How to sell an apartment on your own without intermediaries, without a realtor: step-by-step instruction for salesman 2023 – how to sell an apartment in 2023 in a step-by-step manner

Many citizens who are faced with the question of the disposition of real estate would like to sell an apartment without intermediaries. There is no reason to pay agents who only want to make more money. Less trouble and more money will be paid. The important thing is to follow step-by-step instructions. However, practice shows that such pseudodorationism does nothing good.

Main reasons for the sale of housing directly

There is a similar view that buying an apartment without intermediaries requires less paperwork.

There are many reasons why citizens don't want real estate agents involved in real estate transactions, and of course, first of all, the desire to save money, because an agent or a lawyer does not work for a small reward.

Other seeming advantages of the transaction:

  • Fewer documents should be collected;
  • The absence of the risk of fraud by an unfair intermediary;
  • Speed of discharge;
  • Once agreed, you can actually move in and live without waiting for a period.

The time and money savings seem to be considerable, but only to pay the government fee (art. 333.33 of the NK) when it comes to registration or the Cadastral Chamber, and to sell the apartment is simple. You find the buyer, you negotiate all the important things, you make a contract, you hand over the keys and you get the money, the instruction seems simple and understandable, but isn't it?

A step-by-step instruction on the sale of an apartment without intermediaries

Direct sale of an apartment may be subject to unexpected burdens

So, the settlement deal without real estate agencies looks like this:

  • A search for the intended buyer;
  • Negotiations;
  • Collection of necessary documentation;
  • An inspection of the dwelling;
  • Signature of the sales contract;
  • Registration of the transaction in the Cadastral Chamber;
  • Final calculation, transmission of keys.

In doing so, each participant shall collect the necessary documentation:


  • The Russian Federation ' s general civil passport;
  • A certificate of ownership of immovable property;
  • The consent of an accomplice or a marriage companion;
  • Inventory documentation;
  • A full extract from the EGRN;
  • Form 9 or a private home book;
  • A mortgage from a bank if the dwelling was purchased by mortgage;
  • Certificate of non-debt for LAC and major maintenance.


  • General civil identity card of the Russian Federation;
  • The consent of the husband or wife to the purchase.

But, as with any step-by-step instruction, it is worth remembering here the saying, "The plan was on paper, but forgot about the ravines and walking on them."

Thresholds, valid and even possible, are precisely the same "horror," which puts the buyer at risk of loss and even being left without an acquired dwelling.

However, the "gift" of thousands of debt for major repairs is also a poor prospect.

Further details on the documents required for the sale of the dwelling: / //

Most users mistakenly believe that the procedure for selling an apartment is not difficult, so it is difficult to solve problems that can be very difficult to resolve.

It's worth noting that self-selling an apartment is a high-risk procedure.

In order to minimize potential risks, it is necessary to maintain a certain strategy, to know the key difficulties the owner may face and to be able to deal with them quickly.

  1. Assessment of the dwelling, determination of the market value of the dwelling

When selling an apartment, most sellers deliberately overcharge the price, completely forgetting what the buyer is looking for in the first place to save.

  • Study the prices on the Internet, which will be the basis for determining the maximum price that the buyer can obtain when selling his apartment;
  • It's a small overestimation of 5-10%. Buyers like to bargain, so they have to be given a chance to lower the price. This approach will help attract potential customers.
  • If the apartment is untidy, if it's in the old house, it has communication problems, it's not going to be able to make a lot of money for it.

Therefore, in self-sale, similar proposals should be examined in the apartment area, so that the price level can be determined from which the user can analyse the price category in which it should move forward.

  1. How to make more money out of the apartment.

Each owner thinks that his own apartment is a benchmark, and there are no others like that. As a result, the proposed real estate price is too high, which is guaranteed to push customers away. If the seller wants more money for the apartment, he needs to prepare it for sale.

Most customers want to buy housing ready to live, so there's gonna be some furniture or equipment that's gonna stay as a bonus to the buyer, and it's also worth doing a little cosmetic repairs, and a nice and attractive apartment is gonna get a lot more attention, and the chances of getting more money are gonna get a lot better.

Before publishing sales information, a "right" announcement must be prepared.

Research in the real estate market shows that the first thing the buyer points to is the text of the advertisement.

It is necessary to describe all the advantages of the apartment, indicate recent repairs, replace communications, etc. The announcement must be concise, without emotional colour, literate.

Once the proposal has been developed, it is necessary to identify the sources where the announcement will be published, first of all free city newspapers, Internet portals dedicated to real estate, social media, and it will be necessary to print the ads and post them in places of mass population.

