thing is that people who do not have a sufficient apartment size have the right to improve their housing.


It should be noted that the Housing Legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the filing of an application for improvement of living conditions by spouses. But only if they jointly own more than 30 m2 of real estate.

Sample application for improvement of living conditions

In one room

The RF Housing Code provides for one interesting term. It allows children to get on the waiting list for housing. A person will also be able to receive a subsidy from the state to purchase an apartment or house.

In Russia there is such a thing as “a mother living in the same room with her son.” It is one of the components of the criteria of need.

The thing is that if in a family the mother lives in the same room with her son, then an adult child will be able to recognize himself as needy and apply for improved living conditions (a sample document will be presented a little later). And this right is granted if in total the parents have more than 30 square meters of housing.

Children of different sexes

Sometimes it happens that families with children of different sexes can apply for an improvement in the quality of life and an expansion of real estate. The term “sharing” also works here.

Sample application for improvement of living conditions

Where to go for help

Let us assume that the person is actually considered to be in need. What should he do? Where to apply for improvement of living conditions?

The issue being studied is dealt with by local governments. To receive subsidies for housing improvement, you must contact the local administration. Also in the regions you can apply for participation in state and municipal programs to provide citizens with real estate. It is proposed to do this at the MFC.

Writing a request

Now it’s clear where to apply to improve your living conditions. How to draw up the corresponding document? And how can you submit it for consideration?

Writing a request does not require any special knowledge. Typically, in the text, applicants must describe the situation, ask for a subsidy or other assistance in improving their home, and attach documents proving the words written.

The text should be:

  • coherent;
  • literate;
  • short;
  • without unnecessary facts;
  • truthful.

Sample application for improvement of living conditions

It looks like this:

  • "a cap";
  • Title of the document;
  • main part (story);
  • conclusion (requests for help);
  • list of attached documents;
  • date and signature.

Nothing difficult, unclear or special. Even a citizen who is poorly versed in paperwork can cope with this undertaking.


Sample application for improvement of living conditions

Step-by-step instructions for submitting a study application are as follows:

  1. Collect evidence that can confirm the family's need. For example, recognizing the housing as unsafe or obtaining certificates from a doctor indicating the impossibility of living with a particular person in the same apartment.
  2. Form and write an application.
  3. Prepare the documents necessary to make the appropriate decision.
  4. Submit an application for consideration.
  5. Wait for the decision of local authorities.
  6. Get housing on a first-come, first-served basis (or a subsidy) and register it as your property (or buy an apartment/house).

It would seem that there is nothing difficult. But in reality this is not the case. Getting an apartment from the state or a subsidy to improve living conditions is not easy. You will have to try hard to prove your real need.

Preparation of documents

What documents will help in achieving the task? It all depends on what the citizen is applying for. Most often, improving living conditions means providing a free apartment or house for a family on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, we will consider this particular scenario.

In this case, the applicant will be required to:

  • documents on ownership of all housing that a person has;
  • identification;
  • statements about family composition;
  • marriage and birth certificates of children (if available);
  • document recognizing a citizen as needy;
  • certificates confirming the impossibility of living with a particular tenant under the same roof;
  • cadastral passport of the apartment in which the family lives;
  • certificates from the place of work and study of all family members;
  • sanitary passport of the premises (for dormitories);
  • military cards (for those liable for military service);
  • pension certificates (if any).

It is advisable to submit all the listed papers immediately along with their copies. Identification cards and birth certificates are required from all family members.


Sample application for improvement of living conditions

The processing time for the request is about 1 month. But the wait in line to receive housing varies. We can say for sure that this is a long process. Some people wait 10-20 years for help from the state. This is normal.

It is because of this that the population is more interested in participating in government programs to provide families (mostly young ones) with housing. The principle of requests will be similar, but in this case help will be provided faster.

Application for improvement of living conditions. Sample and form 2023

The basis for filing an application for improvement of living conditions is a real and documented need for this improvement.

