Family law
I pay child support, but I don’t see the child. what to do?
It should be written: “I, Ivanova A.
Buying an apartment from a legal entity: buyer’s risks
Compared to purchasing real estate from an individual, the procedure for purchasing an apartment from a legal entity is more complex.
Buying an apartment through a housing cooperative
Today, the sale of new apartments in multi-storey buildings with the help of housing cooperatives is becoming very popular.
Privatization of service housing, how to privatize a service apartment in 2023
A number of citizens have the right to receive use of official housing while working in an institution, enterprise or during the period of...
Forced privatization of an apartment through the court: documents, statement of claim, judicial practice 2023
The process of privatizing an apartment as a whole can be carried out either in the usual manner or by going to court.
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