If the buyer sells the apartment on his own, he must be prepared to forget confidentiality from the time of the announcement. A telephone call from a potential buyer can be received at any time of the day, and the seller must be as polite and patient as possible.

If the seller finds a buyer willing to buy an apartment for the price offered, he can be congratulated, since half of the case has already been completed. The most important and responsible part remains the settlement. To confirm the buyer ' s intention, the deposit must be processed. The small amount given to the seller as an advance will be a guarantee that the transaction will take place.

The problem is faced by the majority of citizens who wish to sell an apartment without an intermediary; the experts recommend that the documents be given the highest priority; depending on the situation, the preparation and collection of a complete documentation package may take up to a few months.

So you should start preparing the documentation in advance. If you don't, you can lose a potential buyer. Statistics show that most buyers don't want to wait a few months while the owner prepares all the documents, and they're looking for other options.

How can you keep yourself safe when you sell your own apartment?

Real estate is considered to be one of the most expensive property types, so it is essential to be safe in advance when selling the apartment, so that both the apartment and the money are not lost at the same time, and the experts recommend that as long as the dwelling is sold on its own, maximum attention should be paid to security issues, both legal and personal.

Risks can be minimized in the following ways:

  • If the transaction involves difficult moments (a number of owners, a minor child living, an apartment bought for a mother ' s property, etc.), a professional lawyer should be consulted for their permission;
  • If the buyer hastens the seller with the transaction, it is necessary to act with double caution; the sales contract must take into account all the nuances and subtleties of the procedure;
  • When documents are processed, they must be certified by a notary or in the presence of witnesses; this will help to resolve the conflict if there are difficulties in the foreseeable future that may arise before the trial.

Even if you sell yourself, you may need advice from a lawyer or a real estate agent, and you can't save money on security matters, and it's better to spend a small amount of money on details from professionals than you lose your apartment and money in the end.

When it's harder or impossible to sell an apartment without intermediaries

There are a number of things that can seriously complicate the sale of real estate or make it impossible at all:

  • A minor accomplice or participant in privatization (a permit for the sale of an apartment from the guardianship and guardianship authorities is required);
  • Comprising of arrest, mortgages;
  • The flat is not privately owned (relates to a specialized fund or is not privatized);
  • One participant has sanity limitations.

Such a transaction will not be registered in Rosreestre (Federal Act No. 218-FZ). This is the purpose of a full discharge from the EGRN, which includes the form of ownership, owners and all existing burdens. It is requested by the seller before the contract is finalized.

Other nuances

There are other nuances that can seriously complicate the life of the new owner, and even the EGRN discharge does not rule out this possibility, for example, it does not specify the people who were prescribed in previous years.

The previous tenant may have been de-counted because of his death or his absence, and there are cases in which people suddenly discover and claim their right to an apartment. (art. 44 of the Civil Code)

Accordingly, all rights, including housing, will be returned to the individual.

Registered minors

The presence of a minor resident, if he is not a co-owner, will not be a problem when selling an apartment.

This is not the case; if a small citizen is not a co-owner of the apartment, he may be discharged by court (art. 292 of the Civil Code, art. 31 of the Civil Code).

The same is true of maternal capital: the sale of a dwelling purchased with the use of a subsidy is not prohibited, but it is possible to do so, as in the case of mortgages, only after the full removal of the encumbrance.

In addition, all partners must sign an agreement to sell, which is real only when they reach the age of majority; before children reach the age of majority, they must obtain a permit to sell the property from the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

The main condition for obtaining such a permit would be to ensure that children ' s living conditions were not deteriorating.

More details on how to sell an apartment if it contains minor children: / //

Mother ' s capital: default

The sale of an apartment purchased with a mother ' s capital may lead to problems with the law

Even worse, if a greedy parent has not fulfilled her obligation to the State and has not provided the family members with shares, it is possible to sell the dwelling, and Rostreester may not know about the catch at the time of the sale, but only at the time of the sale.

Sooner or later, the sale will be reported to the Pension Fund (the integrity of the holder of the capital is always checked) and the supervisory authority will report to the Public Prosecutor ' s Office (art. 159.2 of the Criminal Code).

The deal's cancelled, and the new owner's gonna have big trouble getting his money back, which he honestly handed over for the apartment to the fraudsters.

Further details on how to sell an apartment purchased with maternal capital: / //

Less than five years ' ownership

The seller will have to pay a tax if he has purchased an apartment after January 2016 and has owned it for less than five years (Federal Act No. 382-FZ). If earlier, the old three-year rule applies, it applies to square metres received as a gift from a close relative, inheritance, rent or privatization.