Files in .DOC: Application form for improvement of living conditionsSample application for improvement of living conditions

In addition, to obtain the status of someone in need of improvement, a citizen must meet a number of criteria established by Art. 51 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Grounds for recognition

The Housing Code (Articles 49-51) of the Russian Federation determines a person who has the right to apply for improved housing conditions according to a number of criteria. Thus, the following can obtain the right to state assistance in terms of expanding or improving housing:

  • low-income citizens (and members of their families) who do not rent social housing and are not home owners;
  • low-income citizens who rent social housing or are homeowners, if their provision of square meters is below residential and sanitary standards for each family member;
  • low-income citizens (and members of their families) if they live in a house that is duly recognized as unsafe;
  • low-income citizens forced to live together with persons suffering from diseases dangerous from the point of view of sanitary standards.

Sample application for improvement of living conditions

Low income status

As can be seen from the above, the fundamental criterion for registering a person as in need of improvement is the sign of his belonging to the poor. This means that in addition to proof of need, a citizen will be required to confirm the status of his family as low-income.

You can obtain status by contacting the territorial labor and social protection office with a corresponding application. The application will need to be accompanied by:

  • copies of identity cards of each family member:
  • TIN;
  • certificates of wages or other types of income for the two years preceding the submission of the application;
  • marriage or divorce certificates;
  • certificates of ownership of housing or a rental agreement for residential premises;
  • other documents that social security will require for a comprehensive and objective consideration of the application.

Based on the results of the consideration, the applicant’s family may be recognized as low-income. Only after receiving this status can you start collecting documents for registration to improve your living conditions.

Status in need of improvement

The local government, and specifically a specially created commission, is in charge of registering people in need of improved housing conditions.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can submit an application provided that:

  • he and his family have lived for at least ten years in the area in which the application is being made;
  • the deterioration of living conditions did not occur as a result of his conscious actions. Deliberate actions mean transactions that resulted in deterioration, for example, donation of part of the living space to a third party or alienation of a share in housing, registration of additional relatives, fictitious marriage, etc.

The application will need to be accompanied by:

  1. certificate of low-income family status;
  2. information about persons living and registered in the residential premises, indicating the degree of relationship;
  3. address of the living space, its main characteristics - square footage, number of rooms, condition of housing (emergency, dilapidated, etc.);
  4. social tenancy agreement or certificate of ownership of housing;
  5. medical certificates, if the improvement in conditions is associated with the presence of a chronically ill person in the family;
  6. a certificate of the average monthly income of each family member;
  7. arithmetic calculation of square meters of living space for each family member.
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Contents of the statement

Local governments may have a standardized application form for registration. In this case, there is no need to invent anything.

If a unified form is not available, then the application should be drawn up in accordance with the structure below. To make your task easier, you can download a sample application available on the website. It only needs to be individualized by introducing personal real circumstances and information into the standard text.

The application begins with a header in which the name of the addressee - the local government body - is written. Below in the header are the applicant's full name, address and contact information for quick communication if necessary.

Under the header is the name of the application and below begins the text describing the reasons why the applicant is asking to improve his living conditions.

The description should indicate;

  1. the applicant's place of residence;
  2. information about whether the applicant’s family has low-income status;
  3. characteristics of the living space;
  4. names, surnames, dates of birth of all members of the applicant’s family;
  5. the reasons why the applicant considers himself in need of improvement - the presence of a chronically ill person in the family, small square footage, poor sanitary conditions of housing, dilapidated or unsafe housing, etc.;
  6. period of residence in the area covered by the jurisdiction of the local executive authority.

The text ends with a request to register the applicant and his family as needing improved conditions. Below the text, in a column, is a list of documents attached to the application.

Sample application for improvement of living conditions

The application ends with the date of submission of the application and the signature of the applicant.

It is advisable to complete the application in two copies. One should be given to the secretary of the housing commission and asked to sign for receipt on the second copy.

We are waiting for the results

The local executive authority is given a thirty-day period by law to consider citizens’ applications. At the end of this period, the housing commission must decide whether to register the applicant or to refuse the application.

In case of refusal, the commission is obliged to make a reasoned decision indicating the reasons why it considered the application unfounded. The commission's decision can be appealed to a court or to a higher authority.


The following may apply for improved housing conditions on a preferential basis:

  • large families;
  • disabled people;
  • orphans – graduates of orphanages;
  • persons who lost their only home as a result of natural disasters;
  • persons living in houses recognized in accordance with the established procedure as unsafe.

To register in the preferential queue, applicants must provide documents indicating that they belong to the preferential categories of those in need of improved housing conditions.

