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How can you find out whether a person is officially divorced or not, how to find out whether you are divorced or not, how to find out whether spouses are divorced, how to find out about a divorce from your wife and husband
jpg" alt="How can you find out whether a person is officially divorced or not, how to find out whether we are divorced or not, how to find out whether spouses are divorced...
How can you evict tenants from neighbors who make noise?
Not only in megacities, but also in small towns, apartments rented to unknown people are often a serious headache for neighbors: tenants live...
How a mother can refuse child support - voluntary refusal of child support (sample), how to write an application for refusal of child support
It is mandatory, but if a number of conditions are met, a refusal can be made, which will mean termination of the security.
How to avoid division of property during divorce?
Even married women, just preparing to assume the status of wife, want to know in advance how to protect themselves in the event of a divorce.
How to avoid alimony penalties, how to reduce alimony penalties: judicial practice
Alimony debt, like any other, falls under the provision of a penalty, applied as punishment for untimely transferred payments.
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