Read also:  Act of acceptance of the share of the dwelling (model)

In short, it's best not to give up qualified assistance in real estate transactions, because that's the only way to guarantee the cleanness of a dwelling, and that the old owner doesn't leave behind any unfinished business to be handled by the buyer.

Further details on how to sell an apartment owned for less than three years: / //

When selling an apartment, it should be remembered that intermediaries usually charge between 1 and 3 per cent of the value of real estate. These figures tend to drive a lot of people into self-sale. But not always an apartment seller can evaluate all the risks associated with selling his property on their own, and if you're not willing to spend a lot of time, you'd better go to a professional.

How do you sell the apartment on your own?

It's hard to sell the apartment. It's also understood by experienced realtors, and only by lawyers starting their way. What to say about a man who, at the cost of his efforts, is willing to take this responsible step on his own, but there's nothing impossible. This article will tell us how to sell the apartment on his own.

Dear readers!Our articles describe model ways of dealing with legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know,How do you solve your problem -- you can use the form of an online consultant on the right or you can use the phone downstairs. It's quick and free!

Self-inflicted, or with a realtor, what's the risk?

A lot of people wonder, how do you sell an apartment without a realtor? Is that really enough, is it? Maybe it's better to hand over all the cases to a professional agent and not worry about it again? Of course, you can transfer all the cases to a specially hired person, and you can do it all in person, both of which have obvious pros and cons.

On the positive side, they are obvious.You don't get too many people, you get good money.The seller makes all the profits, and either the real estate commission is already included in the cost of the apartment, or the value is understated by the same interest because the savings are already obvious.

Besides, it's not gonna take a great deal of time to find the person you need, because you have to trust a real estate agent as yourself.

Suspicions can be raised only by telephone, not by agency; first encounter in neutral territory or lack of positive advice.

We have a smooth approach to the advantages of contracting with the agent and, consequently, the disadvantages of selling the apartment on our own.

Risk, nerves and time are probably the most important thing behind this move. Time is money, and it's an expression that's more than appropriate.

When it comes to excitement, it is also involved in a legal transaction, which is to speak of acting alone, and it is also possible not to calculate your strength and spend it not in the best way possible by mispriorizing.

The risk of a professional lawyer turning down is likely to result in a misdirection of the transaction or the risk of being caught by fraudsters.

How much is your apartment?

It is necessary to calculate the value of the dwelling accurately by carefully examining the real estate market; it is necessary to consider the options for the sale of similar housing and its cost; both significant factors and minor nuances can influence the valuation of the dwelling.

MetrageThe main criterion for the valuation of the dwelling is that it has a significant impact on the price. The large apartment will always be higher than the price. The total area includes accommodation, kitchens, parishes, sanitation facilities, and the convenience of the layout and the number of rooms.

Location of apartmentThe centre and the prestigious areas are always more expensive, the outskirts and suburbs are less valued, regardless of the quality of the dwelling itself, and circumstances such as the proximity of the subway, transport accessibility, urban infrastructure are also mentioned.

Repairs and trimmingsIt is also important that repairs should be made immediately before the sale? According to experts, the recent renovations increase the sales value of the dwelling by an average of 10 per cent. It is necessary to calculate clearly whether the costs will be paid.

It is better to do a dotted cosmetic repair by removing the basic, eyed defects (glazed wallpaper, rubbing leaks on the ceiling, painting rust, etc.).

There will also be moments such asThe technical condition of the house and its typeThere will be a significant difference between the cost of a moth-like apartment located in an old foundation and in a new building, because in an old house there are old communications. Although some people are valued more than "crunch" because of high ceilings and large windows.

The floor is important if it's the first and last, and they can be sold only if the price is down.

Often the price is affectedLegal issues, e.g. debts on utility payments.Security, for example, a protected area and a concierge could be a significant nuance.

The assessment of the dwelling is also possible with an online calculator on many real estate sites, which take many factors into account and determine the average price.

Let's get this place ready for sale.

It is important to understand that a potential buyer will take into account not only the apartment itself, but alsoorder in the house itself.It must be understood that there should be no garbage in front of the door, that the elevator should work and not leave the impression of a dirty angle, that the lamps on the stairs should be on fire and that the stairwells should leave a favourable impression.

The apartment needs to be cleaned, the kitchen has to be clean, and the sanitation facility has to work properly and preferably not have a smell.

It's about the balcony and the hallways, they're crumbled, they don't look so nice, check the cranes, the batteries, the inter-room doors, the reliability of the switches and the carnivals.