Large families must obtain the appropriate certificate from the territorial department of labor and social protection. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for obtaining the status of a large family on our website.

Other categories of beneficiaries will need to attach:

  • disability certificates of the established form;
  • a certificate from a graduate of the orphanage, and, if available, a petition from the administration of the orphanage to allocate housing to the orphan;
  • a certificate confirming that the house is included in the emergency fund;
  • certificate of house destruction as a result of a natural disaster.

In any case, the list of documents to be attached to the application should be clarified with the housing commission of the local government. This is all the more important due to the fact that an incomplete package of documents may serve as grounds for refusal to satisfy the application.

Application for improvement of living conditions

Sample application for improvement of living conditions


To participate in a social program to improve the quality of living conditions you need:

Prepare a complete package of documentation in accordance with the list provided by employees of social protection structures for citizens
Make a request by presenting previously prepared papers, and then wait for a decision
Participate in the program on a first-come, first-served basis then use government subsidies

However, it is worth understanding that the queue of those who want to receive government support is very long; therefore, they will have to wait at least ten years.

The only exception is the privileged categories of the population; they have the right to count on being provided with housing space out of turn.

These groups include:

Citizens who live in emergency uninhabitable buildings
Citizens who suffer from serious chronic diseases (for example, intestinal abscess, tuberculosis, etc.)

Moreover, even such categories of the population can count on purchasing government assistance for two to ten years.

As an exception, this period can be reduced to 4 months, but this is still permissible only in case of emergency need for new living quarters.

Starting from January 1, 2013, the Russian government abolished benefits for orphans and single mothers.

Such persons have the right, on a general basis, to expect an improvement in the quality of their living conditions.

Large families are entitled to take advantage of the preferences, but their place in the single queue will not be significantly closer.

Procedure for recognizing a person as needy

In accordance with the standards of Art. No. 51 of the Russian Housing Code, those in need are persons in the following cases:

This status is received by the owner or a tenant of an apartment whose area is much lower than the pre-established standards
If citizens live in buildings which were recognized as unsuitable for life, emergency
Subject to non-ownership personal apartment, other residential real estate received in accordance with a social rent agreement
Subject to living in the same living space as the person which poses a potential threat due to health conditions (diseases of various origins)

List of required documents

In order for a family to receive low-income status, they must present:

  • Certificate of assignment of INP;
  • Birth certificates for children under 14 years of age, marriage certificate;
  • Passports for adult family members;
  • Certificate from the Unified State Register, social tenancy agreement, certificate of ownership;
  • A certificate certifying the level of income for the last two years.

The submitted papers must be presented to the social protection structures of citizens at the place of registration.

Upon submission of documentation, social protection structures review the application for 2–3 weeks, then the final decision is made.

Provided that a family receives low-income status, it receives a corresponding document with which applicants get into the queue to receive a state subsidy.

Sample application

When drawing up the document, you should note:

Full name of each family member their actual residential address, date of birth
Brief description of the living space area, condition of the house, number of rooms
The basis on which a person acquires the right to reside for this living space: social tenancy agreement, certificate of ownership
Comparison of living space with the number of persons living in this apartment
Average income all able-bodied family members

The tenant (responsible tenant) or the owner of the property has the right to submit an application.

Filling regulations

When drawing up a document, it is important to follow these rules:

Whenever possible, attempts should be made to prevent adjustments, corrections of defects, blots
The reason is described because of which the family feels the need for new housing, the essence of the problem is stated in a laconic form
The main idea of ​​the document there should be a request to improve the quality of living conditions
It is important to note only essential information relevant to the case. without allowing unnecessary digressions, without telling different stories.

The application is filled out using the following template:

Top right corner You must note the number of the Housing Inspection department to which the application is being submitted. The next line begins with the full name and actual residential address of the person on whose behalf the petition is being sent
The body of the document itself should always begin with the full name of the plaintiff and his residential address. After which all family members are named, their date of birth, who they are related to the plaintiff
The next paragraph reveals the essence of the appeal the basis is described, in particular, if a person suffering from a dangerous disease lives in the residential premises or if the building is in disrepair
After this, you need to indicate your eligibility for a subsidy. in a specific situation, it is important to note that the family has Russian citizenship, low-income status
Finally, a statement supplemented by a list of attached documentation

Having completed the application, the plaintiff must sign, indicating the date the document was written. The person receiving the documents undertakes to check the correctness of the application and provide an appropriate receipt of its receipt.

