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How a privatized apartment is divided by inheritance and will: share, who has the right
A share in an apartment by inheritance after the death of the owner can pass to the legal successor on the basis of a written will or by force of law.
How is a non-privatized apartment divided during a divorce?
Often the subject of dispute among former spouses is the apartment.
How is inheritance divided during divorce?
Divorce of a marriage creates the need to resolve many problems regarding the choice of the child’s place of residence, the collection of alimony and the division of property acquired by the spouses.
How the inheritance is divided after the death of the husband, what share of the wife's inheritance goes to whom?
Who is the first priority heir after the death of the husband: wife or children.
How is the inheritance divided between the wife and children?
The Code provides for 2 ways of accepting an inheritance - by a notarized act of expression of will and by legal order.
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