Packing personal and non-seasonal things will only help the coming move, and the buyer will appreciate the minimum items in the rooms.

Preparation of sales documents

The legal clean-up of the apartment is a necessary part of the deal. How do you sell an apartment without an agency if the realtor knows all the legal details best? The collection of legal documents falls entirely on the seller's shoulders:

  • A certificate of registration of the seller's ownership of an apartment with the basis of the transaction – a contract of sale, gift, etc. upon receipt of an apartment as a result of privatization – is a contract of transfer, which is necessary to ensure that the seller has the right to dispose of its property.
  • The technical passport issued to the BTI consists of a space plan and an inventory of the dwelling, which has been replaced since 2012 by a technical plan showing all the characteristics of the apartment.
  • A cadastral passport accompanied by an internal layout of the premises, containing information on the recorded alterations and the exact size of the rooms.
  • Exit from the Single State Register of Rights.
  • An extract from the home book (form No. 9) showing the number registered in the apartment.
  • Evidence of non-debt: copy of the personal account or relevant certificate.
  • The husband ' s written consent to the transaction, if the apartment was purchased after the marriage was registered, could also be a marriage contract.
  • Authorization for a transaction from the guardianship and guardianship authorities if the owner is a minor.

The documents should be carefully examined and all the data checked against the actual situation.

Good publicity

Buyers need to know about the sale of the apartment. The advertising campaign is limited to the budget.Printing and posting of advertisements, posting of advertisements on the Internet, newspapers and local television.

The advertisements in the newspaper should be issued regularly, at the same frequency, and the information on the sites should be up-to-date and up-to-date.

A professional photographer can make quality pictures of an apartment. Note that photographs must be taken from different angles and represent all the essential details.

You can look at similar photos or put yourself in the buyer's shoes.

They're gonna usefully supplement a clear and understandable ad, where there's gonna be moments to encourage the buyer to take an interest in this particular apartment:

  • Number of rooms
  • indication of the general and residential area of the dwelling
  • Room and kitchen area
  • Information on separated or combined sanitation
  • balcony
  • address and floor
  • Near subway stations
  • Detailed comments
  • Contact information

The announcement should be brief, but at the same time it is beneficial to differ from the others. It should emphasize positive or non-standard features. Use short phrases and words, avoid unnecessary and incomprehensible abbreviations.

The phone and e-mails are needed for operational communications. A call or e-mail can come any minute, and you need to be ready for communication or correspondence. You need to know all the data you need to know about the benefits and not hide the downsides of the room.

Showing an apartment properly

It's necessary to agree on the exact time of the show, because there may be more than one customer. If you change your plans, you'll have time to warn the visitors well in advance. The valuable and expensive things, as well as the documents, are better hidden.

On the first customer visit, it won't take long to look at the rooms, but there may be a lot of questions to be asked about all the necessary details, and polite and honest answers to the questions will attract and put the other side to you.

Please describe the characteristics of the dwelling, taking into account the personal characteristics of the customer. For young parents, it will be important to have a nearby day-care centre, school, health centre. Young people and girls will be interested in entertainment, transportation, parking, and information about the neighbors may also be important.

The price can and should be adjusted for bidding. A competitive price will not scare off potential buyers. You don't have to sell the apartment to the first buyer, maybe a win-win offer will interest a few people, and you can make a choice. Negotiations are better on a territory comfortable for you.

Conclusion of a preliminary contract

The buyer has been found and both parties need to record their intentions; the conclusion of the preliminary contract will confirm the serious intentions.

Often the buyer pays a certain amount to secure the transaction. This is an important point because the buyer can find a cheaper option and the seller a more profitable customer. Financial calculations need to be accompanied by a mandatory sale.

The buyer ' s advance is not required to enter into a contract; the advance can be returned at any time, and the advance agreement can be avoided. The advance should distinguish the deposit from the advance.

The deposit agreement is an annex to the pre-contract and, from a legal point of view, the subsequent refusal to sell the apartment may have a negative effect on the seller in the form of a double payment; the consequences for the buyer are that it may lose the amount paid as a deposit.

The technical characteristics of the dwelling, the exact address, the pre-defined price, must be specified, not only the duration of the sale, but also the actual release and discharge of the premises.

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It is also necessary to record the state of the dwelling, the property that remains to the buyer, the time the keys are handed over and the total amount of the keys.

If these essential points are not secured in writing, they shall be spelled out orally in all detail.

Here's a sample of a pre-sale contract that you can recycle and use..

Bank cell

Real estate payments can be made through both cash and non-cash payments.