Disabled person

Citizens with disabilities who have lost their ability to work for various reasons can take advantage of the right to improve the quality of their living conditions through government subsidies.

Accordingly, in the application, such categories of persons are required to note that due to their health status they are not able to find employment in order to acquire income or purchase residential premises.

In addition, the degree of disability must be noted and a medical certificate certifying this fact must be presented.

Provided that other family members live in the same living space with the plaintiff, the total family income is taken into account.

If such persons are registered at a different address, it is enough to note the size of the pension of the person with a disability.

Large families

This category of citizens can be transferred to a separate preferential queue, the movement of which occurs more quickly.

To do this, it is necessary to note in the application that the family has the status of a large family, but lives in unacceptable conditions (the living conditions are described in detail).

There are no fundamental differences compared to filling out an application for low-income people. The only thing that changes is the basis, which in a particular situation is the presence of 3 or more children in the family.

You must also present relevant identification when submitting your application.

Read about the social program to improve housing conditions in the article: social program to improve housing conditions.

State aid to WWII veterans

The preferential category of the population of the Russian Federation includes participants in military operations. They have the right to stand in line in order to improve the quality of living conditions on a general basis.

Which authorities should I contact?

  • The application is submitted to the Housing Inspectorate directly at the place of residence.
  • Provided that there is no such structure in a particular subject, you will have a chance to visit the district authority.
  • To exercise your individual right, you will have to visit many government agencies:
Housing inspection a certificate is issued about the condition of the living space at the time of application
Certificate from a medical professional presented by disabled people
Provided that a person is registered in the neighborhood suffering from a chronic disease that radically worsens living conditions, you need to issue a certificate of his state of health, as well as present a document certifying his place of registration
Special commission organized by utility organizations only such a body has the right to recognize the house as unsafe
Certificate from the employer to confirm income level
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How is the document submitted?

In order to register on the waiting list, a family must:

Initiate an appeal to social security for the purpose of acquiring low-income status
Come to the Housing Inspection Department at the place of registration, submit a package of documentation, drawing up an application for those in need of improving the quality of living conditions in accordance with the provided template
Wait for a decision Processing of documents takes 1 month
Get a positive decision a document confirming that the family is in need of improving the quality of living conditions is entitled to receive a state subsidy. If a refusal is received, the specific basis is described. As a rule, this is an incorrectly prepared documentation package. In case of refusal without serious grounds, legal recourse is allowed.

What difficulties may arise?

Essential conditions:

Every family member must have Russian citizenship
The family must for at least ten years live in the region in which she plans to receive the subsidy
Over the past five years the family did not commit acts that could cause a deterioration in living conditions, provided true information about the condition of the property, about family members

In accordance with the provisions of Art. No. 56 of the Russian Housing Code, citizens applying for a subsidy may be removed from the queue and lose their right on the following grounds:

  • In the event that false information or unverified information was provided, as well as in the event of the death of the plaintiff;
  • If the family received state financial assistance to build a house or purchase real estate
  • Provided that the family has changed its region of residence (moving within the region cannot deprive citizens of the right to participate in the program), it is excluded from the queue. If desired, it is permissible to resubmit documentation for the updated place of residence
  • Loss of the reasons that became the reason to participate in the government program. In particular, if a family’s income level has increased significantly, it is no longer classified as a low-income citizen
  • The personal desire of the applicants, in particular, the independent purchase of real estate, moving to another country, etc.

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Improving living conditions for disabled people: conditions, documents, application

Disabled people are one of the most vulnerable segments of the population.

But the government is trying to improve the situation. If they do not have their own living space, they can get it completely free of charge. We will discuss the basic conditions and rules for obtaining free housing for people with disabilities below.

General provisions

The state provides the following benefits to people with disabilities:

  • medicines and special equipment (hearing aids, wheelchairs, etc.);
  • discounts on housing and communal services.

The general procedure for improving the living conditions of disabled people is described in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.”

Citizens with 1st, 2nd and 3rd disability groups can use the service of obtaining new housing. To apply for benefits, they need to register with the relevant authorities (Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Disabled people of any group can receive free housing.

