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How is property acquired in a civil marriage divided?
Common property in a civil marriage is divided differently than in the case of the breakup of a registered marriage.
How is property divided during a divorce if the husband is the owner?
How is an apartment divided during a divorce if the owner is a husband?
How is property divided during a divorce if the wife is the owner?
Issues of a material nature always become stumbling blocks between spouses.
How is property divided between spouses during divorce?
Despite this, divorce is still a serious step in the lives of both spouses.
How to evict alcoholic neighbors from an apartment, how to evict a neighbor from an apartment who drinks
In residential high-rise buildings there are several apartments on one staircase.
How to evict a roommate from an apartment if he is not registered there or is registered
The main thing is whether an unregistered citizen has rights to real estate (or residence in it), and what type of property it is...
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