The best way to calculate between individuals is to use the most convenient and safe option:depositary bank cell.

This is a guarantee of the seller ' s receipt of the full amount after the transaction has been concluded, and the buyer can expect to obtain ownership once the money has been transferred.

The deposit of money in a cell takes place under the supervision of a bank employee; immediately before the transaction, the seller can count the money and check it for authenticity, and the bank itself can do the same.

The money is invested in a special package, the integrity of which is verified by the parties; by sticking the package, the parties place their signature on it to certify this fact; after the transaction has been completed, the seller takes the money.

Formation of the sales contract

After the banking process, documents are processed; the most common contract of sale is with the notary and then the documents are handed over to the public; the notary checks the conformity of the documents with the legal rules, ascertains the capacity and competence of the parties to the transaction, and records the authenticity of their signatures.

Attention must be paid to the amounts specified in the contract, the manner and duration of the transfer of the money, the parties ' passport data, the time limits for the release of the apartment, the costs of the transaction must also be shared by the parties and recorded, and mention of the procedure and duration of the conclusion and signing of the act of acceptance and transfer of the premises by the parties is important.

We propose a model contract for the sale of an apartment that can be used as a basis.

From that point on, there is an obligation, but not a transfer of ownership; the rejection of the transaction at that stage entails a new agreement or judicial proceeding; before the contract is registered, its cancellation takes place by filing a declaration to the notary, who records the modification or termination of the contract and notes it in the registry.

In order to register a contract, it is transferred to the Registration Chamber together with the applications of the seller and the buyer; once the property rights are registered, the contract cannot be cancelled; the registration period is about a month; after that, the transaction becomes enforceable by entering into the Single State Register of Rights.

Transfer of the apartment

The step-by-step instruction for the self-sale of the dwelling has reached its logical conclusion, the final stage of which will be the direct transfer of the dwelling; once a properly registered sales contract has been obtained, the home will be released and the registration deregistered, i.e. the actual and legal release of the dwelling.

The discharge from the apartment takes place on the basis of a passport table on the basis of a contract of sale that has been submitted, and when the goods are removed from the premises, an act of transfer should be signed and all disputes over the utility payments must be resolved and the keys handed over.

Features of selling an apartment while buying another apartment at the same time

In a transaction that includes the simultaneous sale of an apartment and the purchase of another dwelling, careful preparation is required. Such alternative transactions are very complex in practice. The first thing to do is to get an advance for the apartment and to hand over the advance for the one that is going to be bought. The timing should be clearly agreed and agree on by both parties.

This pattern is often used in mutually beneficial exchanges of larger size, or vice versa, as well as in the settlement of communal apartments; usually there is a change of area – in the exchange of equivalent housing.

In the case of an additional payment, the exchange takes place between the flats in principle different metres; the most difficult are the transactions in which two apartments are purchased instead of one or vice versa.

The difficulty is to respect the exact course of action of such a transaction, which may consist of a large number of steps.

So let's look at the chain in order.

  1. Searching for a buyer for his apartment: As proof of his purchase, he pays an advance or a deposit; the contract for such payments is usually concluded for a month.
  2. Looking for a new apartment. This can be done at this stage.
  3. Transfer of advance or deposit as security for the transaction: the contract specifies the terms of return.
  4. Collection of documents for both apartments, inspection of both apartments, preparation of sales contracts, details of the transaction, including the date and place of the transaction, and details of the registration of the sales contract.
  5. The accounts must be clearly stated and executed. Money is deposited in a bank cell. The deposit is made by the buyer of your apartment and the seller of another dwelling receives it. The number of cells required will be determined by the total number of apartments.
  6. At the same time, the contracts concluded and signed are submitted for registration.
  7. All tenants can collect their money from the cells only after the registered sales contracts have been received; cash transactions between the parties are supported by receipts.
  8. The procedure for the transfer of apartments and the signing of reception and transfer certificates takes place in turn and the time limits are specified in advance in the contracts, and the sellers of the last free dwelling must hand over the premises first.

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How to sell a second-market apartment in 2023: step-by-step instruction

Ask a lawyer.It's free!

Selling an apartment on the secondary market is a labour-intensive process. It takes a lot of time, it requires the owner of the dwelling to know and to be careful. If you want to do it, you can trust the real estate agency. For an average of 3 to 5%, the middlemen will look for the buyer and settle the legal issues. If you don't want to pay the commission, you'll have to sell on your own, and if you step up the instructions will help.