Requirements for registration

You can register if one of the following conditions is met:

  • your family lives in premises that do not comply with sanitary, hygienic or other legal standards and requirements;
  • two or more families that are strangers to each other are registered in the living space;
  • several families live in the apartment, one of which has a seriously ill person with a contagious disease or mental disorder;
  • You have been living in a municipal building on social rent for a long time.

The listed requirements apply to disabled people with group 1 or 2.

For disabled people with group 3, the requirements are different and much smaller:

  • your living space does not fully or partially meet sanitary and technical requirements;
  • you live with other family members, and you do not have enough living space standards established by law (18 sq.m.);
  • you live in a communal apartment, dormitory, etc.

The date you registered is important. The legislator established two periods - before January 1, 2005 and after this period:

  1. For disabled people who were on the waiting list for improved housing conditions before January 1, 2005, the procedure for providing housing is regulated by the norms of Art. 28.2 of Federal Law No. 199-FZ;
  2. disabled people registered after 01/01/2005 are provided with an apartment or other living space in accordance with the provisions of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for providing living space differs depending on the date of registration.

Improving living conditions for a disabled child

Families raising disabled children and in need of a new home are provided with housing and registered in a similar manner. There is also a rule regarding time frames.

If a disabled child lives in a social service institution, is an orphan or is left without parental care, then after reaching the age of 18 he has the right to receive free housing out of turn.

Let us note one nuance. A person must be able to take care of himself and lead an independent lifestyle.

Sample application for improvement of living conditions

If a disabled child does not have parents, he will receive housing out of turn.

How to write an application for improvement of living conditions?

There is no standard application form, so you need to adhere to the general rules for drawing up such documents.

In your application, be sure to indicate:

  • name of the government agency to which the appeal is submitted;
  • your personal data (full name, registration address, contact phone number);
  • personal data of family members with whom you live;
  • circumstances in connection with which you need to improve your living conditions;
  • links to relevant legislation;
  • list of documents attached to the application;
  • date of application and signature (with transcript).

If a representative is acting on your behalf, you must attach a copy of the notarized power of attorney.

Download a sample application for registration for improvement of living conditions

Where to go and what documents are needed?

To get on the waiting list for improved housing conditions, you need to submit an application to the relevant local government body. As a rule, this is a department of social protection of the population.

Before submitting your application, prepare a package of documents:

  • an extract from the house register about persons registered in the apartment;
  • medical certificate confirming disability;
  • individual rehabilitation program.

This is the main list of required papers. Depending on the circumstances of improving living conditions and the region of residence, additional documents may be needed - an inspection report of housing conditions, certificates from the Criminal Code, etc.

However, please note that the new living space will not be transferred to you on the right of ownership, but only under a social lease agreement. In other words, the municipality will remain its owner.

Application for improvement of living conditions - sample, how to write, how to submit, large family, disabled person, online

Every citizen has the right to improve their living conditions if necessary.

To join the general queue you will need:

  • collect all necessary documentation;
  • make the application correctly.

Let's consider what needs to be indicated in it and what information must be mentioned.

Those in need of housing

The following are recognized as needing housing on the basis of Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. Persons who are neither tenants of housing under a social rental agreement nor owners of living space.
  2. Tenants or property owners provided with footage less than the established norm per person.
  3. Families living in a dilapidated house that does not meet safety and construction requirements.
  4. Persons living together with citizens suffering from chronic diseases, if living with them contradicts the requirements of sanitation and hygiene.

A mandatory requirement is that the family must have the status of “poor” (Article 49 of the RF Housing Code). The scheme for obtaining it is the same, but the procedure for recognition is established by each subject of the country separately.

To obtain it, you need to contact the social security authorities at the place of registration.

You must submit an application and the following documents:

  • passports of all family members, birth certificates of children under 14 years of age;
  • TIN certificates;
  • marriage certificate (if available);
  • certificates of family income for the last two years;
  • social tenancy agreement, title documentation for property (if available);
  • certificate from the Unified State Register.

After studying the documents and making a positive decision, the family is recognized as poor.

The next step you can think about is to get on the waiting list for housing in accordance with Article 52 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Where to contact?

