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Does an illegitimate child have the right to inheritance?
With the change in traditions in society, being illegitimate no longer causes universal condemnation.
Does a husband have a right to his wife's inheritance?
Does a spouse have the right to his wife’s inheritance received during marriage?
Statement of claim for invalidation of a will (sample)
If you doubt the validity of a will left by a loved one, you can challenge it in court.
Statement of claim for the right to inheritance (sample)
Inheritance relations are relevant in legal practice.
Claim for division of inherited property, statement of claim for division of inherited property (sample)
   The division of inherited property between heirs is not a simple matter.
Claim for division of an apartment between spouses (sample), statement of claim for division of a share of an apartment
Home » Division of property » Statement of claim for division of an apartment between former spouses after divorce.
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