Classification of secondary housing

Despite the popularity of the new structures, housing on the secondary market is also in stable demand, and the buyer can move into a new apartment as soon as possible, and is not threatened by unpleasant surprises from construction companies, and it is also a huge housing stock with a rich choice of facilities for any budget.

Several types of housing are represented in the secondary real estate market:

  • Economy class: Housing in old buildings is considered to be a budget option; they do not have a very comfortable layout, a small overall area, and the state of communication leaves much to be desired; sometimes there is no bathroom, balcony or, for example, hot water supply.
  • Standard real estate: This is a model home with a height of between 5 and 16 floors, and the same class includes studios up to 25 square metres, which are popular in young families.
  • Improved planning apartments. Such facilities are located in modern-type houses. They are quite spacious, comfortable, home-made, and many buildings have their own parking spaces.

There is also a so-called VIP option, an elite dwelling, which is located in small-storey houses, with one apartment occupied on an entire floor, often purchased by buyers of expensive housing without trim and ordered design repairs.

Main stages of the transaction

The process of selling dwellings on the secondary market consists of the following stages:

  1. Preparation of the apartment for viewing. To attract customers, the seller must clean up the house, correct minor deficiencies (e.g. repair the plumber). If you want to do a little cosmetic repair, you may want to clean it up and get in the door: clean up the trash, paint the signs on the walls.
  2. Publication of advertisements on the Internet and in print publications; the main telephone is not recommended; it is better to buy a separate SIM card for this purpose.
  3. Showing an apartment and agreeing on a price, but you have to estimate your own housing, and you can do it with realtors, online resources, or a professional valuer.
  4. Signature of the preliminary agreement, receipt of advance or deposit from the buyer.
  5. Preparation of registration documents.
  6. Conclusion of the OST between the parties.
  7. Final calculations and delivery of keys.
  8. A request to Rosreistre for registration of ownership, which can be done through the IFC office to save time.

Preparation of documentation for the transaction is necessary in advance because this procedure takes time, and it is worth considering that a number of documents (e.g. an extract from a home book) have a limited duration.

What kind of documents do you need?

The set of documents required for the sale of square metres on the secondary floor is large enough to include, as a general rule:

  • The passport of the owners who own the dwelling.
  • An extract from the home book on the number of registered tenants.
  • Documents certifying ownership of square metres (Certificate or extract from EGRP).
  • The legal documents on the basis of which the property was transferred to the owner ' s property (sale agreement, court decision).
  • Notary consent from wife or husband (if the object is jointly owned).
  • The fact that the seller has no debts for LAC services.
  • A fee check of 2,000 roubles.

Other documents may also be required, depending on the situation; for example, the removal of apartments owned by minors is permitted only with the consent of the guardianship authorities; in addition, such transactions are subject to compulsory registration at a notary office.

How to minimize risks

When making real estate transactions, the main risks are borne by the buyer, but the seller also needs to be vigilant: frauds occur too often.

Here are some suggestions to be followed:

  • You need to keep yourself safe from thieves before you show your apartment. Money, documents, and valuables will have to be put in a safe place. You can't leave the customers alone when you look at them.
  • There is no need to hand over the original documents to the buyer or the intermediaries before the transaction is concluded. The best way to obtain copies is to produce copies; otherwise, there is a risk of selling a dwelling without the seller ' s knowledge.
  • An important point in the transaction is the transfer of money; if the money is transferred in cash and not through a bank cell or a letter of credit, it is better to accept it in the presence of loved ones; it is desirable that the settlement be made before the transaction is registered; otherwise the buyer has no reason to rush into payment.

If the apartment is sold with the help of an agent, you have to remember that not all of them work honestly, so you have to pre-examine the company's documents, ask for its reputation. If there is any doubt, you need to get an independent lawyer's advice, and what you can't do is get a general trust in the real estate agent.

In general, the sale of housing on the secondary market is not very difficult; if the above recommendations are followed and the process is well organized, the transaction will be processed quickly and without complications, and if you wish to do so at any stage, you can seek the help of professionals.


Self-selling of the apartment in 2023 — The Garden and the House

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Sale of an apartment - step-by-step instruction

The procedure for selling a property without recourse to specialists consists of nine stages, each of which will allow for a rapid and beneficial transaction.

Step 1: Valuation

Once a decision has been made to sell the property, it is necessary to determine the amount to be obtained from the transaction.

  1. On its own;
  2. With the help of an assessment expert.
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In the second case, the specialist will determine all the nuances of the transaction, and if it is decided to assess the dwelling on his own, you need to analyse the real estate market, find a few similar objects and determine their average cost.