  • You must contact the housing department of the district administration.
  • This authority appoints a commission to consider all issues related to the placement and exclusion of citizens from the queue.
  • You can register to receive an apartment if you meet the following requirements:
  • presence of Russian citizenship - confirmation is a civil passport;
  • in the locality in which housing will be issued, the family must live for at least ten years;
  • absence of actions that caused the deliberate deterioration of living conditions over the past five years (Article 53 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Transactions that cause deterioration in living conditions are: donation of an apartment, moving other people in for accommodation, entering into a fictitious marriage, etc.


Procedure to register for real estate:

  1. Obtain the status of a low-income family.
  2. Collect the necessary documentation.
  3. Submit a package of documents and an application for consideration to the housing department of the administration. The application is reviewed within a month.
  4. A decision is made - registration or refusal (which is possible in accordance with Article 54 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

If a refusal is issued, you need to familiarize yourself with the reason. It is possible that all required documents were not submitted.

In some situations, it is advisable to go to court to assert your rights.

Here is the judicial practice on declaring the refusal to improve housing conditions illegal.

Sample application for improvement of living conditions

The application for improvement of living conditions in 2018 requires the following information:

  • Full name of all family members registered in the living space;
  • address of the residential area;
  • brief description of the property: area, number of rooms, condition of the house (emergency);
  • grounds for living space: under a social tenancy agreement, title documentation, etc.;
  • the income of each family member;
  • comparison of the footage of the apartment with the total footage for each family member.
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How to write (filling)?

How to write an application for improvement of living conditions, a sample will help you do it correctly:

  1. In the upper right corner you must indicate the place of application and the address of the housing department. Information about the citizen submitting the document and his place of registration are also indicated.
  2. In the first line of the main text of the application, you must indicate the full name of the citizen submitting the application. The place of his residence and the remaining family members registered in the apartment (house) are indicated.
  3. The following paragraph indicates the reasons for the application. In addition to the reason, it is recommended to indicate additional factors: one of the family members is sick with a chronic disease, children of different sexes, etc.
  4. Next, you need to list the grounds according to which you have the right to get on the waiting list: citizenship of the Russian Federation, residency requirement of 10 years, have not committed actions that deliberately worsen your living conditions, are recognized as low-income.
  5. Application. It requires a list of documents attached to the application.

When filling out the application, you must follow the following rules:

  • information should be presented briefly but clearly;
  • do not provide unnecessary information;
  • clearly indicate the request - the desire to improve living conditions;
  • be sure to list all the reasons;
  • do not make corrections, notes in the margins or cross-outs;
  • Be sure to sign at the end of the application.

Here you can download a sample application for registration of those in need of improved housing conditions.

Large family

The queue to receive real estate is moving slowly. However, there is a chance to speed it up or get into another queue for beneficiaries. These include large families.

To do this, when submitting documents for consideration by the commission, you must present a certificate of a large family.

At the same time, the application must indicate that obtaining an apartment is really necessary, since the family is large.

Here is a sample application for registration to improve the living conditions of a large family.

Disabled person

Benefits are also provided for people with disabilities. To do this, they need to present medical documents confirming their right to a preferential queue.

The application must indicate that, due to the assignment of a degree of disability, the citizen has lost his ability to work and cannot independently purchase space for living.

Here you can download a sample application for registration to improve the living conditions of a disabled family.

In addition to people with disabilities and large families, the following have this right:

  • orphans left without parental care;
  • pupils who have reached 18 years of age in orphanages;
  • families affected by emergency situations;
  • residents of emergency buildings.

It is recommended to clarify the list of documents required to confirm benefits in advance.

Can I submit online?

You cannot apply online. You must contact the housing department of the local administration and present them with an application with a list of documents.

There are plans to develop a website for filing applications online soon, but today this system is not working.

A sample application for improvement of living conditions can also be obtained from the city or settlement administration.

It is recommended to fill out the document in accordance with it so that there are no contradictions when submitting. Often a refusal is made precisely because the application was not completed correctly.

In the video about the procedure for queuing


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Application for improvement of living conditions - sample

Most people live in unfavorable conditions and have the right to improved housing conditions. But to resolve this problem, it is necessary to submit an application for improvement of living conditions to the relevant authorities. Further in this article, improvement options will be discussed, as well as filing applications for them.

Improving living conditions

Improving living conditions is an increase in the quality of life and level of comfort through the implementation of various state and regional programs. Such programs involve the provision of mortgage loans with low interest rates and the use of maternity capital to solve this problem.

