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Claim for division of spouses' debts
During a divorce, it often becomes necessary to divide jointly acquired property.
Statement of claim to establish the fact of family relations (sample)
Home » Inheritance » Statement of claim to establish the fact of family relations in 2023.
Statement of claim to reduce the amount of alimony (sample), claim to reduce the amount of alimony, how to apply for a reduction of alimony
After a divorce, former spouses retain the responsibility to raise and support their common minor children.
Statement of claim to change the amount of alimony (sample)
Cases concerning legal relations between family members are the most complex in modern legal practice.
Statement of claim for division of mortgage after divorce (sample)
The statement of claim must include the following information:.
Statement of claim for acceptance of inheritance. sample
There are situations when, before all the necessary documents are completed, the heirs begin to actively use the property of the deceased relative.
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