This should take into account:

  • The existence of a transport interchange;
  • Distance from the subway;
  • The state of the infrastructure;
  • The general condition, as well as the availability of repairs to the apartment, house and yard, and other circumstances affecting the cost of the dwelling.

Step 2: Preparation of documentation

This phase may be included during the period of preparation of the apartment for sale, but preliminary collection and examination of documentation will save time, for example, if you look at the technical plan in advance and find some inconsistencies, you need time to correct them. Therefore, once the cost is determined, it is better to prepare:

  1. Current passport;
  2. Right-making documents - sales/gifting contract, men, certificate of inheritance.
  3. An extract from the home book to confirm the absence of persons registered on the premises;
  4. The second spouse ' s notarized consent to the transaction;
  5. A permit from the guardianship department (required if a minor is registered in the apartment).

Depending on the situation, additional documents may be required, such as a power of attorney to a party if a representative acts on its behalf.

Step 3: Buyer ' s Search

You can find a buyer:

  1. On the Internet, applying ads on specialized sites, on social media, or studying these;
  2. By posting advertisements in their area with a telephone number;
  3. Informing relatives and friends of the intention to sell the apartment.

You can also go to the real estate agency to spare yourself the need for unnecessary contact, in which case only the prospective buyer will have to meet to sign the sales contract.

Step 4: Discussion of the terms of the transaction

For exampleif the seller owes 45,000, the cost of the apartment will be reduced by about 200,000.

If an illegal reorganization takes place without registration of the transaction, legalize the change, or restore it to its original state; if the buyer learns about the reconstruction after the contract has been concluded, it may become a ground for invalidating it.

Step 5: Inspection of the apartment

Before entering into a contract, the buyer must inspect the apartment in order to assess its condition; it is important to invite witnesses or to record the verification procedure in order to protect itself from possible claims.

SAYINGHousing inspection certificate (blank)

It's worth hiding the faults of the apartment, because if they're found, there's a risk of challenging the deal.

Step 6: Conclusion of a sales contract

The agreement shall be freely drafted, but the text shall contain the following particulars:

  • The parties ' data;
  • Information about the apartment - address and detailed description;
  • Cost and payment data;
  • Rights and obligations of the parties;
  • Force majeure;
  • Date and signatures of the parties.

By agreement, the parties may add additional clauses to the contract, but they should not be in conflict with the law.

A treaty can be assured from a notary, but this is not a mandatory requirement; the instrument becomes legally binding if the parties have signatures.

Step 7: Recording of the transaction and transfer of ownership

At this stage, we have to go to Rosreister with a statement and a package of documents.2000The transfer of ownership will take place within seven days.

Step 8: Approval of the transmission document

The dwelling does not pass to the new owner after he has received the keys from him, but when a certificate of acceptance and transfer of the property has been issued; the document records the condition of the dwelling at the time of transfer to the new owner and closes his financial obligations to the buyer.

SAYINGAct of acceptance/transfer of real property

Step 9: Final calculation and presentation of the receipt

The parties choose the payment option on their own. This may be:

  1. A non-cash listing;
  2. Rental of a bank cell;
  3. Cash payment.

In the latter case, it would be necessary to write a receipt confirming that payment had been received.

The Self-Selling of the Apartment — How to Secure Yourself?

When making a decision to sell real estate without recourse to real estate agents, the following rules for a safe transaction must be taken into account:

  1. Study of the sale of real property;
  2. The need to contact lawyers, in case of any difficulty, to purchase an apartment for maternal capital, minors, sales at short notice, etc.;
  3. Careful examination of the nuance agreement – the more detail the better;
  4. The receipt of payment through the bank - transfer or through the cell;
  5. Mandatory verification not only of the buyer but also of the professionals involved (lawyer, realtor) by reviewing the feedback.

Also, in order to increase the chances of a rapid sale, it is desirable to:

  • Make the space available as much as possible;
  • Correct the obvious defects — wash the windows, remove the mold, stick the wallpaper, etc.
  • Cleaning up the stairwell is the first thing a potential buyer will notice, so it's better to make a positive impression.

Thus, with caution and some nuances taken into account, the independent sale of real property is available to each owner of the dwelling.

Read also:What do you mean, free sale of the apartment?

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The order of sale of the dwelling in 2023

The order of sale of the dwellingOn the one hand, there are many buyers with mortgages and certificates, which certainly complicates the deal and requires many mandatory procedures.