Read also the article ⇒ Certificate for improvement of living conditions

Ways to improve living conditions

Increasing the comfort of living conditions can be done in the following ways:

  1. Expanding the living space of families living in premises under a social rental agreement;
  2. Providing subsidies for the purchase of housing;
  3. Providing housing under a social rental agreement to people with disabilities.

The right to improved living conditions

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation makes it clear who may have the right to improve their living conditions. According to Chapter 7 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the following persons have the right to receive more comfortable housing:

  • Those in need of assistance and not living under a social tenancy agreement;
  • The needy and the poor;
  • Those living under a social tenancy agreement, when calculating the area per family member, is less than the established standards;
  • Those living under a social tenancy agreement in emergency premises;
  • Who owns the emergency residential premises;
  • People living with sick relatives.

Important! State assistance is not provided to citizens of other states and stateless persons.

The right to improve housing conditions out of turn

Certain categories of citizens may be granted the right to receive such a privilege as improved housing conditions out of turn:

  • Owners of housing unsuitable for habitation or reconstruction;
  • Owners or tenants suffering from severe chronic diseases, the list of which is regulated by paragraph 4 of part 1 of article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Groups of people recognized as socially vulnerable, including single mothers, must wait in line on a general basis.

Placing those in need of improved housing conditions on a waiting list

When placing on a queue to improve housing conditions, it is necessary to recognize citizens as needy, as well as contact the housing department of the local administration. In some cases, an application to be placed in a queue can also be submitted at the place of work, which means being in two queues at once.

Incapacitated citizens are placed on a waiting list for housing by their legal representatives.

Read also the article ⇒ State programs for improving living conditions.

Application for improvement of living conditions

First of all, when putting on a waiting list for housing improvement, you need to write an application. It should include the following information:

  • Full name of all family members registered in the living space;
  • Location of the property;
  • Brief description of the property;
  • Grounds confirming the right to living space;
  • Average salary of each family member;
  • Comparison of the apartment area to the standards for each family member.

There is also a certain structure of the document that must be followed when filling out any application, including for improving living conditions. Thus, usually the structure of the application looks according to the listed requirements:

  • The upper right corner includes the place of application, the address of the housing department and the applicant's information.
  • The main text must contain the applicant's full name and family members in the first line.
  • The next paragraph is the reason for the application and additional factors.
  • Then the legislative grounds are indicated.
  • After which you should draw up an Appendix to the application with a list of attached documents.


Rules for writing and submitting an application

No. Rules to follow when filling out an application
1 The information in the application must be presented clearly, briefly and concisely.
2 The text should not contain unnecessary information.
3 The main idea of ​​the application must be clearly indicated - the desire to improve living conditions.
4 It is imperative to indicate all available reasons - to increase the chances of improving living conditions.
5 You cannot cross out your application or make notes in the margins. In these cases, it is better to rewrite the application.
6 At the end, the application must be certified with your signature and the signatures of all family members.

The table lists the rules that are common to all, but there are also specific rules.

For example, for large families, it is necessary to provide a certificate of a large family when applying. And for disabled people, it is necessary to indicate in the application that the ability to work has been lost and therefore the person will not be able to independently purchase living space.

Sample application for registration to improve living conditions

The law does not provide for the use of any special form for writing an application. However, the Internet is replete with samples. They certainly fit. You can also download a sample application for improvement of living conditions here.

The Housing Inspectorate, to which you will contact for registration, can also provide a sample form.

Read also the article ⇒ Program for improving housing conditions for state employees

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question No. 1: Is it possible to submit such an application electronically?

Answer: There is no possibility to submit an application for improvement of living conditions online.

To submit an application, you must personally contact the municipal administration and provide the housing department with a list of required documents.

At the moment, work is underway to develop an information resource that would allow queuing for housing via the Internet.

Question No. 2: During what period of time after registration can housing be allocated?

Answer: Providing improved housing conditions by the state is a rather lengthy process. For the main categories of citizens, assistance can last for a period of two to ten years. There is also a more accelerated program - for extraordinary citizens, but it can also take up to four months.

Question No. 3: During what period of time after submitting documents can the local administration put in a queue?

Answer: The housing department can issue a placement or refusal within a month from the date of submission of the package of documents.

Sample application for improvement of living conditions Link to main publication