The order of sale of the dwelling

The order of sale of the dwelling requires:

  • Mandatory writing
  • registration of the transfer of ownership from seller to buyer
  • registration of ownership of the new buyer of the right

Method of dealing in the sale of an apartment

The uniform procedure for selling an apartment is not laid down in laws and regulations, and this makes it very difficult for an ordinary person to deal with it. So let's look at the details of the transactions in the sale of real estate.

The following documents shall be issued for the sale of the dwelling:

  • I don't know how to make it. The deal is expensive, and each of the parties can change the price or the terms of the settlement before signing the main sales contract. In large cities, 99% of the transactions are "falling down" for that reason.
  • The deposit agreement ensures that the terms of the pre-sale contract are fulfilled; when the buyer transfers the money and the seller accepts it, it proves the seriousness of their agreements.
  • Sales contract describes the transaction
  • The reception-transfer certificate concludes the deal.

Order of the sale of the dwelling on its own

Everyone can make a sale on their own, there's no mandatory requirement for a lawyer or real estate deal, and only some transactions are certified by a notary.

This transaction usually lasts about one month.

- That long?

We have to register a change of rights from the seller to the buyer, which is 10 working days for a mortgage deal for five working days, plus weekends and holidays, plus the delivery of documents to Rosreest and back to the FFC.

To make a deal on your own, you have to:

  • This site contains detailed articles and video lessons on self-writing of these documents.
  • Prepare a package for Rostreestra

All of this can be done without lawyers and realtors. The transaction procedure is transparent and understandable. Rosreister works within the framework of the law. There is no corruption there. So don't doubt yourself. Of course you need to get reliable information.

I'd like to offer you an allowance for an apartment salesman. I want to sell real estate. Where do I start?

I'm giving you a detailed algorithm of the deal.

You'll understand.

Procedure for the mortgage sale of the dwelling

The procedure for a loan transaction is determined by the creditor bank. Although such transactions have a general order.

It's a mortgage for the bank's purchase of real estate.

  • The buyers of the allowance will receive step-by-step instructions for complex mortgage, maternal capital and real estate transactions owned by a minor.
  • Additional articles on the sale of an apartment by credit can be read under "The Mortgage Deal"

Method of dealing in the sale of an apartment on the basis of mother ' s capital

The way in which an apartment is sold with the funds of maternity (family) capital or other subsidies to support families with children is the longest transaction.

An application for payment of money to the seller may last 1.5 months or more before it is submitted to the issuing authority.

The application is reviewed first, usually for 30 working days, followed by 10 working days for the transfer of funds.

Read more in the category "Mother's Capital"

Procedure for the sale of an apartment with a minor

The sale of real estate/equity in a minor ' s right is now subject to compulsory certification from a notary, which is an additional high cost to the government for the certification of a contract of sale and legal services.

In addition, it is a prerequisite for the sale of an apartment/salary in the right of a minor to obtain a permit for sale from the Opeka and guardianship authorities.

Authorization to sell an apartment from Opeka and Care.

Procedure for dealing in the sale of an apartment in equity property

The procedure for the sale of an apartment in which the common equity property is registered requires the certification of the contract of sale from the notary.

Common property may be of two types:

  • by total share, with the size of the share of its participants
  • Total joint, without shares

So the disposal of equity property is a notarized transaction, the disposal of common joint property is a simple writing, even if it's registered later on.

Procedure for the settlement of the sale of an apartment

The settlement of the transaction is a key point for both the buyer and the seller. Of course, the safest calculation takes place in a safe bank. In addition to the transfer of funds directly to the seller ' s account, the letter of credit settlement is becoming popular.

In the letter of credit settlement, the buyer pays in special account immediately after the signature of the sales contract, which the seller will be able to disclose only if a sales contract with Rosreestra ' s registration for the transfer of ownership of the buyer or an EGRN statement of the new owner is provided to the bank.

The opening of the letter of credit account, in most large banks, amounts to between 1,000 and 3,000 roubles, the costs of which are shared by the parties to the transaction.

The form and details of the account are specified in the sales contract.

Of course, no one canceled the cash settlement, so that you would have no doubt about the authenticity of the bills, you could order a cash-refund service from the bank. Of course, you could charge the cash immediately to the seller's account, and that would be free of charge.

Pre-clear the conditions for withdrawal of these funds. Very often banks have a commission for this transaction, as well as for the transfer to outside banks. The proof of receipt of money by the seller in cash is a receipt, a very important document.

You can read some very useful articles about the receipt here.

More detailed explanations are available on the website:Real estate deals in Russia

How to sell an apartment on your own without intermediaries, without a realtor: step-by-step instruction for salesman 2023 – how to sell an apartment in 2023 in a step-by-step manner Reference to main publication
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